P & P Party Rant.

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I said what I did because people who've never spent the money and attended a hard ticket event do not have the same perspective as those who have done so. So they'r enot looking at it from the perspective of people who dropped $40 or whatever to attend the party. And until one does spend the money, they won't be able to completely understand our perspective. That's not arrogance...it's the truth. A person cannot and is not able to completely and 100% understand a particular situation if they themselves have never been in that situation.

I am one of the posters who agrees with the OP, and I've attended ticketed events (MVMCP multiple times, and many many e-nights back when that was a hard ticket event too). So I've spent the $$$ for the special ticket, and I still get what they OP is saying. Again, they weren't trying to get on rides, or eat a snack, he was just waiting for his wife to finish with the ears. Keep in mind his wife was allowed to stand in line and to buy the ears...Disney let her do the spending part. The issue here is with the CM outside who felt the need to walk him out. The CMs on mainstreet could have just kept watch on the OP and his family (the CM was posted on mainstreet watching things, it would not have been hard to monitor from a distance), watched to see if his wife showed up and watched what they did after that. If after reuniting they didn't make for the exit (like the OP promised he would) then would have been time to step in. But the CM should have showed a little more trust in the OPs story, IMHO. Also, this has not come up yet: the OP was probably NOT the VERY LAST non ticket holder left in the park. Were the other stragglers being treated with the same rudeness as the OP? Probably not. So I can also understand the insulting feeling of being singled out when others are doing the same thing. There was just a more polite way to check that the OP was leaving, that's all. His wife got caught in a line (which disney allowed her to be in) and he was trying to go. He wasn't trying to mooch any of the special events.

I know many here disagree with me. Flame away. I just had to put another 2 cents in.
I would welcome you to the Dis but with this first post, I'm wondering if it isn't possible that you have been here before.
His / her points seem valid to me. It was 45 minutes after closing, and whatever he wanted to buy, is probably at DTD.
Oh give me a break!!! Infringing on your park time? Park time lost? They dont have these events every night of the week. So if you were planning your trip, and not just showing up, youd realize P&P or MVMCP or MNSSHP was going on on Friday and Monday of your trip and on those days you should visit other parks. Why is that difficult for people to understand? Even if you MUST visit MK on that day, you could plan on heading over to MGM or Epcot for the evening around 6 or 7 o'clock. If you dont have a hopper, PLAN on enjoying your hotel room.

Why do people expect Disney to hold their hand, and then when they dont, they hold Disney accountable for their 'bad trip'?

Next time I go to MK and it closes at 7pm on Thursday and 12am on Friday, im gonna demand my money back for Thursday. Its not fair that people on Friday get to enjoy MK for 5 hours more then I got to!!!!! :rofl

I'm right there with you!!!
Oh give me a break!!! Infringing on your park time? Park time lost? They dont have these events every night of the week. So if you were planning your trip, and not just showing up, youd realize P&P or MVMCP or MNSSHP was going on on Friday and Monday of your trip and on those days you should visit other parks. Why is that difficult for people to understand? Even if you MUST visit MK on that day, you could plan on heading over to MGM or Epcot for the evening around 6 or 7 o'clock. If you dont have a hopper, PLAN on enjoying your hotel room.

Why do people expect Disney to hold their hand, and then when they dont, they hold Disney accountable for their 'bad trip'?

I agree. Even if you don't plan ahead when you arrive at WDW you can get a times guide that lists the opening and closing times. If you stay onsite, they display the hours on a TV channel. They DO post signs before getting into the park and they make announcements on the monorail. I think that is more than enough notice that they will be closing.

People keep saying that Disney closes early for the parties. So? They aren't required to keep the park open to any specific time. In off seasons they close much earlier than they do during peak times. Is that unfair too? If it's so importnant to be in the park after the closing (for the party) then buy a ticket!

As for letting the party goers into the park at 4, so what? Disney has made that decision. They also made the decision to have non-party goers leave the park at 7pm. That is Disney's right. Why is it so hard to understand that and follow the rules?

