Official Glass Slipper Challenge Thread

I think I read it somewhere here that they use the McMillan calculator. I use it all the time personally, but I am not positive that runDisney uses it -
I've definitely read this too!
I'm convinced runDisney uses a Magic 8-Ball to determine corrals... ;)

I submitted a 1:16:23 10K for TOT and they estimated my 10-mile finish as 2:01:00. Talk about pressure to perform!

HAHAHAHA oh boy I sure hope not! :rotfl: I can just imagine them calculating my finish time....*shake shake shake* ...."Outlook not so good"

That is an INTENSE estimated finish time! I typed it into McMillan and they estimate a 2:07 finish for 10miler. Which still sounds crazy to me! Good for you for being so speedy! Was this for a previous year or for this year??
I think they pull names of out a hat for corral placement!! I submitted a 10K time of 1:04:15 for last year's ToT 10 miler....and they put me in corral A! I was scared I was going to get run over! :rotfl2: Ended up finishing up 1:54 and didn't stop for any pics at that event!

I submitted my 1/2 time of 2:31 for Tink and Princess. hopefully that puts me up in Coral B, because Princes is going to be the 1st RD event that I do and "enjoy" the run stopping for characters and stuff! so i want to be close up so i'm not waiting forever.....i'm not going for PR but i also don't want it to take 4 hrs!
That is an INTENSE estimated finish time! I typed it into McMillan and they estimate a 2:07 finish for 10miler. Which still sounds crazy to me! Good for you for being so speedy! Was this for a previous year or for this year??

This year. I didn't have proof to submit last year and was placed in C. I was running around a 12:30-12:45/mile in training leading up to TOT, but wound up with IT Band Syndrome and had to walk most of the race, pulling over regularly to stretch - final time was around 2:45:00. OUCH. :headache: The upside is I'm pretty much guaranteed to PR this time, lol!
FYI... corrals are posted on runDisney for Dumbo Double Dare! DDD Corrals Note that bib #s are entirely different from those racing the 10K and/or the half; DDD racers use the same corral for both the 10K and half. So if you're in C with your DDD bib, you'll be in C for both the 10K and half.

Might give some insight into how things could go for GSC... :surfweb:
Another Atlantan here! I signed up for the GSC to push myself and help get me back in shape. I am currently training for the ToT using the Galloway plan with 2min run/walk intervals.

I also did the Peachtree this year...without any training. Which convinced me I really needed to get back to training!! Seriously though I had some back issues which kept me from training beforehand so I just went out and did it...and survived! :banana:

I'm really looking forward to the RunDisney races. We are AP and just got back from our first DCL - which is where I did my 5 and 6 mile training runs overlooking the Med...:cloud9:

Next on my agenda is to go to a good running store and get some shoes. I have a tendency to get plantar fasciitis so I want to make sure that doesn't happen. I've only done one half marathon and it was forever ago...maybe 2000? Was training for a full and got PF so bad I couldn't walk. So I quit running. Started back a few years ago and it came back. Now trying to do it the right way so it doesn't come back.
Welcome, Laura. Yes, get some good shoes, pronto! As for the PF....periodically in yoga we do a sequence with a tennis ball. First, we roll the ball along the length of the foot. Next, we place the ball under our heel and just press (stationary), then do the same thing under the arch (where you'll really feel the PF), then the balls of the toes, then under the toes. Each action is for about a minute or so. The rolling and the standing weight really help.

Thank Maura! I have good shoes...just not sure if they are the right shoes...if you know what I mean! The exercises you suggest sounds a lot like foam rolling for your feet...I'll have to try it.
Just booked my flights in and out of SNA (Orange County) for Tinkerbell. Just wanted everyone to know that I have been watching the prices daily for about 2 months and todays was the lowest I have seen. It might just be fares from Portland but wanted you all to know you might want to give it a look! I booked it on Alaska Airlines....
I'd like some thoughts on submitting a 10k time from people. I am registered for the GSC and I have registered for a 10k in late October to have a proof of time to submit.

My sister was supposed to be doing the PHM with me (she's registered), and we were going to do a 10k together. For reasons I won't go into she is now unsure if she will be doing PHM and is not training yet for a 10k or PHM. The latest USATF certified race I can find anywhere in New England is early November. She won't start training (if she is going to) until late September early October. I still think it is worth it for us to do the 10k in November, even if we do a combo walk run. She is in fairly good shape, she is a former runner who just has not been running regularly lately.

Would others agree even if she is only 5-6 weeks into training we should walk/run the 10k? Any guesses how fast would we need to go to get out of the last few corrals? I hope my 10k will get me into the first half to first 2/3 of the race - I expect to be under an hour for my 10k. But, if we do the PHM together I assume I will stick with her. I really want to have time to stop for pictures and have fun, so I don't want to start way back.

