No response to Dining Plan Complaint...

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... I still believe that companies should get their information straight. I believe that people should thoroughly do research especially if it is a very expensive trip - part of that research, sadly, is speaking with the experts on the topic. Who are they? I would think Disney CM of course! If I had questions about taxes, I would call the Revenue Agency. If I have questions about airfare and flights, I will call the Airline company. If I have questions about Disney, I will call Disney! They should be the main source of correct, accurate and up-to-date information.

Sadly, OP and GrannySandy will probably just have to take this with a grain of salt and just try to enjoy their trips despite the hiccups. Feel free to use the board to vent - it is only thru posts like yours that people know what to ask CM when we do call and do `research`. We learn through other people`s mishaps...

You come across rude IMHO.

I'm sorry, I don't see how it was rude and there was no intention for it to be (really). It was to the point. That's my writing style-direct without a lot of fluff. I just wanted to directly answer one of the questions posed.

Here is the question I answered:

Should I push this further?

Here is the answer:

There is no need to push this further. You don't deserve compensation for this. It's up to the consumer to research exactly what they are purchasing and to know what policies are in effect at the time of your visit.

Now, you do know which is a good thing. Perhaps you should consider dropping the dining plan if it isn't going to work out for you.
Just in case you hadn't heard about it on your own...Or would have explained the 2008 plan in case you had heard about the earlier plan.

Not too many of the really good agents out there...Bummer.

Lesson learned...ASK QUESTIONS!!!
Wow--there must be a lot of Disney employees on this board. I can't believe the rudeness that I've read. Why do some of you care if she gets any compensation at all? I seriously doubt she's talking about getting free dining or anything like that out of it. It makes me laugh when I read some of these threads where people complain and there's a long list of people just waiting to jump down their throat b/c they aren't happy with Disney. I just don't see why some of you can't feel someone's pain. So what if she didn't do what you would have done--no one's perfect.
I would be upset too, if I asked for info, got the info, and then booked my trip, and then found out that the info I received just a couple of months earlier was not valid anymore. I honestly don't see why she would have asked about changes, I don't know that many people that would.

Maybe some of you that love Disney so much need to feel the Disney magic all year round, not just when you are there. It would make the world a much better place.

OP: I feel your pain. I'm sorry that you are disappointed. An apology would have been nice, atleast.
OP: I feel your pain. I'm sorry that you are disappointed. An apology would have been nice, atleast.

But the OP didn't ask for an apology. He/She asked for "compensation" there's a difference.

IMO, there's also a difference in asking for compensation for something that truly impacted your trip, versus something that you find out MONTHS before hand and have every opportunity to change.
The OP also tries to lay his/hers problems with an expensive flight/holiday on the plate of Disney.
So sorry for the OP but if 300 dollar would be such a great attempt on my budget I would be afraid if anything else would go wrong.
And yes we have to save our money also but I don't blame any one if I get information from 2007.

If you go early to a travel agency and receive a summer prospect I can't expect them to charge me the same prices in the winter season.

Didn't mean to start a revolution here! Really, I didn't!

First of all: Why does everybody call me OP????:rolleyes1

Second: GrannySandy, you feel like going out for a beer? I think we would have a lot to talk about....:rotfl:

Third: I NEVER blamed Disney for the cost of my airline tickets. I was simply making a bit of conversation and pointing out that I'm nervous about this trip because it's more expensive than I was originally planning.

Fourth: The point of my original post was that I made a complaint (legitimate or not) to Disney and received no response, even after sending them a "reminder", and I was wondering if this had happened to anyone else.:confused3

Fifth: I have learned to never, never use the word "compensation" on the boards again! :lmao: I certainly wasn't planning a multi-million dollar suit against Disney! Actually the best I was hoping for was maybe a water-view instead of a standard view (you know, some places will do this just to smooth out ruffled feathers....) I have come to my senses now, so you can stop with the tar and feathers!:rotfl2: What I wanted to "push further" was the fact I had received no response.

Six: I did speak to someone at Disney when I requested the DVD and pamphlets and I DID specify that I would be travelling in 2008. They still sent me the 2007 info.

Please understand that not everybody is as computer savy as the people on these boards are. And there still exist people who do not even have internet!!!These people HAVE to rely on Disney for their information (yes, or a good TA...) I am not blaming the poor customer service employees who are not properly trained! But Disney does have a responsibility to give out the correct info.

