Olympus Evolt Series

So......who has ordered the E-5?

Not me! I've noticed a couple of people over on dpreview have already received their E-5's. It sounds like a really nice camera, but I foresee maybe a Pen E-P3 in my future.:goodvibes

I was able to put my 50mm f/2 to good use in Niagara Falls a couple of weeks ago, especially at the butterfly conservatory. I made the mistake of shooting the first pictures at f/2.0 so of course, I didn't have the whole butterfly in focus. Here's one at f/8.0.


And here are a couple taken at f/2 which have been cropped quite a bit. I was happy to see how sharp and detailed they still are after cropping so much.



I never noticed before that their eyes match their wing colors and even patterns sometimes.
So thinking of selling off my E-510 and upgrading to an E-3 or E-30. Any opinions on which is the better camera and why?
So thinking of selling off my E-510 and upgrading to an E-3 or E-30. Any opinions on which is the better camera and why?

If weather sealing is important to you go with the E-3. If it isn't a factor go with the E-30. It's probably a couple hundred bucks cheaper and a fantastic camera.

Here is an E-30 sample

If weather sealing is important to you go with the E-3. If it isn't a factor go with the E-30. It's probably a couple hundred bucks cheaper and a fantastic camera.

Here is an E-30 sample


Very nice thats what I like to shoot
Awesome picture, Joe. :worship:

Go for the E30. Most reviewers say that in many ways it's better than the E3. I really love mine (though I haven't used it in two months - just no time for photography lately). I also upgraded from the 510 and noticed a huge difference in same pics when my son used that and I used the E30 shooting same things. Read as many reviews as you can and follow the discussions on dpreview Oly Forums.
Have any of you Olympus people chosen to go with a different system altogether? I really want to have a 50mm lens, but the Olympus one is something like $450, but the same lens for Canon is about $100.00. I've been looking pretty closely at the Canon T2i.

I have really enjoyed my E510, and for the most part I'm happy with it (low-light situations, not so happy), but I can't afford to add any extra lens.

Other than the new E-5 ($1,600), low light shooting with high ISO isn't an Oly strong point. I rarely go above ISO 800 but that suits the type of shoot I usually do. If your main concern is low light shooting and using higher ISO settings, you may need to switch.

If you want a 50mm lens but don't want to spend the $450, one option is to check ebay for the Oly OM 50mm f/1.4 or f/1.8 lens. If you don't mind its manual functions (focusing and aperture selection) you can get one for about $30 - $50. Add an OM to 4/3 adapter for $20 and you have a fairly cheap low light lens.
Have any of you Olympus people chosen to go with a different system altogether? I really want to have a 50mm lens, but the Olympus one is something like $450, but the same lens for Canon is about $100.00. I've been looking pretty closely at the Canon T2i.

I have really enjoyed my E510, and for the most part I'm happy with it (low-light situations, not so happy), but I can't afford to add any extra lens.


Olympus 50mm...


Canon 50mm II...


Even though they are prime lenses, this is like comparing an apple to an orange. It's that good!!!:thumbsup2
Have any of you Olympus people chosen to go with a different system altogether? I really want to have a 50mm lens, but the Olympus one is something like $450, but the same lens for Canon is about $100.00. I've been looking pretty closely at the Canon T2i.

I have really enjoyed my E510, and for the most part I'm happy with it (low-light situations, not so happy), but I can't afford to add any extra lens.

I thought long and hard about potentially switching systems this spring before I made the leap for the E30. But I just love the Oly system so decided not to fix what ain't broke - for me. As I mentioned above, I did find a big difference in quality right out of the camera as far as the differerences between the E510 and the E30 go, which I was pretty surprised about because I wasn't expecting it to be as pronounced based on reviews I read. But I think adding good quality lenses around the same time helped, and, as I outlined in this thread early on, I spent a LOT of time working around the low light performance issues in the 510, so it only made it that much better when I got the E30. Overall, I don't do a ton of low light shooting, and when I do I've learned how to get what I want (which in some ways I think made me a better photographer, or at least forced me to learn how) so low light isn't a deal breaker for me. And truth be told, I simply love the Oly ergonomics, so I kept that in the forefront of my mind. Every time I thought about going with something else, it didn't feel right, so I stuck with my gut.

