PHM 2015-In Pursuit of Cupcakes While Running in Glass Slippers

Can't figure out which I like shoes or drooling over that cupcake! What kind of shoes did you get?

Brooks Adrenaline GTS 14

I love Grace & Shelly's cupcakes here in Southwest Florida. I haven't had one of their flavors that I haven't liked!

Thanks...the nightmare is over. Finally, just had to settle with Discover card...they were awful to work with. We think we know who did it...but can't prove it and therefore Discover did not want to work with us or right anything it is on my credit report. Only 6 more years and it will be gone!

That sucks!

It seems like the last 3 weeks I have forgotten about me...between schedules, activities, weather, injury...I continue to let days pass without taking care of ME. Dare I say I do like running/training/walking (whatever you want to call it) because it is uninterrupted ME time!

This week the challenge is 3 days of running and 3 days of walking...

Who wants to join me this week and set a goal for whatever training they are doing to get ready for whatever race they have coming up?

Brooks Adrenaline GTS 14

I love my Brooks...saw a picture on your PTR! Pretty!

I love Grace & Shelly's cupcakes here in Southwest Florida. I haven't had one of their flavors that I haven't liked!

We have a couple of places here...thank goodness they are on the other side of town...or my diet would be :scared1:

That sucks!

It does, but you learn just to let it go and deal with it!
Who wants to join me this week and set a goal for whatever training they are doing to get ready for whatever race they have coming up?

Me! Me! :wave2:

I'm struggling to find a pattern/training plan for myself after so many months of training for the Princess! I ran 7 miles last week, but really had wanted to add in some strength training and didn't. I also have a client (I'm a petsitter) that needs me to walk/run their dog and that seems to mess up my schedule when I make one. For instance, I have to walk him today and my daughter will be with me (so no running) but I really need to get in a run? I think I just need to make a running schedule and walk/running him will just be extra? :confused3

I also HAVE to get to the gym (or get out my son's weights) and do some CONSISTENT cross training. I keep saying this, but nothing happens. :rolleyes1
Me! Me! :wave2:

I'm struggling to find a pattern/training plan for myself after so many months of training for the Princess! I ran 7 miles last week, but really had wanted to add in some strength training and didn't. I also have a client (I'm a petsitter) that needs me to walk/run their dog and that seems to mess up my schedule when I make one. For instance, I have to walk him today and my daughter will be with me (so no running) but I really need to get in a run? I think I just need to make a running schedule and walk/running him will just be extra? :confused3

I also HAVE to get to the gym (or get out my son's weights) and do some CONSISTENT cross training. I keep saying this, but nothing happens. :rolleyes1

YAY Karen...we will hold each other accountable. I get to wear jeans to work on Monday-Wednesday-Friday so that means I can wear my walking shoes and sneak away at lunch for a much need walk outside. The weather is a little cool this week and the wind is always an issue but I JUST HAVE TO DO IT!

Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday are my usual run days...short, short, long distance. I just have do it despite the weather. Thursday might be an issue with another dust storm possible...

It seems like the last 3 weeks I have forgotten about me...between schedules, activities, weather, injury...I continue to let days pass without taking care of ME. Dare I say I do like running/training/walking (whatever you want to call it) because it is uninterrupted ME time!

This week the challenge is 3 days of running and 3 days of walking...

Who wants to join me this week and set a goal for whatever training they are doing to get ready for whatever race they have coming up?

Yes, my next race is the 4th of July Peachtree Road Race!
I will do my typical 1 short run 1 speed/sprint run and 1 long run.
I am currently rehabbing a strained back muscle so doing 4 days of weights alternating upper body and lower body.

I forgot to add I am cliche' my favorite cupcake is a Red Velvet. I am from the suburbs of Atlanta and we have lots of cupcake shops but my fav is Cami Cakes and yes their red velvet is my favorite. Have not had one from Disney Resorts. Do they even sell them at any of the parks?
Yes, my next race is the 4th of July Peachtree Road Race! I will do my typical 1 short run 1 speed/sprint run and 1 long run. I am currently rehabbing a strained back muscle so doing 4 days of weights alternating upper body and lower body. I forgot to add I am cliche' my favorite cupcake is a Red Velvet. I am from the suburbs of Atlanta and we have lots of cupcake shops but my fav is Cami Cakes and yes their red velvet is my favorite. Have not had one from Disney Resorts. Do they even sell them at any of the parks?
I'll be running the peachtree too!

