Portable dvd player on plane??

RickinNYC said:
brymolmom, ... I think it's incredibly thoughtful of you to even pose the question on this or any bulletin board.


I fully understand and appreciate that you are asking questions specifically for the purpose of being considerate. Which is great. But you don't seem to be hearing what some people are trying to tell you. Perhaps we just aren't saying it well.

Are you under the impression that classical music won't be annoying in the way an Elmo voice would be annoying? While I would certainly prefer Mozart to Elmo, hearing your kid play Mozart will still be really annoying. Again, I do appreciate your efforts.

As for the rest of your post, it's hard to tell how much you are serious. Are you really saying that if your kid isn't allowed to listen to DVD's without headphones he is going to kick the seat in front again and again and again even after you remind him 200 times? If you are serious here, you have bigger problems that DVD's and headphones.

And are you really saying that even if allowed to listen to DVD's without headphones, he is still going to be on a kicking rampage and need to be reminded 10 times to stop. Again, if that's the case, you've got bigger problems than this DVD thing.

I fly all the time and see tons of kids and parents. And believe me, I understand that flying with kids is really hard. And exhausting. I have tons of sympathy. But somehow, 99.99% of parents find a way to keep their kids under control for much (though certainly not all) the flight (the 0.01% was an infant who started screaming on takeoff and wouldn't stop until landing despite tons of effort on Mom's part to find something, anything, to quiet him. Not much you can do there). I haven't a clue how those parents to do. If you seriously need help I'm sure the great folks on the family boards will have suggestions for you.

However, my guess is you are exaggerating a bit. Let's hope your flight goes better than you fear. But no matter what, the flight is a short part of the vacation, no? May we all have a great trip no matter what we have to go through on the flight down.
salmoneous said:
(the 0.01% was an infant who started screaming on takeoff and wouldn't stop until landing despite tons of effort on Mom's part to find something, anything, to quiet him. Not much you can do there)

I think this statement pretty well sums it up. It's absolutely heartbreaking to see a young child on a plane who is in pain, because their ears are hurting. I feel for them & their parents. I would never get upset under these circumstances, & would do anything I could to try to help them if possible. That is uncontrollable by the parent. However, some things are very much under a parent's control. If a child is throwing a tantrum, people expect the parent to do everything they can. Pacifying a child in a way that affects others isn't the answer. If anyone's put out, it should be the parent. We've been flying with our DS(14) since he was very young. Long before there was portable electronics of any kind for him to be entertained with. I think there was game boy, but he was too young for that. It was our responsibility to entertain him & keep him quiet. I still play games with him, during most of the flight. Dealing with the situation is part of being a parent. If you're child continually kicks the seat in front of them, hold his legs down. I've had to do it. There's many ways to quiet a child who is being obnoxious, without giving into them. If your answer to the issue is to give in & let them have things the way they want it, they'll never learn. If it had been impossible to fly with our child without him disturbing everyone, we wouldn't have be on a plane. Parenting is life's greatest reward. It also comes with sacrifices. Parents need to be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to assure that others aren't having to deal with their children. I've always been one who thinks kids should be welcome anywhere. If our DS wasn't welcome, we didn't & still won't go. Unfortunately, parents who think their kids can do whatever they choose, & if others don't like they can drive, are the reason so many people hate being around kids. Most kids are a joy. A few parents shouldn't ruin things for everyone. Sorry, for the rant, but I get tired of reading kid bashing threads. Then I read a thread where people admit that they couldn't care less what others think. They'll allow their kid to do whatever it wants, so the parent can have a peaceful flight. This is the reason for kid bashing, & I don't think all kids should have to be banned because of a few selfish parents. Of course, the noise doesn't bother you. You hear it all the time. I watched Kissy Fur 1,000 times, when my DS was small. That doesn't mean I believe anyone else should be okay with watching that movie over & over again. After a while, we blocks things out as a parent. It's not that easy for a stranger to do.

