Moonlight Magic Queue Wait Time

Perhaps disclose how many spots are actually available and what the capacity is (subject to availability) so as we can assess if it’s worth our time to wait in the virtual queue the hour and seven minutes it takes to tell us they are sold out. Which coincidentally was my original question when I started this thread. At least that would be an improvement in my mind.

In addition they shouldn’t market something as a “Featured Benefit“ to entice people to purchase contracts that can only be taken advantage of by a chosen few. Sorry but a benefit is only a benefit if you are able to use it, but we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. Offering things like this after the sale would be interpreted in an entirely different way. Clearly the Moonlight Magic is a great thing and appreciated by those who are lucky enough to attend, else they demand wouldn’t be there.
I would be difficult to know how to correlate that capacity with the number with queue attendees. Reason being, most people had multiple browsers open with an attributed queue spot for each. It would be very difficult to know how how many are actual reservations.
Another improvement would be to somehow link the RSVP invite to your membership info so as only one registration attempt can be used at a time to enter the queue. It never even occurred to me to use 1/2 dozen or more devices to try to gain an advantage by getting more “raffle tickets” to better my odds. Truth be told I instructed my wife to NOT try for fear of a parallel attempt might screw up the system some how due to an IT glitch or something.
I would be difficult to know how to correlate that capacity with the number with queue attendees. Reason being, most people had multiple browsers open with an attributed queue spot for each. It would be very difficult to know how how many are actual reservations.
Hence my last post
Another improvement would be to somehow link the RSVP invite to your membership info so as only one registration attempt can be used at a time to enter the queue. It never even occurred to me to use 1/2 dozen or more devices to try to gain an advantage by getting more “raffle tickets” to better my odds. Truth be told I instructed my wife to NOT try for fear of a parallel attempt might screw up the system some how due to an IT glitch or something.

Definitely that could be a way to improve the process and maybe early registration should be only for those using their memberships, not staying on cash.
Another improvement would be to somehow link the RSVP invite to your membership info so as only one registration attempt can be used at a time to enter the queue. It never even occurred to me to use 1/2 dozen or more devices to try to gain an advantage by getting more “raffle tickets” to better my odds. Truth be told I instructed my wife to NOT try for fear of a parallel attempt might screw up the system some how due to an IT glitch or something.
That still would not have changed anything for you. Everyone ahead of you with multiple windows open could only register once. All this would accomplish would be to give you a lower starting number. The actual number of qualified members in front of you would still be the same.

If it went strictly via a specially coded email link then we would have complaints from members who never got the invitation even though they were qualified.

There is no perfect system. When there's a limited supply, whether it's a Space 220 ADR or a MM event, there are going to be some disappointed people.
Definitely that could be a way to improve the process and maybe early registration should be only for those using their memberships, not staying on cash.
Agreed as I know I will never use points again to try to get into one of these events. Which is ironic when you think about it.
That still would not have changed anything for you. Everyone ahead of you with multiple windows open could only register once. All this would accomplish would be to give you a lower starting number. The actual number of qualified members in front of you would still be the same.

If it went strictly via a specially coded email link then we would have complaints from members who never got the invitation even though they were qualified.

There is no perfect system. When there's a limited supply, whether it's a Space 220 ADR or a MM event, there are going to be some disappointed people.
But they had more opportunities to get lower numbers in line to begin with if I understand correctly. And as far as the other comparisons, I didn’t purchase a membership contract with Space 220 or any other ADR that hosts “benefit” events for their members. Agreed though, there is no perfect system, but always room to improve.
Also if the email link wouldn’t work mandate it be entered to join the queue. Thin the line early. I’m sure that would cause problems too.
I mean the real point is that these are sales tools. Once you are a member, it worked. On to the next sucker.

I do not think it should be viewed as that. These are extras we get offered on top of what we buy.

Sure…they use them as part of the sales but again, no one buys not having a chance to understand what these benefits are and how it works.

Doesn’t make me a sucker for choosing to buy direct for access whatever benefits might come along.

I didn’t buy for them but I am happy when they are there and I can take advantage of them.
I’m hoping for some additional opportunities that can lessen my exposure to massive dense crowds. I’m ok with paying extra for it. The paid fast passes don’t get me away from dense crowds. Either does events such as the sold out Christmas party. We tried the early morning access and that was a packed in joke too. Evidently everyone and their brother is a direct dvc member who holds a dvc room reservation on the Hollywood studios dvc party dates too. Pre pandemic we could pay for little bits of time here and there. Bog breakfast ressies before park opened, after hours paid parties… we had a system that was workable for my family. That’s not an option for us anymore. Even room ressies are a joke. I tried for a standard studio at Rivera for days and got shut out at 11 months. I’ve yet to have my waitlist fill for two needed days. Thankfully I have a fixed week but trying to switch out the week this year was not successful. None of that is advertised when purchasing.
I mean what can be done? Well we pay their salaries so shouldn't the dvc team be figuring out how to make this better?

