Ooo I'm really scaredd! A Sept '13 TR! updates x 4 10/13!

Nah... There are MUCH worse DISers than you. :rotfl2: Seriously though, I think you just gave a perfect excuse, my goodness!! That is some serious hours.
... Now just don't let it happen again. :)

Hahaha, I love it when CM's have the perfect answer to a little kid's question. So cute.

Wow I guess it's been a while since I've seen Ralph meet photos that I almost forgot how HUGE he is.

All these September TR's are making me long for a September trip... which is pretty much gonna happen. A little scared of the heat though.

Wow, looking at your photos of BatB really makes you realize just how much Disney puts into their shows. There's a reason why they're the best at what they do.
Mulingaround is still following you too!
Ok... am I the only one who thinks the Vanellope m&g looks REALLY creepy?? Scares the bejeezus outta me!
i'm still here! you're so thoughtful to have posted updates on my birthday!! i'm sure you did that just for me, right? :rotfl2:

we loved the ralph meet and greet! we adore that movie! I may have been more excited than the girls were..... and we just saw beauty and the beast for the first time this trip. we were late and had to sit way up at the top of the bleachers, but we LOVED it!

I hope you're doing ok with that new work schedule!
Hi, I just read your entire TR and thought I would let you know I am reading along. We were a disney in the middle of your dates as well, the 11th-17th.
I am happy you were able to get work, I went to respiratory school. It took me exactly 10 months until i found a job, it was horrible. The job It is perfect, full time days but had one giant downfall! I had to move 5 hours away which wasn't bad since it was 3 hours from Disney but as a single mom I have no family or friends well I have made a few friends but I really trying to move back home and give up the almost perfect job.I am pretty much trying to get anything back home but they are not many respiratory jobs as they are nurses in Georgia. If only I had this job in my hometown!
Courtney your work schedule sounds brutal! Hang in there.

Love your Ralph and Vanelope pics, they're lots of fun aren't they?

You got some really great PP pics in front of ToT too!

Thanks for the kind words! It is brutal but I think I'm doing well so far!

They were tons of fun! I loved it!

I love love love BATB. I'm so sad because the Broadway regional touring show is coming and I really wanted to take my daughter to go see it, but I'm working both nights its here. (I have to have about a 3 month advanced notice in order to ask off.) Congrats on thinking about going back to school. I vote for Pharmacy school. I think your Masters in Nursing is great if you want to teach, otherwise, I just think its a lot of stress. But I know you'll make the right decision!

Aw that is sad! That's A LOT of advanced notice for a day off! :scared:

Thanks for the thoughts and kind words! I think I'm leaning towards pharmacy school for now but I'm still thinking!


Awwe, that line for Ralph not signing is precious! Oh my gosh I LOVE that first photo of you guys, it’s amazing!! Looks like such a great meet with them!! Oh my gosh there are so many more pp borders that we totally didn’t get! Love them!

Awesome beauty and the beast pictures!! Obviously I love that show, and lots of pictures of it! Lol

Thanks! I'm so happy too! You've only had approximately 100 trips while I was gone! :rotfl2:

It was tons of fun! I love them!

Welcome back! You certainly aren't the worst Diser! Working 2 full-time jobs must be so difficult but I'm glad you're adjusting and more importantly enjoying them!

What a cute Wreck It Ralph autograph card! I'm bummed we didn't have time to meet them on our trip. All the pictures came out SO cute!

OMG how did you get those amazing PP borders on your pics in front of ToT?! I didn't see ANY of those for my pics, I'm so jealous!

Great Beauty & the Beast pics! It really is hard not to take 100 photos of that show ;)

Thank youu!!

The PP borders are so strange! The options are there and then not there! It drives me crazy!
Hi Courtney! I'm still here... glad to see you back! :goodvibes Sounds like you've definitely been working hard!

Meeting Ralph and Vanellope looks like so much fun! Does Ralph do a stamp in the autograph book like Buzz?

Love all of the Beauty and the Beast pictures! My daughter, Mallory, is going to absolutely adore watching that show in September.

