Our delicious Deluxe Dining Adventures! Lots of pics! Final thoughts - All Done!!

It's been a few years but we really loved our breakfast at Spoodles, so glad to hear it's still good!:thumbsup2

Glad you enjoyed it too!! Sounds like it hasn't changed much!

Just found your threat. Great reviews! I'm really enjoying them. Keep em coming :thumbsup2

Thanks!! :)

Man, that flatbread looks gooooo-oooooood!!! :hourglass

It really was!! I wish I could have some right now for breakfast, actually... :clown:

Yummo! Thanks for the delicious report on breakfast! We love their dinner, so it looks as though we'll be following in your footsteps again! Spoodles Breakfast, here we come!:thumbsup2

Yay! I'm glad I could help! :cheer2:

Breakfast at Spoodles looks really good. We've always enjoyed dinner there, but may have to give breakfast a go on our next trip.

Definitely! We really liked dinner there too, last time we went.

That breakfast flatbread looks really good. I can see why you changed your mind and got that at the last minute. We have never been to Spoodles, but now may have to pop over and try it.

The flatbread was great! I don't think I'd ever seen a photo of it here on the DIS, so I don't really know what made me order it... but luckily it was a good choice!! :thumbsup2

:rotfl: We're staying at BWV so I've been really looking forward to your Spoodles breakfast review. You've talked me into it, I think! Hooray for the trip report! :cheer2: Shoot me a PM when you decide to start it, ok? You two always get off Disney property and see stuff I haven't been able to talk my family into so I love to read about them. That looks wonderful. But I think I'm leaning toward the feta cheese frittata. :rotfl: Who am I kidding? I'd probably change my mind when I got there, too.

Yay! I'm glad I've talked you into Spoodles breakfast! It would be nice and close for you, too! I'm sure the feta cheese frittata was yummy too... Maybe you can have both and let me know what you thought. Hehee!

I'm loving your report! 'Ohana is our favorite! We are thining of going twice this trip. My dh and I will do the same thing when thinking where we want to go to dinner at times. We will say we wish we could go to 'Ohana but can't since it's only in Disney! I am very happy with the changes too. I didn't think I was going to be since I enjoyed the potatoes but the noodles are wonderful! My kids loved those and the dumplings/wontons.:thumbsup2

I'm glad you liked the 'Ohana changes too! I liked everything except the noodles, really. But it's such a fun place anyway! We considered going twice for dinner as well, but ended up going once for dinner and once for breakfast, just to mix things up a bit! :thumbsup2

fabulous reviews!! I was excited to see The Wave on your list! AND I did not know that Spoodles did breakfast!! So going to have to add that to my list! As well as Ohana for dinner. Only ever did breakfast there! Your food reviews have been a fabulous planning tool!! thanks a bunch!!

can't wait for more!!:cool1:

Thank you!! Glad I could be of help!! Have fun with your planning!!

Hmmmmm...that flatbread does look so very very good!! I can't wait to hear more!! I did Deluxe Dining and I loved it...so many restaurants and so little time LOL!!!!!

Great UPDATE!!

Thanks Jen... welcome back!! Are you going to do a dining report now?! :cheer2:

Next review coming up in a second!! :cool1:
Before I start my Boma dinner review, I'll tell you about some delicious snacks we tried that afternoon!

We had a fun day at the Kennedy Space Center, and arrived back at Disney at around 4pm. Our dinner wasn't until 8.20, so we decided to explore a couple of other resorts while we had some time. For a while in our planning, we seriously considered staying at Port Orleans Riverside instead of WL, just to save some money, so we were keen to check Riverside out. We also popped into French Quarter, just so we could buy some of these little beauties...


Beignets!!! Yum!! I'd heard lots about them and was excited to try them! I used a snack credit for the three of these, which I think is a bit of a bargain. :thumbsup2 And they were great! Very light and airy and delicious!!

We headed back to Wilderness Lodge after a while, and decided to grab some more snacks! Why not!? We weren't doing too well so far at spending 2 snacks a day! So DH grabbed a choc-chip cookie and I chose a packet of chips. :thumbsup2


We enjoyed these on our balcony with a refill in our mugs. Woohoo! Nice!