Also, does anyone have experience with deferring? If she has to defer, what can she defer to? Only the PHM one year later? Is there a cut off as to when she needs to inform Disney of her intention to defer? I have decided I will do the GSC regardless, and join her again for a future race once she knows her plan. Should I feel bad? It was her idea to do PHM. I decided to go for GSC, but then she started changing plans. I got injured training early, and have gotten most of the way back, I am still in PT. I want to see this through. Hope that is not selfish of me. She'll be there regardless, we have our flights and our BLT villas all booked. I just hope I don't feel awful if I finish and she is waiting on the sidelines.
Would others agree even if she is only 5-6 weeks into training we should walk/run the 10k? Any guesses how fast would we need to go to get out of the last few corrals?
YES! Worth it for the experience, as well as time to submit. From the sound of it, ANY time will get you out of the last corral/, since it's reserved for those without proof of time. I suspect the last 2 corrals may be those without proof, actually, if not 3, assuming they'll be doing more corrals with fewer people in them than last year. I think hte Dumbo Double Dare charts might be pretty comparable to what we'll see for GSC, only GSC will have more entrants, so more corrals...

Dumbo Double Dare corrals/ expected finish times

If she has to defer, what can she defer to? Only the PHM one year later? Is there a cut off as to when she needs to inform Disney of her intention to defer? I have decided I will do the GSC regardless, and join her again for a future race once she knows her plan. Should I feel bad? It was her idea to do PHM. I decided to go for GSC, but then she started changing plans. I got injured training early, and have gotten most of the way back, I am still in PT. I want to see this through. Hope that is not selfish of me. She'll be there regardless, we have our flights and our BLT villas all booked. I just hope I don't feel awful if I finish and she is waiting on the sidelines.
Deferrals can only be done to the same race the following year. There's a fee for deferring, I think it's up to $45, but don't quote me on that. I can't find a date for deferrals, but transfers (say, form PHM to GSC) have a deadline of Dec. 1, so it may be the same for deferrals, I'd email runD to find out for sure.

I don't think you wanting to culminate your hard work in the race is selfish AT ALL! I would hope she'd be supportive of you, regardless of whether or not she wants to do the race.
I'd like some thoughts on submitting a 10k time from people. I am registered for the GSC and I have registered for a 10k in late October to have a proof of time to submit.

My sister was supposed to be doing the PHM with me (she's registered), and we were going to do a 10k together. For reasons I won't go into she is now unsure if she will be doing PHM and is not training yet for a 10k or PHM. The latest USATF certified race I can find anywhere in New England is early November. She won't start training (if she is going to) until late September early October. I still think it is worth it for us to do the 10k in November, even if we do a combo walk run. She is in fairly good shape, she is a former runner who just has not been running regularly lately.

Would others agree even if she is only 5-6 weeks into training we should walk/run the 10k? Any guesses how fast would we need to go to get out of the last few corrals? I hope my 10k will get me into the first half to first 2/3 of the race - I expect to be under an hour for my 10k. But, if we do the PHM together I assume I will stick with her. I really want to have time to stop for pictures and have fun, so I don't want to start way back.

Also, does anyone have experience with deferring? If she has to defer, what can she defer to? Only the PHM one year later? Is there a cut off as to when she needs to inform Disney of her intention to defer? I have decided I will do the GSC regardless, and join her again for a future race once she knows her plan. Should I feel bad? It was her idea to do PHM. I decided to go for GSC, but then she started changing plans. I got injured training early, and have gotten most of the way back, I am still in PT. I want to see this through. Hope that is not selfish of me. She'll be there regardless, we have our flights and our BLT villas all booked. I just hope I don't feel awful if I finish and she is waiting on the sidelines.

I would say ANY submitted time is better than NO submitted time, so have her do a 10K, even if she hasn't been training for one. Even for you yourself I would do the one in Oct and then the one you'll do with her if they will be two different races and then submit whichever one has the better time.
I just had to defer the Dumbo Double Dare. Now you only can defer to the same race a year later. For DDD it was $45 to defer until Aug. 1, $75 Aug. 2-23 and NO deferrals after that with the race over Labor Day Weekend to kind of give you a timetable.

I don't think it's selfish of you to want to see this through. I'm kind of in the same boat. I have run a couple of half marathons and signed up for GSC. Then my sister in law signed up for GSC and is doing zero training so far and she has never run ever, so I'm kind of nervous for her and how she'll do, and I feel conflicted because I want it to be a fun girl bonding time, but by the time Feb. rolls around I'll have put hundreds of miles of training into doing this. There's still time for everyone to get to where they need to be. I don't think the Galloway training plan even starts until Oct., so there's still time!
YES! Worth it for the experience, as well as time to submit. From the sound of it, ANY time will get you out of the last corral/, since it's reserved for those without proof of time. I suspect the last 2 corrals may be those without proof, actually, if not 3, assuming they'll be doing more corrals with fewer people in them than last year. I think hte Dumbo Double Dare charts might be pretty comparable to what we'll see for GSC, only GSC will have more entrants, so more corrals...

