Nativetxns at Orlando 12 of 12


<font color=teal>Moderator<br><font color=red>Hono
Feb 15, 2000
April 2nd, Sunday

Katholyn: Newly qualified for AARP. Fell in love with Disneyland when it was brand new. Decided I loved WDW even more on a short trip in 1982; felt cheated with a 3 day trip in 1991. Will use any excuse to go back again.
Wilgus: My husband who is severely Disney impaired; thought WDW was nice but not interested in ever going back and who I love anyway
Kim: My sister's 24 year old daughter who is going through a divorce-never been to WDW and can't wait.
Dustin: Kim's 6 year old son and my surrogate grandson-never been to WDW

This is our last day and I have been dreading this day all week. Our major goals for today are to see the Rainforest Café at AK, for which I have priority seating and to finish up Dustin's passport at Epcot.

Our ps at RFC isn't until 11:30 so we don't have to jump up at 6:30 AM at least. We were at the bus stop to catch the 11:00 AM bus. When we got to AK we found a very long line of people at the podium. Even if yo had a ps you had to stand in this line. I waited 45 minutes. This place was VERY busy. I felt sorry for the woman in front of me who had been waiting in line the same amount of time as me, just to ask for a priority seating for dinner, only to be told that all of the priority seating was gone and she would just have to take her chances with stand by that evening.
When I finally made it to the podium, I was immediately sent to another line for seating. Waited about 5 minutes there and we were seated in the "gorilla room". The only reason I made reservations here was that I thought Dustin would enjoy the animals, etc., and I was right. Both he and Kim just loved this place. Our table was right next to a suspended animatronics chimp that would squeal and jumped, at intervals, and Dustin really enjoyed watching all of the animals here. It was a big hit with him. The food was another story. Atmosphere was great, our food could have been better, a lot better!

We board a Disney bus for Epcot. I want to say here that the bus from the Best Western was a much nicer bus than the Disney bus. I was surprised. The bus from our hotel had upholstered, cushioned seats and was much larger than the Disney bus.


So we're riding to Epcot. Kim and I were seated but there were other people standing. Two of these people, who were standing in the aisle, looked to about 16 or 17 year old high school boys. They were speaking French. From their usage, vocabulary and accent, I would guess they were just finishing up the first year of study. They, of course, do not realize that I have studied this language. They say, in French, and nodding toward Kim, "She is very pretty. She is older than us but she is very pretty." Then they say, in French, and nodding toward me, she is very pretty too but she is large. She is not very large, but she is large. (This is what tipped me off about their level of study, they didn't know the word for fat–"gras" if you're interested). LARGE??? Oh, this cannot go unpunished. When they pause to think of some other insult they can utter in French, I lean over to Kim and sotto voce say, in French, "I don't think those boys are French, I think they're American, of course, that is just what I think." There is dead silence from the boys. Then one of them says, "Oh merde! Merde, merde, merde." For those of you who do not speak French this roughly translates to, "Oh, feces, etc., etc. " Then the other boy says, in English, "Dammit, I knew this was going to happen!" They did not utter another sound before the bus arrived at Epcot and hurried off the bus ahead of us. I have to say that I got a good laugh out of this and Kim, bless her, never let on that she had no idea what I had just said to her in French, so it worked our VERY well.

Right, so we arrive at Epcot and Dustin begs to ride Spaceship Earth again. But Dustin, it's dark in there. I tell him we will ride if there is a short line and there is no line, so we ride. Relaxing for me-thrilling for Dustin.

Then it's off to finish up this passport for Dustin. Forget the activities, just get the blasted thing stamped. We're running out of time, after all. First we stopped in Canada to try out the infamous "beaver tail". Kim and I split one and they were Okay, but a little greasy. I asked the CM if was really a traditional Canadian food and she said, "Oh yes, they were developed in Ottawa, 15 years ago." Fifteen years=a tradition? Okay.

We were sitting on a bench right outside of the Canadian pavilion eating our beaver tails when Dustin decided he wanted some popcorn. The vendor was no more than 10 feet away from us so I gave him the money and sent him for the popcorn. It seemed to take a long time for him to return to us, so Kim went to investigate. After a few minutes, they returned to the bench where I waited and Kim said, "here's your Disney Magic for today," and gave me back the money I had given to Dustin to buy his popcorn. It seems that CM Clara from Canada had gotten to talking with Dustin and eventually asked him what he wanted. He told her he wanted popcorn and she "gave" him the popcorn at no charge. Thank you, Clara! What a special thing to do!

So, we made our way around the World Showcase and got Dustin's passport stamped at the countries he had missed before. Now he wanted to go back to the hotel and swim.

We went back to the hotel and Dustin swam while Kim and I watched him. It was a relaxing evening. We had priority seating for Chef Mickey's at 9:15 PM (best we could do on short notice) but it was Wilgus's birthday on Monday and we wanted him to celebrate a little. On the monorail ride to the Contemporary we got to watch the MK fireworks for the last time. I was a little disappointed with the buffet here. I had expected better food. But the character interaction was great and they brought WILGUS a little (dry) cupcake with whipped cream on top. We all participated in the twirling of the napkins and had a great time. We closed them down. Got back to the hotel and were asleep by 11:00PM.

Next: We go home
It was a good thing that you knew French! LOL
Disney magic IS the best! Especially when it is out of the blue, unexpected and unanticipated!
Thanks for posting your last great day!


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