Ooo I'm really scaredd! A Sept '13 TR! updates x 4 10/13!

Another missed opportunity for showing off your muscles! :lmao: DQ (which I keep reading as Dairy Queen in my head!) looks like a lot of fun, but I'm not sure we're ready to take the girls in yet.

I would have loved to see the step dancers! Our oldest took classes for a few months but it just wasn't her thing. They both take ballet now and Hannah gets to try tap also, which she loves! Of course, the NOISIEST type of dance will be the one she does. :laughing:

Your dinners look great--especially Chris' creme brûlée! Sounds like a busy, but great!!, start!
Thank you SO MUCH for the overview of Disney Quest. For someone who's been to Disney a ton, I've never set foot in there, so it's so great to get an idea of what it's all about. Still not sure it's my thing, but I still imagine I will try it out one day.

Ahh, so glad you got your party tickets separated. :thumbsup2 It sure does pay to be informed. I shudder at how many people wouldn't know to do that and end up with a messy situation. :scared:
Looks like a great night! You got through a ton of games at DQ.

I'm glad you got your tickets all worked out, then you could relax.

Your dinners all look really good, I'm glad you liked it there. Nice that you were able to have dinner with Chris's dad too!

I really like your Test Track pin and your bowling PINS!
Hi! I was pretty content just sitting here following along without commenting, bc I'm fairly new at this, but I have to comment today because your last post about Paradiso 37 made me add it to my list of ADR's!! It's so hard finding places to eat because my fiance is super picky, but I showed him this menu and he is looking forward to it as much as I am now, so THANK YOU!! :worship:

This is a great TR so far! I'm very much enjoying it! Can't wait to see what's next!
I can't believe in all the times I've been to disney I've never been to Disney Quest! Thanks for the report, I didn't realize there was that much cool stuff to do there! I have 16 pluses or something ridiculous like that from old non expiration park hoppers I might have to go check it out one of these trips!

That creme burlee looks delicious!

I love your TT pin so cute!! I just got my trader pins in the mail for my next trip I can't wait to start trading again, SO addicting!
Man, I literally just swapped our Paradiso 37 reservation for something else last week, and now I'm regretting that a bit! Those shrimp and corn cakes look soooooooooooooooooooooo good!! The atmosphere sounds super nice as well!
Hey everyone!

I just wanted to stop in really quickly to say THANK YOU to everyone who is reading and/or commenting along! I really appreciate it! :hug:

I also just wanted to say that I haven't abandoned this report! I briefly mentioned the job situation earlier and, as I knew was going to happen, I was laid off. There's basically been a whole bunch of state/political/insurance DRAMA going on and the company has been laying off the whole department (the latest layoff was of 553 people across the 5 boroughs :furious:).

Long story short, I've been working part-time at a pharmacy just to keep some income coming in && have been fitting interviews in around that. I'm actually finishing orientation (with a 3 hour test!) tomorrow for a per diem position so fingers crossed I do well!

I'm trying my hardest to catch up on everyone's TRs and on my own! I have legit 4 TRs open from readers that I want to read and have started but can't catch up!

PLEASE just keep sending pixie dust this way and I hope to get back on track with the Dis this weekend!

Thank you again and Happy Halloween!

Life is hard, very hard. But I know you'll push through and come out on top!
Take the time you need and hope you ace it :D
Thinking of you Courtney. Hang in there, we'll be here when you're ready.
Oh sweetie!!!! i'm so sorry about the job situation :hug: Hugs and Pixie dust are coming your way!

I just got caught up on everything. I've never done Disney Quest but your update about it makes me want to go SO BAD! I had no idea it was that interactive! I always imagine an arcade like the ones I find at the beach in my local town. I couldn't understand the big draw to go there.... however now I'm thinking DH and I should check it out!

I'm glad you had a nice dinner with DBF and his dad too... the food looked wonderful!

Keep your chin up and PM me if you need to vent or chat!
Oh my gosh that mac and cheese looks delicious!!
I can't wait to read all about your MNSSHP experience; I've always wanted to go and next year I am determined to.
Fingers crossed for your nursing career, I know how hard it can be when you have to grow up. Peter Pan had the right idea there.
Fix it Felix!!! So cool!!