Thanks for still being here! :goodvibes

It is tons of fun! He doesn't but they were giving out adorable little autograph cards!

Still here too!! Great updates!

Yay! Thanks for sticking with me! :goodvibes

Nah... There are MUCH worse DISers than you. :rotfl2: Seriously though, I think you just gave a perfect excuse, my goodness!! That is some serious hours.
... Now just don't let it happen again. :)

Hahaha, I love it when CM's have the perfect answer to a little kid's question. So cute.

Wow I guess it's been a while since I've seen Ralph meet photos that I almost forgot how HUGE he is.

All these September TR's are making me long for a September trip... which is pretty much gonna happen. A little scared of the heat though.

Wow, looking at your photos of BatB really makes you realize just how much Disney puts into their shows. There's a reason why they're the best at what they do.

I'm trying really hard not to! I also have your TR open in a tab to start reading so one of these days I'll catch up!

He is huge! But so cuddly! :rotfl2:

It was hot but the amazingness of September makes up for it! I REALLY want to go back this September but I don't know if it's gonna happen.

You are so right! And the fact that those are shows that are done multiple times a day in the parks makes it more amazing! I can't wait to see Aladdin on broadway cause I'm sure it's gonna be beyond awesome!

i'm still here! you're so thoughtful to have posted updates on my birthday!! i'm sure you did that just for me, right? :rotfl2:

we loved the ralph meet and greet! we adore that movie! I may have been more excited than the girls were..... and we just saw beauty and the beast for the first time this trip. we were late and had to sit way up at the top of the bleachers, but we LOVED it!

I hope you're doing ok with that new work schedule!

Thanks for still being here! :rotfl: I totally did that on purpose! Happy very belated birthday now!

Hi, I just read your entire TR and thought I would let you know I am reading along. We were a disney in the middle of your dates as well, the 11th-17th.
I am happy you were able to get work, I went to respiratory school. It took me exactly 10 months until i found a job, it was horrible. The job It is perfect, full time days but had one giant downfall! I had to move 5 hours away which wasn't bad since it was 3 hours from Disney but as a single mom I have no family or friends well I have made a few friends but I really trying to move back home and give up the almost perfect job.I am pretty much trying to get anything back home but they are not many respiratory jobs as they are nurses in Georgia. If only I had this job in my hometown!

Aw thanks for reading! :goodvibes I have your TR open to start reading! I love finding people who were there at the same time!

It is so terrible trying to find a job after graduating. It's really disheartening and I hope it changes soon! Congrats on finding a great job but wow 5 hours away is CRAZY. I considered the idea of moving to an area with more job opportunities but picking up and moving to an area where I don't know anyone terrified me too much! I give you MAJOR credit for doing it especially as a single mom!!

I hope you find an opportunity closer to home soon! :goodvibes

I can't believe that once again it's been a month since I updated. I hope all of you are faring well with the snowpocalypse we've been having. And those of you who live in unaffected areas, please keep it to yourself. :beach: Just kidding.

Kinda. I'm starting to think a move to California should be in my immediate future.

Anywho, those of you who follow me on Instagram have seen snippets of my last month. Those of you who don't, should ! :rotfl2:

I turned 24 (Which is still scary for me to say) and officially have dates for our next trip to WDW! (unless I manage to sneak a September trip in. I'm still not giving up hope!) January 6- 13 or 14th, we will be there and hopefully some of you will too! My little sister and perhaps a friend of hers will be joining us and it's about 96.32% certain we will be staying at the Beach Club! Aka my dream resort. No big deal, I'm just dying! Only 325 short days left.

In the meanwhile, I'm headed back up to Buffalo for another work trip tonight and so far, our flight is already an hour delayed so that's fun. Hopefully I get these updates out before I have to go!
So we left off almost at the end of BatB because apparently I never learned how to properly conclude my updates?

After that hiatus, Gaston now continues his attack on the castle

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That moment when you really start to dislike Gaston.

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Ah true love!

DSCN2968 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

So at this part of the movie, every time I worry that the Beast is gonna really die. Am I the only one?

