Oh Sweet Mother of Bread Pudding...What have I got myself into? 9/26 Update!

Okay..back to the food drool fest...

Dan and I were just south of Iowa and felt a bit hungry for something a bit more hearty so we hit a Sonic Drive Thru for...


IMO they have the best Chicken Poppers. (Unless you can hit the Original KFC in Corbin KY!)

They are not greasy, have a breading that is not too crunchy or too soggy and it is actual flavored like a Southern Biscuit with pepper. Sometimes batter can be used simply as a tool to encompass chicken and there is nothing more than a pasty flour taste to it. I have never had a chunk of gristle in one I have had but again, we get these maybe 4 times a year so there may be some with different experiences.

We give these an:

Not as good as Corbin KFC one's at all and it's fast food so what do you expect??

We usually enjoy dunking these in a ranch dip.

If I order from Mc Donald's Chicken Selects (never nuggets from there...:sick:) or make Chicken Strips at home...I prefer buffalo sauce.

Actually I prefer a fantastic buffalo chicken dip I make with some baguettes but that is another story altogether!!!

***Speaking of which...does anyone still have the Jalapeno Cream Cheese hot dip recipe I shared a few TR's ago??? I need to locate that again! The trouble is I usually do not write anything I make down except here!!!! :lmao:

Now the rest of the first day food was not pictured because I forgot to take pics.

I know we ate cheese and crackers. The cheese we got was from the Amana colonies we stopped at. Then at night we went through a Taco Bell and got a hard taco for myself and a Nacho Bell Grande for Dan. Which is probably why we have no pics! I was driving! :idea:

***We had to laugh at the Taco Bell because Dan can't eat beef usually in any form yet somehow he has been able to eat the beef on the nachos when they have screwed up and not done a no meat dish for him.

After the recent reports about Taco Bell beef resembling the 80's Wendy's commercial's of:


We now know why his gut is not upset!!!

He is not allergic to sawdust and sand!!! Why did they not tell us before there was no beef in the beef? :rotfl2:

We left before the hotel had any breakfast offerings out and after about an hour of driving...happened upon a Waffle House in the mountains of TN! These pics were taken on my cell phone so I apologize for the quality!


These are a must do for us at least once on any road trip south. We love how down home they can be and our waiter Coty, from Indiana, who rented a 3 bedroom trailer for $560 a month fully furnished, was awesome!! Nice kid about 22, knew all the locals by name, offered any info we needed about how much better living here was than Indiana, including cheaper cigarettes :lmao: :smokin: (we don't smoke and for all the reasons we want to move South, never considered this one as a benefit!) and made sure we knew he was nice enough to allow his Mama to move in with him while she got herself settled because she recently moved from Indiana as well. Did I mention she was from Indiana and so was he? :rotfl:

So we ordered a side of hash browns, extra crispy please, not smothered, covered, murdered, mothered, suffocated, eviscerated, dilapidated, decapitated or any other "ated" or "ered" we had for options!!! Also split an order of 3 biscuits -n- gravy. Oh yeah, and bacon!!


These were huge portions and although Coty assured me they were merely cheap biscuits (gotta love his honesty), the fact they make them like Texas toast, made up for whatever quality was lacking in the flakiness. Slightly browned in butter, which was not one step away from plastic, was a wonderful treat! Melt in your mouth happiness.

The gravy and sausage were the best by far of the trip as well. Hotel's use a cheap flour mix that starts out a roux simply because of the ingredients, not flavor. The sausage used is at the bottom of the meat pyramid and only constitutes the description "meat," because of color and texture.

This gravy mix was divine. Thick enough to stick to a fork unless careless, off white with hues of light brown from sausage pieces that tasted like it it had been smoked. A mesquite flavor.

Portion wise it was too big for 2 people to split with the other things. We could have gotten 1 biscuit and each had a half and been perfect . Maybe two if really hungry. The biscuits often handed out with this meal at other locales, are about the size of a medium sand dollar. These were as wide as an average bagel.


The bacon was not Disney's anorexic bacon.

I mean seriously, Angelina Jolie has more meat on her than Disney's bacon. :rotfl:

This bacon was hickory tasting which I prefer to maple. Chewy and not blubbery at all. I did not even ask for the bacon to be crispy! Sometimes when crisp, it is overcooked and just crumbles when you bite into a piece. This bacon remained in it's original form as we munched through it to the end. Salty, savory and if you closed your eyes you could imagine Laura Ingalls running in her bonnet down the grassy hill and Ma clanging the triangle for breakfast!

