Pushy DVC sales experience with a few lies thrown in

Since you did end up seeing rooms, what did you want to be shown that you couldn’t have seen on your own?

My very first tour was at the Grand Californian, but it was a model room not a real room. My family’s official meeting with a Dvc person was at the offices at Disneyland. My cousin’s tour (that I went on with her) was on the model area at ssr. No actual working rooms were toured.

And we’re free to walk around resorts, so I don’t understand the “why“ or why it bothered you so much.

Sigh. So you’re basically telling her “I might not be buying from you at all” but expecting her to continue on like normal. Definitely not a decision I get behind.

What do you want to know? What can a salesperson tell you that a variety of info websites, or asking here, can’t tell you?


That’s a bonafide way of selling many people things. Doesn’t work on all, but it works on enough people to keep doing it. My ex and I had it used on us while buying a car. The urge to prove yourself-that you can actually afford it-is strong in many.

It seems my experience has offended you.

Sure we COULD go wander around the resort on our own but it would be nice for a guide to do the sales pitch while walking the resort so that we weren’t walking around aimlessly trying to find things. Why sit in a sales room to talk when you can do the same thing while walking the resort and letting it sell itself? That’s just not a good sales technique, which is what I was commenting on. I think it is good to let others know that if they book a tour, they may not actually get a tour of the resort. We had to ask to even see a room.

No at all. We told her we were interested buying direct (which we were, as I said in my post) but wanted more information. The vast majority of people who book tours never purchase. You really believe no one should book a tour unless they absolutely will purchase? Do you not look at different brand cars when you purchase? Did you buy the first house you toured and look at no others? That’s just silly. The guides know not everyone will purchase DVC who takes a tour. I do believe in honesty so yes, I told her that we would purchase some points resell and looking to potentially buy some direct as well.

I wanted to know of any benefits that may not be easily found online, which a guide should know and be able to articulate. Sure, anyone COULD find this out online, but then what is the point of offering DVC tours at all?

You seem offended we wanted information on member benefits and to see the resort. That seems the primary reasons ANYONE would take a tour. By your logic, why is Disney wasting money on guide salaries at all?
The sales report for August on RIV is not very encouraging. I wonder if the sales reps are getting heat from management to push hard on RIV. The guide at some point just tuned you out since you were not interested in RIV. I am so glad I purchased years ago, it just seemed liked a gentler time (or maybe just my perception).
Honestly you will want to purchase resale first, then direct. reason being, you will not be limited to use-year in your resale contract search if you buy that first. Disney can now modify use year on direct contracts (+1) and they can sell you whatever number of points you want (+1). Unfortunately, for benefits, that number is now > 100. Here's another (+1), direct points you can have RIGHT NOW. You don't have to wait for ROFR and closing. Have you considered a "guaranteed week" contract? You can't get that resale. That's something I learned about on the My DVC Points podcast BTW.

Gee, maybe I should be a direct sale guide - seems like I have a better handle on the benefits than your guide did 8-) .
Honestly you will want to purchase resale first, then direct. reason being, you will not be limited to use-year in your resale contract search if you buy that first. Disney can now modify use year on direct contracts (+1) and they can sell you whatever number of points you want (+1). Unfortunately, for benefits, that number is now > 100. Here's another (+1), direct points you can have RIGHT NOW. You don't have to wait for ROFR and closing. Have you considered a "guaranteed week" contract? You can't get that resale. That's something I learned about on the My DVC Points podcast BTW.

Gee, maybe I should be a direct sale guide - seems like I have a better handle on the benefits than your guide did 8-) .

