Need Help with a Priceline Problem!!



I booked into the SheratonWorld Hotel last night for $25 plus $20 Amex bonus.

I was so thrilled about it I convinced my sister to do the same, but unfortunately, she ended up booked into a different hotel, the Rosen Center.

I thought for sure that the same bid amounts, so close together, would yield the same hotel, boy I guess I was wrong!!

Do you think that Priceline might let one of us switch our ressies, so that we are at the same Hotel???

I would appreciate any advice on this matter!!

Thanks very much....

1993 Port Orleans
1996 Polynesian
1998 Hyatt
1999 Wilderness Cabins
2000 Westgate Lakes
2000 Marriott World Cntr.
2001 Disney Magic
Nope. Priceline will not allow you to swap hotels. This is because they do not really own the inventory. You may be able to get them to allow you to cancel both hotels with a successful bid on 2 rooms together. However, the PL customer service has been very picky about the rules lately and I really don't think they'll do anything for you. I guess it doesn't hurt to call them, though. BTW, do not bid on the 2 rooms together unless PL says it will work with you. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with 4 hotel rooms! FWIW, the Rosen Center is not that far away from the Sheraton.

-- Robin
Yeah, I figured that is what I would hear! Oh well, how can I complain, we got fantastic deals, and like you said, the hotels are really close anyway.....

I appreciate your reply...

1993 Port Orleans
1996 Polynesian
1998 Hyatt
1999 Wilderness Cabins
2000 Westgate Lakes
2000 Marriott World Cntr.
2001 Disney Magic
If you do try to get through to them by telephone, try at about 3 or 4 am. I had a problem with a previous reservation and I tried calling at all hours of the day and didn't finally get through until about 3:30 am. I would be put on hold and they never got back to me. They refused to help with my problem, which was the Best Inn on 192 and after I stayed there and complained to the Best Inn Hotel Chain thru their website, they said the Best Inn on 192 was no longer part of their chain becuase of quality concerns. Oh well, at least no one will be stuck with them again thru Priceline.
I have some more ideas for you. You can re-bid for 2 rooms together and sell or give away your other reservations. I know that the moderators here at DIS have allowed such a thing in the past. You might also unload the reservations on ebay or even give them to charity and take the deduction.

-- Robin


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