For your laughing/bacon pleasure:

That 70's show Bacon Fest


The hash browns were also good. Needed a bit of salt and a tad greasy but not bad. The problem with most restaurants is that they try and expedite the delivery of the hash browns by cooking in oil, covering them and quick frying. That method simply makes the potatoes soak up all the oil while hot and as it cools, the oil releases from the starch and you have a puddle on your plate that is not eye appealing or stomach racing.

You need to have patience and cook hash browns in a thin layer, med-hi and wait.

And wait.

They will brown eventually in minimal oil and when you can flip them like a pancake to brown the other side, you are moments away from potato perfection. I like to use onions and green peppers in my hash browns. Onions will naturally will sweat and help the potatoes cook without too much moisture or make them too greasy. The peppers will also release a more natural oil to the process.

In this type of customer service environment, when people want their food, chop chop, wickie wickie, cooks have to accommodate and the more oil, the hotter the fry.



You did not order any Waffles, you say????? :confused3

Nope but the cook had made extras and was handing them out to anybody who wanted to try one! :yay:

Dan and I only ate 1/2 of the waffle but it was great! Buttermilk batter, real butter again, maple syrup, light, fluffy and crispy on the outside. They are also made thinner than many types. Like the difference between a crepe and a pancake.

It had a real waffle iron taste to it and that makes a huge difference. Newer plates on a waffle maker are not seasoned yet and you have to spray them to make sure the iron is non stick. Waffle irons that are used, will retain some of the batter flavor over time and like wine that is aged, just keeps getting better and better. :snooty:


For this meal! Great service with a smile at 5:40 in the morning is hard to come by and deserves Paula for that alone. Food was very good and although a quick service meal, as good as any Perkins or Ihop. Great menu variety and a greasy spoon joint heaven. Not all Waffle Houses are the same though and we have had food that was not as good but....you will never leave a Waffle House without having a ton of stories to tell.

Best people watching on the planet next to Walmart!!! :3dglasses

Dawn's Jalapeno Hot Dip

1 small can of diced green chilies
1 small can of diced jalapenos
2 pkg of cream cheese
1 cup of mayonnaise (This time I used Dukes)
Shredded Parmesan (get the good stuff in the deli section that is refrigerated, not the powdered variety.)
1 1/2 tsp of garlic salt
1 tsp of pepper

Set the cream cheese out 1/2 hour ahead of time in bowl to soften.

Drain the jalapenos and add them and the green chilies(not drained) to bowl. Add remaining ingredients (You can add more or less garlic salt and pepper depending on personal taste.)

Once mixed, add to pie plate

Sprinkle shredded Parmesan cheese to top of filled pie plate.

bake at 350 till bubbly - then enjoy with veggies or good Tortilla chips. Invest in the kind in the brown bags they sell that are not as processed as any usual name brand variety. The chips that are as close to what you would enjoy at a Mexican Restaurant will make the huge difference!


I also have your banana and caramel corn crazy recipes if you need 'em... popcorn::
Dawn's Jalapeno Hot Dip

1 small can of diced green chilies
1 small can of diced jalapenos
2 pkg of cream cheese
1 cup of mayonnaise (This time I used Dukes)
Shredded Parmesan (get the good stuff in the deli section that is refrigerated, not the powdered variety.)
1 1/2 tsp of garlic salt
1 tsp of pepper

Set the cream cheese out 1/2 hour ahead of time in bowl to soften.

Drain the jalapenos and add them and the green chilies(not drained) to bowl. Add remaining ingredients (You can add more or less garlic salt and pepper depending on personal taste.)

Once mixed, add to pie plate

Sprinkle shredded Parmesan cheese to top of filled pie plate.

bake at 350 till bubbly - then enjoy with veggies or good Tortilla chips. Invest in the kind in the brown bags they sell that are not as processed as any usual name brand variety. The chips that are as close to what you would enjoy at a Mexican Restaurant will make the huge difference!


I also have your banana and caramel corn crazy recipes if you need 'em... popcorn::

I love you for this and yes...post the others away!!! I think I linked some recipes up in the OCT TR but were missing some!:worship: I can't believe you have these handy!!! :worship:
I have a folder in my email called Recipes and I send everything that I want to make there... And all the recipes have your name in the title so they're easy to find...

Glad I could help!!! :cool1:

Here are the other two...

Caramel Corn Crazy

1 - 3 oz (or close) bag microwave popcorn - you can use any brand/any flavor but I prefer the tender white kind. (I have used reg popcorn as well if I did not have the microwave kind handy.)

