New buses coming in early 2024 - ECV restrictions

Signs by the bus stops say up to 5 people may accompany the person using the mobility device. So, drivers should be calling out people with bigger groups.
We do frequently have other people try to 'attach' themselves to our group when boarding.
People really do that??? Wow!
People really do that??? Wow!
Oh, yeah they do.
We've also had people try to 'attach' to our group at different rides where there is a wheelchair pull off. My favorites for them to try that are Kilimanjaro Safari and Toy Story Mania. They think they will get loaded earlier, but we usually have at least a 15 minute wait at the accessible loading area (have already had up to 45 minutes extra at both).
Oh, yeah they do.
We've also had people try to 'attach' to our group at different rides where there is a wheelchair pull off. My favorites for them to try that are Kilimanjaro Safari and Toy Story Mania. They think they will get loaded earlier, but we usually have at least a 15 minute wait at the accessible loading area (have already had up to 45 minutes extra at both).
That is crazy! I do know at Kilimanjaro it can be a wait because sometimes there is only one truck on the ride path that can accommodate a chair.
That is crazy! I do know at Kilimanjaro it can be a wait because sometimes there is only one truck on the ride path that can accommodate a chair.
Yes, but if there are enough parties that can transfer, but have mobility devices, they will bring a regular truck over, that said, sometimes when you need to wait it can be fun because you can get to talk with the CMs there and learn more about the animals.
Hmm I am going alone in a few weeks. I wonder if some random people plan to board with me and my ECV. 🛵
DH has made friends that way, sometimes when CMs put other people with him when I am not riding or just strikes up conversation while in the regular line….LOL
Yes, but if there are enough parties that can transfer, but have mobility devices, they will bring a regular truck over, that said, sometimes when you need to wait it can be fun because you can get to talk with the CMs there and learn more about the animals.
Hmm I am going alone in a few weeks. I wonder if some random people plan to board with me and my ECV. 🛵
Well, make a deal, they buy you lunch, they ride with you! 🤣
Oh, yeah they do.
We've also had people try to 'attach' to our group at different rides where there is a wheelchair pull off. My favorites for them to try that are Kilimanjaro Safari and Toy Story Mania. They think they will get loaded earlier, but we usually have at least a 15 minute wait at the accessible loading area (have already had up to 45 minutes extra at both).
Had that happen to me and my mom. It’s only the two of us, but she’s in a rental scooter and I’m in my personal wheelchair. Even had some try to grab onto the back of my powerchair and act like that I had a “dead battery” or something. (They were in for a rude awakening when I let go of my joystick and flipped the power switch off.)
We had people try to attach on to us and also another family at a handicapped/wheelchair parade section. We had to get a CM to remove them.

My son uses a manual chair (Convaid) and I prefer to let him walk up the ramp and I push the empty chair up after him. I can collapse it, but they often times the drivers want to tie it down. I allow it when the bus is mostly empty, I fold it when there is an ECV or if a line for the bus.
People really do that??? Wow!
I didn’t understand the first couple times it happened on buses, I thought they were just confused- but it felt a bit off due to how all up in our space they suddenly were as we tried to board vs in the line and it finally started to make sense they were trying to use us to board the bus earlier. I’d say on average we encounter it once on a week long trip bus wise- and almost always the bus driver calls them out by asking them loudly in front us if they are with us. (Our family unit is very obvious as we have the ECV user and the 3 of us standing are so similar a kid could see we’re related 🤣 )
DH has made friends that way, sometimes when CMs put other people with him when I am not riding or just strikes up conversation while in the regular line….LOL

I've done this. :rotfl:
Especially with people who I've met outside the park, or earlier in the day, I'll have them come with me into a queue line.
Is there a TLDR for this thread? I'm trying to figure out if the new buses are no longer able to accommodate certain ECVs?
Is there a TLDR for this thread? I'm trying to figure out if the new buses are no longer able to accommodate certain ECVs?
I have not heard anything like that. As long as the ECV fits the "box" it can be taken on the bus; the box is a standard set by the ADA (30" x 48").

The new buses have 3 ECV/wheelchair tie-down spots, with 2 rear-facing.
Thus the driver may instruct you to load in reverse (backing up the ramp).
The new "tie-downs" are actually arms that "squeeze" the ECV/wheelchair.
All seats on the main (lower) level of the bus are "flip up" (flip down) style.
There are fewer seats on the main level of the bus, thus it may be a challenge to folks who need a seat but cannot do steps to the upper level.

I think that about covers it.
Looking for actual experience…

Has anyone who has been on the new buses been required to back up their ECV on the ramp? If yes, did the bus driver assist?

Again, looking for feedback from someone who has actually done this on the new buses.. not the monorail which I’ve already done… extra points if it was the larger scooter!
Looking for actual experience…

Has anyone who has been on the new buses been required to back up their ECV on the ramp? If yes, did the bus driver assist?

Again, looking for feedback from someone who has actually done this on the new buses.. not the monorail which I’ve already done… extra points if it was the larger scooter!
I can’t find it now but I remember one who had back into bus and yes driver helped


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