Plaza Restaurant staff is horrible

OP, I think you have a tiny bit of the blame. If your ADR was for 8:45 you should have been at the Plaza by 8:30. Disney does tell you to arrive at your ADRs 15 minutes ahead of time. Your family shouldn't have been trying to squeeze in one last ride so close to your ADR time.

However, that doesn't excuse not seating you because you were 2 minutes late. That is just crazy! But I don't think offering up other places for you to eat at was horrible guest recovery either. I'm not sure what else they could have done at that point, besides walk to Tony's and give the staff a smack-down.
Let me clarify a few things. First the first post came while still venting. Second the manager at the Beach club agreed with me on the following points. Not sure if I wa clear originally on these: 1) I was using Disney Mobile Magic App, Disney's official app on Verizon. So for a cast member to acuse us of lying did not sit well. 2) The cast member said if we had showed up at 9, instead of 9:02 we would have been seated and served. For 2 minutes and to say that two minutes made a difference seems unreasonable. 3) The first three times we asked to see a manager we were told no we did not need a manager. The hotel manager at the Beach club was appalled by that part of the story especially. 4) The Cade member in charge at city hall did not seem to take an interest in our story. To Kevins point I am not sure what I expected other than concern from the CM at city hall. I felt the people at the Plaza had been rude and accusatory. Thanks to Mark (podium CM) and Jason (waiter) at Ohana we did feel good again about Disney, but that should not excuse the bad show by the CM's at tne Plaza. Also, when we asked at the Plaza why take an 8:46 reservation, the answer was we didn't the computer system did. Once again a rude remark that nothing had been their fault. Disney is about team play and u help everyone. The CM' s at the Plaza seemed very me oriented. Thanks to Bill (Beach Club), Mark and Jason at Ohana Disney magic was restored. Can not say enough great things about these CM's. For myself, we did move quickly to get the kids fed and got to the Poly about 9:30. Also, I have posted before ad toothdoc, I changed phones and could not remember my password I used. So I got a new board name. Finally, for those who ate attacking, you don't know me, we were not looking for anything and gladly paid for an excellent meal at Ohana. I am also running the Goofy, my first ever half and full marathons simply to raise money for Make A Wish kids to come to Disney. I only agreed to this insanity if my friends would help raise money. So that's me.

I dont want you to think I was attacking you and regardless of your motives for being at the parks...I believe you deserve courteousness, the same as every other guest.

My point was that I'm not sure what else could have been offered. Having worked in food service and retail when I was younger, allowing a guest in after the official closing time leads to the next guest arriving at 9:05pm and asking why you were able to be seated and they aren't. Then there could be a guest at 9:08 asking the same questions.

At some point the decision has to be made that the establishment is closed.

Other than an apology and a list of available options....I'm not sure what else could have been done.
Let me clarify a few things. First the first post came while still venting. Second the manager at the Beach club agreed with me on the following points. Not sure if I wa clear originally on these: 1) I was using Disney Mobile Magic App, Disney's official app on Verizon. So for a cast member to acuse us of lying did not sit well. 2) The cast member said if we had showed up at 9, instead of 9:02 we would have been seated and served. For 2 minutes and to say that two minutes made a difference seems unreasonable. 3) The first three times we asked to see a manager we were told no we did not need a manager. The hotel manager at the Beach club was appalled by that part of the story especially. 4) The Cade member in charge at city hall did not seem to take an interest in our story. To Kevins point I am not sure what I expected other than concern from the CM at city hall. I felt the people at the Plaza had been rude and accusatory. Thanks to Mark (podium CM) and Jason (waiter) at Ohana we did feel good again about Disney, but that should not excuse the bad show by the CM's at tne Plaza. Also, when we asked at the Plaza why take an 8:46 reservation, the answer was we didn't the computer system did. Once again a rude remark that nothing had been their fault. Disney is about team play and u help everyone. The CM' s at the Plaza seemed very me oriented. Thanks to Bill (Beach Club), Mark and Jason at Ohana Disney magic was restored. Can not say enough great things about these CM's. For myself, we did move quickly to get the kids fed and got to the Poly about 9:30. Also, I have posted before ad toothdoc, I changed phones and could not remember my password I used. So I got a new board name. Finally, for those who ate attacking, you don't know me, we were not looking for anything and gladly paid for an excellent meal at Ohana. I am also running the Goofy, my first ever half and full marathons simply to raise money for Make A Wish kids to come to Disney. I only agreed to this insanity if my friends would help raise money. So that's me.

