Other sources for golf carts?


DIS Veteran
Jan 6, 2000
Has anyone found any other sources for golf cart rentals besides FW and Golf Cart Enterprises? I'm betting there are probably other competitors out there. Maybe we can start a price war and get an exceptional deal...
somehow i do not see disney lowering there prices, they usually rent all of the carts they have. Not sure of any other cart dealers that rent in the area.

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board

<center><Font Color=ff0066><Font size=4>www.disneycampers.com
I checked into other places before we rented from GCE, and I couldn't find anyplace else for the same price that would deliver and pick up. In fact, the only other close place I could find told me that they don't rent for Fort Wilderness!! They said they used to, but the carts were coming back damaged so they refuse to rent to people going to FW anymore! Can you believe it? I asked GCE about that, and they said that they love renting to FW and that they've never had a problem!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator


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