Ooo I'm really scaredd! A Sept '13 TR! updates x 4 10/13!

Thank you so much! This economy is seriously scary! What are you studying? Hopefully things straighten out soon! :scared:

It was SO good!! I don't know how he does it at all. :confused3

That sounds awesome too- I'm gonna have to try that next time!

I am studying English and political science. My dream job is to work for Disney, but I interned at a nonprofit that helped victims of child abuse and I loved it so I can definitely see myself working at a nonprofit!
Tons of Pixie Dust being sent your way about your job opportunities!!! pixiedust:

WPE is definitely on my list of must dos!

No need to apologize for a short update when it comes to The Walking Dead!!! :)

I also wanted to thank you for your kind words you shared with me on my PTR about my son. So appreciated!

Thank you so much!! :goodvibes:goodvibes

Yay Walking Dead! This season looks like it's gonna be craaazy! :crazy2:

No problem! I know it must be a stressful time for you guys! pixiedust:

Finally catching up!

Yay for getting the 60s and being so close to the bridge! I'm sorry about the Magic Band stress and your MNSSHP tickets :(

Mmm your snack at Goofy's Candy Co looks delicious! And oh my god i died over those rice krispies treat cakes, I wanted one too!

I am sending positive vibes your way for new job possibilities :goodvibes

I hope you had a FANTASTIC TRIP!

AH I saw your picture on Instagram && I was all OMG we're the same person because I had taken the same picture!!

Thanks so much! :goodvibes

:tink:pixie dust and good vibes sent! :goodvibes i'm sure you'll end up where you're supposed to be!

your snack at goofy's looks good!! we might have to try that out--even if it's just to play in the mirrors! :rotfl: (what can I say? we're easily entertained!)

Aw thank you! I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason so I hope so!

:rotfl2: The mirrors are a lot of fun! And even if you don't actually want a snack, it's fun to look at all the candy. Although you have kids so getting out of there without candy might be a miracle :rotfl:
I really want one of those cakes too! I hope your new opportunities pan out. And next time I'm there I'm going to have to try making my own snack. That looked really good.

Welcome back! I've missed you on the Dis! I hope you will finish your TR?

Thank you so much! The cakes looked amazing but the snack was delicious too (and a tad less expensive :rotfl2:)!

Love all the pics of Jack merchandise - I was on a mission last year to find some Jack pins for my youngest son. Best thing was the M&G last year with Jack and Sully at DTD.

:cheer2: Love Nightmare Before Christmas! I purchased a few Jack pins on this trip!

That must have been so cool! I wish we had been able to go! There was more than one NBC M&G on our trip and they were definitely highlights!

I'm joining in on your TR! Really enjoying it all so far. :goodvibes

Welcome!! Thanks so much for joining! :goodvibes

I am studying English and political science. My dream job is to work for Disney, but I interned at a nonprofit that helped victims of child abuse and I loved it so I can definitely see myself working at a nonprofit!

Sounds like a great career option-- definitely sad but so rewarding. I volunteered in a domestic abuse shelter for women and kids while I was in college and I always left feeling so sad but seeing positive outcomes was the best! :goodvibes

After we left Goofy's, we stopped at Pin Trader's where I traded for 2 pins at the pin board. I was so excited because one was a really cute Sally pin but I lost it somewhere during the day. :(

Our next stop was World of Disney! I'm seriously never sure if I've actually seen this whole store or not because it's so big and confusing that I'm always afraid I've missed something. After wanting half the store, I decided to hold off on purchasing anything for the moment except for one of the mystery pin boxes.

DSCN2809 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

After leaving through what I thought was the same exit but ended up being somewhere completely different, I had to pose with Cinderella because clearly I'm 5 years old.

DSCN2810 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

We took some obligatory lego photos (did some one really make these things out of legos??) because really, I can't build much more than a wall out of them.

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We started heading towards the other side of Downtown Disney! We stopped to photograph where we'd be having dinner much later on!

DSCN2818 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

I found this artwork of DTD on the construction wall gorgeous. It makes me happy that even the construction in WDW is well-themed!

DSCN2819 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

It's insane how different the crowd levels are here from daytime to nighttime.

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Like, we had the whole place to ourselves! I much prefer being here during the day!

