No One Loses Weight Like Gaston - November 2015 W.I.S.H Challenge

Question of the Day - November 17

Some days you're Maurice. Some days you're Cogsworth. o_O
Let's talk... control.

Obviously the goal of a weight loss program is to take control of your life and not let food dictate your feelings or self worth. But it can be hard, especially during the holiday season when things seem tempting. You may be saying to yourself "Apple pie is made with apples, so that's fruit and it's healthy!" (spoiler alert: it's not!) Or when dining with friends or family and they tempt you to share a dessert or order a larger entre off a menu. Because, as they say, "You can work it off tomorrow" or "It's only one meal!" (spoiler alert: it's not!)

Our goal in this process is to be Maurice and let food be Cogsworth - we want to take control! We don't want food to be Maurice because ... well... you see Cogsworth's face and that doesn't look pleasant. :)

How do you take control of your food cravings?
What is your plan to get through the holidays with pushy family and/or friends?

Share any tips/tricks with others on how to not let tasty treats get the better of you!

I am really working on this - often I am eating snacks not because I am hungry, but because they taste good. Right now, I'm trying to focus on drinking more water to make sure I'm hungry before I eat something. I'm also trying to track things so that I get an accurate idea of how many "treats" I can reasonably allow while still trying to meet my goals. Thankfully, calorie counting has made me skew a little more toward healthier options because they tend to be lower in calories anyway - but I'm not being too strict about that right now and mostly am just trying to be consistent about tracking!

In terms of the holidays, I'm honestly not exactly sure what I'll be doing at Thanksgiving. It's my first year with my husband's family, so I'm really not sure what food options I'll have. My main plan is to eat a little bit of whatever I want, but try not to go overboard. Similar with Christmas - with a special focus on eating well when I go out with friends, which tends to happen more if I'm home to see them!
Happy Wednesday everyone!!

I woke up to a very nice surprise of my weight going down to the newes lowest weight of the year! :banana: I am now at a BMI of 25.3, so really getting close to not being overweight. Unfortunately I am still only at 34% of my total goal for the month and November is already more than halfway over. I am not expecting to make my goal, but hopefully will be at least able to finish the month with a BMI of under 25!

It also means that I have officially lost more than 10 pounds since September. It is amazing what a difference 10 pounds make. I can feel and see how my body has changed. The jeans that I am wearing today and which feel comfortable could not have been closed in September.

How do you take control of your food cravings?
What is your plan to get through the holidays with pushy family and/or friends?

Share any tips/tricks with others on how to not let tasty treats get the better of you!

I am actually planning on slowing down my weight loss a little bit over Christmas. I know that not allowing myself any treats will backfire and cause a lack of motivation later on. To me the weight loss journey is a lifelong process of mindful eating, not a race to get to the goal the fastest. So, a little less austerity during the holidays is totally ok in my book.

However, I am planning on still being mindful about my eating, to track every little thing. We always make a lot of cookies in my family and I am planning on calculating the calories for all of our cookies, so I can track them accurately. I am also planning on making good use of the free time I will have to go for runs and maybe even some hikes if we have nice weather.

My best tip for avoiding evenig snacking is "closing down the kitchen for the night". My kitchen is a seperate room and I switch off the light and close the door. That reminds me that the kitchen and with that the access to food is no longer available. It is a simple trick, but it really helps. Sometimes I want something and go inside and switch on the light, but then remember why the door was closed and the light switched off and then leave again without a snack!

I have a wicked sweet tooth - with everyone knowing I'm on plan, I won't eat tons of sweets in front of them.

I like that effect as well, that's why I share with my friends and family that I am trying to lose weight. It helps me to not just stuff myself in front of them.

To combat this, I plan on giving away all dessert leftovers.

I always feel a bit guilty if I want to get rid of the temptation and then "force" it on someone else, but I do that, too. On the other hand I also refuse to take leftovers when I am invited somewhere. Luckily I have a number of friends who have no weight problem at all and then I really don't feel guilty if they end up with the additional calories, especially if it is something delicious!