(Those chips are great, by the way! We don't have those exact ones in Australia and I was a bit addicted to them by the end of our stay!)
Very much enjoying your pics and reviews! I have got to try Spoodles on an upcoming trip. Every pic I've ever seen looks SO good, yours definitely no exception!

BTW, I love Lays Original, too. My fave chips by far!

Can't wait to see more!
That night we had our 8.20 ADR at... Boma!!


I had deliberately made this ADR quite late, because I wasn't sure what time we'd get back from Kennedy Space Center. But then I discovered something... the Golden Globes were on that night, and we would miss most of them! Oh no! I have a secret love of award shows. And a not so secret love for Brad Pitt, who was nominated. And we would miss it! Bummer!! I actually tried to change our ADR to an earlier time, but no such luck. I know, I know... I shouldn't be worried about missing the Golden Globes because we were at Disney World! And eating at Boma!! Silliness!

Anywho, the plan was to eat at a sensible pace and not shovel our food down, but also to... well... hurry up a little bit. Hehehee. So we arrived at AKL at around 8.10, and checked in at Boma 10 minutes early in the hope that we might be seated early. But alas! We ended up waiting 35 minutes to be seated. Oh nooooo. Not a good start to our hustle!! :sad2: It was really busy there that night, with lots of big groups waiting to be seated, as well as several couples like us waiting for their table.

But finally we were seated and met our server. He was a nice guy with a friendly face... and I was SURE I knew him from somewhere. Or in the least, he reminded me of someone famous. I spent nearly the whole night working out who he looked and sounded exactly like. I finally worked it out, and how's this for random!? He looked and sounded EXACTLY like Jack McKay, Dylan's dad from the original 90210! I was a massive 90210 fan back in the day. Here's Jack McKay, who looks exactly the same as our Boma server that night...


Anyway!! We ordered some drinks...


DH had a Corona, and I chose a Mudslide Martini, which was fabulous! I think it had Baileys, Kahlua and vodka mixed with ice-cream. Yum!!

We'd been to Boma in 2006 and really liked it, so we were looking forward to trying all the yummy food again! So we grabbed some plates and headed to the buffet. Here's my first plate...


(I like to keep my plate nice and tidy!)

This was a great little starter plate! From the top, clockwise, there is - Potatoes with Afritude, Flatbread, Pasta salad, Sundried tomato dip, then crispy flatbread. They were all fantastic! My favourite was probably the sundried tomato dip with the crispy flatbread. Mmmm!

Here's DH's first plate...


(He tends to just pile everything on in one go!)

Somewhere in there is - prime rib, chicken, macaroni & cheese, green salad, pasta salad, potatoes with afritude, and flatbread. There may have been more things hiding under there that we can't see!

He enjoyed everything too, especially the mac & cheese! That was his favourite! :confused3

I went back for seconds...


This time I chose some chicken curry stew, which was great! I also had some mac & cheese (on DH's suggestion!) and some chicken. Again, everything was fab and I really enjoyed all of it!

Then came dessert time! Here's my plate...


From the top, clockwise, there is - banana bread (with a creamy sauce), choc-chip cookie, fruit, pineapple upside-down cheesecake, and zebra domes. Mmm, mmm! My favourites were definitely the zebra domes. I'm sure they were better this time than in 2006! Creamy and light and ultra-tasty! The cheesecake was great too. The fruit was a bit hard and not quite ripe, but never mind - we had zebra domes, who needs fruit!?! :lmao:

And here's DH's plate...


From the top, he had - cookies, zebra domes, chocolate mousse, fruit, and a pineapple upside-down cheesecake. He really loved the chocolate mousse! That was his favourite food of the whole night, actually!

So that was Boma! We didn't end up rushing at all - the food was too good to rush through! I think we took around 50 minutes by the time we were seated.