I would have sympathy for the OP IF he wasn't there 45 MINUTES AFTER CLOSING. He choose to disregard the rules and now is upset. I'm sorry, but too bad. Like another poster said, he could have asked the CM where else to get what he wanted. Instead, he felt he was above the rules. That isn't cool at all.
The hard ticket events are kind of a bummer for non-party-going guests. I am going to my first one in two weeks, and these events really do infringe on the vacation time of non-party goers. It would not be so bad if they were isolated, but now with Princess and Pirates added and the fact that Halloween parties begin in min-September (!), they are getting harder and harder to avoid. Not only is park time lost, but the extra hour or so at the end of the day is lost as well and the gate price remains the same. And for those who say it's your fault for not researching it -- c'mon and lighten up. Yes, foreknowledge is good but unless you are a Disney nut like us, you probably do not know about Princess and Pirate parties (believe it or not, most people do not even know that this is the Year of a Million Dreams). Some people just, you know, go on vacation (though I agree the OP was pushing the envelope).

In my continued fear of added events like Monsters Inc. Memorial Day Madness or Pluto's President's Day Pandemonium, I suggest that Disney create a 5th park called Partyland, USA devoted to these hard-ticketed events.

But the thing is, these hard ticket (after hours) events are held off season for a reason. The park normally closes early anyway...but now Disney can earn some more money by reopening the park to those who are willing to pay the extra money to have the park to themselves after park closing.

If they didn't have these parties, the parks would still close early due to it being lower crowds and off season.
I am one of the posters who agrees with the OP, and I've attended ticketed events (MVMCP multiple times, and many many e-nights back when that was a hard ticket event too). So I've spent the $$$ for the special ticket, and I still get what they OP is saying. Again, they weren't trying to get on rides, or eat a snack, he was just waiting for his wife to finish with the ears. Keep in mind his wife was allowed to stand in line and to buy the ears...Disney let her do the spending part. The issue here is with the CM outside who felt the need to walk him out. The CMs on mainstreet could have just kept watch on the OP and his family (the CM was posted on mainstreet watching things, it would not have been hard to monitor from a distance), watched to see if his wife showed up and watched what they did after that. If after reuniting they didn't make for the exit (like the OP promised he would) then would have been time to step in. But the CM should have showed a little more trust in the OPs story, IMHO. Also, this has not come up yet: the OP was probably NOT the VERY LAST non ticket holder left in the park. Were the other stragglers being treated with the same rudeness as the OP? Probably not. So I can also understand the insulting feeling of being singled out when others are doing the same thing. There was just a more polite way to check that the OP was leaving, that's all. His wife got caught in a line (which disney allowed her to be in) and he was trying to go. He wasn't trying to mooch any of the special events.

I know many here disagree with me. Flame away. I just had to put another 2 cents in.

Umm, they DID eat a snack. They were told they couldn't enter a store. They just happened to keep walking until they found a store with no CM at the door.

How do we know he wasn't the last person? AND, does it really matter?? He was there 45 MINUTES AFTER CLOSING. That is way too long to be there. If everyone had that attitude, no one would leave the park.

I understand what you and the OP are saying, but he is still in the wrong.
They were told point blank ="No shopping at this point in time without a wristband. Please leave the park."

And then proceeded to go to another store and get in line to buy ears. How is that not blatant disregard for what the previous castmember had told them?

Is everyone missing that?

Also ...

It's a three hour overlap between 4pm and 7pm. Day guests can stay till 7pm and party guests can enter at 4pm. They 'share' the park for 3 hours.

If those people who are so concerned about being kicked out at 7pm are so upset, let's go back to the old system where they were kicked out at SIX PM and one same days.. FIVE PM and stores were closed at 5 or 6pm and the park was closed up to ANYBODY for an hour.

Someone on that side of the argument will have to explain how that benefits the day guest ... OR the party guest.

I don't see how.
sorry - honestly i didn't read all of the posts on this thread, i skimmed through, so forgive me if this point has been made and put to rest already but.....

perhaps the misunderstanding might be that IF you didn't know that there was a hard ticket event immediately following what you thought was a park closing time, you might assume that you could do what you would do on any other day. (when there was no hard ticket event after park closing)

On a regular day when MK closes say at 10, can't you shop and snack your way out of the park without CM's rushing you out the front gate? Don't they (disney) actually encourage you to "shop your way out of the park"?

If one (the OP for instance) honestly didn't know there was a hard ticketed event after the park closing time, and they strolled casually down main street and enjoyed some snacks and shopping, they might not get that they were in the wrong.

