Official Wine and Dine 2016 thread

Attention any and all runners that are participating in the upcoming Wine and Dine weekend that this applies to.............................................


It is not that big of a deal. I am a Run Disney veteran currently training for Dopey #4. Unless you are honestly a sub seeded or an "A" corral runner your time will most likely not be blazing. A lot of factors will cause this. Crowds, photo stops, crowds and most importantly 15 people across running groups.

The point of this semi unpleasant tyrade is to remind folks to remember at the end of the day we're running a 5k, 10k, half marathon or a combo of these and not working our daily 9-5. DON'T SWEAT THE PETTY STUFF AND DON'T PET THE SWEATY STUFF!!!
See everybody in a few weeks.
After years of Disney events I have run on a variety of courses. I've experienced everything from A corral to being in the last corral (I forgot to submit my time). I agree with tri4life. The one thing to remember is you are running at a Disney.
Oh, and to the topic of missing the night race. I was thinking about this the last day or two. I severely miss the Tower of Terror 10 Miler :( I only had the chance to run it once, the very last year. But everything about it was great. The course, the theme, and all of the stops they had along the way (Haunted Mansion grave diggers, the costuming tunnel with the laser lights blasting "help I'm slipping into the twilight zooone", finishing under a lit up Tower of Terror). Don't get me wrong, W&D had a fantastic course too (Osborne's. sniffle.) But it just felt like they out did themselves with a very disney, yet not disney, themed race. I hope beyond hope that when HS (or whatever it morphs into) is up and running they bring one of the night races back!!

I digress. I've gone and drifted down memory lane! Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Add me to the list of those who want a ToT/Halloween themed night race to be brought back.ToT had an awesome theme and I always made a point to get there early to see all the cool outfits,definitely was not a fan of the course as running to AK to just turn around again before entering AK was lame so in a way I'm glad the race was removed so when it does come back it comes back as a half with maybe a 10k being added to make it a full weekend,everything else aside from the course was great.I have a Halloween half marathon next Saturday where a large percentage dress up and its very cool but Run Disney needs to get back to having a night Halloween event,I guess it probably won't happen until 2018 at least!!
Check out @Ariel484s packing list from her Training Journal. It's pretty comprehensive:
Thanks for saying "comprehensive" and not something like "anal!" :)
Although I am not a big fan of the changes for the race (course and time of day), the daylight will be more beneficial to characters on the course and the desolate (non-guest type areas) can allow for larger areas/set-ups.
This is definitely true!! :thumbsup2
Totally this. I'm hoping they do it again this year. Hades was on break when I went by! :sad:

I didn't even know they had a costume or someone to play Shan-Yu, either! :eek:
In Disneyland this year I'd just missed Shan-Yu...he switched out with someone right as I was coming up to them. I was sooooo sad! :sad:

(I did get a pic with Hades though ;))
Yup - at this point as long as I don't end up in a hideous bottle neck with people yelling, swearing and pushing and shoving like I did in the half of the half last year (in the stretch between HS and BW - totally caused by the shortened race) I'm happy just plodding along at my own pace and running my own race.
That stretch between HS and BW is EXTREMELY narrow. It's part of the marathon course and it was part of the Wine & Dine course before they changed it...there's just no room to run there. That's one good thing I can say about this new course - we should have a lot more room (except for the in-park portions).
Oh, and to the topic of missing the night race. I was thinking about this the last day or two. I severely miss the Tower of Terror 10 Miler :( I only had the chance to run it once, the very last year. But everything about it was great. The course, the theme, and all of the stops they had along the way (Haunted Mansion grave diggers, the costuming tunnel with the laser lights blasting "help I'm slipping into the twilight zooone", finishing under a lit up Tower of Terror). Don't get me wrong, W&D had a fantastic course too (Osborne's. sniffle.) But it just felt like they out did themselves with a very disney, yet not disney, themed race. I hope beyond hope that when HS (or whatever it morphs into) is up and running they bring one of the night races back!!

I digress. I've gone and drifted down memory lane! Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
ToT is my runDisney regret. Never got to do that one and that is my absolutely favorite Disney ride. :( I finally decided to do that race and then it went away! Wahhhh.
Another newbie question: out of curiosity, how long does it truly take to stop for a character pic? I'll be towards the back of the pack & am wondering if even one stop would be an option without falling too far behind? Thanks!
You've already gotten a few answers to these questions, but I'll chime in and agree that the lines can be really short or up to 8-10 minutes.

It's not like waiting for characters in the parks. There are no autograph books and there's really not much interaction with the characters - and everyone else has the same goal as you, they wanna jump in, grab their picture quickly, and continue on. At most stops, there are 2 CMs manning the cameras: while CM #1 is taking runner #1's picture, CM #2 is taking the camera of runner #2 and getting ready to take their picture. Runner #1 gets their pic done and heads back to the course, and then while CM #2 is taking runner #2's picture, CM #1 is grabbing the camera of the next person in line, etc. So a really giant line can move somewhat quickly.