I really like Boma. All the food is fresh and has a great assortment of flavours, which for a buffet, is a great achievement! There's definitely something for everybody. Our Jack McKay server was excellent and whisked away our plates as soon as we'd finished. We always had a full glass of water and he happily checked on us quite a few times to make sure we were finding everything okay. :thumbsup2

DH doesn't love Boma as much as me. He's never really told me why, but I think he's just not a huge fan of buffets in general. He seemed to enjoy all his food and loved dessert, but it's just not one of his favourites.

So, we give Boma 4 out of 5! :) :) :) :)

(I'd give it 5, and DH would give it 3, so a 4 is a happy medium!)

After dinner, of course we headed straight back to our room just in time to see Brad Pitt lose. Boooooo. We got to see about an hour of the Golden Globes all up. Oh well... there's always the Oscars!!! :cheer2:

Up next... Breakfast at 'Ohana! (Yep, we went back!!)
He looked and sounded EXACTLY like Jack McKay, Dylan's dad from the original 90210! I was a massive 90210 fan back in the day. Here's Jack McKay, who looks exactly the same as our Boma server that night...

:rotfl2: Another 90210 back-in-the-day fan! Hey, maybe it was him -- I haven't seen him in anything since the car bomb. ;)
Isn't he the guy that plays Roman Brady on Days of our Lives? Josh something? It sure looks like him.
Yummy....two more wonderful reviews!!! Love the pics! We have two breakfast must dos every trip - Boma and Spoodles. I think Spoodles is the best non-buffet b'fast on property! Never crowded and always good. :goodvibes

Keep 'em coming!!

(I like to keep my plate nice and tidy!)

Why does this not surprise me? :lmao:

My favourite was probably the sundried tomato dip with the crispy flatbread. Mmmm!

I loved that crispy flatbread, too, but my favorite was the black olive spread. All together it tasted kind of pizza-ish. Yum! I think the bread stuff was called Lavosh or something.

My favourites were definitely the zebra domes. I'm sure they were better this time than in 2006! Creamy and light and ultra-tasty!

It would be in my best interest not to divulge how many zebra domes I ate on my trip. :sad2:

He really loved the chocolate mousse! That was his favourite food of the whole night, actually!

That mousse was my DH's fave as well! :thumbsup2 He thought it was better than the gook inside the zebra domes. :confused3
Subscribing. Our Grand Gathering Group loved Ohana, it was our favorite on our DDP adventure. Boma was also high on our list. Your reviews are making me so excited about our trip back to WDW in Oct!! Thanks!:wave2:
Loving the reviews so far. We had a lovely server at Boma too - his name was Jeff and he took the time to sit at the table with us and explain everything. I love Boma - but hate trekking back & forth to the food!
Another great review!! Boma's looks so good...I'm determined sometime in the future to get some of those zebra domes...they look amazing!!

I'm not quite sure if I'm going to dining report or not...I'm working on my TR and including dining photos there so probably not...I'll just enjoy yours LOL

I am LOVIN' your reviews AussieAngel!Keep em coming!

We have booked and then cancelled our Boma ADR'S our last two vacations. I really want to try it, but I've always been scared I wouldn't like the food seasonings.As a rule, I am a mild food eater.But DH and our oldest DS love spice and hotness!
We may just jump in and give it a shot this next trip!
Very much enjoying your pics and reviews! I have got to try Spoodles on an upcoming trip. Every pic I've ever seen looks SO good, yours definitely no exception!

BTW, I love Lays Original, too. My fave chips by far!

Can't wait to see more!

Thanks! You definitely should try Spoodles!! And yay for Lays chips!! :cheer2:

:rotfl2: Another 90210 back-in-the-day fan! Hey, maybe it was him -- I haven't seen him in anything since the car bomb. ;)

Hehehee, 90210 was ace! I was definitely a Brandon girl over Dylan any day though! I saw that car bomb episode recently. Hilarious! Dylan screaming, "Noooooooo!!" Hehee. I shouldn't laugh.

Isn't he the guy that plays Roman Brady on Days of our Lives? Josh something? It sure looks like him.

Yes, it is him!! Josh Taylor! I looked him up on IMDB. Heh! Good work, Angelrose! You know your Days actors! :thumbsup2

Yummy....two more wonderful reviews!!! Love the pics! We have two breakfast must dos every trip - Boma and Spoodles. I think Spoodles is the best non-buffet b'fast on property! Never crowded and always good. :goodvibes

Keep 'em coming!!

