~~~ May 16, 2009 ~~~ Western Magic ~~~ Part 2 ~~~ Key Lime Pie-rates ~~~

Hello everyone!
We arrived home on Saturday evening after spending a week in Florida. Our trip was wonderful! It was great meeting you all. Thank you for the lovely FE gifts. I just finished booking a Disney World vacation for September for our girls. DH and I had a great time on the cruise but we feel that our girls would enjoy a Disney World vacation a little better. We also asked the girls which one would they rather do and they both voted for Disney World. We are booked for Coronado Springs Resort and have never stayed there so hopefully we will enjoy it. We will probably go on a family cruise in 2011 or 2012..... Again great meeting you all and I hope you all have a wonderful summer!
Val... Did you say Justin did not enjoy the cruise? I am so sorry...
Oh, yes!! He did! He had an absolutely GREAT time!!! SOOO much better than the first one even!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 We have just have had instances in the past where we get "stuck in a rut" doing the same vacation over and over again. He just thinks we should do something different for a change since we really don't do a major vacation like that very often. He wants to travel more around the U.S. and see things like the redwood trees in NoCal, the Grand Canyon, Niagra Falls, etc. He wants the kids to do more things like that since he didn't get to do them as a child (not that he ever went on a Disney cruise as a child either, though!) :rotfl2: He really didn't have ANY family vacations as a child (just a few small trips that were not really good ones), so he just wants us to add some variety! :thumbsup2 I, of course, want to do all those things AND do another cruise!! :goodvibes

Belinda--we got your card the other day!! You're such a sweetie!! :hug: I think we need to meet in Kansas sometime (or wherever halfway between us would be!).

I'm glad everyone is making it back safe and sound!! :grouphug:

I finally got caught up yesterday on my huge pile of work from being gone. Now I need to focus on a huge party we're having here on Saturday. My landscaping got a big tune up over the weekend but still needs a bit more done to it. Now the ball games are starting in, too! They each play 2 games a week, and Justin is coaching Lennon's team and assistant coaching Hudson's team. The next month will be all about baseball for us!

Maybe later today I can post more pix!! :yay:
You all are making me want to do the Fantasy cruise soo badly!!! But hopefully will be starting a family soon and I don't think I'd really want to cruise with a child under 3. Who knows though, like Jane I'll probably live vicariously through your alls thread and might just give into temptation!

Come on Lynsey, give in to temptation and join us in 2012 :woohoo:. I've already agreed to babysit for JorDan and Chad for their Palo night :), I can help out you and Jason as well :hug:. ~ Kathy
Well, we have been really busy since getting back! Sadly, I still haven't even completely unpacked my huge suitcase yet... I started a trip report, but it's not very interesting since we didn't take enough photos. (Hopefully it will help or be interesting to someone though...)

For those who know our situation, coming back from the cruise was amazing. I came back to a full week of patients and several operations. This week as also been good and there are some local opportunities on the horizon. So, maybe we'll get the stay here! (Which is what we really want!)

We did book the December 4 cruise as well, but I have an idea I'm considering...:rolleyes1 Adam's birthday is October 17, which is a Sunday. He LOVES Univeral Studios Halloween Horror nights and we went to them 4 years in a row when we lived in Florida.

So.... I'm thinking if we left Thursday night (October 14, 2010), we could fly to Orlando. We could spend Friday relaxing at the hotel and go the HHN that night. Saturday, we could recover some and then head to Port Canaveral. We could have a nice dinner there, then hop on the Wonder on October 17 for 4 days. We would return from the cruise on Thursday morning and head straight to WDW. There, we could spend the next 3 nights enjoying the parks. (I'd love to stay at AKL again, but if $ is a little tight we would stay at POFQ.) I'd plan to fly home Sunday morning.

It wouldn't be a 7 day cruise (which would be a first for us), but it would be a nice sampling of things we both would enjoy! I don't think I'm going to tell Adam though and just start planning this as a big surprise!

What do you all think? (We just decided after this cruise that we really prefer the Southern Caribean isles, so we may do an Eastern at some point but aren't that interested in the Disney itineraries overall.) We'll see...
He wants to travel more around the U.S. and see things like the redwood trees in NoCal

Might I recommend a nice week/10 day trip in California? You could see the redwoods and then drive down the coast (see Hearst Castle) and then hit Disneyland for a couple of days and if you want to see more you can drive down to San Diego.

How about the Key-Lime group invading DL? We'd love to show off the West Coast.

