Presents for twins


Jul 9, 2001
We are expecting twins(fraternal) in late January.I was just wondering if any
one would have a nice idea for a Christmas gift

for my DW and the twins.
As a mother of twins myself, there are necklaces with a mother holding hands of two children in a circle (oval) I have only seen it in silver, or there are other mother of twins necklaces out there. My husband never got me one though (but I would have really cherished it). I think that a twins necklace would make a stunning Christmas gift. Even some "night out free cards" from other family members or friends, if possible, would be a great break if your wife is staying home. Scrap booking supplies(I personally like CM) are always a hit with new know you will be taking pictures! :D On the really pratical side of twins if you have not yet gotten Podee Bottles, please find them (PM me if you have questions)...they were a life saver.

All the best on your new additions..BTW I went 40 weeks, and they were 6lb7oz, and 7lb9oz.

And if money is no object DVC would be great too...50 years of disney together!!!
Just some ideas (as you can see from my user name I have a little experience in this)

Memory box for each baby. Make sure they're fairly good size. You may not have time to fill in a baby book right away (I'm planning on starting mine when the twins are in kindergarten). You can put items that wouldn't fit in an album and throw in dated pieces of paper with milestones on them. Later, when you have more time, you can go through the pieces of paper and write them in the book (gifts, first smile, first step...)

As much maid service as you can afford for the first month(s) of your babies lives.

gift certificates for your wifes favorite restaurants that do takeout (Olive Garden, Boston Market, Chili's, Outback...)

If your wife isn't on bedrest arrange to take her out for a grown-up date before the children are born. If she is on bedrest make a nice candlelit dinner that she can eat while lying on her side on the couch.

Jewelry is always nice. DH gave me diamong earrings the day the twins were born. I wear them every day. Another option would be a locket that holds two photos.

I wish you all the luck and congratulations in the world. Twins truly are a blessing.
I have fraternal b/g twins that will be 4 next month. When I had the kids, DH gave me diamond earrings (wrapped seperately - one from each baby) and my MIL gave me a gold necklace like CANWEGOSOON mentioned above. I wear both items all the time.

From a practical side, get two Boppy pillows - my kids lived in them. Good Luck - and remember that it gets better after the first year! :-)
Ive twins also, polar body twins/ g/g and YES the boppy was wonderful! That is a must have IMO. I also would have loved to have gotten the charm mentioned above.
On the practical side many many coupons to the local pizza place, or take out We knew the pizza delivery guy by name.

We have b/g twins and my dh also did the diamond earring thing for me and that was the sweetest gift.

I also agree that boppy pillows are great to have and you definately could go with some nice take out coupon/gift certificates.
A really nice meal for her before the babies come is a great suggestion.

If she is not on bedrest and you have somewhere nearby that specializes in prenatal massages, I really enjoyed them (with doctors approval). Also, a pedicure before the delivery is wonderful.

Mine came at 32 weeks and weighed just at and just under five pounds. They will be two next week and I am still stuck on gift ideas for their birthday.
Congratulations and good luck with your twins!!!

We're also expecting g/g twins next month. If your DW feels anything like I do, a gift certificate for a pre-natal massage (or several) would be heavenly. Just be sure to get your ob's approval first and make sure the masseuse is trained in pre-natal massage as it is different than a regular.

My twins seem to like when I get massages too! They get very active after a nice rest period.

I also saw a silver necklace with a silver pea pod holding two green was so sweet!

Best wishes!
Another Mommy of Twin here. My B/G will be 5 next month. I cannot
believe it!! It goes sooooooooo fast, so first of all enjoy them so much when
they are babies. They are so cute !! It's rough at first, but that will pass !
Enourage your wife to join your local mom of twins club, if your area has one. One thing I wished I had done when they were born, was to start a journal for each of them. ( I didn't start one till they were 18 mos., and still write in it) But, just to let them know how special and how amazing your lives have changed with them. I think it will be so cool when my children are older, and I give them their journals to read about their lives since day one !! Maybe buy her two really nice journals and a nice pen just to write in her journal. But, the best gift of all....... give her a mommies day out once in a while and then you get to stay home and have daddy time with the babies !
Congratulations and enjoy those babies, and start saving for their first trip to the WORLD OF DISNEY !!! :wave:
When our twins came along, DH took my engagement solitare ring and had it reset into a three stone ring with the stones on either side representing DS and DD.

In celebration of their arrival, my dad gave DS and DD snow globes with music boxes. Both are exquisite and I am sure will be family keesakes. Perhaps a Disney theme might be in order?



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