I do not say I will work it off tomorrow or this week, because I know that life gets in the way, and I can never be sure what the next week holds and how it might affect my ability to work those extra calories off. If I have not earned it, then I know that, and try to be very careful of my choices.

That's a great attitude! I think I should try to do that more. For me the good thing is that I often can motivate myself more to exercise when I feel that I need to do it to work something off...

My mother-in-law doesn't quite grasp that I'm succeeding on WW and got a bit snooty with me when I told her that 1) yes, I am still on the program and 2) i can't eat anything that will be served. Taking control of my situation involves me making decisions that are best for myself.

I am sorry that you feel that she does not understand you. But maybe she somehow feels in the back of her mind that you are using WW as an excuse to not eat her cooking because you don't like it? I know from previous experiences when I had guests who for whatever reason could not eat the food that I had cooked (and always valid ones), I understood, but still felt some kind of disappointment, as if those guests did not value me and my hard work.

Thankfully, calorie counting has made me skew a little more toward healthier options because they tend to be lower in calories anyway - but I'm not being too strict about that right now and mostly am just trying to be consistent about tracking!

Becoming more aware of the calorie count of different foods is such an eye opener! And you really learn that it is far easier to not be hungry if one eats the healthy stuff. A few years ago I would have never been able to imagine a meal that does not have some sort of starchy side and now I often just have some sort of protein with some sort of vegetables.
Magdalene that is fabulous!! Congrats! I think planning a slower intensity plan over the holidays is smart

Well I knew I'd fall two behind after my weekend retreat at church, and I did. Just jumping back in, heading to the gym this morning. My meds and hormones are out of whack my weight is up, I'm in a funk, and I'm feeling very bah humbug about the holidays which is very unlike me. Hoping the exercise will get those good chemicals going in my brain and get me back on the right train of thoughts

Cyber high fives to all who are losing this month, great job !!!!
Happy Wednesday my fellow journey-ers! Hope you are all well! I'm at work today, but they gave me a tedious but big paperwork/computer task to get done, so I don't have scads of empty time to fill by reading the Dis!! BOOO!:badpc:

JK! I'd much rather stay busy here at school.... it makes the day go by much faster!!

Ended the day to with a big headache yesterday (happening waaaayyy too frequently lately) and as a result I made a few poor eating choices late last night. I know it was because I was seeking to comfort myself. That being said, I did manage to avoid the lure of a cold beer! And I didn't go over my PP target..... but I just ate too many carbs too late at night (batch of popcorn after 8pm and then straight to bed at 9pm... not my best choice). Struggling overall with the nighttime eating this month.... another BOOOO!:mad:

That being said, I did end the night within my range, so no dramatic damage done I suppose.

Do not even ASK me about my exercise goal for the month....:sad2:

Wow..... I'm a real "debbie downer" today, aren't I??!! Sorry about that!

On that note, I had a good WW meeting last night.... we talked about THANKSGIVING! How many of YOU have a plan in place for a successful day? What does your SUCCESSFUL DAY look like? Maybe success to you is just eating ONE slice of each pie rather than two! Or maybe your successful day includes just ONE serving of mashed potatoes..... or your day started with a 3 mile walk/run! We all measure our success in different ways and one person's "successful day" isn't going to look like someone else's. I am doing some hard thinking about what MY successful day(s) will look like and plan to report back on the plan and the level of success I have. That in mind, I have TWO Thanksgiving dinners to navigate..... Thursday with my DH's side of the family and then Friday with my family (we've been doing it this way for many, many years). Both have their challenges and their "easy" points.

I'll be back later hopefully to chat!................P
It also means that I have officially lost more than 10 pounds since September. It is amazing what a difference 10 pounds make. I can feel and see how my body has changed. The jeans that I am wearing today and which feel comfortable could not have been closed in September.