The other place you can really lose time is waiting in line for a bathroom. Park bathrooms should be open, and that's always where I try to go if I need to

Suggestion to anyone thinking about waiting for character stops, or making bathroom stops or whatever - turn off auto-pause on your running watch (which stops the timer when you stop moving) and don't pause your watch if you stop on the course at all - because the official race clock does not pause! :eek:
I'll say this - if they replicate what they did for the Marathon this year down the stretch of Bear Island by the waste facility, y'all are in for a pretttttttttty EPIC stretch of character stops. For Marathon, instead of all being together, every Villain had their OWN character set-up. It was pretty badass and over a mile long. Hades was the BEST - there were fire explosions and everything. Greatness.
Unless you are a faster runner. Then no one was out yet. I was in corral A and all I saw was darkness and the backdrops where they would eventually be.
I note that a lot of people are in the same boat as me and are not getting the emails re: gift card, which could in turn mean we don't get our post-race party ticket emails either. I presume the protocol if we don't have them in the next three weeks is to front up to runner relations on expo day?

Yep, that's my plan. Anything mailed so close to the race makes me nervous. Especially since I'm heading to Disney early on Nov. 2nd, I really need stuff to arrive no later than next week. My mailman has been known to simply take a few days off from delivering my mail "just because". :rolleyes2
I am in D and thinking I may try to buck the notion that you can't PR at a Disney race, particularly with the course being so flat (until the end).

This is my first destination race and Disney race - care to share your ultimate packing list?

I know someone who PRed in one of the Disneyland races, so it's possible, especially in the faster corrals. I think most people just try not to go in expecting a PR and if it happens that's a lucky bonus. I'm in F, and I sort of want to go for a PR because I think I'm pretty well trained (and my half PR was on a really hilly course), but I'm not counting on it. Especially with doing the 10k the day before, even though I plan to run that at an easy pace, I just am not sure my legs will be fresh enough. And sadly, all my summer heat/humidity conditioning seems to be gone so I'll probably be slower than I expect.
On the plus side I have my outfit ready
On the negitive side when I told my sister that the official guide said no same day pick up she blasted me up and down saying that the phone CM 2 weeks ago assured her she could pick up her packet at the 10k Saturday and I'm being paranoid and dramatic.
Hi for those half marathoners.....what do you run the WEEK OF the half? Before you arrive at Disney? Once you're at Disney already? Long runs? Short runs? "Its too late now to bother so no runs"? Speed walking between food booths? Laps around the Hub?
I'm doing all 3 races, but my week before plan is a 9-mile cut-back run the Sat. before (10/29), yoga the Sun. before, short run Mon., easy cross-train Tue., rest Wed. I arrive Thurs. and will be walking through expo and maybe a park.

Hi! Bopping over from another rundisney event thread because I'm a lurker. Does rundisney use the McMillan pace calculator?
My understanding is that they use their own form of calculator - and based on the estimated finish times it gave me back when it actually showed that, it's rather generous. McMillan wasn't terribly far off, though, so it's a good one to use.

I note that a lot of people are in the same boat as me and are not getting the emails re: gift card, which could in turn mean we don't get our post-race party ticket emails either. I presume the protocol if we don't have them in the next three weeks is to front up to runner relations on expo day?

I'll say this - if they replicate what they did for the Marathon this year down the stretch of Bear Island by the waste facility, y'all are in for a pretttttttttty EPIC stretch of character stops. For Marathon, instead of all being together, every Villain had their OWN character set-up. It was pretty badass and over a mile long. Hades was the BEST - there were fire explosions and everything. Greatness.
I was totally unprepared for that stretch! My race plan was to speed through there and add some time cushion... and once my mind has the Plan in place, I find it hard to divert. So I breezed through with my head swiveling around, thinking "Dang, I should be stopping for pics!" :rotfl:

