~~~ May 16, 2009 ~~~ Western Magic ~~~ Part 2 ~~~ Key Lime Pie-rates ~~~

Ah -- forgot to ask. Has anyone seen the musical Wicked? Is it ok for Sabrina to see? They are touring and here in August and thinking of taking her to see it with me....
As for the inaugural, if I go solo (with Sabrina) one of you will have to come to PALO with me. I can't imagine going alone and can't imagine missing it either!

Kathy -- glad you liked the CD! I have been listening to all of them and love them! I will tell you guys, I chose the songs on the CD to match the days of the cruise. The first couple for the first day, then KW, then sea day...etc. I included one song for Mexico and one for Bahamas because I didn't know which one (oh, and you can blame Sabrina for the "dance" songs -- she wanted those on the CD BADLY).

Mati ~ Sonya has already asked if Brian will babysit Tony so she and I can go to Palo. Let's make it a girls trio :)! Of course, I "have" to make the sacrifice and go with Brian too. Palo is his favorite dining spot on the ship :).

Yes, I LOVE the CD. Very well themed. Tell Sabrina I like her song choices :).

Well, I'm off to bed. I stayed up too late last night reading Sonya's food report. She has such a great style :).
I'm sorry Yoni didn't really enjoy himself. When I read that in a couple of your posts I kinda said to myself in an incredulous way, "What? Even Dave liked it!" lol That sounds kinda funny but...it makes sense if you know him. ;) Ah, well. Mother-daughter cruises sound rather nice, anyway.

I've been "making" Dave watch True Blood Season 1 now. He's complaining up a storm about it. He doesn't like how far away from the books they went. He's pretty far into book 3 now. Uh oh, that means he's learning now why every time he mentions Eric, I go "Ericcccccc." hehe Watching the show again after reading all the books is interesting. Boy, did they take liberties with the storyline!

I'm going through Sookie Withdrawal now. Book 10 where are you?? lol

Hey I realized earlier with all this talk about exercise that I danced a lot on pirate night and on that Rock & Country Night, in heels and a dress, no less lol. So I guess I did exercise a little too. Not that it helped much. Based on the way things are fitting, and were even halfway through the cruise and what I know of myself at different weights, I ca guarantee I blew well past a 5lb. weight gain. That's me though. My body isn't quite right in that way.
Mati - I'm so jelous that you only gain 1/2 pound! I gained almost 5 and then another 3 last week (have to stop the cruise type eating). Now I'm back to my pre-cruise planning weight. Six months of exercise down the tubes.

Val - I went to the gym once as well and did walk deck 4 (unfortunately I didn't read the navigator and started at 7:00am - must have missed you by only a few minutes. After that I just blew off the exercise thing...Wait, we rode bikes on CC that counts doesn't it?

For all you potential CA visitors - We live about 40 miles east of SF or 45 minutes south of Napa.

If you were to fly into SFO you could rent a car and drive to Muir Woods about 45 minutes. The drive to Napa would take a little over an hour. From Napa you could either drive down the coast and visit various points of interest (Hearst Castle, Solvang, Newport Beach) without stops it would take about 8 hours or you could drive down I-5 (very boring drive without any sightseeing spots to speak of) and make it in about 7 hours. We've lived in CA our entire lives and just did the coast drive a couple of summers ago. We spent the night near Hearst Castle and in Solvang and then drove to Disneyland. For a relaxing trip I'd suggest taking 9 - 10 days to hit a lot of spots without killing yourselves. Of course there are frequent flights from either SFO or Oakland airports if you wanted to do the redwoods and Napa and then get to DL quickly. Of course according to rumors we should be getting one of the old ships when the new ones come out so there will be oportunities for visiting DL AND cruising.

Mati - we saw Wicked and loved it. I would say its no more intense than Hunchback or the original Wizard of Oz movie (that scared the crap out of me when I was little - HATED the flying monkeys)

I'm really kicking myself for not booking dummy dates while we were on the ship. I'm going to try and talk Jim into doing the Podcast cruise in 2010 the prices seem reasonable and then while on that cruise we could book a dummy date for the inaugural cruise.