Lots of cupcakes around WDW. Most are the size of a small child! Lol

Who wants to join me this week and set a goal for whatever training they are doing to get ready for whatever race they have coming up?

ME!! I have been in a lull for the most part since coming back from PHM weekend. I am officially under 5 weeks until OKC Memorial half marathon & I need to get my booty back in high gear! Marathon training starts in May, so I really need to get moving. This morning I had every good intention of going out for a run after I got the little boys to school, but I was rushing around & didn't get into running clothes, then it was cold outside & I came back home & just sat around doing nothing. I could have gotten on the treadmill, but no...I was lazy.

I WILL get out there tomorrow, cold temps or not. Getting out my running clothes before I go to bed so I have no excuses.

Tammie, you *mentioned* WDW Marathon weekend so you could dress as Minnie, how about you plan on Marathon weekend for 2016 ;) I will be there going for Goofy that year & Minnie ::MinnieMo would be a cute costume for the half...just sayin. Planting a little seed in your mind to think about.

I will just start randomly putting this little Minnie ::MinnieMo everywhere to keep you thinking about it. You have a whole year to think about it after all & it would be another trip to WDW & we all know we run to go to Disney & eat cupcakes...right? Right?


I had a dismeet in NYC the day before the NYC 1/2 Carol was going to run in! She did AWESOME!!!! I met with Betsy and Carol and God bless their hearts they waited for us because NY is the only place that decides to close 2/4 lanes for road work on a Saturday afternoon!

So fun you got to meet with Betsy & Carol! I saw your pics on FB. Looks like you all had a great time. Sorry about the traffic though :scared:

Also I love planning! My husband doesn't like cake :scared1: I know!!! Thank goodness he isn't part of the cupcake crawl! BUT he LOVES ice cream! So I can't post this on facebook because it's a surprise, but was wondering if anyone can tell me about ganache? I found a recipe for milkyway ganache (one of his favorite chocolate bars), but I want to know. When I pout if over the ice cream cake, is it going to just all fall down the sides, will it get hard or stay sticky? I am so excited about this cake! He loves banana splits so this year I am making him a banana split ice cream cake (a test run for his surprise 30th birthday next year) It will have chocolate fudge ice cream on the bottom, strawberries (his favorite fruit) next, banana ice cream, banana slices next, then strawberry ice cream on the top- all homemade ice cream! I want the ganache to sorta drip down the sides, but also cover the top! I am going to put dollops of whip cream along the top with maybe some nuts (if my brother in law isn't bringing his girlfriend because she's allergic) if he bring her though I will just put some strwaberries or chocolate shavings on the dollops. SO..... anyone know? This is his cake from his 25th birthday, he didn't like this kind of cake though! It was vanilla/chocolate with oreo crumbs between and a whip cream frosting. He doesn't like cookies though and not even vanilla!

I cant help you any, I don't know anything about ganache. However, the idea of the cake sounds awesome. Banana split...yummy!

And I registered for my first 5k!!! We were registered for the one today- 3/22, but were sick all week so had to cancel it! BUT now we are registered for another and I told Damien that come what may we are running it! Well technically, walking most of it! He is doing the fun run and I will do the 5K!

Sorry you had to miss the 5K over the weekend, but I am glad you were able to find another one! It is fun to just get out there & do it. Cant wait to hear how it goes!

How have you been doing with walking? Any more dizziness or anything?

I am going to keep it a secret for a little! I will reveal it when I understand how to put a costume to run in together though! And I just ordered some sports bras from raw threads.... I hope that they are good! I did not like the "sports nursing bra" I bought from the maternity store... it held NOTHING in! (TMI... sorry!)

I think it is fun to keep the costumes a surprise too. I have already changed my mind on the 10K costume, no Goofy, saving that for another race. So, my 10K & 1/2 costumes will now be a secret (once I finally decide what they will be...still tossing around ideas).

I have never purchased any of the sports bras from Raw Threads, but I do LOVE their shirts, so hopefully you will like the sports bras.

Oh, that's good- I'll feed them lunch and then have I'll hope online to wait! It's noon for me!



Yay I got out there and walked during lunch...although the first 1/2 mile had me ready to turn back bitter cold wind! I wished I would have looked at forecast better and put my Bondi band in with my sweatshirt, earphones and sunglasses!

Throwing in a picture...that was pretty much how the wind blew constant during walk!
Whoot whoot!! Way to go Tammie!! You got out there and did it. I am so technically back in the Stone Age!! I need to learn how to post pictures. My avatar is so old!! Those kids are double didgits and 3 more have been added.

