P & P Party Rant.

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This is why I think the OP is wrong... his story has changed, yet again.

First his wife was leaving the store at 7:45, therefore, he wouldn't be leaving the gates until almost 8.

In his recent post, he was on the monorail at 7:45.

First post: had a pastry and sat outside. (clearly in no hurry to get out at this point). Then his wife tried to buy postcards (and was denied and finally found a non-staffed entrance to go in).

Recent post: had a snack while she waited in line.

He has been to a hard ticketed event in the past, but yet didn't know he was expected to leave immediately when the park closed to non-wristbanded guests.

He claims they didn't know about the party, but from others who were there, it was painfully obvious.

there are more inconsistencies...

So - given that we know the OP has already changed his story, why would I believe him that the CM was 'rude' and 'uncultured' ? It sounds like she was doing her job. Maybe a bit forcefully, but since we weren't there, maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt. Given his twisting of the story, I'm not sure we can give him the benefit of the doubt. Personally, I think he was annoyed - read his tone. How do we know he didn't use that same attitude with the CM and then blamed her for being rude ? (yes, CM's can be rude, but for the most part...)

Whether or not you agree with the rules, what he did was against the rules and he was called on it. deal.

If you factor in asking the CM at Buzz at 6:58 if it was OK to ride then the latest time line really doesn't add up. My guess is the first one is more accurate.
I have to admit I didnt read all 200 posts so far, I did however read the OP 1st post. If you knew the park was closing at 7 pm why would you go in so late? Why would you then get a snack and linger and try to get into the shops that the CM's have told you are closed for a private event. Every inch of WDW is on video, perhaps the "Rude" CM had a ear piece and was told to escort the OP. You can never tell. But closing time is closing time, not doddle around and have a snack and buy gifts time. And if you really needed to buy a gift and the park is closed, um there is downtown disney and your resort gift shop too. They have postcards and stamps too
I particularly liked the part where he had to have another (wristbanded) guest buy his taffy for him since he wasn't allowed to do so. And this was after getting turned away at the first gift shop, and after the snack stop.

But before the ears-stitching wait.
Oh give me a break!!! Infringing on your park time? Park time lost? They dont have these events every night of the week. So if you were planning your trip, and not just showing up, youd realize P&P or MVMCP or MNSSHP was going on on Friday and Monday of your trip and on those days you should visit other parks. Why is that difficult for people to understand? Even if you MUST visit MK on that day, you could plan on heading over to MGM or Epcot for the evening around 6 or 7 o'clock. If you dont have a hopper, PLAN on enjoying your hotel room.

Why do people expect Disney to hold their hand, and then when they dont, they hold Disney accountable for their 'bad trip'?

Next time I go to MK and it closes at 7pm on Thursday and 12am on Friday, im gonna demand my money back for Thursday. Its not fair that people on Friday get to enjoy MK for 5 hours more then I got to!!!!! :rofl

Wow -- use extremes in arguments much?

I never said it was unfair -- just a bummer -- what is wrong with that? I never said Disney should not do it -- I have P & P tickets myself and am looking forward to it. The last time I went to WDW, the only day I could go to MK was grad nights so instead of leaving at 9 or 10, I had to leave at 7. I didn't cry about it or ask for my money back -- it was just a bit of a bummer. Not everyone goes for a whole week.

I also NEVER said that Disney should hold our hands -- just that we at the DIZ are Disney freaks -- it's what we do, and I have many friends who are well-intentioned and smart who have NO idea how complicated a Disney trip is and need some help in their planning. It usually takes a trip just to realize what's involved in terms of priority seatings, Fast Passes, EMH, character meet 'n' greets, finding spots for parades, efficient touring, transportation, hard ticketed events, etc. What is second nature to us is often overwhelming for the rookie and I sometimes find the DIS to be condescending to those who are new. This is not defending the OP, who pushed the envelope, but more of an attitudinal comment.

What is funniest is that my post (#174) was meant to be mostly a set-up for what I thought was a humorous idea of a 5th park devoted to hard-ticketed events (Monsters Inc. Memorial Day Madness, Pluto's Presidential Day Pandemonium). But no, outrage wins over levity.