Ah -- forgot to ask. Has anyone seen the musical Wicked? Is it ok for Sabrina to see? They are touring and here in August and thinking of taking her to see it with me....

Wicked is our favorite show! We've seen it on Broadway and here in LA. We've taken just about everyone we know and they have all loved it so yes, take Sabrina!!!
However, the book is a different story. It's really for a more mature audience so if she wants to read it afterwards I would wait a few years!
I'm really kicking myself for not booking dummy dates while we were on the ship. I'm going to try and talk Jim into doing the Podcast cruise in 2010 the prices seem reasonable and then while on that cruise we could book a dummy date for the inaugural cruise.


Yay Jane, another participant on the Fantasy inaugural sailing :)! We need to think up a catchy name for our cruise, hmmmmmmm.
*sigh* Well, I took Lennon into the doc again today for his kindergarten physical but also mostly to follow up on his possible hernia (I specifically scheduled it this early in the summer because I wanted it looked at again since it wasn't obvious to the on-call doc a month ago). His pedi says it's a communicating hydrocele, so we have an appt with a surgeon (my neighbor) next week. I think we'll also try to get another opinion from Justin's urologist (whom we know very well because of his regular follow up on his kidney cancer)...just because. He'll probably just send us back to the general surgeon because I'm not sure if the urologist operates on kids, but at least then we'll have another trusted opinion. Looks like surgery is imminent, though. :sad1: The pedi said we can wait until T-ball season is over at the end of the month but to do it when he'll be healed before school starts in mid-Aug.

Jane--thanks for all the great Cali info! It makes me want to come visit you! :thumbsup2 I was afraid I'd be kicking myself for not rebooking, too. I did it but just am not certain I'll be keeping it. :confused3
Hey guys...
Well, less than 2 weeks back to work and I'm ready for another cruise! Jason & I were joking on Sat that if we were still on the ship we would be at the pool & think about what to get for lunch by now...

To all the Fantasy cruisers....room for a couple more?!?! You guys are really persuasive. We currently have a Sept 2009 7 day Eastern with Tortola (secret veranda and all:cloud9:) that we booked way back before we had even booked the May 16th cruise. I think (well, more like my bank account thinks) we are going to have to push that one to a later date.... say the Dec 2010 dummy date to push to the FANTASY cruise!!!!!:cool1: We are still "planning" to do the Sept 2010 transatlantic with mom & dad, but that would still leave 2ish years til the 2012 Fantasy cruise! I'm liking the way that schedule looks. I'll keep you guys posted as to the plans. Wondering what the prices will be like for that cruise....

Lynsey - You guys should still come! Jason & I are planning to have kiddos by then. That just means that we can hang out with our kiddos together!!!! Sounds like we may end up with a nice little group of toddler DISers. :lmao: Maybe we can stick all the guys with the little ones and all the DIS girls can go to Palo! ;)

Jane - We would LOVE to come to DL. I've never been to CA and have been talking about visiting. I think it would be super fun to have a DIS reunion at DL. Also, I think I remember getting some kind of certificate for booking on board that Disney would let anyone book and still get the 10% and on board credit. Let me know & I see if I can find it.... maybe you guys can book using that!

Sonya - we have done Disney in Dec & the weather was cooler. Maybe 60's-70's. I remember wearing jeans and a jacket at night. Actually, it's kinda great not melting while standing in line! Most pools are heated I would think at the hotels. The pool at the house has a heater and we've swam at night in Dec without any problems. Disney at xmas is extra magical. From what I hear, it's very busy the week of xmas & new years, but if you come earlier in Dec it's still all dressed up and ready for Christmas but not crowded at all. Plus I hear you can get GREAT hotel rates since most kids are in school. We actually did the Disney cruise, then a day at the World in Dec 2007 for our honeymoon. The ship was already dressed up for Christmas and it was really pretty.
Let me know if you guys make a stop in DC when(if) you come. We can take you to all the good places to eat around here for your next review.
Ugh...I knew the guilt would come back and haunt me.
Sorry I never made the walking group in the morning!! I forgot how much the time change affects me!!
I was wide awake early for a month before the cruise and the second we landed in Florida, I couldn't wake up early for the life of me!!

Good for you Val, You should have put me on a guilt trip to join you....I think I needed more motivation than Mickey calling me and then me hanging up on him!