Thanks for the cupcake chart. I found my cupcake at beach club resort. It's o mystery we have an unusual large family so park admission is hefty and we normally eat counter service. We bring snacks so I usually zip past the shops unless its my beloved popcorn that's my splurge.
Anyway, I want one of those cupcakes next year. I will have to sneak in the bathroom and eat it alone it will be all mine:dance3:!!
Yay Tammie! I got out there too, with my furry client, and did 2.6 miles. I would have done more but this cold I've had since the PHM is kicking my butt. I finally broke down and went to the Dr. and I've gone some antibiotics and Flonase, so hopefully I'll be better soon! :thumbsup2
Whoot whoot!! Way to go Tammie!! You got out there and did it. I am so technically back in the Stone Age!! I need to learn how to post pictures. My avatar is so old!! Those kids are double didgits and 3 more have been added.

Thank felt good to get out even if it was cold!

LOL...well some days my picture inserting is not so bucket likes to give me fits. We can all help walk you through adding pictures, changing avatars, and updating signatures!

Thanks for the cupcake chart. I found my cupcake at beach club resort. It's o mystery we have an unusual large family so park admission is hefty and we normally eat counter service. We bring snacks so I usually zip past the shops unless its my beloved popcorn that's my splurge.
Anyway, I want one of those cupcakes next year. I will have to sneak in the bathroom and eat it alone it will be all mine:dance3:!!

I can totally understand the :crazy2: of Disney dining prices...lucky for me this trip is just my dd and we can splurge a little! Latest trip and 1st trip was free dining...our big family trip...paid for dining plan...saved lots and lots for that trip!

We are cupcake you can try lots of cupcakes for the price of just a couple! We plan on sharing so we can eat lots and lots and lots!

So excited to hear more about your trip plans, your family and of course you!

Yay Tammie! I got out there too, with my furry client, and did 2.6 miles. I would have done more but this cold I've had since the PHM is kicking my butt. I finally broke down and went to the Dr. and I've gone some antibiotics and Flonase, so hopefully I'll be better soon! :thumbsup2

YAY got out there too! Furry friend walking counts. Today was just a brisk walk in more ways than 1 for me! I hope feel better soon...glad you went to the doctor!
Yes, my next race is the 4th of July Peachtree Road Race!
I will do my typical 1 short run 1 speed/sprint run and 1 long run.
I am currently rehabbing a strained back muscle so doing 4 days of weights alternating upper body and lower body.

I forgot to add I am cliche' my favorite cupcake is a Red Velvet. I am from the suburbs of Atlanta and we have lots of cupcake shops but my fav is Cami Cakes and yes their red velvet is my favorite. Have not had one from Disney Resorts. Do they even sell them at any of the parks?

I had red velvet cake for my wedding cake...but not with cream cheese frosting but this butter frosting that my MIL swears is the original frosting for red velvet.

Lots of places have red velvet cupcakes at Disney...most famous is the Red Velvet at Starring Rolls. I have not had a Red Velvet at Disney just because nothing beats MIL frosting!

Wishes for a speedy seems that we are not only cupcakes but accident/injury prone too!

I'll be running the peachtree too!

Lots of cupcakes around WDW. Most are the size of a small child! Lol

I see a DIS meet at this race for the 2 of you! :goodvibes

Small child...LOL! :rotfl2:

ME!! I have been in a lull for the most part since coming back from PHM weekend. I am officially under 5 weeks until OKC Memorial half marathon & I need to get my booty back in high gear! Marathon training starts in May, so I really need to get moving. This morning I had every good intention of going out for a run after I got the little boys to school, but I was rushing around & didn't get into running clothes, then it was cold outside & I came back home & just sat around doing nothing. I could have gotten on the treadmill, but no...I was lazy.

I WILL get out there tomorrow, cold temps or not. Getting out my running clothes before I go to bed so I have no excuses.

Get moving Debra and with this weather we are having you got to get out there when you can!

Tammie, you *mentioned* WDW Marathon weekend so you could dress as Minnie, how about you plan on Marathon weekend for 2016 ;) I will be there going for Goofy that year & Minnie ::MinnieMo would be a cute costume for the half...just sayin. Planting a little seed in your mind to think about.

I will just start randomly putting this little Minnie ::MinnieMo everywhere to keep you thinking about it. You have a whole year to think about it after all & it would be another trip to WDW & we all know we run to go to Disney & eat cupcakes...right? Right?