In my opinion, the CM assumed he was trying to get one over on WDW and treated him accordingly. (and in my opinion was wrong) I wouldn't want to have to go grab my wife out of line and rush her out of the parks with a CM trailing me like a criminal while i was on vacation either. If the CM acted with this person based on the behavior (and frustration) of the countless guests that they have seen trying to get one over on WDW - they were in the wrong. If i bit the head off every doctor that i come across in one day who ask me for something, based on my experience with docs who can be a-holes....i would be out of a job.

the amount he or anyone else paid for their tickets or vacation are not the issue.
Yes we know we need admission to gain access. And you know full well what I mean by open to the public, so please don't start trying to analyze what I'm saying and turning it into something else. But anyway, just because it doesn't mention early admission doesn't mean Disney doesn't grant it and it doesn't mean the people don't have day tickets. By your posts, you made it clear that hard ticket holders don't have a right to be there early when you have no idea if they actually hold day tickets or APs. So you cannot claim dual standards if you don't know the type of ticket a person is holding. If you have a problem with early entry, take it up with Disney...not with the people who are actually following Disney policy.

It's honestly shocking that you would use the arguments you have if you've actually attended events like these. Because your arguments are the type generally used by people who have no clue about these events. If you've been to hard ticket events, then you would know that Disney allows early entry and Disney enforces hard closings. It's part of their policy. As I've stated earlier, it is nothing new. But you posted that the OP did nothing wrong. Surprising that you as a hard ticket event attendee would feel the OP did nothing wrong by disregarding Disney policy even after being told they couldn't be there anymore. It doesn't make my comment arrogant and I didn't appreciate that implication by you or anyone else.

For my part, I didn't continue on anything with the offending poster. I simply addressed your continuation of "arrogant" comments.

It's not so shocking, I have found the real key for me enjoying my time in the world is not to focus on the activities of others. I don't get caught up in line jumping, rude people, or children or parents losing it. If you were to look at some of my posts regarding my last stay which was AKL concierge, enough things did not go right that I could have dwelled on them and had a miserable time. Rather, I focused on the things that went well and had a great time while there. So when attending a hard ticket event or emh or waiting for my adr or etc. etc. etc. I focus on what I and my family are doing now and what we will next do to make our stay great. Worrying about the people around me belonging where they are is only an invitation to not enjoy my time.

Regarding the piling on comment, I know you weren't one of them Mary, the comment was not meant for you but for those that were and it does seem that people did finally stop posting regarding the language.
Umm, they DID eat a snack.

I know they ate a snack, what I meant was that the reason they were in there THAT long was to wait on the ears. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my earlier post. I meant that it was (partially) not their fault because his wife got caught in a line that Disney allowed her to wait in. So what if they weren't allowed in other stores? She WAS allowed in this one and that's what made them late. If the CMs want people out earlier, close em all off. Otherwise, don't be mad if there are a few people waiting around for the shoppers to finish up.

I think its agree to disagree time.

And on a related note, I hope they keep the P&P party in place. I love MVMCP...the P&P party sounds like a good one. And a chance for those who can't make it to WDW during the holidays or halloween time to attend a special party.
sorry - honestly i didn't read all of the posts on this thread, i skimmed through, so forgive me if this point has been made and put to rest already but.....

perhaps the misunderstanding might be that IF you didn't know that there was a hard ticket event immediately following what you thought was a park closing time, you might assume that you could do what you would do on any other day. (when there was no hard ticket event after park closing)

On a regular day when MK closes say at 10, can't you shop and snack your way out of the park without CM's rushing you out the front gate? Don't they (disney) actually encourage you to "shop your way out of the park"?

If one (the OP for instance) honestly didn't know there was a hard ticketed event after the park closing time, and they strolled casually down main street and enjoyed some snacks and shopping, they might not get that they were in the wrong

In my opinion, the CM assumed he was trying to get one over on WDW and treated him accordingly. (and in my opinion was wrong) I wouldn't want to have to go grab my wife out of line and rush her out of the parks with a CM trailing me like a criminal while i was on vacation either. If the CM acted with this person based on the behavior (and frustration) of the countless guests that they have seen trying to get one over on WDW - they were in the wrong. If i bit the head off every doctor that i come across in one day who ask me for something, based on my experience with docs who can be a-holes....i would be out of a job.

the amount he or anyone else paid for their tickets or vacation are not the issue.