I highlighted the concerns I would definitely have if I was in your shoes here. Since Disney cut back on their staff training (and subsequently focused on hiring more part-time staff than full-time), I have seen a significant decrease in WDW staff's attention to detail, knowledge, and service. It's truly sad if the staff was not briefed on the new app; I'm not sure if this CM just did not pay attention if there was a briefing or if it actually did not happen. Either way, I feel that CMs should know of the various systems being used.

I agree that two minutes seems unreasonable, and I'd be frustrated by that too. On the flipside though, the kitchen could literally have been shutdown exactly at 9. Staff could then be transitioning, cleaning, etc. I can't entirely fault them here.

The CM who refused to get you a manager should be written up. Anytime a customer (or in Disney speak "guest") asks for a supervisor/manager, that request is to be granted. That's basic customer service. I am appalled that you were denied this option.

I am glad that you were able to enjoy your night and trip despite these issues. Thank you for sharing it with us here. :)
As a restaurant employee I can tell you it is very difficult to get a kitchen going again after the fryers, grills, and oven have been turned off for the night. Usually they start getting cleaned very fast - cooks like to get home as fast as possible.

Sorry about your luck but I'd rather eat at Kona anyday, especially right now.

The cast members could have handled this much better.
To maxiesmom, if u read my first post my kids were stuck on space mountain or we would have been early. Kevin, did not take it as an attack. I agree I also am not sure what I wanted or expected either, however care and concern would have been much better than rudeness. Nikkibelle understands the rudeness combined with refusal to get a manager is what set me off. Kevin, I understand your.concerns with food service, but on a restaurant review if the cast member said they would not get the manager what would have been your response. I have an idea what Pete's would have been.
To maxiesmom, if u read my first post my kids were stuck on space mountain or we would have been early.

That is not what you said. You said you went off to enjoy the park and come back at 8:45, which was your ADR time.

Again, I think it stinks that they wouldn't seat you. However you should have been to the Plaza by 8:30.
Let me give u a hint. Do not ride any attraction within 2hours of your ADR or you may be late. My kids went on Space Mountain at 7:45 using Fast Pass. They got off the attraction at 8:57. We then hustled to our reservation. Normally you would be off Space no later than 15-20 minutes and make your ADR with plenty of time. I guess some people just have nothing go wrong during their day in the parks. I am happy for you.
Let me give u a hint. Do not ride any attraction within 2hours of your ADR or you may be late. My kids went on Space Mountain at 7:45 using Fast Pass. They got off the attraction at 8:57. We then hustled to our reservation. Normally you would be off Space no later than 15-20 minutes and make your ADR with plenty of time. I guess some people just have nothing go wrong during their day in the parks. I am happy for you.

Agreed. You should have had plenty of time. And if you had mentioned any of that to begin with, I wouldn't have made the comments I did. Don't be mad at me for not knowing the details when you didn't bother to share them.
Agreed. You should have had plenty of time. And if you had mentioned any of that to begin with, I wouldn't have made the comments I did. Don't be mad at me for not knowing the details when you didn't bother to share them.

Actually, the OP did mention the ride broke down in his original post and how it caused a delay:

So we went to enjoy the park and come back at 8:45. Unfortunately my kids got stuck in Space Mountain when it broke down. So after getting out and running to the Plaza we arrived at 9:02. We were then told the kithen closed promptly at 9 and had been closed for two minutes and we could not be served. The cast member was very kurt when talking to us.

These sorts of things happen unfortunately. Let's all get back to the original conversation at hand. :)
Actually, the OP did mention the ride broke down in his original post and how it caused a delay:

They mentioned they tried to make an earlier ADR, and planned to come back at 8:45 for their meal. Nowhere in the first post did they state that they got on Space Mountain at 7:45, the time wasn't mentioned until later on. I wouldn't have made the comments I made about showing up early if they had. They would have been early if Space was to be their last ride before their meal. And unfortunately the OP was offended by those comments.

As I later stated, I agree that if they boarded the ride at 7:45 they should have had plenty of time to make their ADR. And even showing up 2 minutes late they should have been able to seat the OP and their family. There was no offence intended, and I'm sorry it was taken.

I'll go unsubscribe from this thread, to avoid further upset.
Oh boy... I'm going down to the Boardwalk Bakery for a coffee
To maxiesmom. No offense taken. I did not want to get any longer winded in regards to my first post. I assumed that the story with the ride breaking was enough to understand what happened. However. We all know what happens when you assume.
We've had nothing but great experiences at The Plaza Restaurant. From the women at the podium to our servers. Then again, we check-in to our ADRs 15 minutes prior to the time. So, we haven't had an issue being denied seating.