OP: I appreciate the fact that you cared enough to ask this question. Please, take the great advice given, & assure your child is a joy for everyone on the plane to be around. It's much nicer hearing what a well behaved child you have, than having everyone around you hating all kids by the time they land. It obvious that you care how others perceive your child. If everyone did, this world would be a more kid friendly place.
Hannathy said:
Wow talk about entitlement mentality! My kids are watching a DVD and tough luck if you don't like it. I guess they won't be standing in line for the characters either. When you decide to live in a society you also agree to some rules to avoid chaos and considering others is one of them.

My children have flown alot from 6 weeks up and I always consider my first job is to keep them from interfering with others flights. Do I have a relaxing flight no but others do. I agree with the poster who said we don't expect enough out of our kids. The rule should be simple headphones or don't use it. Don't kick the seat! talk quietly ,etc. This rule also applies to adults!

I guess I really don't understand how the DVD player and standing in line for the characters relate together. :confused3

I also spend my time trying to make sure that my kids are not rude to others. My children are not animals. They don't kick seats, they don't yell, they don't run around. They like to watch TV. :happytv: I expect my children to act appropriately and if they don't then they know that there are consequences. I am not one of the parents that you see sleeping on the airplane while their kids are climbing the walls or getting mad because they can't relax. Believe me after 3 kids I know all the tricks. I guess I really don't consider listening to the sound of a child's movie all that annoying. It really wouldn't bother me and if it did then I would bring my iPod to block it all out. That is just me though.

My kids will have more then just the DVD player to keep them entertained. All 3 have their own backpacks and the older 2 will be responsible to pack things that can keep them entertained for the 2.5 hour flight. But if after all other options have been exhausted then I don't think it is wrong of me to turn on the DVD player.
hubermom3 said:
But if after all other options have been exhausted then I don't think it is wrong of me to turn on the DVD player.
Nothing wrong with it. Stick in some headphones, and you are good to go!
jeankeri said:
If the DVD player is new, tell your child that the only way you can hear the sound is through earphones. If they won't wear earphones, they don't get the sound. BTW- my kids thought Toya R Us was a toy museaum for 4 years. They never thought the toys could be brought home so they never asked. Those were the days...

Thats a good one! My kids think the Ice Cream Truck is the Music Truck. We hum along as it goes by. Only my oldest knows the truth, and she just winks at me.
I love the idea of letting the kids think you HAVE to wear headphones! Mine normally wants ot wear them (it is something different and something big people do), but on a recent flight she did want to take them off for awhile and we did watch Finding Nemo without them (shudder to think!). The volume was very low, so low I doubt she could even hear it. I do not feel guilty about that...and it didn't hurt anybody.

And let's be real for a second, it IS better to hear the low murmur of Baby Einstein than to listen to a screaming kid. And kids (especially little ones) sometimes cry and scream. This is life, whether you are on a plane, or in the grocery store. We all are paying customers and enjoy the privelege to fly, even if we have kids.

That being said, I cetainly do try to keep my daughter from annoying people as much as possible, but I don't let it keep me up at night (worrying about it). People annoy me all the time too...not just kids! Some talk your ear off, some snore when they sleep, some sit in front of you and then insist on reclining their seat all the way back for the whole trip, some si tnext to you & leave their little light on all night evne though you want to sleep, some get up and go to the bathroom 10 times and have to push past you to get to the aisle...that is just how it works.

For those of who who are ultra sensitive to noise (on planes and other places too)...I assume you bring earplugs to drown out talkative people and other annyoing noises, so my kid's movie should just be one more reason to wear your earplugs. (I am not trying to be mean, I am just saying your sensitivity is just as much your problem as it is ours).

You are not more priveleged because you don't have kids along and I am not more priveleged because I do.

I think there are many little things a parent can do to try to make the trip easier on the kids and others around them. Try to be sure the kids are well rested and fed before take off. Bring snacks and drinks to keep them so during the flight (and to keep their mouths busy). Bring quiet things to play with (paper and crayons, magna doodle, those repositionable stickers, magnet boards...whatever. Bring some new little toys to entertain them too. Plan for the ear problems: give a decogestant, buy earplanes or chewing gum.