So.... I'm thinking if we left Thursday night (October 14, 2010), we could fly to Orlando. We could spend Friday relaxing at the hotel and go the HHN that night. Saturday, we could recover some and then head to Port Canaveral. We could have a nice dinner there, then hop on the Wonder on October 17 for 4 days. We would return from the cruise on Thursday morning and head straight to WDW. There, we could spend the next 3 nights enjoying the parks. (I'd love to stay at AKL again, but if $ is a little tight we would stay at POFQ.) I'd plan to fly home Sunday morning.

It wouldn't be a 7 day cruise (which would be a first for us), but it would be a nice sampling of things we both would enjoy! I don't think I'm going to tell Adam though and just start planning this as a big surprise!

What do you all think? (We just decided after this cruise that we really prefer the Southern Caribean isles, so we may do an Eastern at some point but aren't that interested in the Disney itineraries overall.) We'll see...
I think these plans look fantastic. It looks like a sampler plate of vacation destinations.

I finally went back to the gym tonight. Boy, I didn't want to go but I forced myself. I have to start to lose this vacation weight.
Good for you Jane! I still haven't done anything yet, although I am back on my diet. It takes me way too long to get it together after a vacation. I gained a ton on that Vacay. I refuse to weigh myself since it won't serve any constructive purpose, and it's more important to focus on fixing it, but it's rather easy to tell.

I don't have much time until the next thing I'll want to be lighter for, and Halloween right after that, so I must start moving! I'm so sick of plus size costumes.

I know I'd love to "invade DL"! I've been dying to go back since I left. I loved the time I spent in CA so far. (I always knew I would)
Yes! Come invade Disneyland! It would be so much fun to meet up with everyone there! Gus and I are only 1/2 hour away so make sure you give us a heads up if anyone decides to come out this way. We were just there last night since it was the last night for the 50th fireworks. It was so busy but it was nice since we were there on 5-5-05 for the first showing and now the last one too. Wish some of our new DisFriends could have joined us.
Adam's birthday is October 17
NO WAY!!! SO IS MINE!!! Can I come on your surprise birthday trip, too?!?! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: It sounds like tons of fun!!!

So, Cinda, what's going on with work? I saw your post right before the cruise about a major life change, but then nothing else was said. :confused3 I hope everything works out for you! :grouphug:

Jane & Chasity--We'd love to come visit Cali again! We went in 1996 for a wedding in San Clemente (between LA & San Diego) and LOVED it!! That castle is amazing! (I did a quick search for it.) I'd be amazed to see it in person! WOW! How long of a drive would it be from the redwoods area to the castle & then to DL? Jane, where are you along the way?

I'm hoping to have time to write a trip report but haven't even started yet. I tried last time, too, but I got too busy & didn't even start. :sad2: I know Sonya's link is in her sig. If any others have started, please give us a link! :thumbsup2

I'm anxious to get back to exercising, too. I never did get down to where I wanted to be before the cruise, so now I've got a few extra pounds to get off, too. Unfortunately, I'm still in the habit of eating nonstop all day. Ugh. That's not helping me at all. Justin didn't do as well as he had hoped this time. He tried to not overeat every night, but, well...you know how that goes. He's NOT happy with his "extras." :scared:

I still haven't attempted to download the rest of my SD cards again. Maybe one of these days I'll find the time and share more pix. :rolleyes1
HI Everyone!

Cinda -- so glad your business is booming! I hope it stays that way and you can do what you both want to do moving forward.

The trip with the 4 day cruise sounds wonderful! I think the next time we go to Orlando we will hit the Universal parks instead of WDW (shocking isn't it?).

Val -- glad that Justin loved the cruise and understand him wanting to tour the US. Unfortunately, Yoni didn't love the cruise (or cruises in general according to him) so unless something changes, we will cruise without him.

Love the idea of invading DL. I have never been to San Diego and we have talked about that for awhile. Yoni and I have also talked about heading out to Napa and may do that next year? Maybe I will just label 2010 "wine year" with our potential plans to tour Italy -- I could throw in a trip to Napa and one here in the Hill Country -- could be fun!

I was fortunate in that I only gained 1 lb and have lost 1/2 of that already. I started back at the gym last Wed and it was BRUTAL but -- almost back to previous conditioning and should be back to normal (exercise wise) by the end of the week. Yoni gained 2 lbs so overall, we didn't do so badly.

Cinda -- I hear you on that Southern Carribbean itinerary. I would love to do that someday.