I have always been told to arrive 15 minutes prior to an ADR time when making our reservations. That means checking in at the podium at 8:30 pm for an 8:45 pm ADR like a previous post mentioned. The CMs DO have the right to turn any guest away that is 15 minutes late to an ADR. So, the cut-off time for an 8:45 pm ADR would be . . . 9:00 pm. In the end, that's why the CM told them they couldn't be seated. Like Kevin mentioned, if they did it for them, then it would snowball and why then have the rule in place???

I believe the OP and Space Mountain was down causing her family to miss their ADR window. But, the CM at the podium has heard every late story in the book. She probably could have handled it better. But, she was following the "rules". :guilty:

This is a lesson learned for all, if you are 15 minutes late for your ADR, kindly ask if you can still be seated. For mid-day ADRs they will 99% of the time accommodate you. However at the end of the evening, if you are denied, simply walk away. Do not end your magical day on a sour note. It's just food. You are at the Magic Kingdom afterall. There is a Casey's hot dog right across from The Plaza. They could have eaten there had a nice view of Cinderella Castle and called it a night. Sometimes, especially at WDW, you have to modify your plans along the way. pixiedust:
OP entered Plaza Restaurant a few minutes after closing. I think this guest has no idea of kitchen cleaning/sanitation procedures at the end of a day's food service. The final table order of the night might have been a few minutes earlier, and kitchen staff could have already been in the process of shutting down, turning off grills-ovens, cleaning out pots and pans, sanitizing counters and sinks, etc, etc. In my personal food service experience, we were always given a set period of time to do our close-out work and lock up. I don't find fault with Plaza Restaurant for the refusal. Going to Town Hall to complain only wasted more time and the OP's kids were getting more tired and more hungry. I agree with PP: when first turned away from Plaza, then Casey's or even Cosmic Ray's near Space Mountain, would have been a quick and simple alternative. Sorry to disagree with OP.
To all beware. Tonight we had a reservation at the Plaza Restaurant for 8:45, made through the Disney Mobile App on Verizon. First we attempted to go early, the mobile app showed a 7:35, went through the reservation process, but showed an error when confirming. The app would however book the 8:45. When arriving early the pleasant cast member at the podium told us we must be using a fake Disney App. Strike 1. So we went to enjoy the park and come back at 8:45. Unfortunately my kids got stuck in Space Mountain when it broke down. So after getting out and running to the Plaza we arrived at 9:02. We were then told the kithen closed promptly at 9 and had been closed for two minutes and we could not be served. The cast member was very kurt when talking to us. Strike 2. So I went to Town Hall and spoke to the cast member in charge. All he could do was get the manager at Tonys Town Square to see us with a very limited menu or go to the wave at the contemporary sit in the lounge with our kids and order off of the room service menu. Two not very good options. Strike 3. Not sure what I expected but guest recovery was weak at best. Would have loved Pete to have experienced this to hear him rant on this experience. I know Pete's rant would have been epic. So with three kids now hungry, one almost in tears he was so hungry we headed back to the Grand Floridian. Got a bright idea on the monorail to go to Captain Cooks at the Polynesian. Upon entering the Poly noticed Kona Cafe open. Now eating and the cast members here have been wonderful, can now highly recommend Kona, but beware of the Plaza. What used to be a favorite is now an avoid.

You made the right choice to dine at Kona Cafe. The food and CMs there have always been excellent at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The staff there definitely seem to enjoy their jobs. :goodvibes
I wonder if the reason they could not be seated was due to the computerized dining reservations system. You know when you book in, even if they are ready to seat you, you have to wait for the "ticket" to print out from the reservation system. I have been at a completely empty restaurant at a moderate resort and could not be seated till the "ticket" with my name on printed out. I thought they could have seated us and brought the ticket over, but I believe it might choose the table to be assigned. We are all part of one big algorithm.

If the reservation system shut down at 9.00pm, as this was the official closing time of the restaurant, it may not have been possible for the cast member to bypass the system and seat the OP's family. The cast member at the podium may also not be allowed to seat anyone that could not be booked in through the computer system. Just my hypothesis.

I have no excuse for the cast member not being sympathetic though, other than we are all human and can be cranky at the end of our shifts.
We love The food at the Plaza, though the staff isn't always the greatest. Once we arrived early and asked if they could take the party early. We were told no, and given a pager so they could page us in 45 minutes when our ADR was. At the same time, they were taking walk ups and given a 25 minute wait. We attempted to ask to be made a walk up, but they couldn't grasp the concept, so we just waited till our ADR time. The service is also pretty slow. That being said, we love the food and still return every trip.

Op, happy to see you found great food and service at Kona!


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