need info badly re US and IOA


Earning My Ears
May 17, 2000
Okay, I am really uninformed. We leave for Disney this Friday, are staying at the contemporary and I actually thought we would spend all five 1/2 days at MK. The reservationist laughed at me.

Are islands of adventure and universal separate parks? (I know they are not disney). How can I get there from the contemporary?

Is it worth it with two boys 2 and 5?

Thanks so much!
Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure are two separate parks. From Disney property, here's what you need to do:

1.) Find your way out of Disney property to I-4.
2.) Head on I-4 east (to Orlando). If you head I-4 west, you will hit Tampa in one hour. :)
3.) Put your right foot in.
4.) Put your right foot out.
5.) Ignore 3-4.
6.) Head to exit 30A or 30B (Universal Orlando exit).
7.) Follow the signs to parking.

If you are taking a shuttle like Mears or Tiffany Towncar, let the driver do the hard stuff! :)

For more information on Universal, go to


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Do you plan on going to the other Disney parks - Animal Kingdom, Disney-MGM Studios and Epcot? This is probably what the Disney reservationist was referring to.

The Magic Kingdom is one of FOUR theme parks at Disney. People have no difficulty at all spending five and half days at Disney...but most people would not do all five days at Magic Kingdom.

Universal is a separate company, and from what I have heard, wonderful it its own right. It seems like a lot of people visit both Disney and US in the same trip.

Have fun!
HI.I'm a teenager. I recently went to Universal/Islands of Adventure and had a great time. Universal has a few shows and rides that young kids may enjoy. Islands of Adventure has Suess Landing which is all for young kids but if your children r only 2 and 5 i think u would be wasing your money. My dad and me went on all of the thirll rides and did the rollar coasters over and over but for young children there isn't much for them to do. IN a few years i think they would love it. I went when i was 3 my mom said i would't do anything no that i'm a teen i absolutley loved it. Wait a few years trust me Disney is enough for young children
hello,if this is your first trip to wdw,then stay there!! with the ages of your kids,you should spend most of your time at magic kingdom,but there are 3 other parks to explore. see animal kingdom,future world at epcot,and maybe a half day at studios(fantasmic is FANTASTIC).
It is our 1st time but we are building US/IOA/SW into the beginning of our trip. We have a 9DD who is looking forward to Nick. Studios & some of the thrill rides. My advice to you is to SKIP IT and enjoy the Disney Magic.

HRH/CBR June 2001 :D
I would suggest unless this will be your only trip to Orlando to spend all of it at WDW and plan a different trip for US/IOA. We spent a total of 8 days (6 full park days) at WDW and still could have spent a few more. We have 5 days planned for IOA/US/SW in april. Hopefully my family can keep me away from WDW until our trip in Dec/Jan

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- DEC 2001 </font>
I also vote no on going at all - this is a lot of drive, walk time for little ones since you won't be on site. We stayed at the Cont. with a 5 and 8 year old - it was great, very convienient and you'll love it. They wore out after 4 - 5 hours at the park and it was time to go back to the hotel. We did MK two days (1/2 days) but could have done more because they loved it and with smaller children you will go at a slower pace. MGM has some nice shows and attractions to also try. Animal Kingdom has some nice parts too. I'd say stay on site, get a hopper pass and go at a slow pace. Enjoy Disney and go back to Universal when they are older, they will get more out of it (like even teens)


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