A BIG WOOHOO TO YOU! Congrats! It's amazing isn't it? That's definitely worth celebrating.
Question of the Day - November 18

It's WOOHOO Wednesday!

Share your woohoo for today - no celebration is too big or too small.

Woohoo Number 1: I'm 30 days away from my Disney World trip! Our Magical Express tickets arrived this weekend and the magic bands are due to ship any time. :woohoo:

Woohoo Number 2: Heading up to Los Angeles today to watch the Hunger Games marathon. Super excited - we love this theatre we go to. It's called iPic and they do barcaloungers, pillows, blankets, and in-seat food and alcohol service.
Hey folks, we have quite a few 'holes' for the weight measurements. I'm going to give everyone until mid-afternoon to submit their progress before I post the results for the week. I'm missing final numbers from: @JacknSally, @CruisingKate, @bigsis1970, @pjlla, @ThistleMae, @summermom2, @charlene130, @ohMom, @talleyhopper, @Awholenewdisney, @MickeySP, and @linzjane88.

So far the numbers look really good - a lot of people did great progress this week!

I've skimmed the thread so apologies if I missed your post - I'm cold meds and feeling a little loopy! :(

Really sorry real life got in the way.. been busy busy! I stayed the same so holding tight at 25%

Question of the Day - November 18

It's WOOHOO Wednesday!

Share your woohoo for today - no celebration is too big or too small.

My whoo hoo is that today 22 yrs ago I gave birth to my DD, she taught me what it is like to be a mother and love someone so unconditionally and much that you'd rather die yourself than have any hurt come to them.. While her and I had our knock down drag out fights it's safe for me to say for the past 5 or more years we have gotten along fantasticly... She has turned into a strong, loving and smart young lady.. Meg and I at Annies shower 9-12-15.jpg
Really sorry real life got in the way.. been busy busy! I stayed the same so holding tight at 25%

My whoo hoo is that today 22 yrs ago I gave birth to my DD, she taught me what it is like to be a mother and love someone so unconditionally and much that you'd rather die yourself than have any hurt come to them.. While her and I had our knock down drag out fights it's safe for me to say for the past 5 or more years we have gotten along fantasticly... She has turned into a strong, loving and smart young lady.. View attachment 135981

How can I not LOVE a post about woo-hooing a Mother/Daughter relationship!!?? Congrats to you for raising a wonderful human being and citizen.... and big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her!!............P
My WooHoo for today is that I finally had the courage to step on the scale.

Ive been home since Monday night, and hadn't done it yet, afraid of what I'd find. I was neither thrilled nor appalled with the number, (132.9) but I am happy I did it. It is .4 higher than pretrip. How a woman who ran 22.4 miles in 3 days, plus walked over 39 miles in 5 days can gain any weight at all is a mystery to me, but it is what it is. I am glad I finally got up the courage to step on the scale. Hopefully by Sunday I can move the numbers back to at least 132.5 if not 132! Really want at least a little loss this week:)
Hey friends! I'm home from work and my walk is done. Dinner is ALSO done, since I made it on Monday! Can I get a WOOT-WOOT on that!!?? :yay:

Asking for suggestions for December's challenge THEME!! I really don't have anything particular in mind (although that doesn't mean I don't have an idea or two brewing!!). Obviously a holiday theme would be easy, but I certainly don't want to go out on a limb and ASSUME that we all celebrate any particular holiday (or celebrate ANY holiday at all), so I'm thinking of keeping it non-secular..... but I'll take my cue from all of you!! Not going so formal as to post a POLL about this, but looking for ideas, suggestions, recommendations, wishes, etc. You can throw me an idea here or even send me a PM.

I'm off to be productive until dinner time!..................P
Big Woo Hoo day today-- DFIL (aka my boss) decided to give us a four day weekend for Thanksgiving! That means there's no reason not to stop by Disney for a night or two being that lunch/dinner will be held 45 minutes away!

