Oh Sweet Mother of Bread Pudding...What have I got myself into? 9/26 Update!

YUM!!!! I made the banana bread (added a cup of choc chips!) I try to put chocolate in everything! It was Paula Deen Good! :thumbsup2
I am going to go see DURAN DURAN on April 22nd!!!!! So excited I can't stand it!!! Just got tickets and it is at a club my friend co-owns in MPlS so I think I might just have to give a call and ensure we are up front for the standing room only...scream fest!!!!

BTW - Dan is not going...I think he fears my enthusiasm...my sis Laura will be attending and I might just die right there!!!

Can you tell I was a bit obsessed back in the day? How many of you have the Duran Duran Board game??? :lmao:

OMG I am so jealous...my 8th grade year I was completely obsessed with John Taylor. Then came 9th grade and I switched to Menudo...and one fine guy known as Mr. Ricky Martin :lovestruc
the money I spent on these 2 groups I could have probably bought my first house. Have fun!!
Hello from sunny England :)
I am very late to the party but loving your reviews!
If I was to use the same rating system as you with a UK flavour it would probably look like this
1. Gordon Ramsay
2. Jamie Oliver
3. Deliah Smith
4. Ainsley Harriott
Not sure if any of these mean anything in the US? but you get the idea
Love, love, love your reviews !!!!!!
Hello! also joining in from the UK. loving all your reviews.

Linda67- agree with your ratings however I may be tempted to swap delia with nigella??
Our waitress was there because she could not find a job in her field of Dental Hygiene. Husband military, she lived over the border in FL, never seen snow but a few flurries they get once in a while, was born in Indiana but moved when she was 3 months old and has been in FL the rest of her life. Really nice lady though and she said she loved working there because the place was so fun!!!

KAVORKA!!!! :upsidedow
Okay..back to the food drool fest...

Dan and I were just south of Iowa and felt a bit hungry for something a bit more hearty so we hit a Sonic Drive Thru for...


IMO they have the best Chicken Poppers. (Unless you can hit the Original KFC in Corbin KY!)

Never been to a Sonic!! They just don't have them around here. I just may have to make a point to stop at one on our next trip South...

We left before the hotel had any breakfast offerings out and after about an hour of driving...happened upon a Waffle House in the mountains of TN! These pics were taken on my cell phone so I apologize for the quality!


These are a must do for us at least once on any road trip south.

Again - never been to one!! And again, I just may have to make a point to stop at one on our next trip South...

So we ordered a side of hash browns, extra crispy please, not smothered, covered, murdered, mothered, suffocated, eviscerated, dilapidated, decapitated or any other "ated" or "ered" we had for options!!! Also split an order of 3 biscuits -n- gravy. Oh yeah, and bacon!!




Oh, I am drooling now! This stuff looks SO GOOD!!! I just love some good biscuits and gravy...


I am a sucker for slushies on a road trip. Usually one down and one back. Throughout the year I never get one unless it is 110 degrees in the shade and the rest of the clan gets ice cream at a DQ. We got one strawberry and sour green apple if my memory serves me.

Another one I've never been to!! And I love slushies on a road trip, too. Yummmmm....

We stopped on the edge of GA/FL because it was about 3:30 in the afternoon and our reservations were late that night at Garden Grove. I saw a sign claiming a location had the World's best Hot dogs and...thought...Let's see how good these really are!!!

I knew I was nuts after just eating a corn dog 4 hours earlier but they have won all these awards, have a butcher who makes all their dogs locally and are KNOWN for their Hot Dogs!!!! So when in Rome/GA:



Get a chili cheese dog with GA slaw on the side. popcorn::

Oh, yummy. I love a chili dog that you need to eat with a fork! I really shouldn't be reading this report just before lunch! I'm starving, and these pictures aren't helping!!! :rotfl:

Dan fell in love with BBQ nacho's we shared in October at a place in SC. They had those on the menu here as well so he decided to compare!!



It was a boy!!! Here is a comparison of Caden and my niece Skyler when she was born!


Such cuties!!
Never been to a Sonic!! They just don't have them around here. I just may have to make a point to stop at one on our next trip South...

Oh, Sonic, how I love thee. It's the drinks that'll get you.

"More than 398,929 fountain drink and slush combinations to choose from."

I see you are a slushie fan. They have a strawberry slush with actual strawberries that is heavenly. And yum, their limeades, and ocean water... and...

We didn't have one here for the longest time, now we have one by my house and one by work :cheer2:
This meal will have a bit more info besides the food because service impacts your meal from start to finish.

Our first meal at WDW was going to be Garden Grove at the Swan/Dolphin. We had purchased a gift certificate from Restaurant.com back in October for this location but ended up not using it for that trip. I had researched enough to know it was Mediterranean night and because we love Italian food, hoped it would be a great fit.