1/2 cup light brown sugar - packed tight!

1/4 cup of salted butter (real stuff)

2 Tbsp Light Corn Syrup

1/4 tsp of salt

1/4 tsp of baking soda

Pop popcorn first and have in large microwave safe bowl ready to go! Now make the caramel mix!

1. Melt the butter first in a microwave safe container.

2. Add brown sugar, corn syrup and salt and heat at full power for 1 minute. Stir.

3. Repeat the process for an additional 30 seconds and then mix and keep heating 30 seconds at a time and mixing until mixture comes to a slow boil.

4. Stir baking soda in mixture and keep stirring as it gets lighter and bubbles up - almost doubling in size.

5. Add to popcorn immediately and stir or cover and shake.

6. Heat popcorn mix in microwave while covered for 45 more seconds.

7. Mix again and enjoy!!!

Now I also enjoy making it with 1/2 dark brown sugar and 1/2 light brown. Or you can add M&M 's or cashews to the popcorn! I also have added 1/4- 1/2 tsp of vanilla to the caramel mix for more flavor from time to time but I say start with the original and get funky as you re-make because this stuff never is made only once!!!! These make great popcorn balls!

If you are not eating the bowl right away - you can spread on a silicone mat or wax paper to cool and not get too clumpy. With 3 teens here we usually double the batch and between them and friends - there is never any extra left to worry about for the next day!


Banana Bread Ala Dawn

1/2 cup of salted butter (let it sit to get room temp)
1 cup of sugar
2 large eggs
1 1/2 cups of All Purpose Flour
1 tsp soda
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups of very ripe bananas - mashed
1/2 cup of sour cream (not the light crap that tastes like glue)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup of pecans – coarsely chopped

CREAM butter sugar and eggs together once butter is at room temp. SIFT the dry ingredients together (sifting will make sure the powdered ingredients get mixed thoroughly and allow more light bread) - Then add to butter mixture and blend well, till mixture is combined.

*Never blend more than needed in most recipes or again - you ruin the batter and you will end up with a brick rather than bread.**

Stir in pecans by hand if using a blender previously - again as to not over-stir the bread.

Bake at 350 degrees for one hour on middle rack or till knife comes out clean in the center.
Wow, those babies are gorgeous, spittin image of each other!! My son and daughter looked alot alike when they were little too, congratulations!:hug:
These are a must do for us at least once on any road trip south. We love how down home they can be and our waiter Coty, from Indiana, who rented a 3 bedroom trailer for $560 a month fully furnished, was awesome!! Nice kid about 22, knew all the locals by name, offered any info we needed about how much better living here was than Indiana, including cheaper cigarettes (we don't smoke and for all the reasons we want to move South, never considered this one as a benefit!) and made sure we knew he was nice enough to allow his Mama to move in with him while she got herself settled because she recently moved from Indiana as well. Did I mention she was from Indiana and so was he?

I see the KAVORKA has started! I was dying of laughfter reading this because this would have so happend to my DH as well. :rotfl2::rotfl: And all the attention would have been towards my DH it's like people see him and zoom right to him and completely ignor me.
Not all Waffle Houses are the same though and we have had food that was not as good but....you will never leave a Waffle House without having a ton of stories to tell.

Best people watching on the planet next to Walmart!!! :3dglasses


LOL! Your reviews totally make me laugh.
As for this quote, I can totally attest to this. We stop at a Waffle House on the way to FL every trip (easy since there are more WH's on our route to FL then MickeyD's). One of the trips the cook wanted to give the kids yellow WH footballs, and started tossing them to them at our table. Except one of the tosses was actually a full out "throw" with a bad aim and he beaned my DH off the head. Everytime we see one of those footballs hanging around the house one of my DS's says "remember the time that guy at waflle house pegged daddy right on his noggin." We snicker about it often. We've never had a bad memory from a WH. lol.

***Before the next Food Review we will be getting a new camera so the food can be shown in a better light! Also, I am sorry for the 1/2 eaten food pics! New to this reviewing "all eaten foods" thing, so sometimes we forgot before we started and sometimes we wanted to show you the inside. Next ime we will make sure to have a knife with to cut into the middle vs the caveman method!! LOL

Lunch was about 11 am and at a Krystal. Again, a place we discovered about a year ago and not something we get at home. I think we figured out you don't run into these FF places until you hit TN.

