Park is JAMMED!

We spent Thursday in DL and it felt quite busy but manageable with genie+. Like a previous poster said, there seems to be a much higher amount of first time tourists than usual (and we’ve come this week every year for 5 years-ish). Spoke with several folks from the east coast, heard lots of southern accents, were even told by a waiter at dinner the other night that we were the first family from CA he’d had all night! Group t-shirts, stopping smack in the middle of walkways, so many rental strollers and ECVs - the sort of stuff that makes me think of WDW and not DL.

Friday in DCA was probably as bad as I’ve seen it. Felt worse than just the DL crowds adjusted for the DCA effect (less rides to soak people up, no freaking shade in sight). At one point we came out of the animation academy and were literally elbow-to-elbow with people in that middle area with the sofas. Took a couple minutes to work our way out and even after leaving the a/c it was still pretty crowded. Huge waits for even incredicoaster and Ariel, and the single rider line for incredicoaster was up the ramp to the first poster. It was just nuts!

It’s definitely more manageable today though the heat is rough. Waits are a lot better - even ROTR was around 60 for several hours and we actually waited more like 45. Between extra magic whatever it is now and genie+ we got almost everything we wanted to do by early afternoon even with breaks. And definitely plan breaks and lots of water stops - we saw 2 (maybe 3? Kid said she saw but no one else did 🤣) folks on stretchers which might obviously not be weather-related but could be exacerbated by it.

Back home! Since this ended being a trip report, or at least some of my observations, I’ll just finish out with a few more things from yesterday.

Was up after a solid night of sleep so headed to CA since DL rezzies weren’t available when I booked. Had some pictures taken by the waterfall. This was going to be he’d Spidey smy laid-back day, as my DAS expired on Friday. I ended up buying Genie+ , which was a total waste for me as I cannot ride about 75% of those attractions due to menieres. But I wanted to try it to see if it would be an option should I get denied in December. Good lesson.

Watched Spidey show, went on WS (got my highest score ever 228,000) went shopping to get Avengers journal, Captain America messenger bag. Crowds were good on Saturday, again I think because passes are blocked. Rode Little Mermaid then stopped in gift shop by Grizzly Run because I had never been there. Found the cutest Pooh hoodie, very heavy, all cotton, and APPLIQUÉD and EMBROIDERED on front and back. I did not see it anywhere else in the park. So, natch, that had to come home too.

Now 11, so I hopped over to DL, got my frap and beignets. Leisurely ate those while people watching at Tiana’s. Rode Buzz with Genie +, got best score ever there though nothing compared to WonkaKid! :rotfl2: Back to CCI to rest up for the night and finish packing.

About 4, I’m on the shuttle back to park. Met some really nice folks on the shuttle this trip, this was a family from Sacto. I eat my fried chicken at Plaza Inn, was delish as always. Found a spot to watch the parade, a sweet family with two darling little girls dressed in Elsa dresses let me share their spot. All the characters came by to interact with girls so I got some nice pics of that.

Picked up voucher from RDZ, they couldn’t seem to grasp the concept that I didn’t want the food so I took a bottle of water which made it the most expensive bottle of Dasani ever purchased! But I was happy to find out I got the MK DISCOUNT for shows, too…didn’t know that.

Went back to SWGE, was a photog back there so got some more shots. I’m going to get an Aura frame just for my Disney trips…I enjoy our family one a lot. But no 9ne wants to watch a million photos of me and the Avengers 🥰😂

I was going to watch the Fire Moon fireworks but once I found out it was a completely separate show, I reneged. The nice CM at Oga’s noticed my Loops and then discretely said, “and it’s VERY LOUD, due to the echoing back here.” Well, that cinched it for me and my hyperacusis. Went over to try and find a place to be close to the Fantasmic area for 2nd show but where I could see the fireworks good. Sweet CM at Cafe Orleans told a group of us to come and pick a table and relax. Great view of fireworks! Then easily got in line for 2nd show.

Closed the park, went to bed at one, up at 4:30 for flight home.

I thank the angels for all the pixie dust spreading CMs they sent my way on this trip, it truly was a blessed adventure all four days…not one sourpuss!

Back to lurk mode now….😊
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Rode Little Mermaid then stopped in gift shop by Grizzly Run because I had never been there. Found the cutest Pooh hoodie, very heavy, all cotton, and APPLIQUÉD and EMBROIDERED on front and back. I did not see it anywhere else in the park. So, natch, that had to come home too.
AWESOME!! That's a score for sure!! I love that store and have often found things there that I never saw anywhere else.

Sounds like a great trip! Thanks so much for the detailed reports :)

I like your idea of getting a dedicated Disney photo frame! We have a family one, which I love, but it would be nice to have a place to put all (well, maybe not ALL, ha ha) my Disneyland shots. They tend to sit inside my camera. Luckily, I can find some of my old pics here, LOL!
AWESOME!! That's a score for sure!! I love that store and have often found things there that I never saw anywhere else.