Our reservation was for a bit after 8:00 p.m. and we arrived on time. :worship:
Dan is permanently/partially disabled due to a birth defect with his feet compounded by a serious injury to his left foot a few years ago. With a handicap placard, usually valet parking at any resort is free. We always tip but the parking itself is free.

Upon arriving we were informed that we would be paying because the Swan/Dolphin does not include Garden Grove in it's elite dining tier like they do Kimonos and Il Mulino. Only the elite dining has parking validation. Based on your level of dining, the valet is included for everyone or not, regardless of handicap status. :confused3 This is totally idiotic because why would Garden Grove at over $35 a person not be considered as valuable as a couple who could go to Il Mulino and split a pizza? In fact we did eat at Il Mulino in October and our meal was bill was less than it was that night at Garden Grove.

It was not about the money to me at all. It is about the classification system of peoples money and status. It's not like Garden Grove is a cheap buffet or a Mc Donald's level menu. The few dollars they make off the policy is not enough to compensate the bad taste left in the mouth of those who experience the 1700's CASTE system.

So what did I do? I went up to the front desk, asked to talk with a manager and told him what I thought. I said we had not been informed by the Disney Dining person I booked through, that parking was free only based on which restaurant you dined at. In October, we had eaten at Il Mulino and it was assumed that parking was free do to the handicap placard because we did not need any stamp or validation from the hostess, so why would I assume it was an issue now? I explained that if their policy was explained, asterisked, or blatantly described elsewhere, I could have dropped Dan off and parked at Boardwalk for free with my DVC membership. Self parking here was still going to be $12 at the cheapest because everyone pays to park according to the valet who had parked us.

I asked him why if my normal travel party of 6 would have came, would a $240 bill not equate the same value to their management property as a $40 bill at Il Mulino?

Well he just blinked at me, told me he was sorry but that was their policy and shrugged his shoulders as a gesture his hands were tied. He did not try and explain it nor say he disagrees with it. I wanted to pull his snooty nose up to my face by yanking his tie and him over the counter pirate: but I held back. :angel: Instead, I told him I would be writing this in my travel blog and thousands of WDW fans would be glad to know that the policy for Swan/Dolphin regarding parking was based on the type of palette one had for dinner. Then he went into the back office and emerged with a one time parking voucher apologizing for the error in notification.

Feeling slightly satisfied, Dan and I walked onto the Garden Grove. I tried to take cleansing breaths and unclench my fists. We went up to the greeter podium and a CM from a different Swan restaurant was chatting with the two women working at Garden Grove. In fact it took him about 20 seconds to realize we were there and the women where trying to get him to move out of the way. He apologized but knowing their conversation was of a personal nature, you would think he would have been more careful since I could have just as easily been a manager, since his back was to those waiting to check in.

We were seated in an empty dining room. Literally the entire hour plus we were there, the room at tops had 6 other families in it. This was when my trip started. Our first dining at Disney. Our first glimpse of the magic. :3dglasses

We had the most amazing server and he came right away to ask what we would like to drink and then explained the process of eating here, the salad that would be made at our table, the stations of food and to eat slowly. He was kind, compassionate and aimed to please without being over-nauseating. Sometimes when fewer tables mean a lesser tip jar at the end of the night, we have had servers who are more like the stereotypical used car salesman. :banana:


Immediately Pluto came around and I could not resist him taking a pic with Dan. I saw it in his eyes that he recognized me from the lap dance he gave my parade neighbor a few years ago and I gave him the Focker Watch sign.

The best part of this was his handler CM. I am so upset I did not get his picture because he has been the topic of so many conversations and giggles since Dan and I saw him. I will try and tread lightly here but there is no way of explaining him without being 100% honest.

He was a very overt; make Richard Simmons personality seem like the Queen of England dry, flamboyant enough to make Mick Jagger's leather, hot pants appear like a choir robe, Japanese animae came to life, man. If he would have had a pencil thin mustache, he could have been a dead ringer for a less macho version of this character from Mulan. You would have to exchange the grumpy face though, for a smile that encircled his head.

Chi Fu

His voice was higher than my three year old niece and he clasped his hands together and leaned forward to emphasize his excitement with each word about whoever he was parading around. If Disney has a guidebook in how to be an over the top, shoot sunshine and unicorns out of your backside CM even if your pants are quite literally on fire, HE WOULD GET AN A+!!!!!

Now...onto the food! Here is the menu description as well.

