One became SEVEN?!? How did THAT happen? 4/24 UPDATE

TRIP NEWS....I can't wait!!! :woohoo::woohoo: Oh wait, That is US!!! :crazy2: :rotfl2:
Yeah, maybe we can make a decision before the week is done!?!

The VJ photos are great, looks like so, so much fun!!
I always wanted to do archery but never had the chance :confused3
Praying your day of prep is going well and the MD appointments will not pose a huge problem. :goodvibes
Thank you. :hug:
First of all....That clock is beyond beautiful!! David should be very proud and now you have a "one of a kind"!!!!
I hope your prep isn't too bad and your test is quick and painless!
Thank you Ruth, it is so good to see you. :goodvibes I love that, I DO have one of a kind. :thumbsup2 Actually, I have been okay with the prep, not my favorite thing, but not bad.Last time I was so ill prior to doing the prep, I almost had to be hospitalized because of the prep. This was SO much better!

Please tell me how YOU are doing when you get time. :hug:
Looks wonderful! :goodvibes
Judy, what wonderful pictures of what looks to be a very fun weekend. I do love seeing the smiles on your kids faces.
Thank you Kathy, it was a fabulous weekend. I love to see them smile too and there was definitely lots of laughter going on!
Judy, love those happy faces, what a great place Victory Junction is. I am excited the girls get to perform for them. :goodvibes
Those faces make the hards beds at camp worth it. :lmao::lmao: Even PETE says the beds are uncomfortable and that is saying something, he has slept in holes in the Marine Corps. He says his berth on the Iwo Jima was more comfortable....I just remind him he was younger then! :rotfl2:
Victory Junction looks amazing! It looks like you had a great time!
We did Michele, it was FABULOUS!! :goodvibes


You are lucky to have such a nice son to build that amazing clock for you! I imagine you having good memories every time you look at that clock for years to come.

I'm so glad you had a great time this weekend. Looked like the weather was great.
My sons are wonderful guys and some 2 lucky ladies will be fortunate to have them. You are right about looking at the clock, it gives me a little thrill every time I see it!

It was a fabulous weekend, it rained on us the entire way to the MD , then up to camp but as we arrived at 5:30 PM, the sun began to shine just before it set. Saturday night a rain cloud came up out of nowhere, making things cold and damp...but it was gone in less than an hour and the other times it was sunny, not too chilly and beautiful!
Great pictures at Victory that the one the Nascar Petty family founded in memory of their boy?ú
You are right Judy, it IS the Nascar camp in honor of Adam. Out of that tragedy, they have helped 1000's of families and it is an amazing legacy. We are so fortunate to be part of the VJC family.
Victory Junction looks like lots of fun! I saw a fish kiss, gross! Congrats, Lisa on your catch.
Those fish kisses scare me, especially when they try to do them on the lips and the fish mouth is moving..and that was RACHEL in the photo! :3dglasses She was the one who pointed out her profile looked like Lisa...she even thought it was her at first glance, but knew she was the only one who caught a fish. The rain started shortly after that, but they were safely down at archery by that point.
The clock is amazing...what a precious gift

Sounds like things are going well. Victory Junction??? Not sure what that ti but sounds like it was a wonderful family time

Hi LB :wave2:! I LOVE my clock, it means so much to me because I know how much time and love David put in to it..and he learned a lot as well. :goodvibes

Victory Junction
is an amazing camp that is for children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses. They have disease specific weeks during the summers, just for campers and family weekends in the fall and spring. David, my youngest son was fortunate to attend summer camps during neurology week and later as a young adult. Rachel and Lisa have both attended summer camp during Heart/Lung week this past summer. Rachel also went when she was 10 during sibling camp (because of David), before she was ill. It is staffed by the most amazing folks who have a heart for ill children and want them to know that their illnesses doesn't define them, which is something I have always insisted upon for each of them. Far more than you probably wanted to know; however, there might be others not familiar with the Seriousfun camps. It was such a GREAT time this weekend and so much fun!!

Judy, I am loving....I enjoyed....I liked..... Why the pauses? 'Cause it seems like I start off saying the same thing every single time I post. But, I can't help it. I do love, enjoy and like the pictures of those smiling faces. They always make me smile. ::yes:: You can tell that everybody really was having a great time at Victory Junction. Ooooh, I saw somebody smooching a fish! :lmao: Looking at all of those pictures makes me want to do arts and craft, shoot a bow and arrow, dance my booty off and go fishing. Where's my cane pole?
You start off your posts anyway you want to my sweet friend, just as long as you post! :thumbsup2 You KNOW I love to see my family smile, it makes me happy and I figure if it makes me happy, it might makes somebody else feel better. It really is hard not to be smiling the entire time you are at camp, the laughter is contagious and it is just a super fun time to cut loose and enjoy life! I could just see you having a ton of fun at camp. I never went to any type of camp as a child, so I get a little taste of what the kids do in the summer...and family weekends are but a small part of what they do in the summer! And why do I have a vision in my head of you smooching a fish??? I know you would, right after we boogied on the dance floor! :stir:

I did have a pretty good day. James let me take a nap this morning after I dropped Sarah and Jeremy off at school today. So that was really nice especially considering after school today Sarah had a Girl Scout play date with her troop at the park and that takes a lot out of me!! Then once I got Jeremy from school there was nothing I had to expect relax!! So nice to get to do that every once in a while.