We spend a lot of time on this board talking about how things feel in hands, and how it's not the equipment, but the photographer, etc. But I sometimes wonder if we really believe it -I think there's a big undertone out there somehow that if we go with the more popular system, things will be so much better for us, etc. :confused3 I just don't buy it, dammit. ;) I also don't have an issue buying lenses because I get most of mine on Craigslist and I usually pay about half of the retail cost. I think I've only bought one lens brand new, other than the kits, and that was the pancake which I got a great deal on using a Dell discount and AAA combined. So there are ways around paying full cost for lenses, too. And Oly does have one of the better rated glass systems. But in short, I think you should just go with what's in your gut - either way. You should be happy with whatever you're using.

There have been several posters here who've switched from Oly. And there have also been some people go from Canon to Nikon or Sony and what not as well. It's just individual preference.
I actually did go hold the Nikons and Canons. I really really really wanted to like the Nikon, but it didn't feel right. The Canon, however, did. It felt very similar to my E510, and the buttons seemed similar.

Oogieboogieman, I looked at your links re the lens. That's pretty amazing, actually. But, I guess part of my issue is, why should I spend that kind of money on a lens that is that much higher in quality than the camera body I am putting it on? It would be pretty great to upgrade to a higher quality camera body, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

decisions, decisions.
I actually did go hold the Nikons and Canons. I really really really wanted to like the Nikon, but it didn't feel right. The Canon, however, did. It felt very similar to my E510, and the buttons seemed similar.

Oogieboogieman, I looked at your links re the lens. That's pretty amazing, actually. But, I guess part of my issue is, why should I spend that kind of money on a lens that is that much higher in quality than the camera body I am putting it on? It would be pretty great to upgrade to a higher quality camera body, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

decisions, decisions.

Have you considered the E620? I've never used an E30, but from the reviews I've read, the E620 quality is very close to the E30. You can get the body only for around $600 now on Amazon. The T2i kit with one lens is $849.

What are you looking for with the 50mm? Is it the focal length or faster aperture? The 50mm on the Canon is equivalent to 80mm on a 35mm camera. So the ZD 35mm lens is a closer comparison to the Canon lens in that regard than the 50mm. If it's a faster lens, then the ZD 50mm fits the bill.

Last year around the holidays, Olympus offered some really good rebates. I bought the 12-60mm then for less than $700. I don't remember what the camera deals were, but you might want to wait 2-3 weeks to see what deals can be had, both with Olympus and Canon.

I upgraded from the E520 to the E600 (refurbished) and I've been happy with it. Good luck with any decision you make!
I guess part of my issue is, why should I spend that kind of money on a lens that is that much higher in quality than the camera body I am putting it on? It would be pretty great to upgrade to a higher quality camera body, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
I believe the thought is that bodies come and go, but lenses are forever. Why it's good to get the best lenses you can afford.
Lynn, I would love to try out the 620.

And still pining for that EPl1. Watching sales.
Ran across this on another forum and now passing it along. It's been refurbished at the factory.

Thanks! The 3 models are a little confusing. I spent an evening a few months ago looking at the differences between them and decided that the EPL1 was the one to get, at least for me, so I've been looking at those. I was hoping to pick up just a body and adapter but buying it that way isn't a lot cheaper than with one kit lens, and the kit with that model is not a fast lens as with some of the other PENs (and these days I hesitate to buy a slow lens, even if it fits nicely on the camera). :confused3 So the search continues.

But funny you should post that this morning. I was just about to post this which I saw on another forum when looking for something else. I think it speaks to having both the Oly DSLR and PEN as complements to eachother.

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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 941


I have both an E-3 and the EPL1 and the more I use the EPL1, the more I love my E-3.

Most of the short commings of my little EVIL center on focus. It has more to do with being able to place the focal point EXACTLY where I want it. With the DSLR, if I want it where the eye meets the nose, I can do that. then I can place it in the iris and re-focus. Its done. Lots of luck trying that with my EPL1.

Try to pick a bird out of a bush without the focus catching a branch. Piece of cake with the DSLR, tough duty with a focus area on a point and shoot. When the point and shoot has a larger sensor and the ability to shoot faster lenses, or longer lenses, the focus point becomes more critical because the depth of field becomes narrower. That is what frustrates me with the EPL1 the most. Its an area that lowers the utility of the camera well below the current DSLR offerings. I haven't used any other EVIL cameras, so I cannot say the comments above are universal.