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Ah the prince! (He would make a REALLY good long lost friends week character to meet!)

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Time to celebrate!

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And all is right with the world again.

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DSCN2985 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

After an, always amazing, show, it was time for our first FP+ adventure!

So we headed off!

IMG_2406 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

3 guesses where we were headed (and the first 2 don't count!)

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On our way we passed a Frozen billboard!

DSCN2988 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

(btw I'm now OBSESSED with Frozen. It's amazing and the music is awesome & I loved Idina Menzel to begin with and now I love her even more. I listen to the soundtrack daily and have watched the movie at least 10 times now && I was reading that they're developing a Broadway show for it which I will die when it comes out!)

Getting closer.

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If any of you didn't guess right, TSMM it was!

DSCN2990 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Our FP+ time was like 12:10 to 1:10 I believe and we got there at 12:20!

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I lost.

IMG_2407 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I'm pitiful at these things. But who cares, I had a ton of fun anyway!

IMG_2410 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

If any of you identify yourself as the 409,000 scorer, please teach me your ways.

IMG_2412 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2414 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

After our fun with the toys, it was high time to meet some Monsters! I had heard that this meet was a lot more crowded since the MU takeover happened, so I was hoping we wouldn't hit too much of a wait.

IMG_2415 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

The verdict? There was definitely more of a wait than in January (when there was no wait at all) but nothing to be alarmed about either!

IMG_2416 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Right after we got in line, they took a bathroom break (and so did Chris for that matter!)

IMG_2417 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

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Love all the MU additions to the decor!

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About 10 minutes later (including their break!), it was our turn to meet our favorite monsters!

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Photo0049FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Clearly the zoom on this was a little off...

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I was very excited to show them my Oozma Kappa shirt but they only made brief note of it and posed for the picture. Oh well.

We were on our way.

We headed off down the Streets of America.

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We stopped in ABC Commissary for some much needed air conditioning and a bit of a break. Our ADR was approaching and I was a little hungry but didn't want to eat much so I just paid out-of-pocket for a side order of fries and I'm pretty sure Chris just had a protein shake but I could be wrong.

After a nice 20 minute rest, we were on our way again.

We saw Stitch heading off somewhere!

IMG_2419 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I'm pretty sure I was checking out the little pin store under the hat and then we were off to Star Tours!

IMG_2420 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We skipped this ride in January as neither of us really know much about Star Wars so we were excited to experience it again.

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I couldn't even venture a guess at what the plot of our journey was so I'm not even gonna try. We did very much enjoy the ride though, so that's what counts right?

After our journey through space with the rebel spy, it was back to Sunset Boulevard for us!

Our first stop was some PP pictures of course!

Photo0057FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Don't we look terrified?

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Then we were on our way. We had a concert to go to!

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& apparently the people in front of us didn't survive the ride?

Photo0058FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

As per usual in our ride photos, I'm reacting & Chris is just chillin' there.

Photo0059FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

And then it was time for a ride in our favorite terrifying hotel!

Photo0060FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

The poor little girl next to us was SO excited before the ride started & then she was scared to death!

Photo0061FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

After the rides, we really had no plans of what to do but I quickly decided we were off to meet the main mouse! There had been a really long line before and we decided to head over to BATB instead but it's just not a trip to Hollywood Studios if you don't meet Sorcerer Mickey, so off we went!

The line was still kinda long but we had nowhere to be so we waited. Well, I waited while Chris sat and waited for me to get closer to the front to rejoin me.

Photo0062FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0064FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0066FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

On our way out of the building, I spotted this sign that I loved!
IMG_2421 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

The picture didn't come out so great unfortunately.

We went into that gift shop by the Animation Building to poke around (and enjoy some air conditioning) and I found a friend that I HAD TO HAVE. So of course, Chris was given the honor of purchasing him for me.

IMG_2422 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Isn't he adorable?! I love him.

Then it was time to head off to our ADR!

IMG_2424 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I feel like this restaurant is completely hidden out of the way. Like, if I didn't know what I was looking for, I don't think I'd ever find it!

Anyways, our ADR was for 3:45 and we showed up right about then.

