Most smokers are kind and considerate but not a few we saw at IOA/Universal


Earning My Ears
Dec 8, 2000
I wondered why WDW had smoking areas, now I know. THere are a very few who walk anywhere they want with dangerous cigs at kids face levels at IOA/USF. My son has asthma and walked into clouds of smoke he didn't know was there. (Not a huge deal as his is quite controlled)

I don't like smoke either but respect the smokers' right to have it. But I guess they must be partitioned off. Gramma smokes but never wanders around the parks doing it, ever. (she is a very heavy smoker too) SHe is the one who remarked on the wandering smokers.

I apologize if you have already beaten this around the bush but I just got back and we were all surprised.
Theres a hugh debate on smoking on the debate board, treehouse.



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