A little courtesy and understanding on both ends goes a long way in making it a better trip all around.

Try not to worry & get uptight about this situation, kids sense that and get more wound up and uptight too!

There are tons of things you can do to make the trip a little easier. Make sure the kids are well fed and not over tired. Bring gum, give a decongestant, buy earplanes, whatever for ear relief. Bring a few favortie quiet toys or some new ones to keep them busy. Practice using "inside voices" well before you ever take that trip. Bring something to drink or eat...it will keep their mouths busy.
DMRick said:
And get the $7 ones from Walmart that go into your ear. It's hard to hear over the engine noise..those were so much better than the over the ear ones.

Actually, if your willing to spend about $15 you can get a nice set of head phones with volume adjustments, comfortable, etc.
MV_Tom said:
Actually, if your willing to spend about $15 you can get a nice set of head phones with volume adjustments, comfortable, etc.
I love the ones I have. That's why I suggested them. Very inexpensive.
brandylouwho said:
And let's be real for a second, it IS better to hear the low murmur of Baby Einstein than to listen to a screaming kid.
Why is that always being given as the only choice. Listen to our video or our screaming kid? So all kids who can't listen to DVD's sans headphones will be screaming? I don't see that on planes at all. No, I don't want to hear Baby Einstein..I think many have said that. You may think we prefer it..but we are saying over and over, we don't.
For those of who who are ultra sensitive to noise (on planes and other places too)...I assume you bring earplugs to drown out talkative people and other annyoing noises, so my kid's movie should just be one more reason to wear your earplugs
I haven't seen one person post they were ultra sensitive to noise. I shouldn't have to wear earplugs, so your child won't have to wear headphones. YOU are using something that creates noise..and it's such a simple solution to not make the noise. Last I knew, the parents were the bosses, not the kids.
You are not more privileged because you don't have kids along and I am not more priveleged because I do.
Ahh..now you are catching on. No need for you to think you have the right to make noise, just because you have a child. Headphones will help with that. Curtesy is important. If you know you will be playing a DVD, start teaching your child curtesy at home..by learning how to use headphones. Heavens knows, there is enough noise and agravating things we can't help..why not do something about the noise you CAN help keep down.
DMRick said:
Why is that always being given as the only choice. Listen to our video or our screaming kid? So all kids who can't listen to DVD's sans headphones will be screaming? I don't see that on planes at all. No, I don't want to hear Baby Einstein..I think many have said that. You may think we prefer it..but we are saying over and over, we don't.

I haven't seen one person post they were ultra sensitive to noise. I shouldn't have to wear earplugs, so your child won't have to wear headphones. YOU are using something that creates noise..and it's such a simple solution to not make the noise. Last I knew, the parents were the bosses, not the kids.

Ahh..now you are catching on. No need for you to think you have the right to make noise, just because you have a child. Headphones will help with that. Curtesy is important. If you know you will be playing a DVD, start teaching your child curtesy at home..by learning how to use headphones. Heavens knows, there is enough noise and agravating things we can't help..why not do something about the noise you CAN help keep down.

Beautifully said -- all of it. I think enough air travellers get stressed enough without the added irritant of a baby movie's sound. And YES we can hear it. Especially the poor person right in front of the DVD player.
I think you misunderstood..not all kids scream, not all are misbehaved but I guarantee not any one child is perfect 100% of the time, plus "well behaved" is a matter of opinion.

Some like kids to be seen and not heard, I don't think that this realistic (my kid isn't here for decoration).

I have been on the giving and recieving end of annoying kids, but don't get all bent out of shape about it. It seems that adults, especially those without kids or those that haven't had little ones in awhile, are extra sensitive about kids and airplanes.

Making rude remarks, giving the evil eye and complaining to anyone who will listen is not proper behavior on the adults part, whether it be on an airplane or anywhere else.