You do have more info than our guide! Thank you!
Back when poly was just starting to sell we took a tour. After asking some clarifying questions the guide said something like, "I've been doing this a long time and can tell almost immediately the people who are here for the free handouts." Excuse me? Just because I'm educated and can do simple math to question the ******** you're shoveling I'm just looking for handouts? I explained to him that I was actually interested, but I'm an engineer and I plan things out. It's not my fault if your numbers literally don't add up. Also, the "handouts" are you paying me for the time being spent while I'm on vacation having already given you THOUSANDS of my dollars. Thanks for the dinner and fast passes ***hole.
We didn’t have a great experience last year either with our first and only dvc direct buying experience. No ice cream. Not even chairs for the 3 kids. Boy were they bored out of their minds, fidgeting so I couldn’t focus. Didn’t even offer us water or anything. The guide kept telling us how stupid we were for not buying sooner. I could see dh was going to tell him off so I kept trying to smooth things over. And then bragging about the 100k sales he was making per customer with people putting it on credit cards for points. We were not even considering resale, but our guide was so just... yuck... that we didn’t buy right then. Crazy thing is we would have. Literally after we stepped out of the door (no one walked us out or anything), dh was like, aren’t we buying? I was like yeah but let’s talk about it. Well, we didn’t get back to it during the last couple of days of our trip. And our guide never contacted us even though we said we were going to buy, which I thought was weird. When we got home, we started doing research. And it was all over for direct... lol. Almost 500 points now and preparing to buy more in 6 months. He definitely missed a sale.
We had a guy called Roderick and other than one comment about taking advantage of benefits while still on holiday there was no pressure, he was friendly and helpful. I enjoyed it and after more research went resale but they have a product people want so they don’t need to go heavy on sale techniques
This was 6 weeks ago....and yes we got drinks, cookies, ice cream.....
My experience was fine. I knew what I was getting into. Its a sales pitch. They pushed Riviera. I was well prepared. Didn't let any of the sales jargon fluster me. Lady was very nice. Tried to gear me towards resale and Riviera (can't fault someone for doing their job), but once I demonstrated my in depth knowledge of the product (thanks Disboards!), she knew she had to take a different approach and put her effort towards 75 SSR points + resale. Didn't need her to convince me as this is something I was considering as it was, but at the end of the day she got the sale.
We didn’t have a great experience last year either with our first and only dvc direct buying experience. No ice cream. Not even chairs for the 3 kids. Boy were they bored out of their minds, fidgeting so I couldn’t focus. Didn’t even offer us water or anything. The guide kept telling us how stupid we were for not buying sooner. I could see dh was going to tell him off so I kept trying to smooth things over. And then bragging about the 100k sales he was making per customer with people putting it on credit cards for points. We were not even considering resale, but our guide was so just... yuck... that we didn’t buy right then. Crazy thing is we would have. Literally after we stepped out of the door (no one walked us out or anything), dh was like, aren’t we buying? I was like yeah but let’s talk about it. Well, we didn’t get back to it during the last couple of days of our trip. And our guide never contacted us even though we said we were going to buy, which I thought was weird. When we got home, we started doing research. And it was all over for direct... lol. Almost 500 points now and preparing to buy more in 6 months. He definitely missed a sale.

Yea, our guide stated that nearly everyone signs up while they are there on vacation and never after they go home. I simply said, well doesn't that tell you something????
Back when poly was just starting to sell we took a tour. After asking some clarifying questions the guide said something like, "I've been doing this a long time and can tell almost immediately the people who are here for the free handouts." Excuse me? Just because I'm educated and can do simple math to question the ******** you're shoveling I'm just looking for handouts? I explained to him that I was actually interested, but I'm an engineer and I plan things out. It's not my fault if your numbers literally don't add up. Also, the "handouts" are you paying me for the time being spent while I'm on vacation having already given you THOUSANDS of my dollars. Thanks for the dinner and fast passes ***hole.

Wow! This is similar to our experience with implying we were there for freebies when we were just asking questions to make an educated decision. We aren’t emotional purchasers, the numbers need to make sense.
We didn’t have a great experience last year either with our first and only dvc direct buying experience. No ice cream. Not even chairs for the 3 kids. Boy were they bored out of their minds, fidgeting so I couldn’t focus. Didn’t even offer us water or anything. The guide kept telling us how stupid we were for not buying sooner. I could see dh was going to tell him off so I kept trying to smooth things over. And then bragging about the 100k sales he was making per customer with people putting it on credit cards for points. We were not even considering resale, but our guide was so just... yuck... that we didn’t buy right then. Crazy thing is we would have. Literally after we stepped out of the door (no one walked us out or anything), dh was like, aren’t we buying? I was like yeah but let’s talk about it. Well, we didn’t get back to it during the last couple of days of our trip. And our guide never contacted us even though we said we were going to buy, which I thought was weird. When we got home, we started doing research. And it was all over for direct... lol. Almost 500 points now and preparing to buy more in 6 months. He definitely missed a sale.

It shocks me that Disney keeps sales people like this around. These guides are hurting the brand Disney company spent decades building. It is no wonder they are having trouble selling Riviera.
We had a guy called Roderick and other than one comment about taking advantage of benefits while still on holiday there was no pressure, he was friendly and helpful. I enjoyed it and after more research went resale but they have a product people want so they don’t need to go heavy on sale techniques
This was 6 weeks ago....and yes we got drinks, cookies, ice cream.....

That’s what shocked me-the product is great and sells itself IF the guide shows it. Glad you had a better experience than I did.
My experience was fine. I knew what I was getting into. Its a sales pitch. They pushed Riviera. I was well prepared. Didn't let any of the sales jargon fluster me. Lady was very nice. Tried to gear me towards resale and Riviera (can't fault someone for doing their job), but once I demonstrated my in depth knowledge of the product (thanks Disboards!), she knew she had to take a different approach and put her effort towards 75 SSR points + resale. Didn't need her to convince me as this is something I was considering as it was, but at the end of the day she got the sale.

This is what our guide should have done. I’m glad you got DVC and she listened to your needs to get the sale :-)
That’s what shocked me-the product is great and sells itself IF the guide shows it. Glad you had a better experience than I did.
Totally agree! My brother and his wife did a tour with me joining in for baby wrangling. During the first part they were evasive and not sure. But as soon as they saw the rooms they started asking questions at which point the guide didn’t want to answer anything and just rushed us to ice cream. Because of this they left money on the table because after seeing it y brother and his wife now wanted to know more whereas before they just wanted the gift card.

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