Problem With Milesource Surveys

Thumper's Dad

Feb 16, 2001
Every survey I attempt to complete comes up in its own window, but with only the first question and the FINISHED button. Then when I answer the one question and click FINISHED, I get a nice little message that I have to respond to all the questions--but of course, there are no more questions.

Anyone else encounter this problem? Any ideas on how to solve the problem???
That occasionally happens to me. I usually just try back later & for some reason I'll be able to get the complete survey. If it keeps happening or you're never able to get the complete survey, you could try to email them.
This is happening to me also. I am running IE 6.0, what about you? I emailed them and got the standard response that their technicians say everything is functioning properly. I tried to lower my security and privacy levels but had no luck. This is two weeks in a row for me. Arrgh! LMK is you find a way out of this.
Hmmm. I'm running IE And, yes, their response was that everything was fine from their perspective. Guess it's our fault we can't get the points:confused:
I've had the same problem. I never had it until I upgraded to IE 6.0. However, I just went there at noon today (1/19/02) and I didn't have any problems at all.

It seems to me that it's probably hit or miss as far as how busy the site is.


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