As someone who was at the first party it was obvious that this was no normal night. There were CM's EVERYWHERE directing non party goes to the exit after 7 PM, and plenty of notice before 7 that the park was indeed closing unless you had a ticket. The OP was told a few times about the closing and the need to exit but didn't seem to think it applied to his family.
OK This will be my last post on the issue. I'm not mad at the CM or Disney. Or to the crazy people that feel llike they were there and know what my intentions were. The PA system in that place is not that great. We helped a lost child earlier in the day and I commented to my wife that it would be nice if they had a PA system that could call a parent if such situations happened. One thought was that if they did you probably wouldn't hear it anyway. Honesly never heard anyone on a PA system. Well let's go over my final steps. 6:58 Cm tells me it's OK to go on Buzz with 2 minutes until park closing. We leave Buzz walk down Mainstreet. Purchased an ice cream. Purchased a pastry. Still no word that the stores were closed to non P & P guests. Told wife I would go get some taffy. She headed to the shop next to Caseys. CM told her she could make a purchase. I walked into the candy store not knowing anything about the stores being closed until I tried to purchase the taffy. 4 people in the store, myself, dd, ds and another guest with wristband. The time 7:20. At the same time noticed Dw purchasing the ears. However there was a line for the stiching. Told DW that I would wait outside until she was finished. This was when I was approached by the CM that mainstreet was closed. I was kind and told her the situation. DW was in line to get the ears stiched we would be leaving as soon as the sale was complete. She left for a couple minutes as we sat there. She came back and told us we had to leave immediatly. I kindly explained the situation again. She told me even though she was in the store that I would have to leave and she could catch up to me outside the park. What? I asked why the stores were not opened to regular guests like they have been in our previous visits? No explanation just another "you have to leave now". My DW comes out of the store and the CM was distracted by another guest w/o wristbands asking what was the party about. We headed toward the exit. We were probably just about to go under the train stop when the CM started running towards us to make sure we exited.

The only reason disney changed from clearing the park before a party was to save money. There were very few people in the stores and the people in line in front of my DW were not p & P guests.

Finally got to the the monorail at 7:45. The officail statement from wdw reservations is that the P & P starts at 7:30 and you will be allowed to enter the park at 7:00.

Let me restate. I love WDW. I'm not mad at anyone. Thought the situation was handled poorly and attribute that to cost cutting. If you haven't noticed that the CM's are a little less friendly than they used to be your not paying attention. I'm a little confused as to how some people act like they own the place and I was taking money out of their pockets or spoiling their fun.

See Ya next time.
And on a related note, I hope they keep the P&P party in place. I love MVMCP...the P&P party sounds like a good one. And a chance for those who can't make it to WDW during the holidays or halloween time to attend a special party.

I completely agree with this statement. I already told DH that I want to go, so hopefully Disney will keep it around.
OK This will be my last post on the issue. I'm not mad at the CM or Disney. Or to the crazy people that feel llike they were there and know what my intentions were. .

Oh, I totally got that - you just opened a can of worms, LOL.

I agree that at times WDW does not have their act together and it amazes me.

We had a problem with miscommunication way back when they first started E ticket nights, as they called them then. It's too long a story but it really messed up a night for us, and CMs didn't seem to know what was going on.

Thanks for posting your story because I think all of us will be better informed because of it!
I can see both sides of this easily...
The OP has always been able to do the same as he did that night without any problem. He assumed that he would be able to do it this night as well. Now had he been trying to purchase items strickly for hard ticket holders then yes I would have denined them those purchases.

WDW did close the park at 7 PM, and the CM's were told to enforce this closing time. I wasn;t there so I don't know if the CM was rude or not but sure the CM was only doing their job.

I do not see where either party was actucally 100% wrong.

I do know that some P&P party goers were allowed in the parks even without a regular park ticket or AP before 7 PM, the start time of the party. Disney needs to figure out a better way of doing this. You can not allow P&P or any other hard ticket event holders to enter the park early without a regular ticket or AP, regardless of how many people you have coming in. It is the same as letting someone without a hard ticket remain after close.