Yay for Spoodles! We went to Boma for breakfast as well, later in our trip. It was good, but I liked Spoodles better. Glad you're enjoying the reviews, thanks for your nice comments!!

I loved that crispy flatbread, too, but my favorite was the black olive spread. All together it tasted kind of pizza-ish. Yum! I think the bread stuff was called Lavosh or something. It would be in my best interest not to divulge how many zebra domes I ate on my trip. :sad2:

Ooooh, I didn't try the black olive spread, bummer!! And tell us all how many zebra domes you ate! Go on, go on!!

Subscribing. Our Grand Gathering Group loved Ohana, it was our favorite on our DDP adventure. Boma was also high on our list. Your reviews are making me so excited about our trip back to WDW in Oct!! Thanks!:wave2:

I'm glad you're enjoying the reviews!! I loved 'Ohana and Boma too! You're going back in October, wow! Hope my reviews can be of some help!

Loving the reviews so far. We had a lovely server at Boma too - his name was Jeff and he took the time to sit at the table with us and explain everything. I love Boma - but hate trekking back & forth to the food!

I think that's why DH doesn't love Boma too - the trekking back and forth, I mean. I don't mind it! There's so much food to choose from! Thanks for popping in, Mrs Doubtfire!! (Love your name, by the way!)

Another great review!! Boma's looks so good...I'm determined sometime in the future to get some of those zebra domes...they look amazing!!

I'm not quite sure if I'm going to dining report or not...I'm working on my TR and including dining photos there so probably not...I'll just enjoy yours LOL


Thanks Jen! You've never tried a Zebra dome?! What a disaster!! You'll definitely have to try one next time!! I'll have to head over and check out your TR! :drive:

Great updates!:cheer2:


GREAT THREAD!!! Looking forward to more reviews! :hyper: :hyper:

Thank you! More reviews coming up soon!!

I am LOVIN' your reviews AussieAngel!Keep em coming!

We have booked and then cancelled our Boma ADR'S our last two vacations. I really want to try it, but I've always been scared I wouldn't like the food seasonings.As a rule, I am a mild food eater.But DH and our oldest DS love spice and hotness!
We may just jump in and give it a shot this next trip!

Oh no!! You definitely should try Boma! I don't find the food spicy at all. There are seasonings, but nothing too spicy or different. All the food on my plates were definitely mild in flavour, but delicious!! You should definitely give it a try!! ::yes::

Great review of Boma--and funny, too! :rotfl:

Heh! Thank you!! :joker:

Next review coming up!! :wave2:
The next day was our first big day at Universal Studios. I know, right!? We'd been at Disney World for 5 days and we'd only been to 2 Disney parks!! The reason? We still had our rental care and wanted to do all the "out of Disney" bits and pieces before we returned our car. So today, was Universal!

Before we left for Universal though, we had an early breakfast ADR at... 'Ohana!!

I know, I know. We'd already been to 'Ohana once this trip! But we loved it so much, we had made two ADRs! This time for breakfast, which we'd never tried before. Yay!

So this was a character breakfast with Lilo, Stitch, Mickey and Pluto. I really like the movie of Lilo and Stitch, but to be honest, Stitch annoys me. I love Lilo because she reminds me of little girl I taught last year, but I've just never been a Stitch fan! It would be cool to meet Mickey and Pluto, but I was a bit... meh... about meeting Stitch.

Anyway, we checked in at 7.30am for our ADR, and were seated straight away. I really don't remember anything about our server this time, so apparently she was okay!! Whoops!

Straight away, we were given some warm bread...


This was great bread! Soft and warm - some with a sugary glaze and some with icing. What could be wrong with that!? Yum!

We were also given some juice...


I'm pretty sure this was called Lilikoi juice - a mix of passionfruit, orange and guava juice. I really liked this juice, and so did DH. Very refreshing and tasty. :thumbsup2

Next up was our fruit plate...


Woohoo! I love watermelon, so I gobbled up most of the watermelon, while DH stuck to the pineapple. Juicy and fresh!