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We were rapidly approaching our destination! We were both sad to see the Cirque du Soleil tent and not be heading there but agreed that seeing it a 3rd time would probably be overkill. But, if any of you have not seen it, PLEASE GO! I LOVE Cirque shows and I've seen a few different ones but La Nouba is by far my favorite!

IMG_2262 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Disneyquest it was! We tried to use our Magicbands to enter and WOMP they didn't work. Luckily I had our KTTW cards so we used those to enter. They put us in the elevator and we rode up to the 3rd floor (which apparently is where you always enter and apparently is also the center of Disneyquest). It kinda bothered the OCD part of me who likes to go about things in order but I accepted my fate and moved on.

We started playing some multi-player tank game where you customize your own tank & it takes your picture to put on the screen.

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I was totally winning right up until the end. When I lost. I enjoy video games but I can't say I'm any good at them.

DSCN2825 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Afterwards, we headed over to play the AstroBlaster game. Two people are each in a car and one is in charge of driving and steering the car. The other is in charge of loading up balls and shooting them at other cars. You basically drive the car over balls to load them into your shooter device and then aim them at targets on the other cars to shoot. It was a fun game but definitely better the second time around when you actually know what you're doing!

DSCN2826 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Next, we found a 4 player Pac-man game. I love Pac-man so we were pretty excited about it and played that for a little bit.

I know we played a few other small arcade games here and there too!

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The next big game we headed to was the Mighty Ducks Pinball Slam.

It literally is a HUGE lifesize pinball game. Everyone stands on a number and you have like a lever thing to control your ball. It was a LOT of fun but way more exhausting than you think because you're basically controlling the whole game with your movements. Think the Xbox Kinect on a bigger scale. So we had fun but I kinda thought I was gonna die afterwards.

After this, we headed down to the first floor where the restrooms are and to satisfy my desire to go in order. Once our restroom needs were taken care of, we headed to another physically intensive ride.

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Again, lots of fun but EXHAUSTING. Like I literally felt like we were white-water rafting. So my advice, space out some of the virtual rides with some of the "regular" arcade games.

To relax after our Jungle Cruise, we had to stop for some other games, including Temple Run.

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We're kinda in constant competition to see who can have the highest score in the game on our phones so of course we had to try the arcade game out (I was wayyy better, for once!)

Next time: more Disney quest!


DTD is INSANELY NOT CROWDED!! Wow, Imma need to start making a day for it, haha! Maybe...I'm totally okay with skipping it some trips.

Looks like Disney quest was a pretty good time, I've never bothered going in there, I'm not one for video type games and I tend to find them confusing, I'm sure it'll happen on some trip though!

Sounds like you guys had fun!
I love Pin Trader's pin board! I'm sorry you lost Sally :(

Wow, DTD was so empty!

DisneyQuest is sounding really fun and perhaps may go on my wish list to do one day!!
What a bummer you lost your Sally pin! I love Sally.

I hear you about world of Disney. I'm a little nervous to take the kids in there--one, because they could get lost and two, because they are going to want everything!:laughing: how awesome is cinderellas carriage on the sign? So pretty!

It's ok to pose with Cinderella! Everyones 5 at Disney!

I love all the Lego statues! My husband and oldest are crazy about Legos. We will be spending some time in the there!
Yup, absolutely watched the WD premiere. Record setting ratings too. Funny that during last year's premiere I was in the Walking Dead house at Universal, lol. I hope you went this year since I've heard it was even better!!!!!

Love Love LOVE World of Disney. Hate Hate HATE what it does to my bank account. :lmao:

I don't see a whole lot of Disney Quest posts, and having never been, it's awesome to get a sense of it. It does looks like fun. Sounds like quite a workout too. Did Chris' body-building coach make you do this as part of his training? lol.

Really looking forward to hearing (and seeing) more of Disney Quest. :goodvibes
Love the pic with you and Cinderella! Sometimes (okay most of the time at Disney) you just have to act like a kid.

