OMG - That Duggar woman is pregnant again

OMG! I have an only too, and I get such rude comments from people.Like, " she needs a playmate" "don't you like kids ?" She is an only not by my own choice, but seriously what is so wrong about having an only child?

im a only child and grandchild and when i was younger i loved it:rotfl: but know i worry about when something happens to my parents it will just be me :sad1: i will have know one to help me!! i also would love to have a niece or nephew to spoil:upsidedow i have a 9 yo old son and a 2 1/2 yo daughter i debated on having a second child and im so glad i did. that sibiling bond is great:flower3: i get tears just thinking that i still dont have that bond and i will never know what it feels like:sad:
My grandmother helped raise her sibs. Out of 21 pregnancies, 17 survived. They were cooking, cleaning, taking care of the babies and working in the field (farmers.) This wasn't abuse, and they still had a lovely childhood, and cared greatly for one another and their parents.

That doesn't make it right for the children. People having children for free labor is what is sounds like to me. Again, I had chores and helped around the house. But I was not lined up to be the parent of a child before he or she was even born. Big difference in helping take care of the babies and parenting that child. That is what they have them doing. It is just wrong. And since they are publicly putting themselves out there, then I can give my opinion.


im a only child and grandchild and when i was younger i loved it:rotfl: but know i worry about when something happens to my parents it will just be me :sad1: i will have know one to help me!! i also would love to have a niece or nephew to spoil:upsidedow i have a 9 yo old son and a 2 1/2 yo daughter i debated on having a second child and im so glad i did. that sibiling bond is great:flower3: i get tears just thinking that i still dont have that bond and i will never know what it feels like:sad:

Thanks for sharing this! :flower3: Definately two sides to whatever side one is on! There are wonderful large families and wonderfull small families and who can say what is the right amount of children. Man,,, if parents had a book to tell us what is right and what is not.... how to raise a child... what NOT to do! :rolleyes1 I do know that I can not write one! I often wonder if I am bringing my kids up the right way!!!!! My kids (all 5) think that I am the best mom in the world... :rolleyes1 I for one am NOT going to tell them anything different.. they will find out soon enough! :lmao:
This is my problem with the situation exactly. I could care less if they had a 100 kids if the parents took care of them. And honestly we frown on child labor here in the US and I've seen the mounds of laundry that ONE child is assigned to do. That for me falls under child labor laws and should be stopped.

I get that they have a nice house. I get that they love their kids. I get that they want to live an alternative lifestyle. All that is fine and dandy. I don't get why they think it is ok that once a child is weaned at 1yr that the mother is done with them?

We aren't back in the 'olden' days where you had 15 kids and only 4 or 5 survived to adulthood. Or needed a football teams worth of boys to run the family farm..and then passed the farm onto them. Even back then children were encourage to socialize. Who are these kids going to date? Marry? Will they have pre-arranged marriages with like minded families?

Yeah I guess I judge them. But I also worry about the actual quality of life that their kids(mostly their girls) have. It's the mom in me that doesn't' want to see these girls repressed and put into a position that they are less of a person than a man. Girls need to learn more than washing, cooking, cleaning and ironing to survive in this world. :sad2:

I was talking about this with DH earlier. We both were curious how exactly these kids would survive in the regular world with the skills they been taught if they did make the choice to leave this lifestyle. :confused3

I know way more than I need to know about the Duggers. :rotfl2: There was one of the shows, where they and some other families got together with the older kids(teenagers) and took them roller skating. The girls were all dressed like the Dugger girls, so I am assuming these other kids would be suitable marriage material.
I am an only child and I love it, I was spoiled rotten by my grandparents growing up and I loved every single minute of it. Does that make a bad person NO.

I am 33 yrs old now and I have 3 children, after having our 1st (he was such a great baby we wanted another right way). 2nd time around we weren't so lucky, ds #2 was a CRABBY!!! LOL. It took me 3 yrs to talk dh into #3. I wanted that girl!!! I was fortunate enough to have a girl. I would have stopped at #3 regardless if she was a boy or not, because that was enough kids for us, plus we couldn't afford to have more children.

I also loved being pregnant, but I can't imagine being pregnant 18 times. Like PP said her body needs a break and so don't her older children.

Did anyone see when they were building the house and all the kids were building it. Even the 3 yr old was hammering nails into the house. I mean really come on now!!! And did you see that house. I wonder if TLC paid for it.