Truly,truly sorry if I upset anybody here. Didn't think I would come off as a money-grubing, uninformed shyster just for venting and asking a question... :sad2:

I'll shut up now and let everybody to back to being friends...:grouphug:
OP :-))) if I ever get to Canada I wll look you up for that beer. Always wanted to travel up that way.

To everyone else: The question that I ask the lady who sold me the plan was "What all do I get for that price" The answer she gave was "6 meal credits that include apps, entree, drink, desert, taxes, tips, 6 snack credits that include anything less than $4 and 6 credits that buy a packaged meal like you get at McDonald's" (her words) I wrote it down as she talked. All I wanted was an apology and someone to go over my reservations with me to ensure I didn't have other surprises coming. I didn't get either. I'm taking extra cash just in case. I'm going to have a good trip, the trip is not about money. My post was not about money. It's about not trusting Disney anymore. They don't know what they are doing. They also charged my card for the Mickey BarBQue even though I told them I had the dining plan. That has been fixed.

Please forgive my venting. I'll go back to lurking in the background. Frankly the rudeness from some of you is worse than the lie from Disney. And it's certainly no help.
Please understand that not everybody is as computer savy as the people on these boards are. And there still exist people who do not even have internet!!!These people HAVE to rely on Disney for their information (yes, or a good TA...) I am not blaming the poor customer service employees who are not properly trained! But Disney does have a responsibility to give out the correct info.

Truly,truly sorry if I upset anybody here. Didn't think I would come off as a money-grubing, uninformed shyster just for venting and asking a question... :sad2:

I'll shut up now and let everybody to back to being friends...:grouphug:

I completely agree. Like I said before not everyone hangs out on the DIS and knows the right questions to ask, they depend on Disney to give them the correct info.

You will find on the DIS that no matter what you post about someone will agree with you and someone will disagree with you ;) Don't let it scare you away. There is a ton of great info on this site and some very helpful members.

I hope everything turns out ok for you and you at least get a response from Disney. :goodvibes
I completely agree. Like I said before not everyone hangs out on the DIS and knows the right questions to ask, they depend on Disney to give them the correct info.

You will find on the DIS that no matter what you post about someone will agree with you and someone will disagree with you ;) Don't let it scare you away. There is a ton of great info on this site and some very helpful members.

I hope everything turns out ok for you and you at least get a response from Disney. :goodvibes

And this is exactly why you get everything you possibly can in writing - even if you don't know the right questions to ask, you won't miss out on info if you have a hard copy of it from the company. Granny knew enough to ask what exactly she was getting, but the next step is asking for that same info mailed to you - just in case the CM forgot something, or in this case didn't remember that the DDP had recently changed.

If someone is planning $1000 in tips that means about $5500 worth of table service food (18% grat). While the DDP can be a good deal, you must be spending a several thousand dollars on the DDP to get to get that much value in food. I'm guessing you're going with quite a large group or for an extended trip. Anytime I spend that kind of money on anything, I want all the promised details in writing, and not just my own writing.
Please forgive my venting. I'll go back to lurking in the background. Frankly the rudeness from some of you is worse than the lie from Disney. And it's certainly no help.

I hope you change your mind and hang around here. :) I find that some people can find no fault with Disney , ever! Don't let that scare you away. I don't think it is our responsibility to do Disney's job for them unless they want to give us a commision. ;)
And this is exactly why you get everything you possibly can in writing - even if you don't know the right questions to ask, you won't miss out on info if you have a hard copy of it from the company. Granny knew enough to ask what exactly she was getting, but the next step is asking for that same info mailed to you - just in case the CM forgot something, or in this case didn't remember that the DDP had recently changed.

If someone is planning $1000 in tips that means about $5500 worth of table service food (18% grat). While the DDP can be a good deal, you must be spending a several thousand dollars on the DDP to get to get that much value in food. I'm guessing you're going with quite a large group or for an extended trip. Anytime I spend that kind of money on anything, I want all the promised details in writing, and not just my own writing.