But I will have my sweet, sweet revenge -- I have about 30-40 Fast Passes in my files that are leftover from my previous trips. This trip, I am going to bring them with me and USE THEM!! Mwahahahahah. That'll teach you ;)
Enough is enough. I have a supply of pitchforks and torches lets storm the castle. Take all the booty you can find but remember the beast is mine!!!! Sorry got carried away for a second there:3dglasses .
I think a simple compromise would be to open the gates to the P&P ticket holders 90 minutes before the event instead of 3 hours. That would reduce the amount of buildup at the gate for the OFFICIAL 7PM start time and at the same time wouldn't give the P&P ticket holders(who are not using a day ticket or AP) 3 "extra" hours in the park.

I'll move on now.:)
Enough is enough. I have a supply of pitchforks and torches lets storm the castle. Take all the booty you can find but remember the beast is mine!!!! Sorry got carried away for a second there:3dglasses .

:lmao: :lmao:
I have a regular ticket that entitles me to be there from open till 7 but I also have a hard ticket that entitles me to be there from 7 till close. How is taht infringing on your time? It is my time too.

Sorry...my turn with an attempt to lighten up this thread...after reading the the quoted post I cannot resist...

"But Mr. Hand, if you are here...and I am here..doesn't that make it our time?"
Sorry...my turn with an attempt to lighten up this thread...after reading the the quoted post I cannot resist...

"But Mr. Hand, if you are here...and I am here..doesn't that make it our time?"

I agree with you , Mr.Spiccoli, so I think that the whole class should share your Dole Whip.
In my continued fear of added events like Monsters Inc. Memorial Day Madness or Pluto's President's Day Pandemonium, I suggest that Disney create a 5th park called Partyland, USA devoted to these hard-ticketed events.

I for one, hope they add all these!! It helps during the slow months!

And OP, isn't the shop for stitching only next to Tony's? and you went from Casey's to next door and they did stitching in the store next door? Seems ya'll went in every shop you could....
Wow -- use extremes in arguments much?

I never said it was unfair -- just a bummer -- what is wrong with that? I never said Disney should not do it -- I have P & P tickets myself and am looking forward to it. The last time I went to WDW, the only day I could go to MK was grad nights so instead of leaving at 9 or 10, I had to leave at 7. I didn't cry about it or ask for my money back -- it was just a bit of a bummer. Not everyone goes for a whole week.

I also NEVER said that Disney should hold our hands -- just that we at the DIZ are Disney freaks -- it's what we do, and I have many friends who are well-intentioned and smart who have NO idea how complicated a Disney trip is and need some help in their planning. It usually takes a trip just to realize what's involved in terms of priority seatings, Fast Passes, EMH, character meet 'n' greets, finding spots for parades, efficient touring, transportation, hard ticketed events, etc. What is second nature to us is often overwhelming for the rookie and I sometimes find the DIS to be condescending to those who are new. This is not defending the OP, who pushed the envelope, but more of an attitudinal comment.

What is funniest is that my post (#174) was meant to be mostly a set-up for what I thought was a humorous idea of a 5th park devoted to hard-ticketed events (Monsters Inc. Memorial Day Madness, Pluto's Presidential Day Pandemonium). But no, outrage wins over levity.

But I will have my sweet, sweet revenge -- I have about 30-40 Fast Passes in my files that are leftover from my previous trips. This trip, I am going to bring them with me and USE THEM!! Mwahahahahah. That'll teach you ;)

Hi. Florida Resident. Annual Passholder. I live 1 hour away from the mouse. Im quite aware of how uninformed people can be about going to disney world. But this wasnt a 'Oh. Fast passes arent just for resort guests?' sort of rant.

There is a certain responsibility that comes with planning your trip, and realizing that you cant do everything, nor will everything go the way you want it to. It is not Disney's fault you chose to go during grad nights. I know you're not complaining!! I know it was just a bummer. But you used it to further your argumement. So I used it to further mine.

