oops Deleted message about free WDW cd-rom


Apr 8, 2001
Sorry I was trying to just delete the last reply I had made and ended up deleting the entire post.For some reason the link I have for the free cd isn't working but if you go to www.disneyworld.com you can order the cd. It is under vacation planning along with the free video.Sorry tink2dw and piratesmate for the oops.

It's not your fault yzma, blame it on the server not serving. The same thing happened to me on a SeaWorld post. REALLY, I was just trying to delete my own rather unfriendly post, not the inane, offtopic one that prompted it. Anyway, if the Moderators, feel it was worthwhile, they'll bring the other ones back. Yours is gone but the others, may return :)
I ordered the CD but they sent me another video. Same thing happened to my sister. Has anyone received the CD?

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