Mediterranean Night- Wednesday and Sunday - Italian Wedding Soup, Table Side Salad, Fruit Salad, Caprese Salad, Italian Pasta Salad, White Bean Salad, Mediterranean Salad, Pasta Your Way, Herb Roasted Poussin, Baked Ziti, Antipasto, Lamb Tagine, Garlic Gnocchi, Eggplant Moussaka, Cauliflower Mash, Fresh Ratatouille Provencal, Israeli Couscous with Pesto, Assorted Deserts - $31.99


Again, the salad was scrumptious. Light with the right amounts of cheese and fresh veggies. The tomatoes had flavor and the bits of assorted lettuces blended well with the dressing.


Dan got a pineapple daiquiri to start his adult beverage crusade!


Here is the appetizer table full of meats, cheeses, olives and peppers to rival any bistro or deli I have ever encountered! The price of an olive bar at any local grocer would have you paying more than we did for this meal!




They also had a hummus spread!


Pastas and beans!


Caprice salad with raisins.


Fruit & Yogurt


Dan's first plate!

The meat was heavenly. The tomatoes a bit mushy with the mozzarella but great flavor. He loved the strongest cheese from Spain which was a shocker because he is just new to anything beyond Cheese Wiz and American "cheese spread" being an actual food group!

The hummus was nutty and not thick enough to resemble peanut butter but not runny enough to mirror soup.

There were a total of three meats in the antipasti tray. None were labled and we asked our server who spoke with the chef and came back with the answers. Crostini, salami and prosciutto. Each were paper thin and decadent in taste. Seasoned to a peppery subtlety, they were so good I could have stopped there and felt like I was in Italy.

If the Japanese Animae man was not creeping around! :lmao:

For those of you who do not frequent Italian Cusine...I will give you my version of what I find true in any good Antipasto/i offerings!

Antipasto or Antipasti is Italian obviously and means quite literally 'before the pasta'. A classic Italian menu has more courses than an American menu and pasta is traditionally the first main course, which makes the antipasto the appetizer.

The antipasto often has a variety of foods not uncommon to American dinner parties but done with a tad bit more flair and quality! No triskets in this food heaven!

Usually an Italian Antipasto will have four different types of food groupings: meats, olives, vegetables, and cheeses.
Meats served as antipasti are usually served cold, and may be ham, sausages, or cured meats. Olives are a staple and will usually be marinated and come both in black and green, sometimes filled with garlic or pimentos.

Vegetables are usually served raw, and or perhaps marinated. Cheeses are also an important part of the antipasti. Usually, traditional Italian cheeses are served like Romano, Gorgonzola and a blue cheese of some sort. This cheese offering had nothing like a blue and for that I was happy because I am not a blue cheese fan yet!!!

Up next: The rest of the dinner!!!

His voice was as higher than my three year old niece and he clasped his hands together and leaned forward to emphasize his excitement with each word about whoever he was parading around. If Disney has a guidebook in how to be an over the top, shoot sunshine and unicorns out of your backside CM even if your pants are quite literally on fire, HE WOULD GET AN A+!!!!!

Nothing was going to cause him to not have a happy second to his day and I could not stop watching him as he made the rounds with each new character. He would not take no for an answer if you said you preferred to not have a pic with a character. He was just a spectacle to behold.

Ahh, the power of the DIS - parking validation!!! You go girl!!!

CM handler - :lmao:at your description (I'm too lazy to quote today!)
****If you read the previous post you need to go back and re-read the end! My home computer is experiencing technical issues and has fried two "mice"/ "Mouses" and I needed to pray & hope to post what was on the screen and jump on Dan's computer to try and get more underway!

I am uploading more pics as we speak so should finish Garden Grove today.

I had a cancer fundraiser for my friend Vicki this weekend and then spent time helping my Mom at her house so my apologies for not getting this out sooner but important things called!! :lovestruc
**Apologies for the poor picture quality. We just got a new camera and I am so excited to take photos that look as good as the food tastes!! I also know we took a bunch of food pictures that are AWOl on my camera so I may steal some from the masses if I can!!


My first plate also consisted of al three meats, cheeses, humus, olives, pasta salad and the caprice salad. The cheese was so melt in your mouth soft, buttery and smooth that I just let the cheese mellow in my mouth before I decided to add the meat and try all the combinations of goodness.


Another character came round before we moved onto the main courses!


Animae man would not take no for an answer so before he could break out in song and dance, I obliged.


My main plate. I chose to have the chef make spaghetti for me. The spaghetti was al'dente but because they make the noodles right in front of you as well and have them cook in a strainer within the pot, I would request next time to have them wait a few moments before putting the spaghetti on the plate because it had not had enough time to drain properly.

