Mem.Day Wkd. am I crazy?


Earning My Ears
Mar 5, 2001
Hi! DH and I took the kids- four of them - to DW September 2000, we stayed onsite, had a blast and ran ourselves ragged! However, because the kids ages ranged from 16 to 6 there were times when Mom (me) had to sit out a ride with one child while the others took off. Not that I minded a bit, 'cause eating a frozen banana pop in a rocking chair, in front of Tony's Restaurant on Main Street with my six year old in my lap, is NOT a bad way to spend a 1/2 hour! On the way home (we drove from Boston) the kids and hubby said I deserved a weekend in Disney sans the kids, and I agreed! So anyways, here it is February, and I am itching to go back and do all the stuff I missed. Not that I expect one weekend to do the trick! My husband purchased tickets to Orlando for a long memorial day weekend for just the two of us. The thing is....are we crazy to even attempt it? The only times I've been to DW are in Jan. and Sept. and always with kids. My rational is that I wont mind lines and crowds and heat without the kids in tow. Can anyone tell me ...what's it really like on Memorial Day Weekend, - weather, crowds, etc.... I'm very adventurous, in great shape and under 40, if that makes a difference. I'd like to hear from anyone who's been on that Weekend, or any other warm holiday weekend. Thanks!

My DH and I have been there for several Mem weeks it's no busier than say 4th July or any holiday. It's still quite warm then and we spent a lot of our time just mosieing around and not hurrying for many things, We did do fast pass for some of the important rides which we really wanted to do. We had lazy lunches and Smoochie dinners. I enjoyed it and yes it was a bit crowded but with out children you will have a whole different trip, one you and your DH will Love and want to do again and again with just the two of you Watch. you will see what I mean
Our family has been there the last 2 years on Memorial Day weekend. Memorial day is the most crowded but the days before and after were not bad at all. The worst part was watching the Electrical Light Parade. It was extremly crowded and alomost made the moment unpleasent. The other parks beside the MK are less crowded so spend some time there. The weather was great. No rain the whole week we were there. The temperature averaged in the upper 80's to lower 90's in the daytime and upper 70's to lower 80's at night. During our trip in 1999 we missed the first parade so we went on a few rides and came back for the evening parade and found some rocking chairs by Town Hall. Even though we were not directly on the street, it was nice to be able to relax and watch the parade. We have celebrated our youngest son's 1st and 2nd Birthdays at Disney during Memorial Day so it was a very special time.

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