I'm happy you got the MNSSHP tickets situation resolved quickly!

I'm glad Paradiso was a hit. Your meal looks SO delicious! (Your dessert did too!)

And I love those villains bowling pin pins! I discovered them towards the end of my trip and ended up with 2 (cruella being one of them)!

It was a lot of fun!

I'm glad too. I was fearing for the worst with the tickets!

The bowling pins are so cute!

Awe man, I feel like that pirates game would be so fun, lol, even with only two people, like trying to do it all would be hilarious! Lol Yay for the disneyquest stuff, a lot of it sounds pretty cool and definitely something nice to do!

Oh no!! I hope your nose was okay! Those things HURT to the face!

I thought I’d seen the RR dancers out side the restaurant before!! Ugh, DTD in the evening is just a MESS now, and I haven’t heard great things of the parking, luckily I don’t drive…bahaha

Is it only guest relations at DTD that can unlink? I got all experimental with our tickets and was trying to remember if you could get fast passes during mnsshp, so I linked one pair of our tickets for next week to the bands to see if I could book a fp plus bahaha. Oops! Whatever, it was for the arrival night anyways!

AHH THE NO DANCING PIN!! So glad you got it, and the character locater one too! I found that one that trip tooooo! Sounds like a good dinner, I still have to check out that place, there’s so much more I want to do around DTD.

:rotfl2: I'm sure if anyone was watching/photographing us with the Pirates game, we'd look unbelievably silly.

Disneyquest was a lot of fun. I probably wouldn't go out of my way to go on a shorter trip or pay extra for it if we didn't already have the WPAM option (or the package vouchers), but I enjoyed it and I would definitely go back!

Ugh it did hurt! I was just glad there was no blood/serious injury!

Yeah, I'm a new driver and parking is literally my worst nightmare! Chris' dad said he didn't have too much trouble finding a spot but he was trying to ask where to park to be closest to the West Side and he said the guy was completely NOT helpful.

This answer is wayyy too late to help you now :rotfl: but they said I could go to any Guest Relations desk to do it! I chose DTD because I didn't know how long of a process it would be and didn't want to waste time on our park days!

Another missed opportunity for showing off your muscles! :lmao: DQ (which I keep reading as Dairy Queen in my head!) looks like a lot of fun, but I'm not sure we're ready to take the girls in yet.

I would have loved to see the step dancers! Our oldest took classes for a few months but it just wasn't her thing. They both take ballet now and Hannah gets to try tap also, which she loves! Of course, the NOISIEST type of dance will be the one she does. :laughing:

Your dinners look great--especially Chris' creme brûlée! Sounds like a busy, but great!!, start!

:rotfl2: I don't know what's wrong with me. I need to start paying more attention to these opportunities!

I think a lot of Disneyquest is definitely geared towards older kids. I mean, there is some that is directly aimed at the younger kids but I'd agree with saving it until they're older.

:rotfl: Tap was my FAVORITE when I was little. I mean, how often do adults willingly give you noisy shoes?!

Thank you SO MUCH for the overview of Disney Quest. For someone who's been to Disney a ton, I've never set foot in there, so it's so great to get an idea of what it's all about. Still not sure it's my thing, but I still imagine I will try it out one day.

Ahh, so glad you got your party tickets separated. :thumbsup2 It sure does pay to be informed. I shudder at how many people wouldn't know to do that and end up with a messy situation. :scared:

No problem! Glad you appreciated it! It is fun and I'd go again but definitely only on a longer trip and if we already had the extra WPAM admissions. If I had to pay separately for it, I can't say that I would.

I agree! I know it's tough to keep ALL of the CM's on the same page, especially during a test but I started to get so frustrated with the different answers I kept getting to questions. Especially when the answers were things I knew were wrong. If I hadn't already done my own research, :eek:
Looks like a great night! You got through a ton of games at DQ.

I'm glad you got your tickets all worked out, then you could relax.

Your dinners all look really good, I'm glad you liked it there. Nice that you were able to have dinner with Chris's dad too!

I really like your Test Track pin and your bowling PINS!

It was a great first night!

Yeah, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it until it was sorted out so I'm glad we did.