Now, why don't I just sell the damned thing and move on? Well, there are things it does quite well and quite conviently.

My EPL kit consists of the EPL-1, a wonderful Panasonic 20mm f1.7 lens, the 40-150 4/3 kit lens, and one of my macro lenses, either the 35 of the 50 f2, as well as the adapter to mount the 4/3 lenses to the micro camera. The whole kit fits into a small camera bag and can go on the longest hike without causing any discomfort or inconvienence.

The EPL does things like street and landscape shots like a champ. Its not my thing, but snaps at the party would be easy with the Panny 20 f1.7 and ISO 1600, and has a little popup flash too. To be honest, I haven't tried out firing flashes remotely with the EPL yet, but the same system does well with the E-3 and opens up a new world of possibilities for a highly portable, multi flash kit going literally anywhere.

Another use for my EPL is playing second fiddle to my E-3. I can sit comfortably with the E-3/300mm/2x converter on a tripod waiting for wildlife to show up to get their pic taken, while the EPL/40-150 sits on my lap. The little camera can take snaps without even moving it from my lap. Just lower the eyeballs to the LCD, focus and shoot. The snake, frog, toad, chipmunk get theit pic taken without the whole forest knowing I'm there. If the main guest arrives, the big gun on the turret is still ready, and if it gets too close for the 600mm, the EPL is ready to keep shooting.

I'll sum up what I perfer.

Wildlife--- DSLR
Macro--- DSLR
Action/Sports---- DSLR!!!
On the street--- EVIL
Indoor Snaps--- EVIL
Landscapes--- DSLR if its with me, but often its not so EVIL wins.
Vacation cam--- EVIL!!!

If you force me to choose one and only one, I'll choose the DSLR all the way. It can do it all and do it all well. Its not even a close call in my book. Problem is, this is a hobby for me. If it becomes a hassle, I make myself leave the camera home. Why be miserable? Now, throw one small, super light weight bag over the shoulder and it has the lenses to do most anything I'd want. It might not even come out of the bag that day, but its ready any time. That's the main beauty of the EVIL kit. It can always be there and doesn't take any real effort to take it along.
Thanks! The 3 models are a little confusing. I spent an evening a few months ago looking at the differences between them and decided that the EPL1 was the one to get, at least for me, so I've been looking at those. I was hoping to pick up just a body and adapter but buying it that way isn't a lot cheaper than with one kit lens, and the kit with that model is not a fast lens as with some of the other PENs (and these days I hesitate to buy a slow lens, even if it fits nicely on the camera). :confused3 So the search continues.

But funny you should post that this morning. I was just about to post this which I saw on another forum when looking for something else. I think it speaks to having both the Oly DSLR and PEN as complements to eachother.

I think Amazon had a new E-PL1 last week for $399. I used one a couple of weeks ago and really liked the size. But I didn't like having to dig through the menu to change the ISO. I think the E-PL1 trumps the E-P2 because of the flash though.

DH is going to Japan in a couple of weeks and should be there for the release of the E-PL1s. He's been more enthusiastic about his Oly point and shoot and really trying to improve his photos. Maybe I could have him look for this one while he's there and see if he likes it.;) The smaller lens looks nice. I can't find a price for it though. The Oly Japan website just says to go to the dealer to get the price. It makes me think that a new model might be on the horizon for the US market.
It makes me think that a new model might be on the horizon for the US market.
That's the thing - I figure they'll be coming out with another model since the technology is changing so rapidly and feedback from users is coming in. So I'm not in a rush to buy, really. I'd hate to get the EPL1 and then have them come out with the EPL2 or 3 the following month, lol. Let us know what your DH finds out.
I saw somewhere (DPReview maybe) that the Olympus agreement to use Panasonic sensors will be ending soon. They have been keeping their new sensors for their own EVIL cameras and giving Oly 2nd generation stuff.

Olympus may go with Kodak sensors in future cameras, DSLR and PEN. I read that Kodak is coming out with some serious sensor technology.
So I've decided that my next acquisition is going to be the HLD-4 battery grip for the E-30. Does anyone use one?


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