OMG! I can't believe that happened at DISNEY!

Nope no signs. They did tell us not to swim in he water though. But not why. . .:sad2:

You can't swim in the lakes at Disney NOT because of Gators, but because of a bacteria that is common in the water. They don't want people to have a reaction, so they just don't allow swimming in the lakes at all. I'm okay with that though... I'm not one to get in water I can't see the bottom of. :)
My other funny story - same day.
We were sitting at dinner at the 50's Diner. It was a really rainy day, we'd had a long wait to get seated and DS (4) was restless. Before I could stop him he bounced his fork and it went flying through the air. There was a table behind us with a couple in their 50's. The man and had been giving our energetic family dirty looks throughout the meal, and as the fork went flying at him I was panicking. However, the fork landed neatly in the pocket of his button-down shirt. It was so ridiculous that the man started laughing - turned bright red and started crying it was so funny. And then we started laughing.
His wife turns to me and says "we're in freaking Disney and he doesn't crack a smile till your son throws a fork at him. Maybe I should have tried that 3 days ago."

Now THIS made me laugh out loud!:rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:
The first night of your Disney Honeymoon DH and I were walking back to our room at the newly opened Pop Century. We were chatting as we were walking and I was looking at him not the ground. He faltered a little as he stepped, like you would if you were walking over a wire or garden hose. Only it was not a was a snake! :scared1: I am phobic about snakes! I was frozen for a second, then I took off running and screaming at the top of my lungs. I could not see where I was going, i just ran. Finally when I stopped I realized I was lost. DH found me though, he said it was not too bad, he just had to follow the scream. :rotfl:

The story on here a month or so about the woman's son that was bitten by a venomous snake at CBR makes my story seem like nothing!

This would have been me too ---- I am the same way! I thank my lucky starts everytrip so far that we have been snake free.--so far.
I have 2.
We took our kids, then 4 years and 4 months to WDW.
When we were in DHS, we took both kids to the Playhouse Disney Show. I had the baby on my lap, and could not believe how calmly she was sitting "watching the show" - total Disney fan. Not so much. It turns out that she was pooping all over my lap. When the show ended and I went to stand up I discovered I was covered in poop as was she.
The only shorts I could find to fit my post-partum body comfortably had TINK on the bum, and I ended up wearing them all day.
On the plane ride home I wore them, and every time I got up to go to the restroom my sister would say "oh! Tink needs to tinkle." Thinking about it still cracks me up.

My other funny story - same day.
We were sitting at dinner at the 50's Diner. It was a really rainy day, we'd had a long wait to get seated and DS (4) was restless. Before I could stop him he bounced his fork and it went flying through the air. There was a table behind us with a couple in their 50's. The man and had been giving our energetic family dirty looks throughout the meal, and as the fork went flying at him I was panicking. However, the fork landed neatly in the pocket of his button-down shirt. It was so ridiculous that the man started laughing - turned bright red and started crying it was so funny. And then we started laughing.
His wife turns to me and says "we're in freaking Disney and he doesn't crack a smile till your son throws a fork at him. Maybe I should have tried that 3 days ago."

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! :lmao::rotfl::rotfl2:

We had spent a long day in the parks and had 2 exhausted kids. After getting them back to the hotel (POR) and in bed I decided I was going to do laundry. I took my laundry and a book. I threw the clothes in the washer and settled in a lounge chair by the pool with my book. To my surprise, and more so to theirs, I interrupted a young couple who were spending some "quality time" together in the pool! :scared1:

There was quite a scramble to reassemble bathing suits!

July 4, 1978. Bicenntenial year so BIG celebrations going on everywhere. The park was at capacity and closed if my memory serves me correctly. I was nearly 7 so my sister would have been nearly 12. She lost her flip flop as we were getting onto It's a Small World. It fell into the water. Well the cast members couldn't reach it before it got into the filter system of the ride. Now mind you this was mid morning. When it got into the filter system they had to shut the ride down for the rest of the day to clear it out. My sister walked around MK with socks on all day because obviously her flip flop was gone and we couldn't find her shoes to buy at MK. :rotfl:

Just a note, Bicentennial year was 1976.
Mine was while waiting for the afternoon parade on Main Street. We had staked out our spots early and were just enjoying the sights when another family sits next to us. Their son is eating, and eating and eating non-stop snacks. Well eventually he starts to puke, his dad hands him a paper bag. After the little boy finishes getting sick, Dad throws the bag in the trash can and Mom hands him an ice cream!:eek: We decided to move to a different spot!
I am really loving all the responses on this thread, but unfortunately I think I have everyone beat on this subject.