Ok so you ask for the dining plan info to be sent to you and they sent the info from 2007 and your trip is in 2008. If you don't frequent the DIS do you think to ask them if that info is outdated or do you just accept that they sent the right info to you seeing as they have the dates you are traveling right in front of them :confused3
For those not around at the beginning of the year, what the OP :-)thumbsup2 ) asked was commonly reported for those arriving in January.

To anyone who was snarky, and you know who you were, :sad2:

New posters may not know as much as you, they may not breathe disney the way many of us do, or hang out on the DIS all the time:rolleyes1.

To the new folks, so glad you found us! If the DDP changed so extreme, consider cancelling it and paying out of pocket. If you had expected appetizers, and they are not part of the meal, will that also cost you more?

Fortuantely, you did find out before you arrived and now you can make decisions if it is still the right plan for you.
Is the fact that there is no appetizer the drastic changes they are talking about? You must be kidding:rotfl2:
GrannySandy said:
anyone get that they took our money based on a lie?
Nope. Not at all. Not in the least.

gina2000 said:
If a company rep can't give you correct information, then the company has no business employing that rep.
Then THAT is what should be addressed with Disney.

gina2000 said:
Also, sending a 2007 planning video that includes the DDP in its 2007 form is incredibly misleading.
Guests and potential Guests who requested the planning video in 2007 should EXPECT the 2007 video and information. A reasonable person consider that there MIGHT be 2008 changes to the 2007 information provided.

Wow--there must be a lot of Disney employees on this board. I can't believe the rudeness that I've read. Why do some of you care if she gets any compensation at all?
Very few, actually - and those that do post know that Disney monitors Internet forums and is likely aware of their identities (that's not an assumption, it's fact). Care if she gets compensation? No. Know she has no basis to expect or get compensation? Absolutely.

Canadian Mouse said:
DID specify that I would be travelling in 2008. They still sent me the 2007 info.
Wild guess but... most likely they sent you the 2007 video because the 2008 video did not exist at the time you requested one. And since you got A planning video, it would be your (any traveler's) responsibility to request updated information, not the provider's responsibility to automatically provide one.
Is the fact that there is no appetizer the drastic changes they are talking about? You must be kidding:rotfl2:

The appetizer and tip are no longer included. And yes that is a pretty big difference in the dining plan. Those two things make quite a difference in the value of the dining plan.
it would be your (any traveler's) responsibility to request updated information, not the provider's responsibility to automatically provide one.

I'll have to politely disagree. Some food for thought. Last year (2007), I bought DVC and cancelled within 10 business days (the cooling off period) due to personal issues. March 2008 comes and I feel we can buy now, so we call the same sales rep and go over everything like which resorts are for sale at this time, what use year, what i'm getting etc. Then she told me "NOW, JANE DOE, THERE HAVE BEEN CHANGES SINCE YOU LAST JOINED DVC. YOU CAN NOW BANK 100% OF POINTS BEFORE THE END OF SO AND SO MONTH, THERE WILL BE A NEW SECTION IN THE DVC MEMBER WEBSITE FOR SHORTER STAYS" etc etc. After I said that I am fine with the changes, that was the time that she asked about deposit and payment plan.

There are really some CM's that are better than others, but consumers should not suffer because others are lacking in training. Whether we admit it or not, we call MS one day, we talk to someone and then you hang up and call again, you talk to a different CM and SOMETIMES it's a different story. You see it all over the boards, whether in Restaurants, in the DVC Operations, DVC Planning, etc. Thankfully, both OP and Granny Sandy can still opt out of the DP because they found these things before their trips.

Again, JMHO and we are all entitled to our own.

OP-I'm sorry you didn't hear back from Disney yet. But maybe that's because you haven't taken your trip yet & maybe they are working on the complaints of the visitors from January & February still?? Also, since you haven't taken your trip yet, you can easily remove the DDP from your ressie as you're far enough out w/o get penalized for changes & if you're paid in full, you will get your money back in full.

I understan frustration w/the changes, as I LOVE appetizers & not desserts & not worrying about the tip (although we always tipped more) was really nice, but I guess since you learned about them before you have gone on your trip, you can decide if the new plan will be a fit for you. Take a look throughout the board, there are plenty of threads on the new plan that may help you!

We were at CSR last September! You'll love it there! It's great! So great, we're going there in December again!! Have a great trip & even if you decide against the DDP, be sure to make your ADRs!!

And lastly, welcome to the Disboards!
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