Pushy DVC sales experience with a few lies thrown in


It sounds like it would have been the easiest sale of the day but you may not be "listening" any better than the guide was.

NO. As I said many times (in other threads) we took the tour 2 times. in 1996 and 2002. Wanted to buy both times, just could not make the numbers make sense in our budget. Not until 2017 did i finally have the discretionary income or savings that i could say it was better to buy DVC then it was to shop for Disney Discounts on rooms each time we went.

I never went into a sit down with a sales person, and said "I know everything, and will buy the bulk of my points resale" like the op did. I bought 15 years after my last tour, and did it all with a simple phone call.

All the OP wanted was to tour a resort that is not for sale, and maybe some info on what the blue card gets.

The tour would have been an easy walk to the front desk. (dont it many times). The blue card info is on this site and many others. I have been in a sales position in the past. People like that distract you and keep you from meeting with a genuine lead who is interested in an actual sale.
That's not actually true. Many people have been very successful buying animal kingdom direct. You may have to wait a few weeks, but usually they have some points readily available. The only resort they truly won't be able to help with is the Grand Californian.

Sorry...but that is just BS and you are splitting hairs. AKL closed out 15 years ago. It is not an active sell and you know it.
Sorry...but that is just BS and you are splitting hairs. AKL closed out 15 years ago. It is not an active sell and you know it.
I'm not saying its an active sell, I'm saying there isn't a wait list. They can get points to someone pretty quickly if that's where they insist on buying.
Sorry...but that is just BS and you are splitting hairs. AKL closed out 15 years ago. It is not an active sell and you know it.
Sales in August alone direct from Disney:
Almost 40% sold at non Riviera locations.

Disney will sell whatever people are willing to buy, that's what previous poster was suggesting. To assert otherwise is either being disingenuous or completely ill-informed. To berate someone for making such an assertion is just being a jerk.
Sales in August alone direct from Disney:
View attachment 438889
Almost 40% sold at non Riviera locations.

Disney will sell whatever people are willing to buy, that's what previous poster was suggesting. To assert otherwise is either being disingenuous or completely ill-informed. To berate someone for making such an assertion is just being a jerk.
Yes, we were told when we called last spring that they could sell us any resort and any use year.
The one and only true value of buying direct versus resale is that you get the points immediately and don't have to wait for ROFR to occur or not. Perks to me are just not that great. I enjoyed discounts on annual passes in early years but now they are exorbitantly priced so this will be my last one for a few years/. Time to venture offsite to explore the area. Things can change with all the new areas being built but after 30+ visits, my interest is frankly waning in spending whole park days fighting crowds.
Back in '08, we went on a whim into the Open House at BWV and signed up for a tour for the FP's. A van took us to the Sales Center. We were directed to the waiting area. All around us were couples meeting with Guides. A lot of talking was happening, especially in front of us the Guide was on some kind of sugar high - Geez! Our Guide came out, introduced herself, we explained we were on a 'fact finding' mission and she could see I was like staring at the motor mouth behind her. She excused herself, returned and let us to a small conference room. I think it was apparent that if we stayed in the open area we were walking out. Her simple ability to understand people let her to isolate us.
Back in '08, we went on a whim into the Open House at BWV and signed up for a tour for the FP's. A van took us to the Sales Center. We were directed to the waiting area. All around us were couples meeting with Guides. A lot of talking was happening, especially in front of us the Guide was on some kind of sugar high - Geez! Our Guide came out, introduced herself, we explained we were on a 'fact finding' mission and she could see I was like staring at the motor mouth behind her. She excused herself, returned and let us to a small conference room. I think it was apparent that if we stayed in the open area we were walking out. Her simple ability to understand people let her to isolate us.
You can't leave us hanging like that. Did that lead to a sale on her part?
Well.......The product they are selling is Riviera, not Animal Kingdom. AK has been wait listed for quite some time.

Put yourself in the sales person position. You immediately come in and tell the person I know everything, I dont want to buy most of my purchase from you, i want to buy resale, but yet you expect the sales person to do all of the dirty work for you?

You said you were well researched. If you just wanted to see AKL, all you had to do was go to the front desk and not waste a sales persons time, keeping them from making a living.

What you did is just like a person going to a car dealership and test driving a car, then going and buying it used some place else. Every sales person in every profession is going to treat you poorly in that situation.

And don't give me the argument you were going to buy 75-100 points. Especially when you already said you were buying the bulk from resale. Sorry, but you were just wasting the salesmans time. They are their to "sell" 300+ point contracts.....not the small 75-100 point stuff.

Yes I know people buy small contracts....but the big ones are where the spiffs are, and you already said you were buying that elsewhere.

If Disney only wants to sell Riviera, they should not book any tours at any other resort, period. The sales person said they had Animal Kingdom points to sell that day so I'm not sure of the waitlist status.

This is incorrect. I did not immediate come in an tell the person I knew everything--I DON'T know everything which is the reason we booked a tour--to get additional information. The sales person figured out for herself that we weren't clueless buyers. She asked how long we'd been considering DVC and we said since January. She asked how much research we'd done and we told her we listened to a DVC podcast and we had done research to narrow down the resorts we were interested in. When she asked what questions we had for her, we had specific questions and she said "oh, y'all really have done your research!" We didn't come in with a negative attitude or nefarious intentions as you seem to believe. We genuinely booked the tour to learn more, get our questions answered, and likely buy 75 points that day.

