Of Spiders and Snakes.....


DIS Veteran
Jan 6, 2000
We are pretty much ready to go and camp at FW, but my 7yo DS's friend told him that while camping you can encounter snakes and spiders (not two of his favorite things). Is there any problems ever down there at the campground regarding snakes and spiders, or does Disney do a pretty good job at watching out for them. Thanks!!

Roughly the size of a barge
Of all the times I have been there, I have never, EVER seen snakes or spiders. I do however see peacocks and lots of bunnies.

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 & Kayla-8
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

I have never seen a snake at FW, but Many, many years ago while staying in a FW Home, our housekeeper told us she found one in a couch. Nice story to tell the guests huh? She may have been teasing us kids, but I never forgot it. I also have seen plenty of peacocks, and a lot of armadillo too.

FW 77,79,81,90,99..Oct 2001!
We just went this weekend, no snakes, no mosquitos or ants BUT lots of sweat bees once you bring food out. If you are staying in a cabin, no worries. If you are in a tent, there will be bees during lunch or dinner but they are harmless.
OK I have been camping and staying in the Homes at Ft WIlderness since 1980 and have yet to see a snake. Spiders are just a part of Florida life but I haven't seen but a few of them. HAve more around my house.

Don't forget the tiny lizards! They are adorable. About 3" long and brown and they run the minute someone comes near. My 3 kids just loved watching them. I wish I knew what they are called.

We didn't see one spider or snake. Armadillos were great and the peacocks too.

I have twin 6 year old boys who are nervous about some bugs and snakes and they were never frightened by the "wildlife" we saw at FW.
We were there last Feb and also didn't see and snakes or spiders...and I have a 10 yr old son who likes to look for those things!!! We did see bunnies and peacocks and my son caught one of those little lizards and wanted to bring it home as a pet!!

Sending a little pixie dust your way to brighten up your day!
did not see any snakes last nov at FW, but did see one surrounded by 5 CM,s trying to corner it at Blizzard Beach. :)

[This message was edited by Manatee on 01-18-01 at 04:47 PM.]
We've been camping at FW for 13 years, and have never seen a snake. I saw one spider in a bus stop once, but that's all for spiders. There are lots of Geckos (little lizards)! They're fun to try & catch! Otherwise, you'll only see armadillos, peacocks, bunnies, ducks and other friendly creatures!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
We have camped at FW for about 17 years. One time when we got to our site to setup there was a BIG black snake coiled up on the gravel pad sunning himself. I called from a comfort station and they sent out someone immediately. By the time they got there it left a slithered back into the brush. Since then I am very carefull. Remember that this is Florida and there are alot of things that can hurt you. :eek:

Off all the places on Disney Property, the one place I would expect to see a snake is fort wilderness, we however have not yet seen any since we have been camping there, Now blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon on the other hand we always see snakes at these water parks.

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board

<center><Font Color=ff0066><Font size=4>www.disneycampers.com
I have seen a few snakes. But very few for the number of times I have been there. However, there are a lot of Armadelos !!! They come out at night and are all over the place, but they are more afraid of you then you are of them, and have never been bothered by one.


95 POL
96(2), GF,Offsite
8/00 DVC member
3/2001 BWV
11/2001 BWV
We've never actually seen a snake there but once on the hayride the guide asked if anyone had just seen that? We asked what it was and she said "oh nothing much, just a snake hanging down from that tree over us." Creepy, but we've been there several times and as the others have said, only seen peacocks and armadillos!
You must have had Chris as your driver. She pulls that one all the time. It's a joke. She's teasing. I've been on the hayride a few dozen times and that one has been pulled on me a few trips.

It was Chris!! At least I'm happy to hear you fell for it too, so I don't feel completely foolish!!! :eek:
We have been to FW many times. We have only seen a snake once and it was just a little one.(less than a foot). We have had the pleasure of having one of those little salamanders as a guest in our camper one day. Boy if that wasn't histerical watching my DH and DS's chase it around the camper trying to catch it. LOL :eek: :eek: :eek:


{Dreams Do Come True at Walts Place}

We stayed at FW one time and have a photo of the mostunique spider web we have ever seen. Snakes, bugs and spuders never saw any .....only the web!!!
I want to thank everyone for responding to my post. I had my son sit next to me and I read all of them to him and gave him the "You leave them alone, they leave you alone" talk, so he seems pretty cool with it now. I also had a talk with the friend about how impressionable my son (his younger friend) can be with an older child telling him things (thank heavens he didn't tell him about Bigfoot or something). Thanks again, we'll be down there in a little over a week...WOOO-HOOOOO!

Roughly the size of a barge


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