New buses coming in early 2024 - ECV restrictions

Perhaps make 1+ ECV/wheelchair the “rule” but having exceptions is better than letting large groups automatically load with the ECV when they haven’t waited in line. Of course young children would be the exception when there’s not an adult to stay in the regular line with them. I think less people would be bothered by the ECV/wheelchair being first to load.
Once, had a very sharp driver. My DH and I were boarding and this other family comes on too. I didn't even take notice. The driver says are you with this party/family (not sure which), the other family says no, but we have such a large stroller, it won't fit in the front door. Driver said yes it will, and made them get off. Not sure what happen to them after that.
I think common sense needs to rule here. A normal size family or immediate family should be able to board with the wheelchair/evc and of course all children. Other than the weird family that called out the poster with the 4 yr old special needs child and husband I think most people have the grace to be ok with this. The issue is large groups boarding with a wheelchair. I have seen plenty of times that able bodied family members stood on the bus when boarding thru the back with a wheelchair or scooter. Of course I have seen plenty of times where a large number was allowed to board and actually when my parents went in wheelchairs a family tried to pretend they were with us and came up the ramp tho I called them out and the driver made them get to the back of the line.
I do have to admit I am a bit worried about standing on the bus with decreased seating as I have balance issues. How many of these busses are there? A lot? Or are they still pretty few and far between.
I do have to admit I am a bit worried about standing on the bus with decreased seating as I have balance issues. How many of these busses are there? A lot? Or are they still pretty few and far between.
It seems like they’re gonna replace the entire fleet (350+ buses), but it might be staggered over time, so might depend on when your next trip is.
I do have to admit I am a bit worried about standing on the bus with decreased seating as I have balance issues. How many of these busses are there? A lot? Or are they still pretty few and far between.
This was DH before needing wheels of some sort. There were times, we'd get on a bus and someone would be nice to give me a seat, but I'd tell DH to sit.
My wife uses an ECV at WDW and I've always been in charge of parking it on the bus for her. I've gotten very adept at parallel parking on the bus, even when there are already passengers on board from a previous stop. So, I'm not too worried about having to back in, etc. if we encounter one of these new busses.

Having had to wait for several busses because there were already two mobility devices loaded by the time the bus got to our stop, I can appreciate having capacity for one more.

HOWEVER, I can't for the life of me understand how this new bus design is an overall improvement. It looks like there are far fewer seats, even if no mobility devices are on board. The current bus design allows for people to sit in the spot where the ECV would go if that space isn't needed for one. The pictures of these busses appear to have empty space with no seats in several locations, so a lot more people will have to stand even if no ECVs, etc. are on the bus.

Even people who are understanding about others' needing to use an ECV are possibly going to be irritated about having to stand despite no ECV being on the bus because this design features far fewer places to sit.
My wife uses an ECV at WDW and I've always been in charge of parking it on the bus for her. I've gotten very adept at parallel parking on the bus, even when there are already passengers on board from a previous stop. So, I'm not too worried about having to back in, etc. if we encounter one of these new busses.
Idk, that pole as soon as you get on kinda worries me.IMG_8152.jpeg
Having had to wait for several busses because there were already two mobility devices loaded by the time the bus got to our stop, I can appreciate having capacity for one more.
Yup. Would make waiting for another bus a lot easier.
HOWEVER, I can't for the life of me understand how this new bus design is an overall improvement. It looks like there are far fewer seats, even if no mobility devices are on board. The current bus design allows for people to sit in the spot where the ECV would go if that space isn't needed for one. The pictures of these busses appear to have empty space with no seats in several locations, so a lot more people will have to stand even if no ECVs, etc. are on the bus.

Even people who are understanding about others' needing to use an ECV are possibly going to be irritated about having to stand despite no ECV being on the bus because this design features far fewer places to sit.
As a now-former part time scooter user and now a proud full time wheelchair user I can understand that fear. The dread of having to count how many people are in front of you and the likelihood of all of them getting a seat before I got on scared me. It got so bad that I was about to buy one of those buttons that said “I NEED to SIT.” and present it whenever needed.

I bet the scooter companies are pleased with the new bus designs in that seeing fewer places to sit on the bus will entice more people to do the offsite rentals.
I think the logic is it takes less room for people to stand, so they can pack more people onto each bus. Not a good thing in my opinion
Nope, not at all when after pulling an all-dayer in the park(s), very few, if any, people are willing/capable of standing in a moving vehicle.
Nope, not at all when after pulling an all-dayer in the park(s), very few, if any, people are willing/capable of standing in a moving vehicle.
Especially when many are also lugging strollers and sleeping children
Quite often, we will hang out in the park a bit longer (or leave before park closing) to be able to avoid the mass of humanity heading for the exits, and when we get to the bus, the lines are shorter.