It was a nice treat to be able to meet up with him for dinner. I kept telling Chris if we move to Orlando, we could do things like that all the time! :rotfl:

Hi! I was pretty content just sitting here following along without commenting, bc I'm fairly new at this, but I have to comment today because your last post about Paradiso 37 made me add it to my list of ADR's!! It's so hard finding places to eat because my fiance is super picky, but I showed him this menu and he is looking forward to it as much as I am now, so THANK YOU!! :worship:
This is a great TR so far! I'm very much enjoying it! Can't wait to see what's next!

AH Welcome! I'm glad you were enjoying reading along but I'm even happier that you joined in and commented! :wave2:

It makes me so happy that my review helped you! I'm constantly choosing where we should eat on trips from other people's TRs and it makes me so glad that I could do the same for someone else!

When is your trip?! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did! :goodvibes

I can't believe in all the times I've been to disney I've never been to Disney Quest! Thanks for the report, I didn't realize there was that much cool stuff to do there! I have 16 pluses or something ridiculous like that from old non expiration park hoppers I might have to go check it out one of these trips!

That creme burlee looks delicious!

I love your TT pin so cute!! I just got my trader pins in the mail for my next trip I can't wait to start trading again, SO addicting!

Wow that's so many passes! You definitely should check it out-- there was a ton of fun stuff to do!

Oh gosh-- it is SO addicting. I didn't do any trading on our first two trips because I knew I'd get hooked but I gave in this time!

Man, I literally just swapped our Paradiso 37 reservation for something else last week, and now I'm regretting that a bit! Those shrimp and corn cakes look soooooooooooooooooooooo good!! The atmosphere sounds super nice as well!

There are SO many good places to eat in Downtown Disney! It's so hard to choose! I don't know what we'll do next time because we really enjoyed Paradiso 37 and would enjoy going back but I also want to try new places too!
Life is hard, very hard. But I know you'll push through and come out on top!
Take the time you need and hope you ace it :D

Thank you so much. I read your post when you posted it and it actually helped me stay optimistic through the rest of my day, so thank you again! :goodvibes

Thinking of you Courtney. Hang in there, we'll be here when you're ready.

Thank you so much! :goodvibes

Keeping you in my thoughts. We will be here when you are ready to continue!!

Thank you! pixiedust:
Hope everything goes well!!!

Thank you! :goodvibes Do you have a trip in a few days?! That's so exciting!

Oh sweetie!!!! i'm so sorry about the job situation :hug: Hugs and Pixie dust are coming your way!

I just got caught up on everything. I've never done Disney Quest but your update about it makes me want to go SO BAD! I had no idea it was that interactive! I always imagine an arcade like the ones I find at the beach in my local town. I couldn't understand the big draw to go there.... however now I'm thinking DH and I should check it out!

I'm glad you had a nice dinner with DBF and his dad too... the food looked wonderful!

Keep your chin up and PM me if you need to vent or chat!

Thank you so much for the good thoughts. I really appreciate it! pixiedust:

I was never that sure what it was all about either but I'm glad we decided to check it out! I'm not big on arcades either but there was a lot of interactive and fun stuff in DQ!

Oh my gosh that mac and cheese looks delicious!!
I can't wait to read all about your MNSSHP experience; I've always wanted to go and next year I am determined to.
Fingers crossed for your nursing career, I know how hard it can be when you have to grow up. Peter Pan had the right idea there.

Ah the macaroni and cheese was so good! :lovestruc

I really LOVED MNSSHP. I'm hoping to make it back next year-- I hope you do go, it's amazing!

Thank you so much! I'm so not a fan of this growing up business!

I'm so sorry about the job situation :( Keeping my fingers crossed and sending pixie dust your way! :hug:

Thank you so so much! pixiedust:
Hey everyone! Firstly, I just want to sincerely thank all of you for your good wishes and kind words. I honestly can't express how much it helped me to deal with the last few stressful weeks.

In a brief real life update, I've been working in a per diem position which I honestly wasn't a huge fan of. However, on Thursday, I interviewed with a company I had interviewed with previously and was offered and accepted a full-time position! The office is literally a 2 minute drive from my house which is exciting! :cheer2:
Wednesday, September 11th

We woke up bright and early to start our first park day! We were up at 7 am and got ready and headed down to the food court for a quick breakfast.