I've done DisneyQuest twice. There are a lot of fun things there but the layout is just SO confusing, especially starting on the third floor :confused3

I love the pinball game but it's exhausting and I'm really bad at games are not my strong suit! Jungle Cruise is so tiring too, I can attest to that.
Glad you liked WPE! Free refills, and on cherry coke too :goodvibes

That is an amazing snack credit at Goofy's Candy Co. Your krispie looked delicious. I love the giant mickey/minnie ones too, but I bet if you had the cake pan you could totally make it at home for like $10!

Hey, you held your own at Disney Quest, nice work. So funny about you wanting to go in order. It looks like you picked some fun games, it can definitely be overwhelming in there especially when you're not sure what each game is about.
I don't think I've ever been to dd in the day... I can only remember evenings and night. But wow! Is it empty in the day. I have got to do that next time. Maybe then no one will be pushing in the stores -.-
Oh wait! I did go once for an in and out. To buy a Big lollipop. Haha. And then it broke once I got back to the hotel. LOL

DTD is INSANELY NOT CROWDED!! Wow, Imma need to start making a day for it, haha! Maybe...I'm totally okay with skipping it some trips.

Looks like Disney quest was a pretty good time, I've never bothered going in there, I'm not one for video type games and I tend to find them confusing, I'm sure it'll happen on some trip though!

Sounds like you guys had fun!

I know! It's insane how the crowd level changes from day to night!

I find most of them very confusing! :rotfl2: Even so, it was still fun!

I love Pin Trader's pin board! I'm sorry you lost Sally :(

Wow, DTD was so empty!

DisneyQuest is sounding really fun and perhaps may go on my wish list to do one day!!

Ah it was awesome! There were so many pins it was hard to pick! :lmao:

DisneyQuest did end up being a lot of fun!

Great update! :)

Thanks! :goodvibes

What a bummer you lost your Sally pin! I love Sally.

I hear you about world of Disney. I'm a little nervous to take the kids in there--one, because they could get lost and two, because they are going to want everything!:laughing: how awesome is cinderellas carriage on the sign? So pretty!

It's ok to pose with Cinderella! Everyones 5 at Disney!

I love all the Lego statues! My husband and oldest are crazy about Legos. We will be spending some time in the there!

I love Sally too! I was so sad about it.

Oh gosh-- yes, it's definitely pretty brave to attempt taking kids in there!

I'm fascinated at the things people manage to create with legos!

Yup, absolutely watched the WD premiere. Record setting ratings too. Funny that during last year's premiere I was in the Walking Dead house at Universal, lol. I hope you went this year since I've heard it was even better!!!!!

Love Love LOVE World of Disney. Hate Hate HATE what it does to my bank account. :lmao:

I don't see a whole lot of Disney Quest posts, and having never been, it's awesome to get a sense of it. It does looks like fun. Sounds like quite a workout too. Did Chris' body-building coach make you do this as part of his training? lol.

Really looking forward to hearing (and seeing) more of Disney Quest. :goodvibes

I can't wait to see what direction this season goes! I don't want to post too many spoilers but I feel like the governor is behind some of the things going on at the prison! Also, I was watching the Talking Dead and they were saying they started this season with 45 people at the prison and already killed off like 14 of them?!!! :eek:

That's so cool that you were at HHNs last year! How did you like it? We sadly didn't make it over this year. It was too expensive for our budget and we could only go the first night so I was worried it'd be too crowded without the express pass. But it looks so amazing and I hope we'll get to go some time!

I know! Even before our trip I was trying to look up some more about DisneyQuest and couldn't really find much so I tried to document as many details as possible to report back! :rotfl:

:laughing: I felt like it was a training routine a few times! I mean, I'm not gonna lie-- I'm not in any type of shape at ALL but so that's probably part of the problem but some of those games were EXHAUSTING!
Love the pic with you and Cinderella! Sometimes (okay most of the time at Disney) you just have to act like a kid.

I've done DisneyQuest twice. There are a lot of fun things there but the layout is just SO confusing, especially starting on the third floor :confused3

I love the pinball game but it's exhausting and I'm really bad at games are not my strong suit! Jungle Cruise is so tiring too, I can attest to that.

Aw thank you! :goodvibes Yeah, acting like a kid in WDW totally just comes with the territory.