I love all the pictures. I love seeing Lisa kissing the fish! So cute! I'm still so happy you guys got that weekend away and everyone looks so happy and relaxed. That's awesome that they want the girls to perform! They sure are talented (well all of them are!!)

I am so happy you were able to get some rest in. :goodvibes I have to agree, park days with friends can be exhausting, especially with another little to keep up with! Sounds liek a great day though. :goodvibes

That was Rachel laying a kiss on that fish. The story goes if you don't kiss a caught fish, he goes back and tells his friends and they will not bite the rest of the day. The other story if they are biting well, is the fish jumps on the hook to try and get a kiss from a pretty girl. It was a rejuvenating weekend, this week has been stressful with my medical stuff thrown in with the children' reason I never go to the MD.

Yeah, maybe we can make a decision before the week is done!?!

The VJ photos are great, looks like so, so much fun!!
I always wanted to do archery but never had the chance :confused3

Hello my not feeling well, tired friend! Friday is COMING! and you can go home soon! :hug::hug:

Decisions, Decisions...I am so confused! :confused3

You would have been laughing so much if you were with us my friend, camp was a riot.

Last year I looked in to buying archery equipment because all four of the children LOVE is quite expensive and even though we have a few ranges around here it is VERY expensive.I think of BRAVE when they are shooting. :lmao: They all four are actually VERY good at it! :thumbsup2


I wil be indisposed of today as I have my colonoscopy. Praying you all have a great day and find something to make you laugh, or at least smile. :goodvibes

It was fun seeing the VJ pictures. I hope today goes smoothly. I am praying for you.
I am terribly behind, but I will go back and read and catch up. While I am sitting here at my desktop for a few minutes, I want to post. I will read on my phone when I have a few minutes here and there today. I went back a couple of pages, and want you to know that I am praying that all goes well for you today. Precious Emile remains in my prayers, too. I didn't go back far enough to see the VJ pics, but it sounds amazing and I would LOVE for my family to do something like that!

It's been a rough couple of months around here. Catherine had a cath up at CHOP in September. Our cardiologist here really thought we were headed up for surgery, but Dr. R was able to crack open Catherine's PA stents a bit more and buy some more time before surgery happens. He thinks it will be a while, so that is worth smiling about. :) On to other problems though, she has been pretty hypertensive, and her MRA shows severe narrowing of her renal artery (remember she only has one kidney) and multiple oddities of other blood vessels. The nephrology dept at CHOP has a wonderful program for kids with high BP, so we are continuing care up there. She's on hefty doses of labetalol twice a day now, and we are headed back up to CHOP for an angiogram/angioplasty on 11/21. If all goes well, it's a pretty definitive that's what we're praying for! Then we'll go back at some point and do further work up of her vascular issues, look at carotids, SMA, etc. They've done a whole slew of new genetic tests as well, thinking she must have an abnormality in her vessels causing all of this. THings have been so stable for so long, it's hard to deal with this "new" problem. YOu know, it's been there forever, but it is only now causing her issues. It's a bit scary...aneurysms, blood pressure problems, etc.

Whoops--I think I just hijacked your thread a bit! I will try to keep up a little better, but wanted you to know what was going on here, and that I'm continuing to keep you and your family in my well as all others in need of prayers on your thread. :goodvibes
Love your VJ pictures. It looks like the kids had a blast.

I remember reading about when the bowling alley opened there.

Hope your procedure/test goes well.
Okay, crazy DIS ate my multiquotes!

Well, I am trying to catch up backwards. Praying for your procedure, Judy. Absolutely LOVED the VJC pics, looks like a WONDERFUL time!

David's clock is stunning! Gorgeous! Wow! So happy for you!

I am still trying to catch up on my house from all our travels and Kaity's birthday party, so I am going to leave this for now and try to catch up some more later.

Much love and prayers to all. I know other needs have to have been posted and God knows what they are, so I am adding my prayers to the requests for His touch. Where two or more....
I am terribly behind, but I will go back and read and catch up. While I am sitting here at my desktop for a few minutes, I want to post. I will read on my phone when I have a few minutes here and there today. I went back a couple of pages, and want you to know that I am praying that all goes well for you today. Precious Emile remains in my prayers, too. I didn't go back far enough to see the VJ pics, but it sounds amazing and I would LOVE for my family to do something like that!