LOL...I might think about that one. Everything after next year hinges on Ab and college tution! I was thinking W&D for my next want to run through 3 parks!

I am loving black with red/white polka dots lately!
Get moving Debra and with this weather we are having you got to get out there when you can!

I know, I know! I am making no excuses & doing it tomorrow morning. I have about 2 1/2 hrs from the time I drop off the boys until I pick them up. Getting out the running clothes tonight & headed out in the morning...cold or no cold!

LOL...I might think about that one. Everything after next year hinges on Ab and college tution! I was thinking W&D for my next want to run through 3 parks!

I am loving black with red/white polka dots lately!

Ah yes, college tuition :scared: I would love to do W&D also. Running through the Osborne lights...& going back to MVMCP. I already have a W&D costume picked out for *when* I finally do run the race, lol. I just need a never ending money tree.
I am so jealous that you 3 got to meet up! Glad you were able to get together despite the roadwork!

It was nice, you could tell they were tired though! I felt bad! Damien LOVED Betsy!!! :lmao: he had such a great time telling her about his evil pantless lego man! But you got to see them for a long time for ToT, all of us are going to have a great time... 11 more months!!!!

I think that ganache is supposed to set up once it is poured onto the cake surface. I know some of it runs off...I don't think it gets too hard but hard enough for a shell?!

Yeah that's what I wanted to make sure! Yesterday when we got together for family dinner at my sister in laws I was told that we have to celebrate K's birthday the 19th because my parent in laws leave for Burma the 20th! Thank you for that! I am so excited for this cake!

YAY for the 5K...I am still on the fence if I am going to do one in a couple of weeks...I think it is great that you and Damien are going to do them together! How is the walking coming?

It's coming... the weather doesn't understand what I need though! I have been trying to walk at least a 1/2 hour 3 days a week. I was going to start every day this week and found out we are getting snow tomorrow :scared1: dangit!!!!!

I need some new bras...the local running store every few months brings in a fitter for the sports bras...maybe I need to do that! So glad that I am past the stage of nursing bras...and all that comes with it! :scared1:

I will let you know! I ordered 2 different kinds! I am hoping that they work! I was thinking of going to get fitted and my sister in law told me she has never heard of that for sports bras! I should have asked here first!

Sad that I want to do a Princess race but I am not into being a princess! But I am excited with who I picked! I want to do Disney Marathon...maybe not the marathon but the 1/2 and do Minnie many cute ideas! Princess just does not seem like Minnie Mouse to me...

I was thinking of Minnie Mouse.... if you do it let me know and I'll back off! I like the idea of Minnie Mouse, hey she's Micky's queen!

I was telling Jeff that I think I need to get rid of the seems that it aggrevates my shin issues...but I just don't have room for a treadmill. I know that next winter before the PHM I am going to have to get my hiney to the health club I belong to and use their treadmills and is just clear across town and right now busy schedules are in the way of making the trip!

Is the elliptical less room than the treadmill? Ours is big too! It was a pain in the butt when we were remodeling the rooms! Bringing it from room to room! It's currently in the hall between the kitchen and the bathroom, hopefully K will get it to it's place soon!

Right now we are not doing so well with Dave and this darn Rome trip! Ugh...[/QUOTE]

At least you are going to have a great trip to look back at! Especially since Ab will be in college soon!

It seems like the last 3 weeks I have forgotten about me...between schedules, activities, weather, injury...I continue to let days pass without taking care of ME. Dare I say I do like running/training/walking (whatever you want to call it) because it is uninterrupted ME time!

This week the challenge is 3 days of running and 3 days of walking...

Who wants to join me this week and set a goal for whatever training they are doing to get ready for whatever race they have coming up?

I am in on this! I am going to get on the treadmill if we really do get the snow tonight!

And Debra... I found a solution that helped! I think I had low blood suagr! I have a few things that are working and haven't had that in at least a week or so! Thank you for asking!!! And Tammie, those sour patch kids were good too!

Saw this posted in a FB running group today...

Just had to share, so fitting for our group! But make mine Moscato (Cammy, too) while Heather wants Sangria...
Note to self: On page ten.

Subscribing! I found my way over from the PHM 2015 thread. I am trying to catch up but I need to ask one thing first. Can I still join if I don't like the grey stuff??? We ate at BOG when we were there for PHM 2014 and it was just.... blech.
But on the upside I do have 2 sparkle skirts and I'm a scrapbooker, traditional though.


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