In 1999 I went with my family, which consisted of me, DW, DS1 1/2, MIL, FIL, and 3 younger BIL's. I was 22 years old, my wife and I had been married for just around a year and a half. We stood in the tree houses at Disney Institute for 5 days. It was going to be an awesome trip, or so I thought.

On the first night there, my wife told me that she was moving back home with her parents when we got back. She was leaving me!!! At the time, I was shocked and completely confused. So I spent the next 4 days feeling like a complete idiot, because it was me and her whole family there the entire time. She told me that if she came home after the trip, it would be too hard to leave. Let's just say for that trip WDW was not the happiest place on earth.

Luckily it did not ruin my love for Disney, and I made my next trip with my new wife and daughter 6 years later. And, the magic returned. We are going again this February.

I am so glad you found a new wife and it didn't ruin you love of Disney. How lame was she.
Loving this thread! So many laugh out loud moments!!! I've wrestled with the thought of posting this. However, I've decided to because it is quite funny and it could possibly happen to your family the next time you are out and about.
Before I start my story please note that it isn't my intention isn't to dis another religion nor custom in which the Middle East ladies dress. If anything WE were the ignorant parties!

Last December, my friend, her DD, my DS, and myself were in line for the Great Movie Ride at DHS. There was a Arab couple, with their 2 small children and infant in front of us in the line. The DH, and children were dressed in what I would call normal everyday attire. T-shirt, shorts, flip flops, etc.. The lady was wearing an all black overgarment that I think are called abayat's. Anyway, all I could see of this lady were her eyes. I can only imagine how hot she probably was....but I digress. Anyway...we followed behind them for 15-20 minutes waiting to get on the ride. The shock moment came when the infant started to cry. The mother reaches up over her breast, opens a flap and out falls her bare breast . She reaches down into the stroller picks up her baby and nurses the infant.
We were all just dismayed. :confused:
I nursed my son so breast feeding isn't something that shocks me. But seeing it done by a lady who can't show her fingertips, but openly shows her breast before picking up the child...shocked us all.
What did we do???...well I covered my little boy's eyes and turned around and looked at my friends face. She was looking at me with a bug eyed expression and discreetly telling her DD to shhhhh!!! (DD who was 11, was asking mom did she see what she thinks she saw!) We started looking at folks around us and some were doing double takes, some were gawking, and one lady offered her a blanket. (She refused it.)

Yes, we were ignorant to the custom...but now we know.:idea:
We had spent a long day in the parks and had 2 exhausted kids. After getting them back to the hotel (POR) and in bed I decided I was going to do laundry. I took my laundry and a book. I threw the clothes in the washer and settled in a lounge chair by the pool with my book. To my surprise, and more so to theirs, I interrupted a young couple who were spending some "quality time" together in the pool! :scared1:

There was quite a scramble to reassemble bathing suits! :thumbsup2
OMG!! :lmao: ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Mine was while waiting for the afternoon parade on Main Street. We had staked out our spots early and were just enjoying the sights when another family sits next to us. Their son is eating, and eating and eating non-stop snacks. Well eventually he starts to puke, his dad hands him a paper bag. After the little boy finishes getting sick, Dad throws the bag in the trash can and Mom hands him an ice cream!:eek: We decided to move to a different spot!
OK, what are they trying to do, kill the boy!!! popcorn::popcorn:::sad2:

Loving this thread! So many laugh out loud moments!!! I've wrestled with the thought of posting this. However, I've decided to because it is quite funny and it could possibly happen to your family the next time you are out and about.
Before I start my story please note that it isn't my intention isn't to dis another religion nor custom in which the Middle East ladies dress. If anything WE were the ignorant parties!