LOL Yeah, it seems like increasingly, a lot of folks are trying that strategy, which just seems to spread out the misery further into the night.

We now routinely set aside one night for MK, one for HS, and one for EPCOT (AK not really needed as much) and on those nights we stay for fireworks, and then dawdle as we slow walk to the exits.

Every other night, without exception, we leave before or during fireworks. Period. Not only do we get back to our hotel earlier than the crowd, but we also find that grabbing that snack at the QS to be easier and quicker as well. Or, it allows a bit more time to enjoy Adult Beverages ™ in the hotel’s lounge. And hopefully it just allows for a slightly less-stressful trip back to the hotel.

I think that we need to start spreading a rumor that all of the “cool kids” are back at the hotel before 7pm… 😉
Idk, that pole as soon as you get on kinda worries me.View attachment 839148

Yup. Would make waiting for another bus a lot easier.

As a now-former part time scooter user and now a proud full time wheelchair user I can understand that fear. The dread of having to count how many people are in front of you and the likelihood of all of them getting a seat before I got on scared me. It got so bad that I was about to buy one of those buttons that said “I NEED to SIT.” and present it whenever needed.

I bet the scooter companies are pleased with the new bus designs in that seeing fewer places to sit on the bus will entice more people to do the offsite rentals.
That bar should not be an issue. Guests will need to be further into the bus than that to be off of the ramp area. So, they should not be turning that early of backing into it.
I don't think more people will rent off-site ECVs just to board the bus first because even though it's discussed in places like this, most people don't know about it AND more ECVs in line means more will be waiting since each bus only holds a few.

I think the logic is it takes less room for people to stand, so they can pack more people onto each bus. Not a good thing in my opinion
The old, old buses had multiple rows of seats facing the front of the bus. The next buses got rid of the forward facing seats and more open space. From what I've heard, it was mostly to accommodate the large number of stroller and the increased number of really big, bulky strollers. Many of the current strollers are as big/bigger folded than my daughter's manual wheelchair with her sitting in it.
OK, just thought of something else about there only being 19 seats for people to sit on the bus. I hope the bus drivers only allow one person to board with the person using the mobility devise, otherwise there could be NO seats available when he opens the front door and everyone will have to stand. I know that when we were on a family trip of 7 people, one using an ECV, when I was pre-boarded and DH came with me, everyone else in our family went forward to the regular line. More often than not, the bus driver would call out to them to come back and board. Often, the bus driver woulds mention having seen everyone at the bus stop, so when just DH and I got on, he'd ask "where's everyone else?" I kind of wish the bus drivers would enforce the rule that airlines usually do-that just one person is allowed to pre board with the person needing it.
One is not appropriate, you’ll end up splitting single family groups. Remember those ECVs that board before you have on other occasions waited 20 mins or even 40 for another bus.

An appropriate amount like 5-6 people like with DAS makes more sense and I’ve heard bus drivers say that to massive groups but I guess it was their personal rule. Will they take every seat on the bus? Some will, some won’t. Gripe at Disney for designing the bus so lacking in seats. Maybe enough gripes and they won’t complete the transition with this exact model.
Nope, not at all when after pulling an all-dayer in the park(s), very few, if any, people are willing/capable of standing in a moving vehicle.
Have you even been to Disney in the last 5 years? Pack ‘em in those buses like sardines after night shows. People don’t stand around and wait for a bus they can get a seat on…
One is not appropriate, you’ll end up splitting single family groups. Remember those ECVs that board before you have on other occasions waited 20 mins or even 40 for another bus.

An appropriate amount like 5-6 people like with DAS makes more sense and I’ve heard bus drivers say that to massive groups but I guess it was their personal rule. Will they take every seat on the bus? Some will, some won’t. Gripe at Disney for designing the bus so lacking in seats. Maybe enough gripes and they won’t complete the transition with this exact model.
Signs by the bus stops say up to 5 people may accompany the person using the mobility device. So, drivers should be calling out people with bigger groups.
We do frequently have other people try to 'attach' themselves to our group when boarding.
Signs by the bus stops say up to 5 people may accompany the person using the mobility device. So, drivers should be calling out people with bigger groups.
We do frequently have other people try to 'attach' themselves to our group when boarding.
Yeah, that has happened to us more than once, we just let the bus driver know it is only the two of us (or how many ever are in our group) and they will usually tell them to get back in line.
Have you even been to Disney in the last 5 years? Pack ‘em in those buses like sardines after night shows. People don’t stand around and wait for a bus they can get a seat on…
We have waited for the next bus several times at MK before we had an ECV because I couldn’t stand on a moving bus…no strength in my hands to hang onto anything.


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