What I was trying to say is that kids should use headphones, but if the situation arises that it is listen ever so quietly without or have a crying kid...I choose listen without and those of you who have a problem with that...yes, buy yourself some earplugs. Maybe you should not HAVE to in a perfect world, but the world I live in is imperfect...I don't know about yours.

Example: My 2 year old flew for a good 7 hours and was VERY well behaved, the dvd player was a hidden, our last ditch effort when all else failed. Well, with an hour or so to go, she was not happy (getting fidgety as we all were at that point) and I popped in Finding Nemo. It worked, but the ear phones kept her from talking to and hearing us, so for about 15 minutes she took them off. Then it was time to land, we had to turn it off and she cried so hard for 20 minutes or so. I wanted to comfort her for her sake and I didn't want to disturb the other passengers...but she didn't stop until we landed.

It happens and the younger the kid is the less you can reason with them when they are tired, hot, sick of sitting still.

I think it is important to consider others around you, but not at all costs. Sometimes a screaming kid or listening to the quiet murmur of Finding Nemo are the only two options...even for otherwise normally well behaved youngsters.

And if you didn't guess this already...if someone gives me the ol' stink eye when I board the plan with my kid, I don't take it as a threat to keep her quiet, I take it as a dare to annoy them. :stir:
taximomfor4 said:
Beautifully said -- all of it. I think enough air travellers get stressed enough without the added irritant of a baby movie's sound. And YES we can hear it. Especially the poor person right in front of the DVD player.

or the added irritant of the guy sniflfing & sneezing with a cold one seat over, or grandma next to me that can't stop talking, or guy across the aisle that hasn't bathed in a month (really happened to me on a 9 hr flight), or the overweight person next to me who protrudes into my seat (flying coach of course), or the woman next to me who breastfeeds her baby (some get offended by that), or the twenty something next to me with the iPod so loud I can hear the bass...why pick on the parents who just want to keep their kids as still & quiet as possible?

and air travellers are more stressed and more entitled than other sorts of travellers? Or just wealthier and more self important?

:stir: Oh sorry, that is me stirring the pot again...I enjoy a lively debate, no matter what the outcome.
brandylouwho said:
or the twenty something next to me with the iPod so loud I can hear the bass...

Actually you would never hear the bass from an IPod. It's more or less accousitcally impossible. There's simply not enough boost or direction from the IPod ear bud to propel a low end accoustic under 40Hz through the atmosphere to your eardrum even at close range.

What you will hear are the sound attenuations in the 500-1000 and higher Hz range. That would range from a female singers vocal range to a hi-hat cymbal crash and above.

brandylouwho said:
I think you misunderstood..not all kids scream, not all are misbehaved but I guarantee not any one child is perfect 100% of the time, plus "well behaved" is a matter of opinion.

Some like kids to be seen and not heard, I don't think that this realistic (my kid isn't here for decoration).


I think your kid and my kid would get along great!

The other point I had tried to make early on before this got out of control was that I am more than willing to keep my kids under control BUT some around me might prefer a video instead so that you don't have to listen to the noise associated with 'keeping them under control' which might involve reprimands, reminders of good behavior, offers of snacks, requests for snacks, reading stories, playing games, etc. plus some displeasure with some of the rules - parenting is generally not a quiet job.

And I can only imagine the poor people around me if I have to hold dd's legs still so that she doesn't kick the seat in front of her. I can imagine the tears and cries now... :)

I'm sure they will be generally well behaved. I'm sure they will not be perfect. I am sure they would make a lot less noise and a lot less movement if watching a DVD player. I am willing not to allow it without headphones. If we end up with a 'bad day' I think those around me would be crazy not to want the Mozart. But, hey - I will be happy either way. I am used to it and I KNOW I'm not going to be getting any rest on the flight anyway! :)
brandylouwho said:
It seems that adults, especially those without kids or those that haven't had little ones in awhile, are extra sensitive about kids and airplanes.
Making rude remarks, giving the evil eye and complaining to anyone who will listen is not proper behavior on the adults part, whether it be on an airplane or anywhere else.