My commentary on her not showing the resort was about how, generally speaking, that is not a good sales technique. You should show off the product that you are actually selling. We were taken straight to a sales room and never shown any of the resort until an hour into the "tour" when we asked to see a room. I was giving others who might book a "tour" a heads up that there may not actually be any "tour" involved at all.

You've got to be kidding me that you honestly think it is a waste of the sales person's time to sell small contracts. If that's the case, Disney would set a minimum sale of 300 points as you claim that is the only thing worth a sales person's time. We weren't "keeping them from making a living". We WERE likely going to buy that day but didn't due to the poor experience.
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Sorry.....i am with the sales person...the OP was wasting the salesmans time.

No, we were leaning heavily toward buying that day but the sales experience put us off and we ended up not purchasing. I'm not sure how that is wasting anyone's time.
The problem is that Disney has done a great job making us think that it is a warm and fuzzy company with magic and pixie dust. When we learn that it isn't, we don't know how to accept it. DVC sales people are there to sell the active resort, they hate resale and don't like wasting time on a non sale. They don't want to spend time touring prospects at a resort that they aren't suppose to be selling. Most Guides don't tour anyway, they have underlings for that role. Guides are there to close sales period.

:earsboy: Bill

You hit the nail on the head. It was a very un-Disney experience. I expected "sales" but was not prepared for "MAKE THE SALE AT ANY COST!!!"
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I think the bigger picture is that there was a disconnect between what the buyer was expecting and script or process that is in place. While a tour of AKV would have likely resulted in a sale in this case, it also may result in a whole bunch of wasted time in other cases. The process is designed to mitigate that risk. Timeshare sales are a tough gig. But if the OP said early on in the process that she "knew that AKV was the place they wanted to buy" then the salesperson probably should have gone off-script instead of trying to force them into something they clearly didn't want (RIV resort and/or ALL their points direct). Having been in sales for a long time I can say that if the salesperson did her job properly then she would have had a sale; if she was really good it would have been larger than 75 points.
I think the bigger picture is that there was a disconnect between what the buyer was expecting and script or process that is in place. While a tour of AKV would have likely resulted in a sale in this case, it also may result in a whole bunch of wasted time in other cases. The process is designed to mitigate that risk. Timeshare sales are a tough gig. But if the OP said early on in the process that she "knew that AKV was the place they wanted to buy" then the salesperson probably should have gone off-script instead of trying to force them into something they clearly didn't want (RIV resort and/or ALL their points direct). Having been in sales for a long time I can say that if the salesperson did her job properly then she would have had a sale; if she was really good it would have been larger than 75 points.

YES! This exactly!
NO. As I said many times (in other threads) we took the tour 2 times. in 1996 and 2002. Wanted to buy both times, just could not make the numbers make sense in our budget. Not until 2017 did i finally have the discretionary income or savings that i could say it was better to buy DVC then it was to shop for Disney Discounts on rooms each time we went.

I never went into a sit down with a sales person, and said "I know everything, and will buy the bulk of my points resale" like the op did. I bought 15 years after my last tour, and did it all with a simple phone call.

All the OP wanted was to tour a resort that is not for sale, and maybe some info on what the blue card gets.

The tour would have been an easy walk to the front desk. (dont it many times). The blue card info is on this site and many others. I have been in a sales position in the past. People like that distract you and keep you from meeting with a genuine lead who is interested in an actual sale.

Please stop using quotes as though I said that line. You have done it twice in an attempt to demean and discredit me and it really is inappropriate and disruptive to the board.

You came on here to berate me for "wasting" a sales person's time when we intended to buy that day and yet you took multiple tours and didn't buy!?!? Wow!! That is rich!! o_O

So let's see, I'm wrong because I booked a tour with intent to buy 75 points (rather than the 300 points you said would make it worth the sales person's time) but you can take multiple tours and not buy and that is okay? I'm not sure what logic you follow but that doesn't make sense to me :confused3
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Sorry...but that is just BS and you are splitting hairs. AKL closed out 15 years ago. It is not an active sell and you know it.

The agent told us there were AKL points she could sell that day. Maybe that was a lie :confused3
Back in '08, we went on a whim into the Open House at BWV and signed up for a tour for the FP's. A van took us to the Sales Center. We were directed to the waiting area. All around us were couples meeting with Guides. A lot of talking was happening, especially in front of us the Guide was on some kind of sugar high - Geez! Our Guide came out, introduced herself, we explained we were on a 'fact finding' mission and she could see I was like staring at the motor mouth behind her. She excused herself, returned and let us to a small conference room. I think it was apparent that if we stayed in the open area we were walking out. Her simple ability to understand people let her to isolate us.

Sure did. Being in that room allowed us, and probably her, to be very open. My husband was very interested in Bay Lake. She call us a year later to see if 1) we were using our contract and 2) if we wanted to add on to Bay Lake. We added onto Bay Lake.
The agent told us there were AKL points she could sell that day. Maybe that was a lie :confused3

Over the years I read repeatedly the older venues were selling direct. We would call and be told the original 14 venues were 'sold out' and there was no waiting list. We were called in 2017 with Boardwalk points because they were 'close' to Beach Club. We asked during a cruise in 2016 because I read on a forum that the cruise ships had a different 'pool'. Apparently our Pixie was out of dust until this past summer.

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