Misery in Milford


Apr 13, 2000
A friend and I just decided on a last minute trip to Disney! I need help- What is the name of the $109 a night moderate special?? Does anyone have the 800 number for reservations???? I appreciate any help- Ellen
1-800-828-0228 - for the Travel Co. I might not have read your post, but I grew up in Milford (the Devon section)and was curious if it was Milford, CT you were miserable in!!!
You may need to refer to it as the Insider Rate. Mention the code of CRH and definately the correct screen for the 109 special will pop up.
Hello simba 2-
I am in Milford Ct. isn't it a small world. By the way I did get the rate of $109 a night. Simba why did you leave Milford? Thanks- Ellen
What a "Small World" indeed. I grew up here in Savannah Georgia but did live in Milford in my teenage years. It was great town.

Cheryl :)
Hi everyone. I'm a Cheryl from Orange and I just thought I'd say hi. We have probably seen each other at the post mall and not even known it!!! I should wear my green ribbon all the time!
Hi Ellen, I am another Ellen from CT. I work in Milford and live in West Haven. Very small world here on DIS...
Hi all you people from Milford. My younger sister lives in West Haven and we have stayed in Milford at the HJ lots of times. If you are ever in the Trumbull Mall, go to kids r us and say hi to Kim (store manager.) She used to work in the Post Mall at Filenes a few years ago. Her DH's family lives in Milford. Love the area!

Going to the World, March 24-April 2, 2001
Where are you staying in March?? As you know I finally got the insider rate of $109 a night at Dixie Landings. I wished for CBR but it was booked for Feb. vacation. Did you get a good rate for March? We both need a break from this cold weather up north!!! A little Florida sunshine will do me good- Ellen hey! to other Ellen from Ct.
Hi to all my CT neighbors (I'm in New Canaan)! It's nice to see so many of us on these boards. I'm just wondering, having seen all of these 'state specials' recently, has anyone seen any discounted rates advertised in any of the CT papers? By the way, I was in Milford last weekend, you guys have a GREAT mall and more restaurants than I've seen in all of Fairfield County!
Can'ty help you on your original post but, for what it's worth I'm in Wallingford



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