I think the only exercise I got was walking around and line dancing with Lynsey & Kathy!

WOOO HOOOO for 2012!!! Seems like it'll be a fun reunion with you all! Let's try to get as many people for a big picture again! haha
From everyone's pictures....I need you all to drag me to Palo tea or brunch!

Val- I hope everything goes alright for Lennon and Justin!!!

Cinda- Sounds like a GREAT trip!! If he loves the Universal Horror nights, then he'll be in heaven!
Ah -- forgot to ask. Has anyone seen the musical Wicked? Is it ok for Sabrina to see? They are touring and here in August and thinking of taking her to see it with me....

I am dying to see this! Hopefully for my birthday in January! Hope you get tickets!

Mati ~ Sonya has already asked if Brian will babysit Tony so she and I can go to Palo. Let's make it a girls trio :)! Of course, I "have" to make the sacrifice and go with Brian too. Palo is his favorite dining spot on the ship :).

Well, I'm off to bed. I stayed up too late last night reading Sonya's food report. She has such a great style :).

Oh Kathy, the report is out of control!!! :rotfl:I can't keep up with all the comments!!!!

I'm going through Sookie Withdrawal now. Book 10 where are you?? lol


What is this Sookie you all keep mentioning? Is it like Twilight? I am having serious withdrawals and ready to read them all again!

*sigh* Well, I took Lennon into the doc again today for his kindergarten physical but also mostly to follow up on his possible hernia (I specifically scheduled it this early in the summer because I wanted it looked at again since it wasn't obvious to the on-call doc a month ago). His pedi says it's a communicating hydrocele, so we have an appt with a surgeon (my neighbor) next week. I think we'll also try to get another opinion from Justin's urologist (whom we know very well because of his regular follow up on his kidney cancer)...just because. He'll probably just send us back to the general surgeon because I'm not sure if the urologist operates on kids, but at least then we'll have another trusted opinion. Looks like surgery is imminent, though. :sad1: The pedi said we can wait until T-ball season is over at the end of the month but to do it when he'll be healed before school starts in mid-Aug.

Oh no, poor boy.

Hey guys...
Well, less than 2 weeks back to work and I'm ready for another cruise! Jason & I were joking on Sat that if we were still on the ship we would be at the pool & think about what to get for lunch by now...

To all the Fantasy cruisers....room for a couple more?!?! You guys are really persuasive. We currently have a Sept 2009 7 day Eastern with Tortola (secret veranda and all:cloud9:) that we booked way back before we had even booked the May 16th cruise. I think (well, more like my bank account thinks) we are going to have to push that one to a later date.... say the Dec 2010 dummy date to push to the FANTASY cruise!!!!!:cool1: We are still "planning" to do the Sept 2010 transatlantic with mom & dad, but that would still leave 2ish years til the 2012 Fantasy cruise! I'm liking the way that schedule looks. I'll keep you guys posted as to the plans. Wondering what the prices will be like for that cruise....

Jane - We would LOVE to come to DL. I've never been to CA and have been talking about visiting. I think it would be super fun to have a DIS reunion at DL. Also, I think I remember getting some kind of certificate for booking on board that Disney would let anyone book and still get the 10% and on board credit. Let me know & I see if I can find it.... maybe you guys can book using that!

Sonya - we have done Disney in Dec & the weather was cooler. Maybe 60's-70's. I remember wearing jeans and a jacket at night. Actually, it's kinda great not melting while standing in line! Most pools are heated I would think at the hotels. The pool at the house has a heater and we've swam at night in Dec without any problems. Disney at xmas is extra magical. From what I hear, it's very busy the week of xmas & new years, but if you come earlier in Dec it's still all dressed up and ready for Christmas but not crowded at all. Plus I hear you can get GREAT hotel rates since most kids are in school. We actually did the Disney cruise, then a day at the World in Dec 2007 for our honeymoon. The ship was already dressed up for Christmas and it was really pretty.
Let me know if you guys make a stop in DC when(if) you come. We can take you to all the good places to eat around here for your next review.

With five extra decks I think we can squeeze you on!!!!!