The layout is really confusing. There were a lot of times we were pretty sure we walked out the same way we came in and just wound up somewhere completely different! :lmao:

Video games are so not my strong suit either! I've learned to enjoy being bad at them though! :rotfl2:

Glad you liked WPE! Free refills, and on cherry coke too :goodvibes

That is an amazing snack credit at Goofy's Candy Co. Your krispie looked delicious. I love the giant mickey/minnie ones too, but I bet if you had the cake pan you could totally make it at home for like $10!

Hey, you held your own at Disney Quest, nice work. So funny about you wanting to go in order. It looks like you picked some fun games, it can definitely be overwhelming in there especially when you're not sure what each game is about.

WPE is so good!

That's an amazingly good idea with the rice krispie cakes! I might have to experiment with a non-Disney one first!

Thank you! It was a little overwhelming especially because we weren't familiar with the layout but still tons of fun!

I don't think I've ever been to dd in the day... I can only remember evenings and night. But wow! Is it empty in the day. I have got to do that next time. Maybe then no one will be pushing in the stores -.-
Oh wait! I did go once for an in and out. To buy a Big lollipop. Haha. And then it broke once I got back to the hotel. LOL

:rotfl2: I think the atmosphere of DTD at night is more fun if you're just gonna have dinner and enjoy some of the performances but for shopping, definitely during the day is better!

Aw I always want those big lollipops and I only ever got one once at Six Flags and I never ended up eating it! :lmao:

Before leaving the first floor, we headed to the Pirates of the Caribbean game. This one was one of my favorites! You're in a big room with screens all around you and guns stationed around the room. When the game starts, the screens all around you have different ships coming towards you that you have to destroy and collect the gold.

It would've been fun with a few more people because there's maybe 8-10 guns and it was just the two of us running around to each gun to shoot all the ships. Also, some of the guns didn't function properly but it was a really cool idea for a game and I enjoyed it!

Our next stop was to the second floor and our destination was Cyber Space Mountain!

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It's pretty much just like Sum of All Thrills in Innoventions but without the science lesson beforehand!

You pick a world and design your ride.

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Our coaster got a Thrill-o-Meter of 5 out of 5!

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You can kinda see our design at the bottom of the screen. We did a lot of looping up and down. After you design, you get your card and go into the simulator to experience your track. So cool!

After Cyber Space Mountain, we were trying to figure out how to get to the Magic Carpets of Aladdin when we stumbled upon a hidden gem!

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Fix-It Felix!

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Clearly this discovery warranted a Ralph, "I'm gonna wreck it impression". Not just from me either. From every single person who saw the machines. It's a good thing no CMs were stationed in this direct area. It seems like it could get pretty old.

Here's a really short video of the game.

Fix-It Felix!

It's not too hard to get the concept of which was nice for people like me, who can only grasp the basics of video games. I still was only minorly good at it but Chris got up to like level 6 or 7 or something ridiculous after playing only a few games. We were literally the only people who spent more than 5 minutes playing the game. We were there for a good 20 minutes but whatever-- we love Wreck-It Ralph!

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Too bad they don't have a Sugar Rush game to play!

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The amount of pictures of us playing the game should demonstrate how much time we devoted to it! :rotfl:

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That's my concentrated look, I suppose!

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Yup, I did it. "I'm gonna Wreck-It" again.

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Of course, I had to pose with our main man, Ralph!

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After our repairs were done, we finally located the entrance to the Magic Carpets (for some reason, it wasn't easy for us to find!)

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Chris' hair got in the way of him wearing the helmet for the game so only I played.

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You're basically moving your little motorcycle thing through the 3D scene trying to rescue the magic lamp from Jafar. I totally sucked :rotfl2: but it was pretty fun and the graphics were cool too! It really felt like you were in the game!

We attempted Sid's Create-A-Toy next, which was like Sid from Toy Story, you combine different parts of different toys to make a monster toy.

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I'm not sure if anything happened after you made the toy because we couldn't quite figure out the controls and gave up.

DSCN2855 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

Don't miss the next update on the next page!!
YAY a late night update! popcorn:: I just finished my life, I'm sure you remember it well :badpc:

CyberSpace Mountain was definitely my favorite part of DQ. I did it by myself while my dad and uncle rode AstroBlasters and I had a ball.

FIX-IT FELIX! That looks like soooo much fun! Haha you are in the zone.