As far as things being hard for rookies. Well as they say in music 'No one cares that its hard' Study, put in the work and you too can have a streamlined vacation. Ignore signs, ask guests with wristbands to buy things for you, and break the rules, and then come on a message board and ask people to sympathize you, and you'll find out that the world is full of people who either agree or disagree. The majority of this thread disagree with the actions of this poster.

I didnt find the comment about a 5th park for parties funny, which is why i did not LOL. IMHO it would be a waste of a 5th park. Partyland? I think I have one of those, and they sell cheap halloween costumes and wedding utensils in bulk. I like the system as it is. Buy a special ticket, for a special event, at a park thats basically all to yourselves.

Im sure you were joking (again) but if you actually plan on using old fastpasses at the parks.... well. Thats another argument all together.

Thanks for your humor though.
I love posts 208 and 209!!!! Let's just go with that, shall we???:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
This is why I think the OP is wrong... his story has changed, yet again.

First his wife was leaving the store at 7:45, therefore, he wouldn't be leaving the gates until almost 8.

In his recent post, he was on the monorail at 7:45.

First post: had a pastry and sat outside. (clearly in no hurry to get out at this point). Then his wife tried to buy postcards (and was denied and finally found a non-staffed entrance to go in).

Recent post: had a snack while she waited in line.

He has been to a hard ticketed event in the past, but yet didn't know he was expected to leave immediately when the park closed to non-wristbanded guests.

He claims they didn't know about the party, but from others who were there, it was painfully obvious.

there are more inconsistencies...

So - given that we know the OP has already changed his story, why would I believe him that the CM was 'rude' and 'uncultured' ? It sounds like she was doing her job. Maybe a bit forcefully, but since we weren't there, maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt. Given his twisting of the story, I'm not sure we can give him the benefit of the doubt. Personally, I think he was annoyed - read his tone. How do we know he didn't use that same attitude with the CM and then blamed her for being rude ? (yes, CM's can be rude, but for the most part...)

Whether or not you agree with the rules, what he did was against the rules and he was called on it. deal.

I agree with you. His timeline keeps changing. Either way, he was still past the closing time and still trying to do something he was told he was not supposed to do.

People can argue unfairness and time infringement and such all they'd like, but the bottom line is this:
Disney allows hard ticket holders to enter three hours early
Disney does not allow non hard ticket holders to continue to stay past general closing time
That's it. Period, end of story.
Arguing and arguing about it won't change the fact that this is what Disney's policy is. If people have a problem with that policy, they need to take it up with Disney. But in the mean time, these are the rules/policies and regardless what one thinks of them, all guests are obligated to follow them.
I think Pedler said it best when he stated that it is The Mouse's House, therefore the Mouse's Rules. Problem is as usual is that there is the official posted rules, then there is what the Mouse will acually let you do. Can anyone post a policy stating that you can enter hard ticket events at 4pm? Disney's web site says P&P tickets are good from 7:30 to 12:30. That's the official rule. Also says park closes at 7pm, another official rule. Two stated policies, The Mouse chooses to enforce one, but not the other. Mickey's house, Mickey's right to do so, right? The moral of this story, the next time you see a family staying at POP parking at CR to enter P&P at 4pm, then using thier POP refillable mugs at CR while swimming in the pool and buying adult CS with their kids credits, remember it's the Mouse's decision which rules to enforce.
I think Pedler said it best when he stated that it is The Mouse's House, therefore the Mouse's Rules. Problem is as usual is that there is the official posted rules, then there is what the Mouse will acually let you do. Can anyone post a policy stating that you can enter hard ticket events at 4pm? Disney's web site says P&P tickets are good from 7:30 to 12:30. That's the official rule. Also says park closes at 7pm, another official rule. Two stated policies, The Mouse chooses to enforce one, but not the other. Mickey's house, Mickey's right to do so, right? The moral of this story, the next time you see a family staying at POP parking at CR to enter P&P at 4pm, then using thier POP refillable mugs at CR while swimming in the pool and buying adult CS with their kids credits, remember it's the Mouse's decision which rules to enforce.