Sounds like a great trip! Thanks so much for the detailed reports :)

I like your idea of getting a dedicated Disney photo frame! We have a family one, which I love, but it would be nice to have a place to put all (well, maybe not ALL, ha ha) my Disneyland shots. They tend to sit inside my camera. Luckily, I can find some of my old pics here, LOL!
I even retook a lot of shots I took years ago when I was scrapbooking so I could add to digital…Mr. Toad statue, the murals on the wall in Fantasyland, stuff like that.
It’s unfortunate that we lived half our life analog, half digital. I have fabulous books from our trips when son was young but no way to get them digital except to now take photos of photos in scrapbooks :rotfl2: Seems a bit redundant

I even retook a lot of shots I took years ago when I was scrapbooking so I could add to digital…Mr. Toad statue, the murals on the wall in Fantasyland, stuff like that.
It’s unfortunate that we lived half our life analog, half digital. I have fabulous books from our trips when son was young but no way to get them digital except to now take photos of photos in scrapbooks :rotfl2: Seems a bit redundant
Yes indeed!!
I ended up buying Genie+ , which was a total waste for me as I cannot ride about 75% of those attractions due to menieres. But I wanted to try it to see if it would be an option should I get denied in December. Good lesson.
Oh, that's too bad. :sad1: I thought there was a standard list of G+ rides on the DLR website and app so one could determine before buying whether they're rides you want.

I was going to watch the Fire Moon fireworks but once I found out it was a completely separate show, I reneged.
What do you mean by "a completely separate show"? It's just the castle fireworks with different music, right?
Oh, that's too bad. :sad1: I thought there was a standard list of G+ rides on the DLR website and app so one could determine before buying whether they're rides you want.

What do you mean by "a completely separate show"? It's just the castle fireworks with different music, right?
No, actually it’s not. They make it sound that way on the website but the CM I spoke with at Oga’s said they do their own with Star Wars soundtrack. Which made sense because at one point earlier in the week, I did see fireworks coming from a different direction and I just thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I simply asked where would be the best place to watch and she pointed me toward MF and said they would come up over the spires. Me: “Waita minute…isn’t the castle that direction?” Pointing back over my shoulder toward Fantasyland. And that’s when she explained. And because that area basically is a CANYON, low area,high walls, that’s why there is so much reverberation.

And yes, you’re right about there being a list but I didn’t even think to check it. It was only $24 but it was a bummer that I could only do WS once,without doing single rider or standby. I usually ride it once in AM, once in PM.

ADDED NOTE: I did go to Jungle Cruise yesterday morning and told them I couldn’t do stairs so they just gave me a return time just like DAS. Appreciated that.
We watched Wondrous Journeys fireworks from SWGE long before they played music and called it Fire of the Rising Moons.
What do you mean by "a completely separate show"? It's just the castle fireworks with different music, right?
No, actually it’s not. They make it sound that way on the website but the CM I spoke with at Oga’s said they do their own with Star Wars soundtrack. Which made sense because at one point earlier in the week, I did see fireworks coming from a different direction and I just thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I simply asked where would be the best place to watch and she pointed me toward MF and said they would come up over the spires. Me: “Waita minute…isn’t the castle that direction?” Pointing back over my shoulder toward Fantasyland. And that’s when she explained.
Hmm, that's interesting. Every other reference I've seen to the Fire of the Rising Moons has said it's just the normal DL fireworks.
Obviously the OP does not follow the news because apparently Disney parks are empty and no one goes anymore. Google it, maybe those are not real people
Hmm, that's interesting. Every other reference I've seen to the Fire of the Rising Moons has said it's just the normal DL fireworks.
Also remember that even though from Main Street the fireworks appear to be right behind the castle, most of them (a few might be closer) are from a backstage area past Toontown.
Perhaps someone who has actually seen it will clarify this…I’m only sharing what I was told by a CM there at SWGE. 🤷‍♀️

I didn’t stay because I feared I couldn’t handle the intensity of the sound.
Funny, we are here now and don't find it crowded! Did a full day hopping yesterday and did DL today and heading back to both shortly after an afternoon rest. Did rope drop and EE both days, so maybe that’s why?! We also usually come in December and March and find those times a lot busier. Enjoy!