It's been a rough couple of months around here. Catherine had a cath up at CHOP in September. Our cardiologist here really thought we were headed up for surgery, but Dr. R was able to crack open Catherine's PA stents a bit more and buy some more time before surgery happens. He thinks it will be a while, so that is worth smiling about. :) On to other problems though, she has been pretty hypertensive, and her MRA shows severe narrowing of her renal artery (remember she only has one kidney) and multiple oddities of other blood vessels. The nephrology dept at CHOP has a wonderful program for kids with high BP, so we are continuing care up there. She's on hefty doses of labetalol twice a day now, and we are headed back up to CHOP for an angiogram/angioplasty on 11/21. If all goes well, it's a pretty definitive that's what we're praying for! Then we'll go back at some point and do further work up of her vascular issues, look at carotids, SMA, etc. They've done a whole slew of new genetic tests as well, thinking she must have an abnormality in her vessels causing all of this. THings have been so stable for so long, it's hard to deal with this "new" problem. YOu know, it's been there forever, but it is only now causing her issues. It's a bit scary...aneurysms, blood pressure problems, etc.

Whoops--I think I just hijacked your thread a bit! I will try to keep up a little better, but wanted you to know what was going on here, and that I'm continuing to keep you and your family in my well as all others in need of prayers on your thread. :goodvibes
Sorry to hear about Catherine's struggles but glad for no surgery!!
Thank you for your prayers for Emile.

While Judy is preoccupied I though I would sneek in some trip talk :)
I've don't have any experience with TS meals at WDW, Judy's family had more. We have a couple ideas for our trip but though I would ask for some different points of view! If you only were doing one TS meal (at any park or resort), which one would it be (Where and b,l,or d) and why?
Looking forward to the answers!
I am terribly behind, but I will go back and read and catch up. While I am sitting here at my desktop for a few minutes, I want to post. I will read on my phone when I have a few minutes here and there today. I went back a couple of pages, and want you to know that I am praying that all goes well for you today. Precious Emile remains in my prayers, too. I didn't go back far enough to see the VJ pics, but it sounds amazing and I would LOVE for my family to do something like that!

It's been a rough couple of months around here. Catherine had a cath up at CHOP in September. Our cardiologist here really thought we were headed up for surgery, but Dr. R was able to crack open Catherine's PA stents a bit more and buy some more time before surgery happens. He thinks it will be a while, so that is worth smiling about. :) On to other problems though, she has been pretty hypertensive, and her MRA shows severe narrowing of her renal artery (remember she only has one kidney) and multiple oddities of other blood vessels. The nephrology dept at CHOP has a wonderful program for kids with high BP, so we are continuing care up there. She's on hefty doses of labetalol twice a day now, and we are headed back up to CHOP for an angiogram/angioplasty on 11/21. If all goes well, it's a pretty definitive that's what we're praying for! Then we'll go back at some point and do further work up of her vascular issues, look at carotids, SMA, etc. They've done a whole slew of new genetic tests as well, thinking she must have an abnormality in her vessels causing all of this. THings have been so stable for so long, it's hard to deal with this "new" problem. YOu know, it's been there forever, but it is only now causing her issues. It's a bit scary...aneurysms, blood pressure problems, etc.

Whoops--I think I just hijacked your thread a bit! I will try to keep up a little better, but wanted you to know what was going on here, and that I'm continuing to keep you and your family in my well as all others in need of prayers on your thread. :goodvibes

Its not a "hijack", its called an update :) I have found that everyone on this thread is welcome to give updates, vent a little, share happiness etc , thats what makes it such a great thread to subscribe too:thumbsup2

While Judy is preoccupied I though I would sneek in some trip talk :)
I've don't have any experience with TS meals at WDW, Judy's family had more. We have a couple ideas for our trip but though I would ask for some different points of view! If you only were doing one TS meal (at any park or resort), which one would it be (Where and b,l,or d) and why?
Looking forward to the answers!

THIS ? is going be very interesting :) :) I can't wait to read everyones' answers. Its hard enough for me to plan on a meal for 2 people, I can't imagine it for 7 although it seems like Judy's family enjoys any type of food (based on their Disney inspired movie nights), I will have to think about my answer before I give additional thoughts. Just off the top of my head I would say a buffet meal to give alot of options for everyone, now I just have to decide which one I have liked the best :rotfl2: Only thing I can say is that NO meal has a turkey leg on it so Princess Lisa will have to forgo that for a meal :thumbsup2

While Judy is preoccupied I though I would sneek in some trip talk :)
I've don't have any experience with TS meals at WDW, Judy's family had more. We have a couple ideas for our trip but though I would ask for some different points of view! If you only were doing one TS meal (at any park or resort), which one would it be (Where and b,l,or d) and why?
Looking forward to the answers!