Last December, my friend, her DD, my DS, and myself were in line for the Great Movie Ride at DHS. There was a Arab couple, with their 2 small children and infant in front of us in the line. The DH, and children were dressed in what I would call normal everyday attire. T-shirt, shorts, flip flops, etc.. The lady was wearing an all black overgarment that I think are called abayat's. Anyway, all I could see of this lady were her eyes. I can only imagine how hot she probably was....but I digress. Anyway...we followed behind them for 15-20 minutes waiting to get on the ride. The shock moment came when the infant started to cry. The mother reaches up over her breast, opens a flap and out falls her bare breast . She reaches down into the stroller picks up her baby and nurses the infant.
We were all just dismayed. :confused:
I nursed my son so breast feeding isn't something that shocks me. But seeing it done by a lady who can't show her fingertips, but openly shows her breast before picking up the child...shocked us all.
What did we do???...well I covered my little boy's eyes and turned around and looked at my friends face. She was looking at me with a bug eyed expression and discreetly telling her DD to shhhhh!!! (DD who was 11, was asking mom did she see what she thinks she saw!) We started looking at folks around us and some were doing double takes, some were gawking, and one lady offered her a blanket. (She refused it.)

Yes, we were ignorant to the custom...but now we know.:idea:

Goodness. . . I do not know how to respond to that post. . . :rolleyes1
While our plane was taxing down the runway at the Detroit airport, my DD suddenly yells out "BOMBS away!!!!!" :eek: (I think it was from a movie) I swear the whole cabin turned to look at us and I just slid to the floor in embarassment.

Not a good word to use on a plane these days!

Don't feel bad. My kids like to read the emergency evacuation cards that are in the back of the seats.:eek: There is always one who asks loud enough for others to hear over the din of the engines "Mommy- is this the slide for when we land in the water?":scared1:
Did they have warning sings or anything? I'm from Minnesota and never even thought about gaters in Florida till someone said we can't swim on the fake beaches cus of the gaters. :scared1: I'd be wading in it and not even thinking about it! We don't have them up here! :eek:

Yes, there are warning signs on all of the beaches at WDW that swimming is not allowed. There are alligators in almost all lakes - if not all at WDW. They have even gotten into parks (Youtube for the Splash Mountain alligator - you will find other videos of gators at WDW on there too). Alligators live all over FL...WDW if no exception. Disney will do their best to keep them out, but they do let them stay on property unless they get too big. If they are too big, they will relocate them.

All the stories about puke remind me about the time when my son was about 2 and a half, and I was down at the AAA office signing papers for car insurance. From out of nowhere my son threw up all over me and the floor. The look on the insurance agent's face was priceless. I apologized, and all 3 of the AAA agents who were there ran and got me bunches of paper towels. I was afraid to get up because it would have fell off of me and all over the floor.

I had to throw that one in there, with all of the puke stories. I have never seen anyone throw up at WDW luckily. I have smelled it in a few places, but it wasn't in sight.

I will share a story that happened to me though. LOL! One time I was standing in line with my boyfriend and son for Aladdins Carpets. This lady taps me on the shoulder and says "Excuse me, but did you know that there's a huge hole on the back of your pants?". I must have turned a few shades of red. I smacked my boyfriend and asked him if he had not noticed this hole at any point during the day. I thanked the lady and said "Well these days it is no different than what a lot of the kids are wearing.". We both laughed. The hole ended up being more of a threaded hole about 3" long (sort of like when the knees get worn out on jeans). I just kept my back to a wall as often as possible for the rest of the day. I wasn't going to go all the way back to the hotel for a little hole on my pants. It was a bit embarrassing when I realized that I had bright pink undies on though!
Well, this one is my family. We had just gotten on Ellen's Energy ADventure (which we all know is 30 minutes long). My DS4 decided he had to go the bathroom. I switched him into my DH's row (ride was mostly empty and I had the girls in my row) and DH downed his bottle of soda and my DS peed into it. My Dh still laughs about how it was good he was so little that it fit into it orr else he would ahve peed all over. I just thank goodness he was a boy and didn't pee all over himself as a girl would have had to.
My OMG I can't believe that happened at Disney moment was courtesy of my own DS...

He was two at the time and at home had started pointing at things using his... you guessed it.. middle finger! We were always trying to explain to him that you use your index finger, but he was set in his ways.

So we were leaving Epcot one evening and there was a CM in Norway who bent down to eye level with DS who was in a stroller and said "Good night Prince". As fast as she bent down she shot straight up and shot us a look and turned away very upset looking!

We looked down and of course, DS was pointing at something in the distance.. with his middle finger! :eek:

We tried to explain but I don't think she understood.. out of the fingers of babes..
1999 - We ran into TWO families from our town of 2400 that had children in my brother's graduating class in MK. Kinda cool.