I was there on Saturday too. I got there around 4 and left a bit after 10. I had several rides that were complete walk-ons like Star Tours and Small World around 6-7 PM. ROTR was posted 40 minutes around 7:30 or so, Smugglers Run I believe was 12 minutes (I used single rider), Webslingers was 20 posted about 9ish (I used single rider again), Soaring was a walk-on at 10 PM (I was the last guest into the queue that night).
Perhaps someone who has actually seen it will clarify this…I’m only sharing what I was told by a CM there at SWGE. 🤷‍♀️

I didn’t stay because I feared I couldn’t handle the intensity of the sound.
It is the same fireworks, but a different "show". The launch locations are circled in red in the map below, with the 'main' area the Northern most circle. They explode up high, roughly in the purple area. With where SWGE is the spires block the view except from the Falcon and then they are mostly seen to the East of the Falcon. That's why going to the Falcon depending on your location will be going in the opposite direction, but give you the best view.

You won't see all the fireworks, as the launches from the buildings are low altitude, that's why there is some awkward 'dead air' at the SWGE location as the ones on Main Street and the castle are launched.

I agree that leaving that area was probably a good idea as it is considerably louder than any other location.

I went back and looked at the Touring Plans past data for last week. Some definite busy days according to them.

DL was a 9 on Monday and 10 on Wednesday. DCA was a 9 on Tuesday and Thursday. Definitely would back up the claims of it being packed last week. Over the last month, TP has consistently underestimated the business during the middle of the week. Plenty of 7-8 days with a few going all the way up to 9.

On the flip side, weekends look much quieter (in the 2-5 range). It's crazy that Wednesday had crowds rated 9/10 (and 10/10 in DL), Thursday had crowds rated 7/10 (and 9/10 in DCA), but Saturday and Sunday were 3/10 and 2/10 respectively.
On the flip side, weekends look much quieter (in the 2-5 range). It's crazy that Wednesday had crowds rated 9/10 (and 10/10 in DL), Thursday had crowds rated 7/10 (and 9/10 in DCA), but Saturday and Sunday were 3/10 and 2/10 respectively.
Pride Nite was both Tues and Thurs last week. Pride attracts a lot of people who fly in specifically for those events. With Wednesday sandwiched between the two events, it doesn't surprise me to see it more crowded on that day than on the weekends.
It is the same fireworks, but a different "show". The launch locations are circled in red in the map below, with the 'main' area the Northern most circle. They explode up high, roughly in the purple area. With where SWGE is the spires block the view except from the Falcon and then they are mostly seen to the East of the Falcon. That's why going to the Falcon depending on your location will be going in the opposite direction, but give you the best view.

You won't see all the fireworks, as the launches from the buildings are low altitude, that's why there is some awkward 'dead air' at the SWGE location as the ones on Main Street and the castle are launched.

I agree that leaving that area was probably a good idea as it is considerably louder than any other location.

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Thanks, foolish_mortals. I knew the main fireworks were coming from somewhere backstage past Toontown. Your drawing comports with a video I found that was taken from the HoJo. The person filming could barely keep the castle fireworks and the main fireworks in the same frame because the latter were much further north.
Oh, and yesterday when I went to dance with Star-Lord, I waited by where he comes out. I just wanted to get a couple of good photos for my book. He looked right at me, recognizing me and said, “oh hi again” with big smile. But he doesn’t sign so I guess my book won’t ever be truly complete.

Having a blast…eating my Subway Sammie and tonight back to both parks.

PS-it was “One”…yes, I actually liked the original waaaaayyyyy back when. Hope I don’t feel like that tomorrow night after Fantasmic…

Try again on the way in. I got his autograph twice no problem that way, and I have seen him sign for others. It won't work all the time, but sometimes it works. Only when they leave though, and you have to call out "Star Lord can I have your autograph please?"
Try again on the way in. I got his autograph twice no problem that way, and I have seen him sign for others. It won't work all the time, but sometimes it works. Only when they leave though, and you have to call out "Star Lord can I have your autograph please?"
Thanks, I’ll try again next visit. I did hear him tell someone who asked for a sig that he “couldn’t” sign, like it was a contractual thing or something so I just passed on it, not wanting to bug him. When I went back next day (Friday), it wasn’t my usual guy but a different one who I didn’t know. I suppose it shouldn’t matter but I do have my fave Loki, Cap, and Quill :rotfl2: and if they aren’t there, I pass on an encounter. Silly, I know but some are really great in character….some, not so much.

Doesn’t really matter with Iron Man, Spidey or Panther, as face is covered and IM is basically a robot. With face characters, it really matters.
@Tinkaboo Thanks for this info. Glad you were able to enjoy the shows. Are you visiting mid-week, too? I ask because I'm still trying to guess how crowded the parks will be-- weekend vs. weekday, etc.

We went during spring break and got taken aback that it seemed busier during the weekdays than the weekend.

We were there last week - Tuesday through Saturday. Tuesday felt like the least crowded day to us. While Wednesday and Thursday felt the most crowded. Friday was crowded but not as bad. And Saturday was the 2nd best day for us.

But overall, a lot more crowded than our last trip, which was early February 2023. We expected this though as we've gone in June several times before.


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