Oh, and to the topic of missing the night race. I was thinking about this the last day or two. I severely miss the Tower of Terror 10 Miler :( I only had the chance to run it once, the very last year.
ToT is my runDisney regret. Never got to do that one and that is my absolutely favorite Disney ride. :( I finally decided to do that race and then it went away! Wahhhh.
I can help with that... we got incredibly lucky that final year - a rare early fall cold front came through just in time! The previous two years were pure, unadulterated, super-heated hell. And that's coming from a Floridian who runs through the summer heat in daylight! The theme was great, the party was fun, but I swore 2014 was my final year if they didn't bump it to a more comfortable time of year.
On the plus side I have my outfit ready
On the negitive side when I told my sister that the official guide said no same day pick up she blasted me up and down saying that the phone CM 2 weeks ago assured her she could pick up her packet at the 10k Saturday and I'm being paranoid and dramatic.
Don't worry - officially, there's no same-day pick up. But it can be done - bib only, though. There's a booth at the start area - might be Runner Relations? Or maybe the Info booth. But they'll have the bibs for folks who had flight delays, etc. She'll still have to go to the expo after the race to get the shirt.
Don't worry - officially, there's no same-day pick up. But it can be done - bib only, though. There's a booth at the start area - might be Runner Relations? Or maybe the Info booth. But they'll have the bibs for folks who had flight delays, etc. She'll still have to go to the expo after the race to get the shirt.
TY for that. I'm thinking that post race she'll most likely then take the bus back shower and then head to the expo to get her shirt while her fiancé who is doing the half and then we'll meet up later anyway
On the plus side I have my outfit ready
On the negitive side when I told my sister that the official guide said no same day pick up she blasted me up and down saying that the phone CM 2 weeks ago assured her she could pick up her packet at the 10k Saturday and I'm being paranoid and dramatic.
Agree with @PrincessV - there's emergency bib pick-up the morning of - they don't advertise it and it's not guaranteed - could go away at any time - but they've had it at each race weekend. She needs her ID and race BFF's husband had to use it at the marathon in 2015. I think the tent was called "Runner Information" or something similar.
I'll say this - if they replicate what they did for the Marathon this year down the stretch of Bear Island by the waste facility, y'all are in for a pretttttttttty EPIC stretch of character stops. For Marathon, instead of all being together, every Villain had their OWN character set-up. It was pretty badass and over a mile long. Hades was the BEST - there were fire explosions and everything. Greatness.

OMG! I did not want to admit (out loud) that I was disappointed about the course, because this is my first RD race, so I didn't really think I could have a valid opinion ;) But your posting this has made me soooo much more pumped up and excited!!!

Follow up question regarding character photos-which have turned out better? Your phones or the "official" photo pass ones?
OMG! I did not want to admit (out loud) that I was disappointed about the course, because this is my first RD race, so I didn't really think I could have a valid opinion ;) But your posting this has made me soooo much more pumped up and excited!!!

Follow up question regarding character photos-which have turned out better? Your phones or the "official" photo pass ones?
Hmm...I don't have many PP character pics yet. Here's one from PP:

And here's the one from my phone:

I guess the PP one has better lighting - the one from my phone looks a little, cooler, I guess? But I'm still taking my phone with me for all of the races in case PP isn't at a character (they should be at all of them, but you never know). Plus, there are other non-character photo-ops that are pretty sweet that I wouldn't have gotten without my phone (i.e. me on empty Main Street USA in Disneyland). :)
Yep, that's my plan. Anything mailed so close to the race makes me nervous. Especially since I'm heading to Disney early on Nov. 2nd, I really need stuff to arrive no later than next week. My mailman has been known to simply take a few days off from delivering my mail "just because". :rolleyes2

Makes me nervous as well. My mailman is VERY unreliable. Days late or constantly putting my mail into the neighbor's mailbox. :\
This is probably in the thread somewhere, but I don't even know where to begin looking. Anyway, do we have any idea how many are signed up for the 10K? This is my first runDisney event (other than Castaway Cay 5K), and I feel so under prepared and have no idea what to expect.
This is probably in the thread somewhere, but I don't even know where to begin looking. Anyway, do we have any idea how many are signed up for the 10K? This is my first runDisney event (other than Castaway Cay 5K), and I feel so under prepared and have no idea what to expect.
There are 7347 challenge bibs + 3265 10K bibs, so my guess is that there are a little over 10,600* bibs for the 10K. There could always be less runners though, if people do not actually start the race.

It's a large event, for sure, so it can be overwhelming if it's your first one. It's much bigger than the Castaway Cay 5K and more formal - please feel free to ask any questions! :) I think you'll have fun!

*This is an educated guess.
Follow up question regarding character photos-which have turned out better? Your phones or the "official" photo pass ones?
Depends..although I haven't had photopass yet just marathonfoto, but at the 10k in Jan the cm didn't actually take the picture at one stop on my camera, which I checked as I started to run off so ran back to have her do it again (don't think the other runners in line were happy with me). SOmetimes they, the pros, loose your photo or can't read your bib so you may never get it, especially now with photopass since they don't have an unidentified section to look through. So for me I'll continue to run with the small camera as back up to photopass, where photopass is back up to my camera. I don't want to wait 10 min for someone and be stuck with nothing to show.
Depends..although I haven't had photopass yet just marathonfoto, but at the 10k in Jan the cm didn't actually take the picture at one stop on my camera, which I checked as I started to run off so ran back to have her do it again (don't think the other runners in line were happy with me). SOmetimes they, the pros, loose your photo or can't read your bib so you may never get it, especially now with photopass since they don't have an unidentified section to look through. So for me I'll continue to run with the small camera as back up to photopass, where photopass is back up to my camera. I don't want to wait 10 min for someone and be stuck with nothing to show.

The photopass ones were great at Star Wars :)


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