Plug in cooler in room..Can you have it in your room?

The Mystery Machine

Sunrise at my house. :+)
Jan 4, 2001
Do they allow one to be plugged in during your stay in your room? We are considering buying one for our trip for the car & room. I don't want to buy an adaptor for room if they have a problem with it.
Does anyone else use this type of cooler?

HRH/CBR June 2001
I've used ours in hotel rooms in the past and never had a problem and I'm bringing mine to Orlando this summer. I would guess that they prefer these plug-in coolers to ice chests since they don't have the leaking potential. One thing about the plug-in coolers that you should know (at least ours) is that they keep the cooler a certain amount cooler than the outside temperature. If it is left in a hot car it will not be able to keep real cool and in a cool room the contents could get very cold or even freeze. Just something to be aware of, esecially is you are on a car trip and will expect to keep perishables real cold in the car.

My daughter drinks Vitamite, a soy milk, and that is the only way for her to have access to it. So I guess we will leave it in the hotel. Thanks for the tip!
we used one at WDW and are plannig to bring it to HRH in April. I know the disney resrots give a a refrigerator for free for medical reasons. If your daughter needs if for allergy or other health related reasons you might be able to get a free refrigerator

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- May 2002 </font>

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