We were actually given two fruit plates. A different server came along and gave us one, then our original server arrived with another fruit plate. Hehee. She let us keep both anyway. Yay!

By this stage, Lilo and Stitch had started going around the tables, but hadn't quite reached us yet.

Lucky, because then came our big plate of goodies...


So there was sausages, bacon, breakfast potatoes, scrambled eggs and... ummmm... biscuits? I think you call them biscuits in the US! We call them scones. But either way, I didn't really like them. A bit dry for my taste!

But everything else was nice! The bacon was crispy and very tasty, the eggs were creamy and delicious, and the breakfast potatoes were kinda the same as everywhere else on Disney property. Still good though!! I don't think I ate the sausages either... I'm still not used to sausages for breakfast!

But we still weren't done! Because then came the Mickey waffles!!


Who doesn't love Mickey waffles!? They're so cute and happy! :cheer2:

So pretty soon, the characters started to come around in quick succession! First was Lilo...


She didn't spend a terribly long time with us, but she was fun and friendly. And she had an absolutely massive head for a little girl!!

And then came Stitch!


Stitch was quite hilarious!! Remember, we really weren't keen to see Stitch, but you know what? He ended up being our favourite character meet from our whole trip! He was bouncy and silly and fun! He stayed for quite a while at our table, pointing to our food and rubbing his belly. He gave me a big kiss on the cheek, and then played with DH's Hawaiian lei. See in the photo? I'm not really sure what Stitch was trying to do, but it looked like he was trying to strangle DH with the lei. Hehehehehee. We had a good laugh with Stitch!

Mickey was up next...


He gave me a kiss on the hand! Ooh la la! Kisses from Stitch and Mickey! I'm a lucky lady!! ;) Mickey was quite fun too, and seemed very Mickey-ish!

And lucky last was Pluto...


Now Pluto was... uhh... not very fun!! He wandered around aimlessly and posed for photos, but didn't really even wave or say hello in any way! He just mosied around, looking more like Eeyore than anybody else. DH and I had a little giggle watching him go around the tables. It was almost like they'd found a really tall grumpy old man from outside, and chucked him inside a Pluto suit. I don't know what was up with Pluto that morning, but he wasn't happy! Heh!

Pretty soon after that, it was time for the dancing! Woohoo! No, DH and I didn't dance. Heh. And either did Pluto, really. He just wandered around looking sad. I guess even Disney characters have their days!?

Stitch, on the other hand, was hilarious again. He was seriously getting his dancing groove on! Shake that thing, Stitch!! The dancing line went straight past our table, and as he danced past our table, he came right up to our table, stopped, and did a massive big shimmy right in front of us. Arms out wide, shaking his tummy and his bottom furiously. It was seriously, seriously funny! We loved Stitch!! He was awesome!!

Here he is, just before he stopped and shimmied in front of us...


I didn't get a photo of the actual shimmying because I was laughing too hard!! It was cute and cheeky and so very Stitch. With a little twist of adult humour in there too.

Anyway, thanks to Stitch, we had a great time at 'Ohana for breakfast! The food wasn't that fabulous really, but I really enjoyed the fresh fruit, juice and Mickey waffles. I had heard the eggs were the best of Disney property, but they didn't really taste any different to other scrambled eggs to me!? Eek!

We give 'Ohana breakfast 4 out of 5... :) :) :) :)
(It would have been 3 out of 5, but we gave an extra smiley for Stitch!)

Next up... lunch at Universal Studios, some snacks and California Grill!!
Great reviews again! :thumbsup2

Now, I thought that Ohana's only had traditional cooked breakfast foods (which I'm not a fan of) but Mickey Waffles - yumm!!! :goodvibes I think I'll try to add an early brekkie for our April Trip now! ::yes::
Great Reviews so far!! We are definitely going to do Ohana for breakfast (Youngest DD is a huge Stitch fan), and I'm still up in the air about a few places...but I have until next month to decide since our trip's in June. :)
Love the Dylan McKay reference! I was a HUGE 90210 fan too and gotta love soap net so I can relive my glory days!:rotfl2:


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