1 party per family
1 party regardless of how many DVC menber numbers you have.
1 window open per members
Giving out lottery numbers fairly
Advertising this is an extremely limited event
Not allowing cash reservations
Not allowing a second day for people with no reservations

This isn't hard to fix...they just aren't that intuitive, nor do they care.
Some of the posters here asked about the open registration.
I can't recall now which year, but I was able to get our reservation for MM Epcot that way after having some of the issues talked about during the first registration.
I had made it all the way to being able to enter our information and it glitched. By the time it reset, all slots were gone.
I fortunately had better luck during the open reg for the event.
I think it is all just luck of the draw. Nice when you get in, extremely frustrated when you spend the time waiting and don't. Same issue with the runDisney events.
So I clicked on the link to register for the Moonlight Magic at Hollywood Studios in June at the exact second registration opened and there were already 14,067 people in front of me in the queue.
I clicked on the registration link at EXACTLY at the start time and was in the placed in the queue 2-seconds with after it started and can’t get in.
Clicking the link at the start time isn’t the right strategy. The way this system works is everyone who clicks the link and has the page open BEFORE the start time gets randomly assigned a place in line. If you click at the start time or after, you start at the back of that line, behind everyone who was on the page with the countdown before the start time. The second the clock hit 11 am EDT, there were already more than 10,000 in line ahead of you. This is why people are saying to use multiple devices - each one gets randomly assigned a place in line, then you just use the one with the lowest number.

For example, I opened the link on my computer the night before and left it open. At 11 am, I was randomly assigned number 3,6XX in line. Took about half an hour from then to get in to the registration page.
Clicking the link at the start time isn’t the right strategy. The way this system works is everyone who clicks the link and has the page open BEFORE the start time gets randomly assigned a place in line. If you click at the start time or after, you start at the back of that line, behind everyone who was on the page with the countdown before the start time. The second the clock hit 11 am EDT, there were already more than 10,000 in line ahead of you. This is why people are saying to use multiple devices - each one gets randomly assigned a place in line, then you just use the one with the lowest number.

For example, I opened the link on my computer the night before and left it open. At 11 am, I was randomly assigned number 3,6XX in line. Took about half an hour from then to get in to the registration page.
Thanks for that info should I try again. So in the end using multiple devices does give and advantage over the poor suckers like me who tried right at the number.
Some of the posters here asked about the open registration.
I can't recall now which year, but I was able to get our reservation for MM Epcot that way after having some of the issues talked about during the first registration.
I had made it all the way to being able to enter our information and it glitched. By the time it reset, all slots were gone.
I fortunately had better luck during the open reg for the event.
I think it is all just luck of the draw. Nice when you get in, extremely frustrated when you spend the time waiting and don't. Same issue with the runDisney events.
Good to know. Does the Open Registration work the exact same way as the the pre-registration?
Clicking the link at the start time isn’t the right strategy. The way this system works is everyone who clicks the link and has the page open BEFORE the start time gets randomly assigned a place in line. If you click at the start time or after, you start at the back of that line, behind everyone who was on the page with the countdown before the start time. The second the clock hit 11 am EDT, there were already more than 10,000 in line ahead of you. This is why people are saying to use multiple devices - each one gets randomly assigned a place in line, then you just use the one with the lowest number.

For example, I opened the link on my computer the night before and left it open. At 11 am, I was randomly assigned number 3,6XX in line. Took about half an hour from then to get in to the registration page.
Just wanted to add, unfortunately that's not how it always works. For runDisney Tuesday (which also used queue-it) and Moonlight Magic Wednesday, my lowest numbers came from clicking AT 10 (or 11, can't remember which day was which). Separate browsers I had in queue previously were given higher numbers randomly. I couldn't say why, and I know it's not *supposed* to work that way. But that's how I got my Dopey entry and Moonlight Magic.

For me, a combination of some browsers in queue early and some clicked exactly at time of registration has worked well for me. It's not magic by any means, but it's helped me so far.
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I would much prefer they get rid of moonlight magic event and offer to all members a large discount (50% - 75%) to one extra ticketed event per year. So every member can chose an event convenient for them, being a party or an after hour.
Just wanted to add, unfortunately that's not how it always works. For runDisney Tuesday (which also used queue-it) and Moonlight Magic Wednesday, my lowest numbers came from clicking AT 10 (or 11, can't remember which day was which). Separate browsers I had in queue previously were given higher numbers randomly. I couldn't say why, and I know it's not *supposed* to work that way. But that's how I got my Dopey entry and Moonlight Magic.

For me, a combination of some browsers in queue early and some clicked exactly at time of registration has worked well for me. It's not magic by any means, but it's helped me so far.
Thanks for the info. I wish there wasn’t so much tribal knowledge required for reservations like these. It stinks to spend so much time uninformed only to result in disappointment. A few have made comparisons to restaurant reservations and such to reserving this event, however when I check for those I know immediately if I can secure a reservation or not. For Moonlight Magic I have to wait well over an hour to find out it’s sold out, which was the entire point of this thread to begin with.

Although after 12+ years of ownership with multiple contracts I am losing the interest and energy to fight the herd for Resort Stays, ADRs, Rides, and events like these. I do appreciate the info to be better prepared next time. If there is one that is…My time is extremely valuable to me, and the whole Disney System seems to be setup to be insensitive to that. Just my own perception I suppose.

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