I think when they enforce the rules, it should be Mickey himself who comes running up to you shaking his finger. :rotfl:

I wouldnt be scared of one of the Disney security guards, but i sure wouldnt want to dissapoint Mickey!!! :lmao:
Wow. I just spent WAY too much time reading this thread.

I haven't been to WDW in over 20 years. We'll be there in 3 months, and our first park day involves a Grad Night at MK. We're hitting MK that day anyway, as that's where I'd like to take the kids first. Knowing that it's Grad Night and having briefly read up on what that entails, I made dinner reservations at a resort for 7 PM. I figured during my planning that if an event was taking place at 7, our best move was to be OUT of the park by 6:30 or so at the latest. I didn't even know what a "hard ticket" event was until this month, lol - so I'm not a Disney know-it-all by any stretch of the imagination. Just seemed like common sense to clear out in ADVANCE of the private party for which they were closing the entire park - rather than to wander around until 45 minutes after the park closed.

This is simply one more example of how people, particularly in this country, feel a sense of entitlement regarding nearly every aspect of life. It's terribly unfortunate.
Wow. I just spent WAY too much time reading this thread.

I haven't been to WDW in over 20 years. We'll be there in 3 months, and our first park day involves a Grad Night at MK. We're hitting MK that day anyway, as that's where I'd like to take the kids first. Knowing that it's Grad Night and having briefly read up on what that entails, I made dinner reservations at a resort for 7 PM. I figured during my planning that if an event was taking place at 7, our best move was to be OUT of the park by 6:30 or so at the latest. I didn't even know what a "hard ticket" event was until this month, lol - so I'm not a Disney know-it-all by any stretch of the imagination. Just seemed like common sense to clear out in ADVANCE of the private party for which they were closing the entire park - rather than to wander around until 45 minutes after the park closed.

This is simply one more example of how people, particularly in this country, feel a sense of entitlement regarding nearly every aspect of life. It's terribly unfortunate.

:thumbsup2 Spot on!
This is simply one more example of how people, particularly in this country, feel a sense of entitlement regarding nearly every aspect of life. It's terribly unfortunate.

Yes!!!! That is what is so upsetting about reading this thread....people are defending this exact behavior and getting upset about the "behavior" of a CM that has not told their side of this story. We DO know what the OP's actions were by their FIRST post.:mad:
As far as things being hard for rookies. Well as they say in music 'No one cares that its hard'

I have been a professional musician for 15 years -- never heard that saying. We do say that it's not "show fun" it's "show business". Saying "no one cares that its hard" about someone going to WDW for the first time is kind of the condescension I see on this board.

The majority of this thread disagree with the actions of this poster.

As do I. My point is that we all have areas we do not know enough about -- be it diet, car engines, raising children, etc. Why are folks on this board snippy at people not knowing the whole "code" of Disney as rookies (which, I repeat, does NOT include the OP) -- I cannot stress this enough -- I am not supporting the OP!!

I didnt find the comment about a 5th park for parties funny, which is why i did not LOL. IMHO it would be a waste of a 5th park. Partyland?

It is a ridiculous idea -- therein lies the humour. I was hurt by your lack of LOL

Im sure you were joking (again) but if you actually plan on using old fastpasses at the parks.... well. Thats another argument all together.

I just might. Now, if you excuse me, I am about to print up 5,000 orange wristbands to sell at the Orlando Airport (they are orange this year, correct?) :)
Well said, Susan!!! We too will have our first day on a Grad Night, and will also go to MK on that day - also b/c we want our kids to be able to go there first. They take afternoon naps, so we'll only be there til 2 or 2:30 or so, then back at the Poly for the rest of the day - dinner at Kona, not a problem at all for us.

It just seems so simple - it's a hard ticket event, you choose not to buy that ticket, so leave the park before it starts and find something else to do!! Or, don't go to that park that day. Or, if the whole thing really bothers you, don't plan a trip when these events occur or don't go to Disney! I can understand if it bothers someone, and even if they vent here about it, more in the "abstract" - they just don't like the whole thing, or early admit to those ticket-holders or whatever. But, don't vent or complain after you've already broken the rules that you knew about and Disney just tried to enforce!
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