I could never find that Create-a-Toy but it doesn't look like I missed out on too much :confused3

Don't miss the first update on page 5!!!

Since we had now done the 3rd, 1st and 2nd floor (in that crazy order), we decided the best plan of attack was to head up to the 5th floor then finish on the 4th floor and leave. Not sure that much would have changed if we just did the 4th then 5th but whatever! :laughing:

Our first stop on the 5th floor was to Invasion!

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I don't remember exactly how the controls worked here. I know we each had a job and our goal was to rescue stranded colonists from an alien invasion and then make it back to the spaceship (I think?) before time ran out but I honestly can't think of who had to do what. We didn't completely succeed but we did a pretty decent job!

Afterwards, we headed to the area of Classic arcade games to play a little and then went down to the 4th floor.

The 4th floor has like a "Sports game" area with like the basketball type games they have at amusement parks and fairs and stuff. Since I'm really terrible at games like this and always refuse to pay money for them, I decided to try it since I wouldn't have to spend money on it. I was doing halfway ok and then my clumsiness game out. I threw the basketball and I don't know what happened, it like hit the net and flew back at me and hit me STRAIGHT in the nose! :scared1: It hurt so much! Luckily there was no bleeding or anything but I was glad the place was fairly empty because it was embarrassing!

We were going to do "Ride the Comix" next but it had the same 3D helmet thing as Aladdin so it didn't fit Chris' head so we skipped it. I was pretty confused because the map had it listed on floors 4 and 5 but the only entrance I saw was on the 4th floor so I don't really get that. :confused:

We decided to head out after that so we walked back the way we had just come from to go to the elevator and somehow ended up in a completely different area of little kids games! After a little bit of wandering in circles, we found the elevator and headed out!

By the time we headed out of DisneyQuest, it was around 7:10. Our dinner reservation wasn't until 8:15 but I had some business I needed to sort out in order to enjoy the rest of our trip.

So we enjoyed the night entertainment on our walk alllllll the way back to the Guest Relations desk (by the Photopass counter near Team Mickey!)

There was so much going on! I thought this guy performing was so talented!

DTD performer!

There were Irish Stepdancers performing outside Raglan Road, which I loved because I used to stepdance when I was little and some kind of Spanish performer outside of Fulton's.

Finally, we made it to Guest Relations. It had gotten 1000 times more crowded in DTD while we were in DisneyQuest and it was hard to just walk around!

When I got to Guest Relations, there were 3 CPers working. A young man helped me and I explained that I wanted to unlink our MNNSHP tickets from our Magicbands and get paper tickets. The young man didn't understand why and I told him I had heard it would cause us problems and that since we had done it, we couldn't use our dining credits on the Magicbands. He was very nice but his response was just "Oh, I have faith everything will work out!" I'm all for faith in new systems but not at the expense of messing up my park tickets/MNSSHP tickets. But the girl next time him was quick to correct him and said "Oh no, we were told not to link party tickets to the Magicbands!" I was like, "AH YES!" I was so glad she spoke up.

So they unlinked our tickets and gave us the nice green plastic tickets! :banana: Problem solved and not lingering over my head!

That done, it was time to head back towards our dinner spot!

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We checked in and were told we could be seated immediately if we wanted to sit outside but we opted to wait for a table inside because it was still hot out. Plus, Chris' dad happened to fly into Orlando that day also for a business conference and was hoping to make it over to meet us for dinner. We had just heard from him that he was on his way over and should be there in a few minutes but I wasn't sure what the deal would be with the parking situation so it worked out better for us to wait anyway!

After about 10-15 minutes, we were seated and Chris' dad still wasn't there but they said it was no problem and he could join us whenever he got there. We decided to go ahead and order while we were waiting and he showed up right after we ordered! :cool1: He ordered a beer and his meal after a few minutes and it ended up only showing up a few minutes after ours so yay!

Chris ordered the Chilean Style Salmon - Fire Roasted Salmon Served with Roasted Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables $23.99

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It amused us that it was Chilean Style because Chris is Chilean on his mom's side and Colombian on his dad's!