Confession now: I didn't take pictures of our breakfast most days. They were always pretty routine and honestly, I'm just not awake enough until I have my diet coke!

I seem to remember waiting a while for a bus but regardless, we arrived at Hollywood Studios at 8:45 am.

DSCN2870 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Apparently I was so excited to be at a park that I could only take blurry pictures. :rotfl:

When we got there, DHS was already open which I had expected. I was a little upset because I wanted to get there before parking opening but it actually worked out really well because we didn't have to wait on a line to get in.

We used our Magicbands to enter with no problems. Chris went to get a locker for his cooler bag with his food and I did some pin trading!

We didn't make it too far until it was time for our first photopass pictures of the trip!

Photo0002FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0004FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0006FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2871 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I honestly wasn't that impressed by photopass on this trip. Ever since we've gotten back from our first trip, I've told everyone how great photopass and photopass+ are but I was a little disappointed this time. I mean, I like the photos we did get but I had a lot more problems with the website this time, a lot of my pictures were missing, and I felt like there were less photographers in the parks, especially in Hollywood Studios.

Anyway, we were quickly making our way to our next destination.

IMG_2278 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Goodddd morning Sunset Blvd!

IMG_2280 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I instagrammed this picture to show just how crazy crowded it was this morning.

DSCN2872 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2874 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Annddd after all that build-up, Tower of Terror was DOWN. Boo. I grabbed us some paper FPs for later and the CM was all "Um don't you have FP+ on your magicband already" and made me feel like I was doing something wrong. Oh well. We moved right along!

DSCN2875 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I was afraid we'd find some crowds here since ToT was down but nope!

DSCN2877 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2878 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We walked right on up!

DSCN2879 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Some pre-show selfies.

IMG_2281 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

After our nice high-speed limo ride to the Aerosmith concert, there were no more questions whether or not we were awake yet!

I was upset to learn the ride photo machines weren't up yet. Technology was not on our side this morning!

After checking to see if ToT was running yet (it wasn't), we set off for our next destination.

IMG_2282 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

On our way, we saw PLUTO! He was coming out for his next set which meant no wait so we were headed for our first character interaction of the trip!

YAY hugs!

Photo0007FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0009FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

He's so cute! And I love the little backstage pass name tag he was wearing!

Photo0012FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0014FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We continued on to our real destination which was to the Writer's Stop. I knew that Marty Sklar was doing a book signing there and wanted to try to meet him.

And then.

We got there. And the line was halfway down the Streets of America. We made the decision not to wait. I was sad because I had been looking forward to it but it was literally outside in the full sun and I had no way of knowing how much time it would take and this was our only full Hollywood Studios day.

So on we moved. To the highest priority attraction in the park.

The Great Movie ride it was. :rotfl2: It was there and so were we and we had no real destination at the moment.

DSCN2880 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2881 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2882 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We were literally the only ones walking through the queue. So I took alllll the pictures I wanted!


DSCN2883 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Somehow we wound up with enough people to put us at the back of the boat.

DSCN2885 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN2886 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2286 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I'm singingggg in the rain!

IMG_2287 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2288 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2289 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2291 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2292 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2293 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2294 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Cue the gangster scene.

IMG_2296 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2297 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I really wanted to ask for the cowboy scene but then I forgot. Plus, it was so early and empty that I wasn't even sure if they'd have both going!

IMG_2298 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2299 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2300 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2302 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I'm pretty torn on whether or not I'd like it if the Great Movie Ride was updated. On one hand, I feel like I'd enjoy it more if it had more movies I've seen. But on the other, I really think part of what makes it fun is that it's based on all the old movies.

IMG_2315 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2317 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Oh yay! She's alive!

IMG_2318 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2329 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I'm sorry but can any of you believe that Chris has never seen the Wizard of Oz?! I didn't think it was even possible!

IMG_2330 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2333 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2334 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2336 by RN Courtney, on Flickr


Our Dreams Unlimited Travel Agents will assist you in booking the perfect Disney getaway, all at no extra cost to you. Get the most out of your vacation by letting us assist you with dining and park reservations, provide expert advice, answer any questions, and continuously search for discounts to ensure you get the best deal possible.


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