Oh have mercy! You're going to get a lot of different answers, I bet. Over the years, we have eaten quite a few table service meals and have enjoyed most of them. What do we look for in a table service meal? Menus that offer something for everyone in our group, not fancy smancy and some place that we can all enjoy a dinner together and talk about our day. Having said that, these are our favorites:

Magic Kingdom:
The Plaza
Crystal Palace

Via Napoli
Coral Reef

Hollywood Studios:
Sci-Fi (food is not outstanding but we love the atmosphere)

Downtown Disney:
House of Blues
Planet Hollywood (again, more for the atmosphere)
Rainforest Café

Turf Club
Whispering Canyon Café
Grand Floridian Café

As I said, we've eaten at quite a few more but these are some of the ones that are favorites and/or we'd return to.
THIS ? is going be very interesting :) :) I can't wait to read everyones' answers. Its hard enough for me to plan on a meal for 2 people, I can't imagine it for 7 although it seems like Judy's family enjoys any type of food (based on their Disney inspired movie nights), I will have to think about my answer before I give additional thoughts. Just off the top of my head I would say a buffet meal to give alot of options for everyone, now I just have to decide which one I have liked the best :rotfl2: Only thing I can say is that NO meal has a turkey leg on it so Princess Lisa will have to forgo that for a meal :thumbsup2
Buffet is a good ideas, but none of us are toooooo picky.
Too bad about the turkey legs, that would be cool :thumbsup2
Look forward to what you come up with after some thought.

Oh have mercy! You're going to get a lot of different answers, I bet. Over the years, we have eaten quite a few table service meals and have enjoyed most of them. What do we look for in a table service meal? Menus that offer something for everyone in our group, not fancy smancy and some place that we can all enjoy a dinner together and talk about our day. Having said that, these are our favorites:

Magic Kingdom:
The Plaza
Crystal Palace

Via Napoli
Coral Reef

Hollywood Studios:
Sci-Fi (food is not outstanding but we love the atmosphere)

Downtown Disney:
House of Blues
Planet Hollywood (again, more for the atmosphere)
Rainforest Café

Turf Club
Whispering Canyon Café
Grand Floridian Café

As I said, we've eaten at quite a few more but these are some of the ones that are favorites and/or we'd return to.
Tisk, Tisk, Lisa. You didn't read the assignment, you can only choose ONE. ;)
Buffet is a good ideas, but none of us are toooooo picky.
Too bad about the turkey legs, that would be cool :thumbsup2
Look forward to what you come up with after some thought.

Tisk, Tisk, Lisa. You didn't read the assignment, you can only choose ONE. ;)

Buuuuuuuuuttttttt I can't choose just one! :lmao:
Character meal or non character Disnorth? That might help others with suggestions. I had 28 TS meals on my trip last fall (free dining with paid upgrade to deluxe) .............UUGGGGH........TOO Much food but so many good meals!

So you see, it might take me a little time for my old mind to remember them all, I think of one then I think of another, its simply not FAIR to ask for one :lmao:
I am with Lisa, can't give you just one favorite

MK Crystal Palace or Liberty Tree Tavern

Epcot Biergarten or ?

DHS. Mama Melrose or 50 Prime time

DTD ? We try different all the time

Resorts O'Hara or Chef Mickey

We travel 3 generations ranging from 5-70 so have to try to please everyone.
Picking one favorite is a tough one! My absolute favorite meal is dinner at '50s Prime Time Cafe in DHS. The meal I had there (fried chicken) was beyond delicious and if you like milkshakes they have the best ones in my opinion. I am also a huge fan of the atmosphere of being in a home kitchen, watching black and white TVs, with the family members picking on you and telling you to wash your hands or set the table.

That being said, the environment/teasing doesn't always appeal to everyone, so I'll give you an all-around excellent choice in lunch or dinner at Via Napoli in Epcot. Beautiful restaurant with the best pizza I have ever had! The desserts looked amazing but we were all too full to have any so hopefully next time!

It's hard to go wrong with Disney dining though so whatever you guys pick is going to be delicious! Keep us posted :cool2:
Billy's favorite was the Rose and Crown at EPCOT for dinner. We enjoyed the fish and chips and also timed dinner so we could watch IllumiNations from our table.

As a group of 7, when we took the family and my sister, we all enjoyed 50's Prime Time Cafe for the fun interaction with the wait staff. Just remember to mind your manners at the table.

I would choose Be Our Guest to see inside the castle even though I haven't been there yet.


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