OFFICIAL The Pirates League Thread

Welcome to the Disboards!!

Walk-ins are easier at 9am, and gets much more difficult throughoutthe day. TPL hasn't really seen a "slow" season since May, when the 4th movie came out, so you would not be able to judge appointments based on park attendance.

44 is average, I would the 94 who turned into a pirate was more of a big kid than you! ;)

I'd recommend booking and then canceling if your child is scared (see the first post for more info).
Welcome to the Disboards!!

Walk-ins are easier at 9am, and gets much more difficult throughoutthe day. TPL hasn't really seen a "slow" season since May, when the 4th movie came out, so you would not be able to judge appointments based on park attendance.

44 is average, I would the 94 who turned into a pirate was more of a big kid than you! ;)

I'd recommend booking and then canceling if your child is scared (see the first post for more info).

94! That's awesome! I think I might have to do it even if he doesn't want to. Thanks so much for your advice and help. The CM's at Disney are awesome! Thanks again and I hope see you in Nov.

I've been reading a lot of posts here since we made our plans to go to WDW, and thought I'd ask this odd question.

Our family will be at WDW in early Nov and was wondering if there was any chance of a "walk-in" during the "less crowded" times the first week in Nov? My nephew is shy and it's sure if he wants to do it. Also, do you have many "big kids" (say around 44!) do the PL?

Thank you in advance for your time and help.

We have had many Big kids coming into the League lately! I would recommend getting an appt, our walk in availability is becoming less and less as more people are finding out about us
We have had many Big kids coming into the League lately! I would recommend getting an appt, our walk in availability is becoming less and less as more people are finding out about us

Wow! CM's rock...even on forums! Thanks so much. I will do just that. You know, I remember as a kid (Born and raised in Tampa) going to WDW all the time, but we never had the "funds" to do a lot of extra stuff. I wanted a pirate pistol so bad I couldn't stand it, but alas, it never happened. Preparing for this trip, and it being my kids first time, has made me feel like a kid again.....but this time, I have the "funds" to make their stay extra magical! And ya know what?.....I might even get that pirate pistol......for my 6 month old son of course!

Who knows, you could be the Pirate Master that inducts me into the league!
Wow! CM's rock...even on forums! Thanks so much. I will do just that. You know, I remember as a kid (Born and raised in Tampa) going to WDW all the time, but we never had the "funds" to do a lot of extra stuff. I wanted a pirate pistol so bad I couldn't stand it, but alas, it never happened. Preparing for this trip, and it being my kids first time, has made me feel like a kid again.....but this time, I have the "funds" to make their stay extra magical! And ya know what?.....I might even get that pirate pistol......for my 6 month old son of course!

Who knows, you could be the Pirate Master that inducts me into the league!

I just could be, if you see a little brunette who is loud bopping all over the league, that one is me!!!! We have pirate pistols right there at the league, he everyone needs to be a pirate, and you gotta start somewhere right ;), can't wait to see you in the league!!!
I just could be, if you see a little brunette who is loud bopping all over the league, that one is me!!!! We have pirate pistols right there at the league, he everyone needs to be a pirate, and you gotta start somewhere right ;), can't wait to see you in the league!!!

Cool! I've been having trouble actually getting throught to make res., but hey, you CM's say dreams do come true, so it will all work out somehow. Either way, I thank you for your time and help, and in the event I don't get a reservation, I'll stop by to say hello (we will be at the MK 5,6 Nov). I'll be the 44 year old big kid (with an embarressed family in tow), looking for a little loud brunette pirate bopping all over.....and a toy pirate pistol! :) Thanks again!

Just called reservations and no availability to book on the days we are visiting magic kingdom in the next 3 weeks :sad2: just hope we can get an appointment on the day if we try first thing in the morning on the day. Where should we go to in the park to see if there are any extra reservations? My 7 year old son will be so disappointed if I don't get him in. Thanks in advance x
Thought I would relate our own TPL experience.

We had appointments for Saturday, the 8th, for DS13, DS4, and DS2. If you were there, you may recognize this date as the monsoon of 2011 - it started raining the day before and never. stopped. raining. until lunchtime on Sunday.

Yes, we fudged the line on the youngest child. The original idea was for DS4 to do this, but DS2 loves pirates, too, so we made ressies for both. DS13 was a bit wistful at not being included - I would have never dreamed that he'd want to do it - so I added him.

We showed up and got taken back... and discovered that DS2 would not do TPL, period. He'd had many character interactions up to this point (TPL was day 8 for us), he'd had his first hair cut on Main Street, but he wasn't getting into that pirate master's chair, no way, no how. He had a nice interaction with Captain Jack (growdled at him, gave him five, etc). but the chair was out.

We ended up cancelling him, and a walkup snapped up the slot.

Anyway, DS13 got started, and had a pretty silly experience - for some reason, he would not take off his baseball cap. His poor pirate master fought him over it, finally got it off for a bit, ended up letting him put it back on. to make it worse, he kept laughing every time she tried to do makeup around his mouth - and since both boys went with the cursed pirate, there was a lot of makeup!

She even pulled over another pirate master to help, but he just kept laughing, which got her laughing. They eventually got him done, but our poor pirate master was not too pleased.

Meanwhile, DS4 kept crinkling his eyes (shutting them too tight), causing his own set of issues. However, his makeup was done a good deal quicker than DS13. Even so, I think that TPL wasn't too sorry to see my kids go. :rolleyes1

All told, it was a fun experience. The kids looked great, and while the place was very hectic (and loud), it was fun. Captain Jack and Mack made their way through the entire room and spent a little time with everyone - very cool.