As for what he does for a living well, I am sure they get paid mighty well for selling the kids out for people to gauke at on GMC and TLC. I guess everyone has their price.
OMG! I have an only too, and I get such rude comments from people.Like, " she needs a playmate" "don't you like kids ?" She is an only not by my own choice, but seriously what is so wrong about having an only child?

Nothing yet - as far as I can tell. :) I used to think of some snarky remark to answer them, but I gave up. We're happy with our family and I am very confident that my son will not end up scarred by not having siblings. If he does, I'll spend lots of money on therapy! :rotfl: :rotfl:


im a only child and grandchild and when i was younger i loved it:rotfl: but know i worry about when something happens to my parents it will just be me :sad1: i will have know one to help me!! i also would love to have a niece or nephew to spoil:upsidedow i have a 9 yo old son and a 2 1/2 yo daughter i debated on having a second child and im so glad i did. that sibiling bond is great:flower3: i get tears just thinking that i still dont have that bond and i will never know what it feels like:sad:

I'm going to go OT here for a minute...

I am the oldest of 3.

My brother (the youngest) is married to a beast. If we want to actually see him for a holiday, we're required to have a special gathering either before or after the actual holiday because it's more important for them to be with her family. He forgot my son's birthday 2 years in a row, but her brother had a baby and it's been like the second coming. He lives 45 minutes away and has seen my mother exactly 3 times since her birthday last August - Christmas (held on 12/23), Easter (held on Palm Sunday), and the day he needed to come to their house to retrieve something out of the basement (to give to his new nephew). He will be celebrating Mother's Day with her tomorrow (Sat).

And oh, did I mention that my mother was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer last May? He still reminds me about the 1 doctor's appt he went to with her (because I was away) like I'm supposed to be grateful. The other 100 or so appointments for tests, surgery, treatments, nutritionist, etc?? Yeah - that was all me.

My sister (the middle child) lives in GA. She has 1 daughter and is due with her second next month. I love her, and we speak often, but we only see each other 3-4 times a year for about 3-4 days each time. She does what she can, but really, from that distance, she's limited.

So that whole sibling bonding having someone to lean on theory? Waaaay overrated from my experience. I'm so grateful I married the man that I did, because really, he's the only one I can count on for anything.
I am just curious....what job does the father have?
I was surprised that they could even "afford" 18 children. But from what I saw of their house, not only can they afford it, they appear to be "very well-off"!

I thought I read somewhere that they claim their house as a "church" and therefore it's not taxed??? Does anyone know if I am remembering that correctly?

Plus, I think big companies donated a lot of appliances and such when they built the new house.
My grandmother helped raise her sibs. Out of 21 pregnancies, 17 survived. They were cooking, cleaning, taking care of the babies and working in the field (farmers.) This wasn't abuse, and they still had a lovely childhood, and cared greatly for one another and their parents.

I am sure your grandmother had a great life and loved her family but . . .

You also have to remember back then people had children just to work on their farms, instead of paying people to do so. Also, most kids didn't finish school and rarely went to college and were married by the age of 16 yrs old and having a child a year later. Another thing to consider people weren't living to be 80 yrs old either and there was no such thing a birth control.
Nothing yet - as far as I can tell. :) I used to think of some snarky remark to answer them, but I gave up. We're happy with our family and I am very confident that my son will not end up scarred by not having siblings. If he does, I'll spend lots of money on therapy! :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm going to go OT here for a minute...

I am the oldest of 3.

My brother (the youngest) is married to a beast. If we want to actually see him for a holiday, we're required to have a special gathering either before or after the actual holiday because it's more important for them to be with her family. He forgot my son's birthday 2 years in a row, but her brother had a baby and it's been like the second coming. He lives 45 minutes away and has seen my mother exactly 3 times since her birthday last August - Christmas (held on 12/23), Easter (held on Palm Sunday), and the day he needed to come to their house to retrieve something out of the basement (to give to his new nephew). He will be celebrating Mother's Day with her tomorrow (Sat).

And oh, did I mention that my mother was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer last May? He still reminds me about the 1 doctor's appt he went to with her (because I was away) like I'm supposed to be grateful. The other 100 or so appointments for tests, surgery, treatments, nutritionist, etc?? Yeah - that was all me.

