Poor service at DVC resorts !!???


DIS Veteran
Mar 19, 2001
I have been reading a lot of posts that state how bad the service is at WDW resorts now. Anyone that has recently returned, have you noticed a decrease in service and efficiency at our DVC resorts?

Specifically - Bell services - was there anyone to take your luggage up?
guest services - were these desks staffed at resorts?
check in - long lines at check-in/out? Did the CM's seem knowledgable?
A1, there are some who always see the cup as "half full" while others see it as "half empty". We've stayed at various WDW resorts over the last 10 years,most recently in Feb '01, without any gross complaints about service. Sure, we've encountered a long line or two at BWV and OKW when checking-in...........but, BIG DEAL. If check-in for a 1 WEEK VACATION takes 16.7 minutes more than I expected........I don't sweat it. After all, WE'RE ON VACATION for the remaining 10,063.3 minutes.:) :) :) :) :) :)
When we were there in mid October, the BWV front desk was understaffed (there was no one there at all for 5 or more minutes early one morning. Another guest and I waited until someone finally showed up. When we arrived there was no one to valet park. No one, not a soul for 3 to 5 minutes. BUT when we complained about a wobble ceiling fan and later the lack of any spoons in the room--very prompt service.
We had excellent service at Boardwalk Villas last month -- prompt, friendy bell services at arrival and departure, short lines at the front desk, and immediate attention to some minor maintenance problems.

No complaints.
We checked into the VWL on 11/27, and we had excellent service provided by both the bell staff and front desk. When we transferred over to OKW on 11/30, they made it as easy as possible.

We checked into OKW, and left for the day as we had a family visit scheduled. (We had left our luggage at VWL to be transferred over to OKW. ) We didn't return to OKW until 11:30 that night. We had to laugh. They had been on the lookout for us, as they had our luggage and didn't know what had happened.:D :D

The bellhop had our luggage to our room within a minute of us arriving.

Both resorts did a great job on all fronts.
We finished up our 2 week stay at BWV on 12/02. I can honestly say that I did not have one complaint at all! We had a 2br looking at Luna Park and a 1br looking at the valet. Room service was great, check in was quick and painless, room was not ready til 4:05 though, bell hops were on the ball.
Honestly, just one of those magic vacations that make we want to keep going back!
Thanks for the replies. Leaving for BWV on Monday morning, and hoped that service hadn't gone down a lot with layoffs, etc, since the tragedies or whatever else has caused things to close, services like EE to be cut.

I had read quite a few posts on the resorts board about long lines at check-in and no valet around or bell services to take luggage to the room. Hoping this isn't the case at BWV or the other DVC's.

Well, I'll let you know how it goes when we come back. I'm definitely going with the mindset of not looking for problems. I just want to go and get lost in the magic. I almost want to have an out of body experience there. (That sounded weird)
We just returned from a vacation at OKW 11/27-12/9 and the BWV 10/30 - 11/4. We received excellent service from all staff members on both trips.

We arrived at BWV at 7 PM..We were the only car around, and there was lots of valet staff waiting to take our car and assist with our luggage. Bell Services had our luggage delivered to our room within 3 minutes of us arriving ourselves. NO lines at the front desk, check in was quick, painless, and very friendly. Room was in great shape (1 bedroom standard view) and housekeeping prompt and helpful.

OKW we arrived at 12:30. 1 bedroom - room was ready. No problem asking bell services to meet us at the room to assist with taking our luggage and groceries up the stairs. (hubby has a bad back) The were there waiting for us when we arrived! Housekeeping had no problem rearranging our full cleaning dates, didn't require any reminders and did a fantastic job. We called for a new iron because the one we had didn't heat well and was leaking. Within 3 MINUTES they were at our door delivering a new iron!

Every CM we met was gracious and helpful.

Both of our recent vacations were magical. I think if you go with the understanding that there are indeed cutbacks all over the parks and hotels, and just bring a touch more patience, you'll have a magical time as well. We were thankful Disney did what they needed to do to keep the parks and hotel operating and providing us all with some much needed pampering. We saw evidence that Disney was adjusting schedules, etc. on a daily basis to provide what the crowds required.

Have a wonderful vacation! Wish we were going back too!
I also just returned from a wonderful trip to OKW - stayed 11/27 til 12/8 and luved every minute of it. We were in building 64 - one of the requested buildings due to 2 with bad legs and 1 with a heart problem, so it was great to be on the 3rd floor with an elevator. Everyone was friendly and couteous and even humorous when I was feeling tired and not smiling. I even got help getting everything (I think we bought out all the stores) down to the car. I can't complain a bit. Had a few suggestions regarding a few past concerns and even found listening cast members who took my phone number and promised to call to further discuss some of my ideas.
We were just at OKW for a few days. Waited twice at check-in, probably 5-10 minutes each time (our first set of key-cards wouldn't open the door so had to go back to get new ones). We never bother with bell services so I can't comment on that. We were surprised that all the resorts we visited seemed so busy (OKW, Poly, GF, AKL); we had been concered that WDW would be too quiet. We didn't go to the Disney parks on this trip but went to Sea World on Monday - it was quiet but not dead - just how I like it. All-in-all, I think it was the best trip we've taken. The CMs were all great.
We were at BWV 12/1 - 12/7. We arrived about 1:15, there was 1 person in front of me in the front desk line. The CM wished me "welcome home" when I handed her my confirmation. She said our room was not ready, but looked for a room that was with no luck, but she said our assigned room was as we requested (non-smoking, near tennis courts). We chatted as she was checking us in, she was very nice. Got our Christmas Party tickets there also. We went down to Big River Grill and came back up at 2:30, I used the house phone in the lobby to see if the room was ready and it was. Got to the room and called bell services, he was right up. One problem - one of the bags was not ours, but he went back down and came back up quickly with the right one (the names on the bags were similiar). The guest services desk was usually staffed during the day. There was rarely anyone in line at the front desk when we passed. On checkout day, the bellman came up in about 10 minutes. I called the valet 3 different times during the week to pull up our car and it was waiting 2 of the 3 times when we got there, the third time it came up in about a minute. All the CM's were very nice, we had no complaints.
We were home for the first time 11/26 through 12/2. I did not see a major under staffing T VWL or OKW. Something in general I have noticed at all the WDW resorts I have stayed at mostly AS and POF is that they seem to have just enough staff that you have to wait some to check-in but nothing major. I did have a long wait once hit ASMUS same time as about 100 other guest then that was a wait. Have a great trip and a great time.
We just returned from VWL and Vero Beach. No problems at either resort. Valet was readily available for luggage, ample staff, and great spirit. Excellent trip.
Was at VWL on 12/12. There was adequate staff at the valet, bell services and front desk. Talked to DVC staff and did not hear of or see any problems.
ralphd:) :) :) :)

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