For the Northerners, it's a better White Castle (which gives me the eebie jeebies) with Sonic options. :thumbsup2


I am a sucker for slushies on a road trip. Usually one down and one back. Throughout the year I never get one unless it is 110 degrees in the shade and the rest of the clan gets ice cream at a DQ. We got one strawberry and sour green apple if my memory serves me.



I enjoyed a corn dog. Mustard only please. Great flavor to the dog, the batter was cooked all the way through and did not overwhelm the dog. Not as messy as a hot dog while driving and who does not love something on a stick? :confused3


Dan had a chicken sandwich. A pocket size slider that was crisp and accompanied by just a titch of mayo on it.

We splurged and got a small order of Sweet Bites as well.



These are a cross between a mini doughnut and corn fritter. They have powdered sugar on them and are hot all the way through. It is a corn batter, not flour batter and taste a whole lot like the corn dog casing. I can only eat 1 or 2 of these sweet delights so a small order and splitting it was perfect. They are not as messy as beignets because the texture and crunchiness of the fried ball allows the sugar to stick to it better.

So how did Krystal line up???


Although a FF fave, alas, FF it still is at the end of the day! It is hard to give something a Paula when you know the food pyramid is screaming at you while you eat!


If you want to try something like this at home, here is something I make that tastes a whole lot like it!

Dawn's Corn Battered Doughnuts


* peanut oil for frying
* 3/4 cup self-rising flour
* 1/2 cup self-rising cornmeal mix
* 1/4 cup white sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
* 1/4 tsp real vanilla
* 1 egg
* 1/2 cup buttermilk

Topping Ideas
* extra cinnamon for sprinkling (optional)
* extra white sugar for sprinkling (optional) (combine cinnamon and sugar to ratio of your liking)
* or can use powdered sugar for sprinkling (optional)
* Can also dunk 1/2 of fried doughnut in melted chocolate


1. Heat oil in deep-fryer/large pot on stove top with oil to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
2. In a bowl, combine the flour, cornmeal mix, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. In a separate bowl, beat the egg together with the buttermilk and vanilla. Gradually add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients, stirring with a fork or whisk until only slightly lumpy. Do not overmix.
3. Carefully drop batter by the rounded tablespoon into hot oil, and fry until golden brown. If cooking in pot you may need to turn them. Drain and cool on a paper towel-lined plate. Roll/dunk balls in topping of your choice. Or eat plain!

We stopped on the edge of GA/FL because it was about 3:30 in the afternoon and our reservations were late that night at Garden Grove. I saw a sign claiming a location had the World's best Hot dogs and...thought...Let's see how good these really are!!!

Awesome find and we will be back. We knew it was our type of place from the moment we saw the door!


We were seated on the porch because we asked to be. Not crowded and it was so nice out for us Minnesotan's!!!



Wait...I did not tell you where we were???


In Lake City, GA I believe!

I knew I was nuts after just eating a corn dog 4 hours earlier but they have won all these awards, have a butcher who makes all their dogs locally and are KNOWN for their Hot Dogs!!!! So when in Rome/GA:



Get a chili cheese dog with GA slaw on the side. popcorn::

I totally get why their hot dogs are renowned! So good!! Crisp bite, juicy meat, seasoned with onion, garlic and not the kind of hot dog you eat and try to sing..."lalalalalalalalalalalalalalaaaaaaa" in your head because you do not want to know what it is made of. Beef and pork mixture done to perfection!!

The chili was homemade and here is where getting a chili dog gets difficult.

I should order the chili on the side and not as one package because it tends to allow the bread to sop up too much of the sauce and I do not like a mushy bun. (buns??? :lmao:) I think my dog was ready before Dan's order so it probably sat a few minutes.

The chili was a beef chili, no beans and was the right condiment for a dog. Not too spicy and did not overpower the seasoning, texture or flavor of the dog. A tiny, wee bit greasy so they must not drain the beef when they add it. I am not opposed to this totally because the grease is fat/flavor that runs off the beef when browned. But again, if it was in a cup and I could dunk the dog in it as I ate, would not ruin the bun and would allow for the amount to be controlled by the customer.

The coleslaw was good. Vinegar based and not either too sweet or pucker your bottom cause it's going to be a bumpy ride, sour! It was offered on the dog but I was not sure if I would like it and opted for a sample on the side. It came in what I think of as a paper pill cup at the doc, so a sample was indeed what I got!!

Dan fell in love with BBQ nacho's we shared in October at a place in SC. They had those on the menu here as well so he decided to compare!!