IMG_2425 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We waited about 15 minutes to be seated and the waiting area was pretty crowded. I'm still not sure why cause when we were seated, as you can see, the place was pretty empty.

IMG_2426 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I thought it was pretty cute inside!

Chris was unconcerned with his atmosphere.

IMG_2427 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Yummy bread!

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Since we did the Fantasmic Dining Package, we got appetizers included with the DDP.

I debated between the Caesar salad and the mozzarella and tomatoes cause I love them both but I'm pretty picky about my tomatoes so I decided to go with the Caesar salad.

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Pretty basic but I love Caesar salad so it worked.

Chris ordered the Mixed Greens Salad - with fresh tomatoes, cucmbers, artichoke hearts, shaved Sopressata, and red wine-oregeno vinaigrette $7.49 with dressing on the side.

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He said it was pretty good and when I asked for elaboration, he told me it was a salad. Well. Sorry guys, I tried.

For our entrees, I got Penne alla Vodka - with Pancetta and Sweet Onions finished with Tomato-Basil Sauce, Cream, Vodka, and Pecorino Romano $16.99 with shrimp.

It's basically my favorite thing to eat ever and it didn't disappoint!

DSCN3012 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Chris got the Charred Strip Steak - with five-cheese baked macaroni, aged balsamic-shallot butter, and Chianti Wine Reduction $29.99 and he thought it was good (and cleared his plate so I call it a win!)

With the Fantasmic dining package, you get a special dessert platter.

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The waiter told us what each of them was and I forgot 30 seconds later so I can't even begin to try to tell you what they are. But the winner for us was the little cake at the top. The little liquidy thing on the bottom right (yes, these are the technical terms guys) was not something we liked at all.

All in all, we definitely enjoyed our meal. I know DHS gets so many negative food reviews but I can't complain about Mama Melrose. It was nothing special but we enjoyed our food. Our waiter was attentive and nice. It was quiet and relaxing. We would definitely return!

Oh my gosh! We are totally in love with frozen at our house too! We are going back to Disney in September and going to MNSSHP. Of course, we're going as Elsa, Anna, Sven, and Olaf!

We love star tours even though I am totally not a Star Wars fan.

Love the pooh bear puffball! He's adorable! Our girls got the puffball yeti at EE. It's so soft I sort of want to steal one to sleep with!

I am excited in case you can’t tell!

BEACH CLUB!!!! HECK YES THAT’D BE TOTALLY AWESOME!! I WILL be down there by Jan of next year, and if I’m not I’ll be on a cruise or something, seriously, might die. That’s super exciting!!

That moment when I start to hate gaston?? I believe you mean NEVER!! Lol. Love the show though, and sad that I haven’t actually seen it in so long!

Hhaha my trick on TSM in that I don’t care about accuracy, and I have the app on my phone so I’m able to know where all the targets that once you hit them they pop out with more with higher scores to hit!

Ahahaha your knowledge of star wars is about the same as mine. Stilts friend is doing stuff for SWW and wants us to stay longer in May so we can see some of it and I’m like “I honestly don’t even give a care….” Ahaha

Oh my gosh that Pooh stuffie is so adorable!! I love those ones, I just can’t justify another stuffed animal lol!!

That garden salad sounds good! The pasta looks and sounds super tasty too!! Mama Melrose is definitely next on my list of places to try in DHS, there’s just not enough good food CS wise in dhs, and I haven’t heard too many bad things about it lol!

Awe man, I just looked back to the first update of your dhs day to find out what the date was and it's weird to think that that is the day we got there!! Lol!!
You know, I don't think its a coincidence that "the snowpocalypse" is happening the same year Frozen comes out. Its all those genius Imagineers helping to promote I think.

Yeah, I'm kinda obsessed with Frozen too. It's all I've listened to for months!!!

Haha the Monsters. It's simply amazing to me what a simple change of costume can do to a wait time.

Yup, that's the Streets of America I remember. Such a difference between September and December when the lights are up. :crowded:

Holy WOW, an empty row on RnRC. You don't see that often.