You're right - we got a voucher as well which allowed a friend or family to get 10% off the same cruise. We binned ours though :sad2: If anyone really wants to book I could probably email and see if they would honour it?

Thanks for the weather tips! I am a bit worried that as we never get a decent summer in Britain it will be years before I feel heat again, but from what you've said I think we will go for it! I must see the castle all lit up! We are looking at the first two weeks of December, so crowds will hopefully be bearable.

We have a long day tomorrow. We are working in the polling station of the local elections from 7am - 10pm. We are in a little village and last year saw less than 70 people all day! This year they are expecting an even smaller turn out (people are really lazy about voting in the UK!). We have taken loads of food and packed all the Harry Potters to re-read! Going to be a long day!!!!
What is this Sookie you all keep mentioning? Is it like Twilight? I am having serious withdrawals and ready to read them all again!

It's not exactly like Twilight. Much more adult and vampirey! lol. You should definitely check them out! You can buy the whole set on Amazon.com for about $32 bucks. There's also a show on HBO based on the whole series. Also, the DVD's just came out a few weeks ago if you want to catch up!
:mad:Ok...I'm majorly pissed...:mad:

My friends went on a 4 day Disney cruise the week before us....

Who did that meet on Pirate night?!?!?!?!?!


ARGH!!! It was my goal to meet him on Pirate Night and get his picture and they told us he was no longer on the ships (and we know he's not in the parks anymore)
NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
:mad:Ok...I'm majorly pissed...:mad:

My friends went on a 4 day Disney cruise the week before us....

Who did that meet on Pirate night?!?!?!?!?!


ARGH!!! It was my goal to meet him on Pirate Night and get his picture and they told us he was no longer on the ships (and we know he's not in the parks anymore)
NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Oh my God, I know how much you wanted to meet him :(. Maybe they thought you hormonal pregnant woman might flash him :)?!?!?
This whole flashing thing is ridiculous. I mean, first off I don't know what the heck is wrong with some people... not that that's a new question. lol I couldn't believe it when I heard about this. I can't imagine that's the actual reason for removing him, or making him more scarce, since it would sorta be something akin to chopping off a leg so mosquitoes don't bite it anymore. Ok...maybe not quite. lol Disney changes many of the characters all the time and some are special occasions only, I think it's actually probably more that he's retired or at least partially so for now, but who knows. I totally forgot to even look for him on Pirate Night I was so busy. I saw him once at a Pirate Princess Party. Took up a big portion of the party waiting on that line, too. I think when the 4th movie comes out he may be back more. D's DW job is working with the characters...it just dawned on me I'm surprised he didn't mention any of this.

Gee, what's next...exposing yourself to Stitch?! lol

This may look suspiciously like my dress from semi-formal night. ;)
Mamma Mia, it's the DISgirls!

I have more. lol I probably should have tried editing them but I can't seem to get myself to sit down and concentrate.
Man, I feel like a DISgirl!

By the way, the ones that say my name on the bottom are because I ran a whole batch through my watermarking program before I put them on flickr, as I always do to try and slightly cut down on people stealing. It was more for other photos. The originals are larger and don't have that, of course.

I happened to take this one pretty much as soon as we got to dinner the first night, aiming at the wall. I didn't know quite sure yet a bunch of fellow DIS'ers were sitting next to us. Jim looks positively thrilled with me. :P

Fire and Ice!!



Hit me with your best shot!



Dwight & Eva - Our Servers (Night 1 AP)
Dwight & Eva - Our Servers (Night 1 AP)

Wait a sec.... Eva. I think that was our server's (Alex) wife!!! Our amazing Palo server (Igor) spilled it and told us to ask Alex to introduce us to his wife since they work the same shift, so she came over our last night to say hi. Igor's wife also works on the ship (I'm pretty sure they met on the ship). I wonder how many are married and both hubby & wife are on board.

All of our servers were great. Igor served us in Palo for brunch and dinner. He was a lot of fun. Since their were 8 of us, they gave us the Palo private dining room both times (kinda cool).
Robin ~ Thanks for the pictures :). They are GREAT!! Even Jake and Johnny made it into some :dance3:. Man was that cruise FUN with all my DIS friends:grouphug:.


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