And yes some of the post have been rude in nature...especially those that felt they need to go after the OP personally...not to mention those that had to make effort to point out any and all minor typ-o's.
I do know that some P&P party goers were allowed in the parks even without a regular park ticket or AP before 7 PM, the start time of the party. Disney needs to figure out a better way of doing this. You can not allow P&P or any other hard ticket event holders to enter the park early without a regular ticket or AP, regardless of how many people you have coming in. It is the same as letting someone without a hard ticket remain after close.

Ah, but you think its wrong and that Disney needs to figure out a way of doing this but my guess is Disney disagrees with you and has for a few years now. So I guess to Disney it is NOT the same thing (party goers entering at 4:00p vs. non-party goers staying past closing time)

They do, indeed, allow party guests in after 4:00p with just their party ticket BUT they do NOT allow non-party guests to stay after official park closing time on party nights. That's the way it is and its been this way for a few years now. So I guess you disagree with Disney's current policy so I say email them and voice your concerns. That's what I did after attending last year's party.
This is why I think the OP is wrong... his story has changed, yet again.

First his wife was leaving the store at 7:45, therefore, he wouldn't be leaving the gates until almost 8.

In his recent post, he was on the monorail at 7:45.

First post: had a pastry and sat outside. (clearly in no hurry to get out at this point). Then his wife tried to buy postcards (and was denied and finally found a non-staffed entrance to go in).

Recent post: had a snack while she waited in line.

He has been to a hard ticketed event in the past, but yet didn't know he was expected to leave immediately when the park closed to non-wristbanded guests.

He claims they didn't know about the party, but from others who were there, it was painfully obvious.

there are more inconsistencies...

So - given that we know the OP has already changed his story, why would I believe him that the CM was 'rude' and 'uncultured' ? It sounds like she was doing her job. Maybe a bit forcefully, but since we weren't there, maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt. Given his twisting of the story, I'm not sure we can give him the benefit of the doubt. Personally, I think he was annoyed - read his tone. How do we know he didn't use that same attitude with the CM and then blamed her for being rude ? (yes, CM's can be rude, but for the most part...)

Whether or not you agree with the rules, what he did was against the rules and he was called on it. deal.
They do, indeed, allow party guests in after 4:00p with just their party ticket BUT they do NOT allow non-party guests to stay after official park closing time on party nights. That's the way it is and its been this way for a few years now. So I guess you disagree with Disney's current policy so I say email them and voice your concerns. That's what I did after attending last year's party.

Well I would if it applied to me...but not my battle, just my opinion. For me it is best to keep my money in my pocket and no longer attend the Hard ticket events. We had a bad experience with the MNSSHP and decided to just avoid them all together.
Told DW that I would wait outside until she was finished. This was when I was approached by the CM that mainstreet was closed. I was kind and told her the situation. DW was in line to get the ears stiched we would be leaving as soon as the sale was complete. She left for a couple minutes as we sat there. She came back and told us we had to leave immediatly. I kindly explained the situation again. She told me even though she was in the store that I would have to leave and she could catch up to me outside the park. What? I asked why the stores were not opened to regular guests like they have been in our previous visits? No explanation just another "you have to leave now". My DW comes out of the store and the CM was distracted by another guest w/o wristbands asking what was the party about. We headed toward the exit. We were probably just about to go under the train stop when the CM started running towards us to make sure we exited.

Take a look at it from the CM's and Disney's point of view. How many people do they ask to leave say that they are waiting for someone and then continue to hang around to soak up the ambiance and just use that as an excuse? I know that you feel you are entirely in the right to hang out after the park closes on a hard ticketed event but the policy is have regular guests leave and not hang around. You did try to knowingly circumvent that policy after you were told to leave even if it wasn't to participate in the event it was to stay in the park later than allowed. The CM did politely ask you to leave and left you alone. A few minutes later you were still there. At that point the CM told you to leave.

Your view was you would leave when your wife was done waiting in line for a purchase that she shouldn't have been making and that there is nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately that is against the rules and at that point in time you did know it. You were just able to get away with being in the store. The CM was just enforcing the Disney Policy and after an initial request the enforcement become stronger. If all they did was ask non ticketed guests to leave once how many more do you think would hang around.

At the end of the day its Disney's Park and their rules. If they want to treat regular guests and party guests differently then that is there decision. Getting mad at a CM for reinforcing a policy that you don't agree with doesn't make sense.
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