I do remember years ago, there was virtually no wait for Sorcerer Mickey because nobody knew he was in there. Times have changed.
Oh my gosh! We are totally in love with frozen at our house too! We are going back to Disney in September and going to MNSSHP. Of course, we're going as Elsa, Anna, Sven, and Olaf!

We love star tours even though I am totally not a Star Wars fan.

Love the pooh bear puffball! He's adorable! Our girls got the puffball yeti at EE. It's so soft I sort of want to steal one to sleep with!

Isn't it such a great movie?! Aw that's totally adorable!

Thanks! I totally recommend stealing one to sleep with :rotfl2: They're very good for snuggling.


I am excited in case you can’t tell!

BEACH CLUB!!!! HECK YES THAT’D BE TOTALLY AWESOME!! I WILL be down there by Jan of next year, and if I’m not I’ll be on a cruise or something, seriously, might die. That’s super exciting!!

That moment when I start to hate gaston?? I believe you mean NEVER!! Lol. Love the show though, and sad that I haven’t actually seen it in so long!

Hhaha my trick on TSM in that I don’t care about accuracy, and I have the app on my phone so I’m able to know where all the targets that once you hit them they pop out with more with higher scores to hit!

Ahahaha your knowledge of star wars is about the same as mine. Stilts friend is doing stuff for SWW and wants us to stay longer in May so we can see some of it and I’m like “I honestly don’t even give a care….” Ahaha

Oh my gosh that Pooh stuffie is so adorable!! I love those ones, I just can’t justify another stuffed animal lol!!

That garden salad sounds good! The pasta looks and sounds super tasty too!! Mama Melrose is definitely next on my list of places to try in DHS, there’s just not enough good food CS wise in dhs, and I haven’t heard too many bad things about it lol!

Awe man, I just looked back to the first update of your dhs day to find out what the date was and it's weird to think that that is the day we got there!! Lol!!

Thanks Katt! I'm excited to be back too! I'm gonna do my best to be around more!

I am SO excited I can't take it. We're going back and forth between a suite at AoA and a regular room at the Beach Club but since the price is likely gonna be pretty similar, we're leaning towards Beach Club!

UM yes yes yes you need to be down there in January!!! pixiedust:

:rotfl2: you have to hate Gaston a little bit!

:lmao: I want to care about SWW cause they look pretty cool and rare characters and all that but like..... I can't even pretend to know the difference!

Um I don't have the slightest need for another stuffed animal. There's barely enough room in my bed for me but I just keep getting new ones! :rotfl:

Oh gosh. It's so hard to believe it was so long ago already. I really need to get this TR moving!

You know, I don't think its a coincidence that "the snowpocalypse" is happening the same year Frozen comes out. Its all those genius Imagineers helping to promote I think.

Yeah, I'm kinda obsessed with Frozen too. It's all I've listened to for months!!!

Haha the Monsters. It's simply amazing to me what a simple change of costume can do to a wait time.

Yup, that's the Streets of America I remember. Such a difference between September and December when the lights are up. :crowded:

Holy WOW, an empty row on RnRC. You don't see that often.

I do remember years ago, there was virtually no wait for Sorcerer Mickey because nobody knew he was in there. Times have changed.

OMG I say the same thing on a daily basis. && my mom agrees! "You kinda set off an eternal winter.....everywhere" is quoted on a daily basis in my house.

I KNOW! They like added hats and we all freaked out! :rotfl2:

Oh gosh definitely! When we were there in January, we waited to go see the lights until after Fantasmic because they stay on for some time after park closing and it was so much more pleasant!
Ugh Snowpocalypse :( I feel like it's never gonna end! lol

Congrats on the next trip and AHHH Beach Club, how awesome! :cool1:

The MU decorations are so cute! Love the pics :)

Haha I definitely have no clue what goes on when I'm on Star Tours but I still have fun, so that is definitely all that matters!

Cute new friend Chris purchased for you ;)
Ugh Snowpocalypse :( I feel like it's never gonna end! lol

Congrats on the next trip and AHHH Beach Club, how awesome! :cool1:

The MU decorations are so cute! Love the pics :)

Haha I definitely have no clue what goes on when I'm on Star Tours but I still have fun, so that is definitely all that matters!