That reminds me.. I used to agonize over taking the kids out from school, and would write a letter to the teachers and principal about how I wouldn't insult their intelligence by saying that it was educational and all that, but that we needed to go for financial and work reasons during the school year. They usually said to have fun but I still felt bad... every year.

When DD was in 4th grade stopped feeling so bad... we ran into one of DD's classmates, and his mom.. who was DD's third grade teacher, in September during school!

What are the chances of running into someone you know there? It was pretty amazing!
I teach at a very small school. We have maybe 100 students in grades 1-5. This summer I ran into one of my students at the airport. We were headed to WDW and she was going to Boston. Two of the kids that are in my class this year were coming home from WDW on the day we were flying in (didn't actually see them though.) Then, mid-way through our trip, I ran into two more of this year's students on a pathway at EPCOT. So, of my 17 current students, 5 of them (one being my own DD), were at WDW within the same 2 week period.
Loving this thread! So many laugh out loud moments!!! I've wrestled with the thought of posting this. However, I've decided to because it is quite funny and it could possibly happen to your family the next time you are out and about.
Before I start my story please note that it isn't my intention isn't to dis another religion nor custom in which the Middle East ladies dress. If anything WE were the ignorant parties!

Last December, my friend, her DD, my DS, and myself were in line for the Great Movie Ride at DHS. There was a Arab couple, with their 2 small children and infant in front of us in the line. The DH, and children were dressed in what I would call normal everyday attire. T-shirt, shorts, flip flops, etc.. The lady was wearing an all black overgarment that I think are called abayat's. Anyway, all I could see of this lady were her eyes. I can only imagine how hot she probably was....but I digress. Anyway...we followed behind them for 15-20 minutes waiting to get on the ride. The shock moment came when the infant started to cry. The mother reaches up over her breast, opens a flap and out falls her bare breast . She reaches down into the stroller picks up her baby and nurses the infant.
We were all just dismayed. :confused:
I nursed my son so breast feeding isn't something that shocks me. But seeing it done by a lady who can't show her fingertips, but openly shows her breast before picking up the child...shocked us all.
What did we do???...well I covered my little boy's eyes and turned around and looked at my friends face. She was looking at me with a bug eyed expression and discreetly telling her DD to shhhhh!!! (DD who was 11, was asking mom did she see what she thinks she saw!) We started looking at folks around us and some were doing double takes, some were gawking, and one lady offered her a blanket. (She refused it.)

Yes, we were ignorant to the custom...but now we know.:idea:

The first year we went to WDW we were switching monorails and this European lady was walking, her toddler asked her to nurse and she picked him up and popped out her cha cha! MY DH, BIL, and FIL were all giggles. :rolleyes1
I think this was about in 2001 /2, we were by the Great Movie ride, early entry, and there was a Russian family, the mom chasing the boy, about 12 years old, yelling at him and slaped him in the face, and 2 seconds later he made him sit down and smile for a family photo. That was a sight to see. It happened so fast.

And my own son who drank a ton of chocolate milk in The Land, threw up in a garbage can, a younger girl saw and was saying "that boy is throwing up in the garbage can" At least he made it in the garbage can.
WARNING: May be Considered TMI!!!

So it's not a puke, pee or poop story but it does involve another body fluid....

We went to Disney last January and unlike all of you that had Disney souvenirs 9 mths later, I received proof that we would not be adding to our family anytime soon... on like day 3 of our trip. Not the best timing on my part but what can ya do?

Picture if you will... or don't if you'd rather not... :rolleyes:

I get up in the morning and should have gone straight to the restroom but for whatever reason I sat back down on the WHITE sheets at Pop. Talking to DH and my MOTHER IN LAW, whom I love dearly but is an uber put together woman and who I don't know THAT well. We live several states apart and I only see her twice a year.

I get up from my seat, go the restroom and come back to find "evidence" on the bed. I say evidence because my DS6 is going all CSI on me and freaking out about the blood stain. I think he has watched too much TV! My MIL is standing there trying to distract DS6 but to no avail....

While I am standing there wanting to crawl in a hole, he goes and gets his handy dandy pirate telescope he'd just gotten the day before at PoC and looks at the stain through the magnifying glass to examine it for clues!!!!!


I wanted to die!


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