Meets during Molokai Gram Con, 2/8 to 2/10


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
Here's a list of meets for Molokai Gram Con so far...

February 8

8:30 am: PBH bus shuttle stop (for those staying at PBH)
9:00 am: Front gates of IOA
12:00 noon: In front of the Backwater Bar, IOA
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm: In front of Twister, USF, and then stake out a bead-catching spot

February 9

8:30 am: PBH bus shuttle stop (for those staying at PBH)
9:00 am: Front gates of USF
12:00 noon: Mythos, IOA
5:00 pm: In front of MIB, USF, for MIB shoot-off
6:00 pm: Jaws night ride, USF
6:15 - 6:30 pm: Meet in front of Jaws to determine where to catch beads

February 10

8:30 am: PBH bus shuttle stop (for those staying at PBH)
9:00 am: Front gates of IOA
12:00 noon: In front of the Backwater Bar, IOA

If you want to meet at another time for those that want to sleep in or do something else, let me know. We can arrange to meet you at another time. If anyone staying at PBH wants to meet for breakfast, we can do that too. If you're arriving at 2/7, we can arrange something for you too. I'll be coming in on 2/7 late (around 10 pm or 11 pm).

I'll be posting these on the Magic Meetings board soon.

Also, if you're attending, please e-mail me at so I can put you on the mailing list for additional information.

Hope to see you there!


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