So glad that you got good news about your dad. Hopefully with the new meds Lisa will start to get better too. Hope that ya'll have a good weekend and hopefully you aren't getting the rain and storms that we are here.

Thoughts and prayer to all that need them

I am embarrassingly behind answering all of your kind messages, but i do know you understand. I have a lot of trip "stuff" i want to discuss, but let me at least try to say hello to all of you and WELCOME the new folks who have been kind enough to join in...EVERYONE is welcome!
Happy 4th of July!!!!!!
Thanks Chiara!
Loved the pics of the Jungle Book dinner! Lisa was so creative with her food. The plates tied it all together perfectly! There has been some great ideas from fellow diser on other theme ideas. I love it!

Just when I thought all was calming down in my world (DH getting stronger, etc), we had to take my 91 year old grandfather to the ED a week ago Sunday. He has prostrate cancer that has spread to bones and now having issues with bladder flow. Got him moved to a inpatient rehab facility on Tuesday and will start to get him stronger so we can work with urologist to determine which type of procedure he can undergo to correct the bladder. Luckily my Dad and I have power of attorney and could help with all paperwork, etc. DH is doing well but home for atleast another month.

Truly sorry to hear about your Grandfather, please give an update when you can. I am praying! :hug:
Happy 4th of July, Judy & Family! Hope you have a great day!
Thanks Tracy.
Happy Independence Day! I sent you an email with a special video in it.

ETA: I tried to call you earlier, and your phone asked me to type in a code?
Thanks Michelle, loved the videos. My phone is still giving me a difficult time as you see. Internet guy was out Friday and Christian took care of things with him because we were out at the MD offices all day, per usual. Seems our Internet isn't working because we had our VCR hooked to our TV...Ok, everybody say "WHAT" that makes NO sense! He said it was from white noise and unhooked it from the TV. We shall see...

Hope that everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July!

Thoughts and Prayers to all!


Happy 4th of July!!

I'm glad to read that Christian is still is a tough market but that doesn't really help when it is your personal situation. I know someone with several years experience in his field who has been interviewing for many months as well and hasn't found anything can be very frustrating...hang in there Christian.

Glad Lisa is feeling better and was able to put together such a wonderful movie and dinner night. It looked delicious. I can't remember the last time I watched Jungle Book...I'll have to fix that.

I am still struggling with my situation and it isn't getting better so decisions have to be made. I have pressure from both directions and am having a very hard time figuring out what to do. It is very confusing and stressful.

Everyone have a safe Holiday (and leave the fireworks to the professionals!)

One last prayer request for the families of the firefighters lost here in Arizona...such a tragedy.

Hi Dawn, so happy to see you here. Praying al is well and you are having good days. Our Jungle Book movie night is the last time Lisa has felt halfway like herself. It was a lot of fun. I do have pics from July 4th to share. There is so much pain and suffering in the world I an thankful for my blessings,

WishingEveryoneA HappyFourth!
Thanks Krystal!

So glad you get to go back. Family time is so important and vacations together are a blessing.

If you are looking for discount park tickets there are several things you could look into.

Military discount tickets
AAA discount tickets
Undercover Tourist tickets

Hope you can find a great deal.

:welcome::welcome::welcome: to the latest report, happy to see you here! :goodvibes Your message prompted me to contact SOG. We of course can stay there yearly in January and September; however, we are waiting on a third person to get back to me to see if we are able to purchase the military tickets, That would be a HUGE savings (and expense)!

Hoping you have had a wonderful Fourth of July and your Disney movie day was fun.
Happy 4th of July :)
Thanks Emma, Saw the pics, LOVED them! Sorry I am so far behind in answering! :blush::blush:
Judy I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I am here and ready to follow along! You have a great looking family there and you guys seem to be a great support system for each other :) I am excited for you guys and you villa looks awesome! And LOVE the family movie night idea ::yes:: looks like you guys had fun and I really liked the jungle book theme. Can't wait to read more! ~Jenn
Jenn, please forgive my delay in saying :welcome::welcome::welcome: So glad you are here. I am blessed with an amazing family, I couldn't do it without them! We have fun together and actually like each other.
Good morning Judy! :goodvibes Sorry to hear that Lisa is still so ill!! Sending lots of prayer her way. My eldest DS is having sinus surgery in August because he has chronic sinus infections. I used to get them all the time before my ENT sent me to an allergist and figured out that if it was green or had fur, I was allergic to it. I now take meds to control the allergies so I don't get the infections as much anymore. I hope the Lisa's new meds have her feeling better really quickly. Sinus infections are just rotten!

Mini Lisa update before I have to run. She is still feeling horrible, even with the steroids to reduce all of the swelling. She has been sick since I picked her up from Victory Junction (medical camp) June 13. She had two weeks of antibiotics and was feeling better, but NOT well. She was off of the antibiotics 4 days and became extremely ill again,. This is day 8 of the second round of antibiotics, and we switched them AGAIN on Friday, adding the steroids. The steroids have caused their own set of problems, including horrible bone pain. Lisa isn't able to take anti-inflammatories because of her artificial heart valve and tylenol isn't helping. She can't take certain antibiotics because of her heart, hypertension and seizures...something always interacts with one (if not all three) of these medical issues. Sorry to be such a downer; but, it is the facts.

I SO appreciate those of you who haven't abandoned me and am thankful to those who have reached out to support us with your prayers. You TRULY can't have too many people in your life who care/pray for you. That doesn't diminish the relationships I already have. We have been thankful Lisa has had so many strong prayer warriors, I TRULY, FULLY believe that is why she has done so well the past few years since I began I sharing my family here on the DIS.

Please, if you have time as you read this, log in and let me know you are praying. Lisa is still very medically fragile, no matter how healthy she appears. I need her to be well and for her tests to turn out good tomorrow. Thank you for caring enough for my little sweetie to pray for her! I will be back for more responses, I promise.

My prayers continue for Lisa and the family! I hope the discount disney tickets help you get there at least for a couple days. Enjoy this beautiful day! 80s and sunny here! Ruth
havent posted in a while, but check in frequently. Sending tons of prayers and good thoughts your way
Know that Lisa and your family are always in our prayers! Hope the discount military tickets for Disney will come through...that would be a true blessing! Also that Pete can find a car soon too!

Billy is doing good and will see his doctor again next month. Bob came for a short visit over the 4th. Still keeping busy with our chores and trying to do as much as I can in the early morning before it heats up.
Subbing. So excited that you guys get to go back to Orlando. Sorry to hear about Lisa praying she is better soon.
Judy I am praying for healing for sweet Lisa. I hope this round of antibiotics is THE ones to finally kick this infection for her and she can get her strength back soon.

So very happy to hear the good news about your dads pet scan. I hope the one in 3 months is just as good or better!

I also pray that you all find a car for Pete. Hugs to you and your family.
Judy, I am so sorry to hear about Lisa. My thoughts and prayers are with the poor sweetie. I hope that the antibiotics kick this in the rear end and she feels better. The sooner she can be off of the steroids.

I am pleased to hear about your dad.

Thoughts and prayers to all.
Judy, I am reading and I am praying. I really hope that Lisa gets to feeling better soon. I know how hard it is for anyone with any kind of chronic issues to fight any kind of infection.

Thoughts and Prayers to all that need them.
Praying for your family today, Judy. I hope the doctors can figure out what is going on with Lisa so she can get on the right regiment of medications to knock this thing, poor sweetie.


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