Also-- just successfully coordinated a BOG reservation cancellation/pick up with a saint on the boards here so that I can take my mom in December. Beauty and the Beast was the first movie she took me to as a kid and I was obsessed with B&tB (why I'm loving this theme!). And now I can take her to BOG on her first visit! :cool1:
It also means that I have officially lost more than 10 pounds since September. It is amazing what a difference 10 pounds make. I can feel and see how my body has changed. The jeans that I am wearing today and which feel comfortable could not have been closed in September

Fantastic! 10 pounds definitely makes a difference and is a nice accomplishment!

Well I knew I'd fall two behind after my weekend retreat at church, and I did. Just jumping back in, heading to the gym this morning. My meds and hormones are out of whack my weight is up, I'm in a funk, and I'm feeling very bah humbug about the holidays which is very unlike me. Hoping the exercise will get those good chemicals going in my brain and get me back on the right train of thoughts

Hope your feeling better post-workout!

My whoo hoo is that today 22 yrs ago I gave birth to my DD, she taught me what it is like to be a mother and love someone so unconditionally and much that you'd rather die yourself than have any hurt come to them.. While her and I had our knock down drag out fights it's safe for me to say for the past 5 or more years we have gotten along fantasticly... She has turned into a strong, loving and smart young lady..

Happy birthday to your daughter! A daughter sure is a special gift!

Asking for suggestions for December's challenge THEME!! I really don't have anything particular in mind (although that doesn't mean I don't have an idea or two brewing!!). Obviously a holiday theme would be easy, but I certainly don't want to go out on a limb and ASSUME that we all celebrate any particular holiday (or celebrate ANY holiday at all), so I'm thinking of keeping it non-secular..... but I'll take my cue from all of you!! Not going so formal as to post a POLL about this, but looking for ideas, suggestions, recommendations, wishes, etc. You can throw me an idea here or even send me a PM

I love the holidays -- maybe incorporate all the winter holidays?

It's WOOHOO Wednesday!

Share your woohoo for today - no celebration is too big or too small.

TWO Weeks from today, I'll be in WDW for my first December trip! So looking forward to seeing my happy place all decked out for the holidays! This time in 2 weeks, I'll be queing up for the Candlelight Processional with Neil Patrick Harris as narrator.Woo Hoo!
Hey friends! I'm home from work and my walk is done. Dinner is ALSO done, since I made it on Monday! Can I get a WOOT-WOOT on that!!?? :yay:

Asking for suggestions for December's challenge THEME!! I really don't have anything particular in mind (although that doesn't mean I don't have an idea or two brewing!!). Obviously a holiday theme would be easy, but I certainly don't want to go out on a limb and ASSUME that we all celebrate any particular holiday (or celebrate ANY holiday at all), so I'm thinking of keeping it non-secular..... but I'll take my cue from all of you!! Not going so formal as to post a POLL about this, but looking for ideas, suggestions, recommendations, wishes, etc. You can throw me an idea here or even send me a PM.

I'm off to be productive until dinner time!..................P

Hmmmm... Could it be a general winter theme (Belle's Enchanted Christmas, Mickey Christmas Carol, Muppet Christmas Carol, Star Wars Christmas Special, general Disney-characters-in-wintery-outfits - all acceptable wintery Disney options that don't involve Frozen :rotfl::rotfl:), with appreciation for each December holiday shown on the appropriate day? Is that too much? Haha. Walkin' in a Weight Loss Wonderland!

My WOOHOO for today - changed my hair color! It's one of my favorite things to do, haha, but I took some serious time off due to the wedding. Now that that's over, I can be a little adventurous again! I tried out a new technique today, which was an absolute pain in the you-know-what, but I love the results. I'm going to give it a couple of weeks and then some purple may find it's way in there, too.

