OMG, My photos are all gone!


Loves making dreams come true!
Jun 10, 2003
Sadly I logged into my account tonight to place an order and ALL my photos are gone. I never got a "warning" email or anything and some are still under my projects and in my cart but all the albumns are GONE. Two cruises worth of memories and many trips to the parks, I'm so sad! I know it has not been a year since I last ordered since some of the photos are from my cruise I took less than a year ago. I emailed them but I needed to vent, I'll be so upset if they are gone. Yes I could have backed them up for the reason I needed those are the copies I had on my computer were lost when my old one crashed. :rolleyes: Wish me luck!
Hopefully this will just end up being a scare, and you'll have a way to reactivate your account with the data intact. Either way, hopefully others will benefit from your unfortunate experience and be reminded that websites like Snapfish exist to sell you prints, so if you aren't actively using their service, there is no reason for them to keep your data.
Active Participation is defined as sending in film or purchasing photo merchandise, including reprints and enlargements, through the Service at least once every 365 days. ... Snapfish offers free, unlimited storage of online photos to Members who maintain Active Participation.
This incident is a also very good warning for folks to take heed of the most important rule of these websites:
You should always preserve your original Content, or make back-up copies of such Content, on your personal system. You should not use the Service as the only repository or other source for your Content.
I hope they reply, I know it's been less than a year since I last made a purchase and I've certainly uploaded in the past year. My computer chrashed and therefore I lost the originals. Oh well.
I don't believe "uploading" qualifies as active participation. By "sending in film" they mean taking advantage of their film-to-digital service. I'd focus on the date you last made a purchase, and remind them that it has been less than a year since that specific date.
I know how you feel. Just a couple of weeks ago, my computer died. I lost everything. There were tons of pictures on my computer that are gone forever because I am/was too dang lazy to burn them to a CD. What was weird, I was having a nagging feeling for a few days that I needed to burn the pictures to disk and kept putting it off, them boom.. they are gone.

I also lost all of my school work too, that was very discouraging!


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