I don't think it matters if you have kids or haven't. I've had three, and also have grandchildren that I travel with often..even overseas, which is a long flight. They've been flying all their lives. I also see very well behaved kids (no one said they aren't allowed to ever cry or fidget) with well prepared moms. We're not talking about the kids being rude, but the parents not being prepared, or thinking that it's OK, if they allow certain behavior, because the other passengers would rather have that, than crying. You are right..no one should give an evil eye, just because kids are boarding..and I didn't see where anyone said they did that. But you are flat our wrong that someone doesn't have the right to complain, if your child is listening to a toy that is annoying, or loud, or is kicking their seat or whatever. I certainly would have the right to complain if your child is kicking my seat. Very proper behavior.

For some reason, many seem to not be listening to the suggestions of how ot get your child to use headphones, or even suggestions of good ones to purchase. They seem to want to continue to explain why they shouldn't have to. I must have had really good kids and grands. If I said, no, you can't listen to the music without headphones, they would have known I meant it (the grands have DVD players and Gameboy..my own kids only had music). And they would have rathered used the headphones, than go without. They knew I meant it. I just would not want them to disturb our neighbors. The plane is small enough as it is, and I'm sure there were times when we disturbed our neighbors when I couldn't do anything about it (I know ears were a problem for one of our grands).
I choose listen without and those of you who have a problem with that...yes, buy yourself some earplugs.
Yes, it does seem to be the answer here..that's what YOU, the parent choose, and the rest of us ..well, too bad, get earplugs.
brymolmom said:
And I can only imagine the poor people around me if I have to hold dd's legs still so that she doesn't kick the seat in front of her. I can imagine the tears and cries now... :)

Might I suggest carrying a roll of duct tape? ;)

brandylouwho said:
or the added irritant of the guy sniflfing & sneezing with a cold one seat over, or grandma next to me that can't stop talking, or guy across the aisle that hasn't bathed in a month (really happened to me on a 9 hr flight), or the overweight person next to me who protrudes into my seat (flying coach of course), or the woman next to me who breastfeeds her baby (some get offended by that), or the twenty something next to me with the iPod so loud I can hear the bass...why pick on the parents who just want to keep their kids as still & quiet as possible?

and air travellers are more stressed and more entitled than other sorts of travellers? Or just wealthier and more self important?

:stir: Oh sorry, that is me stirring the pot again...I enjoy a lively debate, no matter what the outcome.

You are comparing apples and oranges. The things you mentioned cannot be resolved during a flight. A child listening to a movie on a plane without earphones is a choice -- someone having the sniffles or sneezing is not. If someone's music through earphones is loud and disturbing other passengers, the FA will have them turn it down. Seen it happen.

We are apparently apallingly strict with our kids. If we told them they could watch a movie, but ONLY with earphones, they would know we meant it. If they wouldn't wear the earphones, they would not watch the movie. If I went onto the plane knowing they would not wear earphones, I would not bother to carry on the DVD player since it would not be of use to us.
brymolmom said:
And I can only imagine the poor people around me if I have to hold dd's legs still so that she doesn't kick the seat in front of her. I can imagine the tears and cries now... :)

I am not sure how old your dd is, but I have had to do this. Once, I held my son's feet for most of the flight. Not pinning his legs, he hadn't been willfully kicking the seat in front, just resting my hands against his feet so that when he wiggled around, he didn't accidentally keep bumping.

My dd was younger. I had to physically hold her feet. Yes, she howled for about 15 seconds. Then I offered to move my hands if she stopped kicking the seat in front of her. She agreed. I removed my hands. The person in front turned around and thanked me.

Keeping kids content on planes is tough, no doubt about it. Nobody is saying it isn't. What some posters are trying to say, I think, is that occupying the kids should be done without knowingly disturbing other passengers any more than necessary.


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