The sausage was to DIE for. Hand on my heart it was amahhhhzing dahling! Spices aplenty, including crushed red pepper, garlic and onion. It was so fantastic I hated the fact I was not starving enough to have more. Sometimes sausage can be really pink in the middle and it turns me off from eating because if it resembles something mooing, it usually is a no go for me.

This was done to perfection and the crisp casing stayed intact when cut into. Not grisly or too thick that it was chewy. I honestly ate this as slow as possible to savor the intense flavor. Dan agreed this was beyond fantastic. Not commercial sausage like you would get at Olive Garden or most chain places. This was a legit Specialty Store/Butcher extraordinaire concoction of goodness. Someone who understands that seasoning before means that flavors will intensify while cooking.

The meatball was massive and great in flavor as well.

It was soft to cut and did not have a hard crust like it had been sitting in a fryer/warmer for a day. Freshly made with basil, oregano, a hint of rosemary and garlic infused throughout.

The mush of white was a Ricotta Cheese bake. Dan had gotten the last of a tray and I got the first. His was dry, mine was fantastic. I would put it with some crackers or a bt of sausage. Warm and thick because the moisture had been cooked away, it was odd but wonderful. Fresh parmesan topped it! Not the kind in the green can that you sprinkle!! :laughing:

They had other food out and the pics of the names came out but again, the food pics are AWOL!!!!:confused3 Sometimes photobucket does not upload in order so if I find them, I will post but at least this gives you an idea of offerings.


The eggplant dish was good as well. Dan had it but I passed, preferring to take a bite of his!

Neither of us took the beef dish.

And there was more!!



Dan had the white sauce dish rather than the spaghetti. Normally he gets a prosciutto, peas meal and wants to lick the bowl clean. This was awful. Tasted bitter like a Borax Soap had been used to clean the pot and never cleaned before cooking in. The chef cooked the onion, meat and peas in butter and oil before adding the cream/flour to thicken it up.

Dan also wandered over to the children’s side and discovered, spaghetti, mac-n-cheese, chicken tenders and desserts that would rival Starring Rolls.


The best chocolate cake we had the whole trip. Moist, gooey and like a melted piece of Godiva nugget had been melted throughout a devils food cake. The writing on edible chocolate made this a bit classier than "worms in dirt"!!!


These cupcakes were so good. It was a cornbread base and a whipped cream cheese frosting that looked like it would be too rich but upon taste, was as light as whip cream with the intensity of a butter cream. I have no idea how they did it but if I could have it for my wedding this summer...I would not hesitate! Swan had a bakery right by the restaurant and the benefit was apparent!


Here is our kiddie dessert plate!! The fresh berries were a bit of tart to balance the richness of the chocolate cake!


We got one plate of adult tarts/meringues to try. These were good and small enough to give a bite to each. Nothing amazing though and we were so full we could not try the other gazillion concoctions in shot glasses and tiers they had to try.



I started realizing why I need more people to travel and eat with! It was impossible to think of even trying all of the food!


It was quite dark but beautiful in the restaurant.


Romantic, even if a kid friendly place.


More empty tables!


Our amazing server!!


The menu with the BBQ night as well!!

Our final thoughts:


The only thing that caused this to get an Emeril and not a Paula was the Swan's incompetence in parking policy, the cream sauce dish and Dan's first bit of Ricotta.

It kills me to not give this a Paula but I need to critique everything. Please though, do yourselves a favor and experience this over any other character dinner on property. Heck I would take a reservation here over almost any restaurant on property. :love:


BTW - I see a ton of readers but not posters! Give me some feedback so I know how ya like the reviews!!:worship:
Hey Dawn!! I've always wondered what the food was like in there- thanks so much for filling us in! Those cupcakes sound intriguing....do they sell them in the bakery?

And good for you, standing up for your rights- that is a ridiculous policy- good for you pointing it out to them! :thumbsup2
It was great to see your review of the Garden Grove because we are considering a Swolphin stay this summer. I am a Disney Resort Guest through and through, and although they are still (in some ways) considered Disney Resorts, it's hard to make the jump. However, paying 1/3 the price of other Epcot area resorts could definitely push me over the ledge!!:rotfl:
I know you mentioned previously that you had a certificate from restaurant.com for the Garden Grill. Did it end up being pretty affordable then? I see the sign in your photo says $29.99 for adults. Where there any limitations to the certificate? We'll thinking about staying at the Beach Club in October & this would be very convenient. I think we would try it on a BBQ night though.

Love all of the reviews so far! Of course your reports are the best so I know they will be good :)
hahahaha i am SO excited to read this review. you are an awesome writer and i have a feeling this will be very enjoyable :yay:
I'm loving your reviews! You are nicely descriptive and are fulfilling my Disney food cravings :love:


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