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I ordered the Surf and Turf - grilled BBQ shrimp, Argentinean skirt steak, corn on the cob, roasted seasonal vegetables, with grilled corn cakes $27.99

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Chris' dad didn't know why we were taking food pictures and when we tried to explain it, he told me the pictures would be more fun if we posed with the food each time. He's probably right!

I couldn't even try to guess what kind of beer he ordered but he really liked it! And he ordered the Argentinean Skirt Steak - 10 oz. Char Grilled Skirt Steak, Caramelized Onions, Chimichurri Sauce and Served with P37 Fries $24.99

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For dessert,

I got the Churros & Sopapillas Combo - Dusted with Cinnamon Sugar and Served with Caramel & Chocolate Sauces $7.99

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Chris' parents make sopapillas all the time! These were different than the ones they make because apparently each country has their own style of making things. Like, empanadas are a universal Hispanic dish but depending on what culture they're from, they're completely different!

Chris went with the Seasonal Creme Brulée which he and his dad ended up sharing!

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I had been a little wary about this meal because the menu looked good and fun but I hadn't heard much about it at all!

The verdict? We loved it! There was a singer performing outside so we enjoyed the live entertainment without it being too loud and the food was delicious! I loved my entree. The sauce on it was delicious and I really liked the corn cakes it came with too! Chris and his dad didn't really expand on a description other than "Good" or "Yum" but they both cleaned their plates so I guess they liked it!

Chris' dessert was the winner here-- it was delicious! Mine was good as well but I wasn't a fan of the dipping sauces they game with. They were too strong I thought so I couldn't enjoy them.

We used our Magicbands for dining plan credits with no problems and Chris' dad paid cash. We left a tip and we were on our way. Since Chris' dad had a rental car, he offered to drive us back to Pop Century!

We got back to the hotel, stopped at Everything Pop! to refill our mugs and headed back to the room.

After inventorying my pins of the day, it was time for bed!

IMG_2276 by RN Courtney, on Flickr

A successful first day of pin trading!

It had been a longgg day of being up since 4, flying in and spending the whole day at DTD! We needed some rest before our first park day!
YAY a late night update! popcorn:: I just finished my life, I'm sure you remember it well :badpc:

CyberSpace Mountain was definitely my favorite part of DQ. I did it by myself while my dad and uncle rode AstroBlasters and I had a ball.

FIX-IT FELIX! That looks like soooo much fun! Haha you are in the zone.

I could never find that Create-a-Toy but it doesn't look like I missed out on too much :confused3

Ah college life! I do miss it! Maybe not the late night homework :rotfl:

I totally told myself I was going to sleep an hour ago and then decided to come on the Disboards for "2 minutes"... oh well!

CyberSpace Mountain was the best! It's crazy how you actually spin alllll the way upside-down in the simulator!

Yeah I don't know what the Create-a-Toy was all about. :confused: It looked cute enough but I don't know if it was broken or if it was just me :rotfl: because I couldn't make it work. Plus, it seemed like all you did was make the toy and then nothing else happened! So strange!
Fix it Felix!!! So cool!!

I'm happy you got the MNSSHP tickets situation resolved quickly!

I'm glad Paradiso was a hit. Your meal looks SO delicious! (Your dessert did too!)

And I love those villains bowling pin pins! I discovered them towards the end of my trip and ended up with 2 (cruella being one of them)!
Awe man, I feel like that pirates game would be so fun, lol, even with only two people, like trying to do it all would be hilarious! Lol Yay for the disneyquest stuff, a lot of it sounds pretty cool and definitely something nice to do!

Oh no!! I hope your nose was okay! Those things HURT to the face!

I thought I’d seen the RR dancers out side the restaurant before!! Ugh, DTD in the evening is just a MESS now, and I haven’t heard great things of the parking, luckily I don’t drive…bahaha

Is it only guest relations at DTD that can unlink? I got all experimental with our tickets and was trying to remember if you could get fast passes during mnsshp, so I linked one pair of our tickets for next week to the bands to see if I could book a fp plus bahaha. Oops! Whatever, it was for the arrival night anyways!

AHH THE NO DANCING PIN!! So glad you got it, and the character locater one too! I found that one that trip tooooo! Sounds like a good dinner, I still have to check out that place, there’s so much more I want to do around DTD.


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