My sister (the middle child) lives in GA. She has 1 daughter and is due with her second next month. I love her, and we speak often, but we only see each other 3-4 times a year for about 3-4 days each time. She does what she can, but really, from that distance, she's limited.

So that whole sibling bonding having someone to lean on theory? Waaaay overrated from my experience. I'm so grateful I married the man that I did, because really, he's the only one I can count on for anything.

im so sorry about your mother!! also you must be a wonderful person because you are yankee fan:cheer2: i also love the yankees!!
I thought I read somewhere that they claim their house as a "church" and therefore it's not taxed??? Does anyone know if I am remembering that correctly?

Plus, I think big companies donated a lot of appliances and such when they built the new house.

TLC paid for a good portion of the things in the new house...including all the interior decorating and stocking the multiple fridges and freezers. However, the family did BUILD most of the house themselves, which I give them credit for. The most disturbing thing I saw this morning on the Today show was the chart they had to schedule 20 minute intervals of alone time with their parents. Personally, I found the family to be like a train wreck: I just can't stop watching, even though I don't necessarily like what I'm seeing.
Frankly I'm not surprised. She's said on more than one occasion that they will continue to have children as long as the lord lets them. So until she's menopausal - or something much more tragic happens - MORE babies!
I am an only child and I love it, I was spoiled rotten by my grandparents growing up and I loved every single minute of it. Does that make a bad person NO.

I am 33 yrs old now and I have 3 children, after having our 1st (he was such a great baby we wanted another right way). 2nd time around we weren't so lucky, ds #2 was a CRABBY!!! LOL. It took me 3 yrs to talk dh into #3. I wanted that girl!!! I was fortunate enough to have a girl. I would have stopped at #3 regardless if she was a boy or not, because that was enough kids for us, plus we couldn't afford to have more children.

I also loved being pregnant, but I can't imagine being pregnant 18 times. Like PP said her body needs a break and so don't her older children.

Did anyone see when they were building the house and all the kids were building it. Even the 3 yr old was hammering nails into the house. I mean really come on now!!! And did you see that house. I wonder if TLC paid for it.
As for what he does for a living well, I am sure they get paid mighty well for selling the kids out for people to gauke at on GMC and TLC. I guess everyone has their price.

I doubt that the kid was actually helping. It was more likely a case of look isn't this cute for the camera OR he wanted to feel like a "big kid" by "helping". My sons both liked to "help" Daddy from a young age with the tools. Daddy didn't always like the "help" but pretended he could not have done the job without them.
Let her have all the babies whe wants- just please, cut your hair, just because you have a family from the dark ages doesn't mean you have to dress and look like it.
On the Road with 16 Children will be on Discovery tonight at 8. I've never acutally watched their show, so maybe I'll give it a try. Also, NO FLAMES PLEASE, but I looked at their website, and at their pictures, and whats up with that moms hair?? Its just..... I don't know.... its time for a makeover!:cutie:
The most disturbing thing I saw this morning on the Today show was the chart they had to schedule 20 minute intervals of alone time with their parents.

Have you seen Horton Hears a Who yet? That's totally the image I had when I read that. :P They're their own amusement park ride!
You'd just think with all the make over shows on TV now that TLC could give the Mom one.

So that whole sibling bonding having someone to lean on theory? Waaaay overrated from my experience. I'm so grateful I married the man that I did, because really, he's the only one I can count on for anything.

yeah, same here. I love my family and all, but I am so thankful I married the man I did. My family is so messed up and I like living 100 miles away from almost all of them.

Oh, as far as Michelle Duggar being PG again. Congrats to her and the family!!!! Children are the surest sign of your wealth. (not monatary). The love you get from your child is the most priceless gift you can ever have
yeah, same here. I love my family and all, but I am so thankful I married the man I did. My family is so messed up and I like living 100 miles away from almost all of them.

Oh, as far as Michelle Duggar being PG again. Congrats to her and the family!!!! Children are the surest sign of your wealth. (not monatary). The love you get from your child is the most priceless gift you can ever have

Our children's' love is no doubt the most priceless gift, however, I'm not sure about the whole "surest sign of wealth"...I mean, children are expensive and if you can afford to raise 18+ kids to adulthood (through college/masters/etc...) then more power to you! I think that the surest sign of love for your existing children if you don't have this ability, is to stop having more children that will (no matter how wonderful it is to have children) put a financial drain on your household. The Duggars are capitalizing on the amount of children they have and are now cashing in.


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