Dumbo Double Dare corrals/ expected finish times

Deferrals can only be done to the same race the following year. There's a fee for deferring, I think it's up to $45, but don't quote me on that. I can't find a date for deferrals, but transfers (say, form PHM to GSC) have a deadline of Dec. 1, so it may be the same for deferrals, I'd email runD to find out for sure.

I don't think you wanting to culminate your hard work in the race is selfish AT ALL! I would hope she'd be supportive of you, regardless of whether or not she wants to do the race.

Thanks for the info! That chart will help us figure out a goal for both of us to shoot for!

I will have her email about the deferral process. Thanks for the support about going ahead with the race even if she does not participate. I know she'd tell me to do it. But, I feel a little bad because it was her idea for us to enter, not mine, and if I do it alone I sort of feel like I am stealing it from her. Protective big sister in me I guess.
I'd like some thoughts on submitting a 10k time from people. I am registered for the GSC and I have registered for a 10k in late October to have a proof of time to submit.

My sister was supposed to be doing the PHM with me (she's registered), and we were going to do a 10k together. For reasons I won't go into she is now unsure if she will be doing PHM and is not training yet for a 10k or PHM. The latest USATF certified race I can find anywhere in New England is early November. She won't start training (if she is going to) until late September early October. I still think it is worth it for us to do the 10k in November, even if we do a combo walk run. She is in fairly good shape, she is a former runner who just has not been running regularly lately.

Would others agree even if she is only 5-6 weeks into training we should walk/run the 10k? Any guesses how fast would we need to go to get out of the last few corrals? I hope my 10k will get me into the first half to first 2/3 of the race - I expect to be under an hour for my 10k. But, if we do the PHM together I assume I will stick with her. I really want to have time to stop for pictures and have fun, so I don't want to start way back.

Also, does anyone have experience with deferring? If she has to defer, what can she defer to? Only the PHM one year later? Is there a cut off as to when she needs to inform Disney of her intention to defer? I have decided I will do the GSC regardless, and join her again for a future race once she knows her plan. Should I feel bad? It was her idea to do PHM. I decided to go for GSC, but then she started changing plans. I got injured training early, and have gotten most of the way back, I am still in PT. I want to see this through. Hope that is not selfish of me. She'll be there regardless, we have our flights and our BLT villas all booked. I just hope I don't feel awful if I finish and she is waiting on the sidelines.

Definitely do the 10k and submit something...if you end up running the half by yourself, your expected sub-1 hour 10k time will get you a great corral placement. If your sister ends up running, you can always drop back into her corral if she didn't submit a time and you want to run together, but at least with a submitted time you'll be covered either way. I wouldn't feel bad about seeing through your commitment to the race and finishing it even if she's just there to cheer you on! I'm sure you'd feel worse being there that weekend and seeing all the finishers wearing their medals knowing you should have one too...and I would have to think your sister would feel bad if you decided not to do it just because she couldn't :confused3 I hope it all works out though so that you both can participate'll have a blast either way though!
I got our room booked this morning! Lion King suite at AoA 21st-28th....can't wait to get there! Now just wishing for some random ridiculous flash sale on airfare :wizard:
Does the 10k submitted time for corral placement have to be USATF certified? What about runners not from the US - is there an equivalent?
kelsco99 said:
Does the 10k submitted time for corral placement have to be USATF certified? What about runners not from the US - is there an equivalent?

If you submit it when you register, I don't think they verify. When I attempted to update my husband's time recently for TOT it was rejected. So annoyed!
Does the 10k submitted time for corral placement have to be USATF certified? What about runners not from the US - is there an equivalent?

I read it had to USATF certified on the RD website. If it doesn't I'd love to know. I would have a lot more choices of 10ks closer to me. As it is now the closest one I have that is certified and is late enough in the fall that my Physical Therapist thinks I'll be ready is 2 hours away, and sooner than I'd ideally like.
If you submit it when you register, I don't think they verify. When I attempted to update my husband's time recently for TOT it was rejected. So annoyed!

When did you submit it? If it was after the beginning of this month, you have to do it in person:

If you do not provide proof of time at point of registration but acquire it after you have registered, email the information to before August 1, 2013. After August 1, 2013, you will need to bring proof of your estimated finish time to the Runner Relations booth at the Disney Health & Fitness Expo to have your start corral placement changed. If you do not have a proof of time to submit, list "N/A" at the point of registration. If proof of time is not provided, you will be placed in the last start corral. If you listed a race result as proof of time when registering online, then you do not have to do anything further.
Has the Glass Slipper medal been revealed yet? I had someone tell me they saw it but I haven't found it.
This thread is so inspiring! I am a new runner and my new goal is to be strong enough to run the Glass Slipper Challenge! Thank you all for your inspiration and excellent information.


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