Sadly, DS4's makeup didn't last terribly long - rain and wiping hands kill makeup quickly. We got great pics, though, and the boys both enjoyed it. Id say that this experience was well worth it, and I'll gladly do it again. Heck, I will probably get made up, myself, next time.
I just could be, if you see a little brunette who is loud bopping all over the league, that one is me!!!! We have pirate pistols right there at the league, he everyone needs to be a pirate, and you gotta start somewhere right ;), can't wait to see you in the league!!!

Your description matches the pirate master that had my goofy giggling son... if this WAS you, I apologize again!
My boys just did Pirate League last week. It was awesome.



the sash?!?! is this something extra???? HOW AWESOME!!!
My One son had the same last year.. what worked best to remove the make-up by the eye?
the sash?!?! is this something extra???? HOW AWESOME!!!
My One son had the same last year.. what worked best to remove the make-up by the eye?

I bought the vests, T-shirts, and sash from a halloween costume company and brought them with us.

I had a very hard time getting the black eye make up off. My older soon looked like he was wearing black eyeliner for most of our trip. pirate: I used soap & water, then actual make up remover to get most of it off and the rest just sort of wore off over a few days. It was really hard!

ETA: I just noticed you might have meant the sash across their chests not on their belts...that one was provided by the Pirate League. It was part of the gifts they gave them at the end...eye patch, sash, swords, gold necklace.
I just could be, if you see a little brunette who is loud bopping all over the league, that one is me!!!! We have pirate pistols right there at the league, he everyone needs to be a pirate, and you gotta start somewhere right ;), can't wait to see you in the league!!!

We were there on Sept 23rd and my DD5 got made up.....Tell Nick Cannonball Maria Blaststriker from his hometown said hello. She always talks about him and how great of a time they had making fun of her Bippity Boppity princess sister (Since pirates don't like princesses). We had a great time and now my princess daughters wants to do it next year when we come back. Heck, I think I might do it also.
Correct, 9 is the earliest. They've never opened at 8am.

This was given to me by a current TPL CM. We weren't sure when we would be allowed to say anything, but she mentioned that one of the Managers was talking about these upcoming changes with other Guests so she asked me to share it with you all!

The packages are all being adjusted in the coming months. Some of the changes are currently unknown, but its believed that the First Mate option will be losing the fake teeth and will be gaining something else.

The empresses is going through a complete makeover, to make it more piratey and less princessy.

The mermaid is coming back, in a slightly different look and package.

And a new package, based on Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates, will be created for pirates under the age of 3. It will not feature pirate paint, but will include other activities based on the TV show.

All of these changes will come with a slight price increse... rumor is that all packages will be increased by $5, making them $34.95.

I know you'll have tons of questions, but to be honest that's about all I know. Hopefully some of the other Pirate Masters will jump in to provide more info as it becomes available. I think the target is in December, but that's not confirmed.

My DD will love the Mermaid part.:woohoo: She was bummed that we missed it by a few weeks when they did the trial run.
I bought the vests, T-shirts, and sash from a halloween costume company and brought them with us.

I had a very hard time getting the black eye make up off. My older soon looked like he was wearing black eyeliner for most of our trip. pirate: I used soap & water, then actual make up remover to get most of it off and the rest just sort of wore off over a few days. It was really hard!

ETA: I just noticed you might have meant the sash across their chests not on their belts...that one was provided by the Pirate League. It was part of the gifts they gave them at the end...eye patch, sash, swords, gold necklace.

Yes i did mean the sash! they added the sash and the sword!!! OH i am even MORE excited for the boys to do it again!! Thank you TONS for the pictures! Same here,. My Son Zack walked around like a 80 hair band reject for a couple of days as well. but well worth it.
I don't know how booked the league is but I just cancelled for 2 ppl at 11:20 on Nov 10th and for 1 person on Nov 10th at 11:30am
Cool! I've been having trouble actually getting throught to make res., but hey, you CM's say dreams do come true, so it will all work out somehow. Either way, I thank you for your time and help, and in the event I don't get a reservation, I'll stop by to say hello (we will be at the MK 5,6 Nov). I'll be the 44 year old big kid (with an embarressed family in tow), looking for a little loud brunette pirate bopping all over.....and a toy pirate pistol! :) Thanks again!


Hey, keep calling us back, and if you don't get a ressie come first thing in the morning, I should be there the 5th and 6th of Nov. Don't worry about being the big kid, I think my family gets embarrassed by me when I am in the parks because I get so wrapped up in the magic of it all. I will have your toy pirate pistol ready and waiting!!!
We were there on Sept 23rd and my DD5 got made up.....Tell Nick Cannonball Maria Blaststriker from his hometown said hello. She always talks about him and how great of a time they had making fun of her Bippity Boppity princess sister (Since pirates don't like princesses). We had a great time and now my princess daughters wants to do it next year when we come back. Heck, I think I might do it also.

I will let nick know, haha he always loves to hear about his pirates when they are still talking when they get home!!!
Your description matches the pirate master that had my goofy giggling son... if this WAS you, I apologize again!

Haha, if I was, no need to apologize, honestly all the kids squinch up their little eyes when we say close them. We have all gotten good at coaxing them to relax and act like they are sleeping. The amount of kids I have had actually fall asleep is huge haha!!!! I love all my pirates not matter what happens, they always do something that makes my heart go ahhh


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