The pork had a good taste but small sections almost tasted charred. It was a heavily mustard based BBQ sauce and not as good as the one in SC but not bad. Plenty to split and even then, he took a big To Go Box. Dan usually hates mustard flavor but agreed the sauce was awesome!

It had mixed shredded cheese melted on top, and they brought a side of sour cream and salsa to accompany the nachos. The chips were not stale but not the best either. Probably not something you would notice after a few rounds on a Friday Night, listening to a live band on the porch but when sober and enjoying a as a meal, the little things matter.

Our waitress was there because she could not find a job in her field of Dental Hygiene. Husband military, she lived over the border in FL, never seen snow but a few flurries they get once in a while, was born in Indiana but moved when she was 3 months old and has been in FL the rest of her life. :rolleyes: Really nice lady though and she said she loved working there because the place was so fun!!!


The soggy bun lost it from a Paula but we will absolutely be back!!!! I think it might be a place we spend the night and see how the live music is with the Nachos!!

Up next: Garden Grove!!!

We have a little hole in the wall diner here in town which sounds and looks a lot like Lake Dogs. They open whenever the first customer pulls up for lunch and close "about dark". They make the most awesomely wonderful chili dogs with homeade chili.
I really should not read your reports when I'm hungry because it just makes the hunger worse. I don't even like hot dogs and I want one now, at 10:00am. Keep the food coming!
Lovin the report!! I gotta ask-did your waffle house waiter have all their teeth? If so you must have been in a high class WH.:lmao:

The bbq doesn't surprise me, Georgia girl here. Carolina's tend to be vinegar based but most the shacks in GA tend to be mustard based (my fave-vinegar is too tart, the sweet stuff is yuck but the mustard is a better balance if done right)
I am going to go see DURAN DURAN on April 22nd!!!!! So excited I can't stand it!!! Just got tickets and it is at a club my friend co-owns in MPlS so I think I might just have to give a call and ensure we are up front for the standing room only...scream fest!!!!

BTW - Dan is not going...I think he fears my enthusiasm...my sis Laura will be attending and I might just die right there!!!

Can you tell I was a bit obsessed back in the day? How many of you have the Duran Duran Board game??? :lmao:

What?? I can't believe you got these! They went on sale this morning at 10 am and I logged on at 10:15 and they were sold out. Boo hoo! The last time they were in town I got to meet them through KDWB. My friend and I went to the concert and we were looking around and I said "Look at all of the old ladies here!" and then we took one look at each other and laughed, and laughed and laughed!:rotfl: I think I'll have to resort to Craigslist but it'll be worth it!

Loving your review!! I am technically a WI resident but I work at American Girl at the MOA so at least I have a MN connection. Can't wait to read more. My sis and I are going in August and I'm so glad that Raglan Road is one of our ADRs!
What?? I can't believe you got these! They went on sale this morning at 10 am and I logged on at 10:15 and they were sold out. Boo hoo! The last time they were in town I got to meet them through KDWB. My friend and I went to the concert and we were looking around and I said "Look at all of the old ladies here!" and then we took one look at each other and laughed, and laughed and laughed!:rotfl: I think I'll have to resort to Craigslist but it'll be worth it!

Loving your review!! I am technically a WI resident but I work at American Girl at the MOA so at least I have a MN connection. Can't wait to read more. My sis and I are going in August and I'm so glad that Raglan Road is one of our ADRs!

I bet the tickets are not sold out! They went on sale yesterday on internet only and it took me & Dan on his computer 45 minutes to get them. Everybody was complaining online and then someone got a set and we kept trying. Over and over trying was a pain & kept getting the info there was no seats left. Dan thinks they used too small of a port and it could not handle the volume.

It's 1st floor GA or balcony GA, so I bet they still have some. Be patient and just retry over and over!

I can't even tell you how much I would die if I ever touched Simon Lebon's hand! He was supposed to be my husband ya know :bride:. :lmao:

Raglan Road was awesome!!!:worship:
You are cruising right along Dawn! I was behind a couple days but I also have your recipes in a folder! They are awesome -to anyone who hasn't tried it the banana bread -it's the only one my family likes now!

Tracer- I have been a frequent visitor to your store - I bet we have crossed paths!
I am in!!!! But I have to disagree with the Krystal vs. White Castle thing! You can't get me to eat a K burger! Just gross gray meat to me, but seeing as how you all didn't get burger, I guess it's ok!! LOL Anyway, I am loving your food report!!!!


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