Cute new friend Chris purchased for you ;)

OMG I don't think it will either! I never wanna see snow again! :eek:

Thank you! I'm SO excited!

:rotfl: Yes, as long as we still enjoy it, that's the important part! :yay:
Hello and happy Friday everyone! I returned yesterday from a Business trip to Buffalo && after our 3 hour delay to go there on Saturday night, I was so glad NOT to be delayed coming home!
When we finished our delicious lunch at Mama Melrose, we headed back outside and were instantly hit with the wave of HEAT that September in WDW brings.

Chris was apparently never a child and is not a Muppets fan so I agreed to just settle for some pictures of the area and move on.

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IMG_2429 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2430 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We spent a little time looking around the gift shops over there and I did some pin trading and then we happened upon the LTM dance party going on by the hat. Basically, all the Characterpalooza characters were in a dance party that week so there was no characterpalooza, which made me sad but it was fun to watch the dance party.

IMG_2431 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2432 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2436 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We watched for a few minutes and then headed back up towards the entrance because I had a goal in mind!

But of course, there was no missing a PP opportunity!

Photo0068FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0073FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Oh no! Stitch is always causing a ruckus!

Photo0075FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Although I have to say, our OMG faces look more amused than anything else.

Photo0076FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Our destination?

The MU gate. Chris thought we really had somewhere to go. I thought this was a perfectly valid destination! I wanted pictures of all the topiaries! Is that not normal?

Cue topiary photo spam.

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I was pretty disappointed that there was no PP photographer around.

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My MU photo goal realized, we headed back to see if there were different characters out at the dance party now. I then realized that we had actually exited the park and had to be re-admitted.

It would've been no problem but my Magicband chose not to work. Chris' was fine. Mine, not so much. Luckily a CM with a Ipad came over and did whatever it is they do when you break the MyMagic+ system and sent us on our way.

Back at the dance party, we found the penguins!

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Smee saw my photo sniping and posed!

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DSCN3031 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I have to say, Jafar looked pretty funny at a dance party!

DSCN3032 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

At this point it was around 5:30 and we decided to go to a never seen attraction for us!

DSCN3033 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We spent a LOT of time in here and we could've easily spent more! There was so much to see and it's such a great tribute to Walt's creativity! & while it was nice that it wasn't crowded in there, it's kinda sad too!

DSCN3034 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3035 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Thank you Marceline for inspiring Walt! :love:

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DSCN3037 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

This attraction really helped me put into perspective how OLD some of the Disney movies are and just how far ahead of his time Walt was. I mean, I always just kinda think of all the Disney movies as the movies of my childhood without realizing how long some of them were around before that!

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DSCN3040 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I NEED to get to Disneyland soon! I wish it wasn't clear across the country!

DSCN3043 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

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There's literally so much detail in here. I was trying to get pictures of everything, which clearly isn't even possible haha.

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DSCN3048 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

The Florida project ahhh!

DSCN3049 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I really need to see Mary Poppins. My parents tell me I watched it when I was little but I really don't remember it at all.

DSCN3050 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3051 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3054 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3055 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I really love this quote. My college guidance counselor in HS once told us that when touring colleges, it's a good thing when you see construction going on because that means they're improving something. & since then, I feel like I've been able to apply that to almost everything in life & clearly Walt did too!

DSCN3056 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Would it be ok if I just took the replica castle home?

DSCN3057 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3058 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3059 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

& we can't forget to thank Roy for making WDW happen for us and Walt! :love:

DSCN3060 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

You had me laughing out loud Courtney! Poor Chris was never a child?? :)

And yes, topiary photos are a perfectly valid destination.

We've yet to explore One Man's Dream. I think Maddie is a little young for it, but after seeing Saving Mr. Banks Bry and I are even more interested!

DSCN3061 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

New Fantasyland!

DSCN3062 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3063 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Just look at how impressive the model of it is!

DSCN3064 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

This is Paradise Pier at Disneyland right? Correct me if I'm mistaken!

