new to pin trading and headed to wdw with 4 kids


<font color=0000cc>Keeping fingers crossed<br><fon
Sep 13, 2001

Any advice for me? There are so many pin sites and pins!! I find this all really fun and also a little overwhelming. What pins do the CM' s like to trade (I know they "have" to accept a pin for trade if its ligit but do they have favorites)? Where is the best place in the parks to buy the pins/lanyards (we will be at MK and MGM first 2 days). How many pins do you typically start with? Sorry for so many questions--any info would be GREATLY appreciated!
This can be a very addictive habit but welcome any way! Just my thoughts on some of your questions. When trading with castmembers that are working they do pretty much have to take any legitimate disney pins (disney on the back and made of metal) as long as they don't already have one on the lanyard so I wouldn't worry about what they like so much. It is always nice to try and leave variety for someone else. The best place to buy pins if you have one is the disney store. They are slightly cheaper there ($5/6 versus $6.50 and up at the parks). As to how many to buy, well, it does get both additive and expensive. I think I would start with at least 5 pins (although 10 or more is better) but it all comes down to budget. I know I started with some and then bought more as I started trading (and then more). I think there are also some websites where you can get pins at a cheaper rate as well. Good luck and ask more questions as you have them.
Welcome to pin trading! Yes, it can be overwhelming, can't it? :)

A couple of tips. First, definitely go to Scoop's pin trading seminar at Expo Hall in MK at 1:00 PM Sunday thru Thursday (unless it's changed ... anyone?). Scoop gives a great talk on the making of pins and the etiquette of pin trading. Oh, and tell him Matt and Lauri asked him to do Rindercella. Don't ask -- just trust me. :)

Also look for the supertraders in Epcot. One of them, Mike, posts here on the DIS quite often (screen name Pinhook). They or anyone at Pin Central in Future World under Spaceship Earth can help you out with any questions.

Finally, if you decide you and your kids want to try trading with other guests, I highly recommend the Contemporary and the Polynesian pin meets. Pintrader, another member of the board, has organized these meets -- both at 7:00 PM, Contemporary 4th floor at the pin station under the monorail line on Friday and Polynesian lobby near the pin cart on Saturday. Pintrader -- or Kathryn -- has organized a couple of great meets and does her best to keep both of them safe and friendly trading environments.

I will write the times/places down and try and make it. Thanks for all the great tips!


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