Also, we're hopefully decorating our Christmas tree tonight! We usually wait til Black Friday, but I have so many new Disney ornaments I want to put up, I just don't want to wait any longer! Haha.
Question of the Day - November 18

It's WOOHOO Wednesday!

Share your woohoo for today - no celebration is too big or too small.

My woohoo is that I only have 15 work days off at my current job!! Woohoo!!! I have no earthly idea how I'm going to finish everything on my transition list but I'm looking forward to new adventures!!!!

Also, studying is making me really hungry, a phenomenon that I vaguely remember from my school days. I've been so busy that I haven't even stepped in the scale since Sinday but the hunger (real hunger, not munchies) made me wonder - does hard core brain activity burn up extra calories? Every mathematician I know is super skinny, lives on cheetos, and walks no more than about 500 steps a day.
TWO Weeks from today, I'll be in WDW for my first December trip! So looking forward to seeing my happy place all decked out for the holidays! This time in 2 weeks, I'll be queing up for the Candlelight Processional with Neil Patrick Harris as narrator.Woo Hoo!

Candlelight Processional win for you to get Neil Patrick Harris. ENJOY! :)
(We have Daniel Dae Kim, so as LOST fans we're thrilled!)

Hmmmm... Could it be a general winter theme (Belle's Enchanted Christmas, Mickey Christmas Carol, Muppet Christmas Carol, Star Wars Christmas Special, general Disney-characters-in-wintery-outfits - all acceptable wintery Disney options that don't involve Frozen :rotfl::rotfl:), with appreciation for each December holiday shown on the appropriate day? Is that too much? Haha. Walkin' in a Weight Loss Wonderland!

Psshhh. Everything must be Frozen. It's the Disney way! ;) (kidding!)

Seconding the Star Wars theme. With The Force Awakens coming out mid-december, it'll be amazing.

I'm sure there is a pun or two we can make out of Han Solo, Leia and/or Luke.
Happy Thursday! I'm teaching gym today and then I have to man a concession stand at the high school play (fundraiser for robotics team)..... but I will try to squeeze a few minutes in between to stop here and catch up.... but no promises! Hugs to you all! TTY soon.................P
Heading up to Los Angeles today to watch the Hunger Games marathon. Super excited - we love this theatre we go to. It's called iPic and they do barcaloungers, pillows, blankets, and in-seat food and alcohol service.

I'm sure you had a blast! We have one of those theaters in our town, and the fries alone make any movie 10 times more enjoyable! :upsidedow Haha!

Asking for suggestions for December's challenge THEME!! I really don't have anything particular in mind (although that doesn't mean I don't have an idea or two brewing!!). Obviously a holiday theme would be easy, but I certainly don't want to go out on a limb and ASSUME that we all celebrate any particular holiday (or celebrate ANY holiday at all), so I'm thinking of keeping it non-secular..... but I'll take my cue from all of you!! Not going so formal as to post a POLL about this, but looking for ideas, suggestions, recommendations, wishes, etc. You can throw me an idea here or even send me a PM.

I'm game for any or all winter holidays/wonderland/non-Frozen-ness as well:rotfl: We celebrate two winter holidays in my family anyway so no preferences on that front! But Star Wars is definitely a great idea!

TWO Weeks from today, I'll be in WDW for my first December trip! So looking forward to seeing my happy place all decked out for the holidays! This time in 2 weeks, I'll be queing up for the Candlelight Processional with Neil Patrick Harris as narrator.Woo Hoo!

Woohoo! That's wonderful! Our Dec trips never align to see him sadly. Have fun!
Oh man I forgot to post my woohoo. Last night I went 4 miles on the treadmill. It wasn't fast and I did do run/walk intervals but I was so proud for going 4 miles. Especially since all the tvs were off at the gym. So with a warm up/cool down that was about an hour of people watching :crazy2:. But I made it!
For those of us heading to Disney in December, when is everyone's trips? We'll be staying at the Contemporary Dec 18-23.


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