DSCN3065 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Like really, how cute is this little model of the ride?!

DSCN3066 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

After we were done marveling everything, there were a few minutes until the next film was starting so we decided to sit down and enjoy the AC and rest our feet until then.

If you have never stopped to watch the movie, I HIGHLY recommend it. I wanna say it's about 15 minutes long, and it's so inspiring! You're gonna love it. And added bonus, it's a really nice break from the heat and for your feet!

I wanna say it was around 6:30 at this point & we had FP+ scheduled for Rock and Roller Coaster so we headed back over that way.

We were trying to come up with something fun to do for the ride photos but all we could think of at the last minute were realllyyyy big smiles hahaha

Photo0078FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0079FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I think our FP+ for RnRC were from 6-7 and we had ToT from 7-8 so we browsed around the RnRC gift shop for a few minutes and then headed over to our favorite creepy hotel elevator!

IMG_2440 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Don't we look terrified?!

IMG_2441 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0080FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0081FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

After our ride, we decided to do a little browsing through the gift shops because we didn't really have time to do much else before Fantasmic, plus we were pretty tired!

I found this and had to take a picture.

IMG_2443 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Because my little sister is named Kimberly after the pink power ranger! True story. When I was 4 years old and my parents dumped the news on me that I'd be having a little sister, my 4 year old self was not amused. Apparently I was quite happy being the baby & the only way my opinion was changed was if I got to choose the name. Since I was OBSESSED with power rangers and the pink ranger was my favorite, I offered up Kimberly. Isn't she lucky that the pink ranger had a normal name?! :rotfl2:

IMG_2444 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Soon enough, we decided to head into the Fantasmic theater!

IMG_2445 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We definitely didn't have to get there so early, as we had reserved seats with the dining package & the theater never filled up anyway. Like, there wasn't even that crazy long line down Sunset Blvd. Thank you September crowds (today was a crowd level 1 day btw!) But as I said, we were tired and welcomed the sitting!

IMG_2447 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2448 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

They did their little pre-show thing which I enjoyed because I've never really paid too much attention to it before haha. But one of the games was like when they divided us into two teams and they would like start playing a song and we were supposed to finish singing the rest of it & one of the songs was Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo and I was seriously disappointed with the fact that I was like one of 5 people in our section who could keep singing when the music stopped! These people were slacking! The women in front of us turned around and were like "Wow-- we're impressed! How'd you remember that?!"

Soon enough the show started and we were so excited!

DSCN3067 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

One day I'll get good Fantasmic pictures!

DSCN3069 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2450 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

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IMG_2457 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

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DSCN3079 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

&then the princess floats come around and yay!

DSCN3089 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

IMG_2466 by RN Courtney, on Flickr


Seriously, Chris and I were like um hello, where's the boat?!

DSCN3092 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I guess it's not a huge deal but I'm not gonna lie, we were upset! I love the boat of characters!

But then Mickey appeared to show us all is right with the world!

DSCN3094 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3096 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3097 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

The show ended and we joined the herds leaving the theater.

Confession: we may or may not be those people who climb the bleachers when leaving. #sorrynotsorry I know they tell me not to for my safety but if I fall & get hurt, I know it's my own fault & I'm not gonna sue or blame Disney or anything so I've decided it's ok. Please don't throw rocks.

& of course, we needed PP pictures on the way out!

I kinda love how all the people around us are blurs & we're not!

DSCN3098 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0082FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Photo0085FourBySix by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3099 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

DSCN3100 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I don't remember if we waited long for a bus but I don't think so because I know we had to stop for Chris to get his stuff out of the locker and then we stopped at the food court to fill our mugs and sat for a few minutes and we were back to the room taking these photos at 9:50 so I guess we got there pretty quickly.

It seems that while we were gone, my stuffed friend decided to hang around with the towel animals!

IMG_2468 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

And there was a new friend to join them!

IMG_2471 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Here was my pin haul of the day!

IMG_2475 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Anndd then we were off to bed!

Tomorrow: a long, RAINY day was ahead!



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