Ok, back to work, that has been a struggle, let me tell you but it is a fact of life!

Have a good Tuesday everyone!
Hello! I hear all this talk about extra wheight gain i gained almost 5lbs on this trip. Yikes, thats almost as much as i lost in two months of hard work,but was it worth it heck yea. The food was great! Mostly the desserts that i never eat home. We did exercise one day at the gym on the ship,but that was just to say i used the gym lol.
We are not sure if we are going in 2011 now cause that's when Trent graduates for some strange reason i was thinking he graduates in 2012. So it looks as if we still might have a shot of doing the reunion cruise w/ all of you again. I just have to work out all the kincks.
Hello! I hear all this talk about extra wheight gain i gained almost 5lbs on this trip. Yikes, thats almost as much as i lost in two months of hard work,but was it worth it heck yea. The food was great! Mostly the desserts that i never eat home. We did exercise one day at the gym on the ship,but that was just to say i used the gym lol.
We are not sure if we are going in 2011 now cause that's when Trent graduates for some strange reason i was thinking he graduates in 2012. So it looks as if we still might have a shot of doing the reunion cruise w/ all of you again. I just have to work out all the kincks.

Yay Crystal :banana:, come and join us in 2012 :dance3:. Being a planner, I'm DYING to know at least what month it will be. Also, some weeks are better for me than others at work. Oh well, I'l just have to cross my fingers :rolleyes1. Too funny about your gym comment. I used the elliptical on our Key West day and that was it :scared1:. Like you said I DID use the gym (once :)). ~ Kathy
Val: October 17 is Adam and my Mom's birthdays! (Makes it easy to keep up with.) To answer your question, there is still a chance for a major change, but a little less so. I've been a little busier since we got back, but still not to the level we need for profitability. There are some job opportunities here locally that might allow me to keep my practice here AND make a few more dollars. I should be hearing something in the next week on those. Otherwise, we will be moving within the next several months. We'll see...I guess a lot of things will begin to clarify themselves in the next 2 weeks!

Mati: The southern Caribbean is really beautiful! We will definitely be going back, but I'm not sure when. There are some nice Princess itineraries in April of next year, but I'm probably going to postpone our vacation to October so that Adam can have a nice 38th! Princess has anytime dining, which I think is nice as it allows you to eat when you want. Yoni might like that style of cruising a lot better... I guess it's different for every person. We HATE driving on vacation and get bored after we stay in one place for more than 3-4 days, so cruising and WDWR are just natural fits for us!

I would almost commit to the Inaugural cruise just to see everyone again, but I doubt the itinerary and "kinks" would interest us... Maybe we'll meet again on another future cruise!
Mati ~ Just want to thank you again for your FE CD. I listened to it while I was eating lunch at my desk today :woohoo:. It was great :thumbsup2. ~ Kathy
Oh, Cinda! I'm so sorry! Are there still problems with the other surgeons in town? Where do you think you would maybe be moving to? Your area is so beautiful, and I know you've been enjoying it so much. Are you interested in having cornfields for "landscape?" :rotfl2: Keep us updated on what happens in the next couple weeks! :grouphug:

So Adam must have been celebrating his first birthday the day I was born (was he born in 1972? I was in 1973!). Having your mom & husband's birthdays on the same day is an easy way to remember the most important ones! :thumbsup2

I must have been the only one of us doing regular exercise on the cruise, huh? :laughing: I was SO excited on Sunday morning at 7:30 to see a big group of us ready to walk on deck 4...but it was just lil' ol' me. :rolleyes1 I decided to do it by myself anyway since I was already in that mindset. OMG...it was amazing!! I LOVED IT! The warmth, the breeze, the view...ahhhhh. I convinced my mom and Mati to join me on Monday, which they did! And then Tues I was by myself again. Justin came with me on Wed, but then the rain on Thurs kept me from doing it again. Of course, CC on Friday was more important!! Besides, we got plenty of walking done when the beaches were still closed and we did the pirate scavenger hunt! Unfortunately, I haven't done anything since then. :sad:
Well after being back from the cruise and having reality hit full force I'm ready to go back to sitting on the deck and reading a book.

Unfortunately, we didn't book another trip while on the cruise so I don't have anything to look forward to. Just a summer of working around the house.

I may lurk on your trip thread just to keep up to date on how you are all doing. If the market turns around and things look up I may be able to talk Jim into doing the inaugural trip. That would be SO cool.

Got to run and take Mom to the bank.


Hi Jane . . . oh please try come on the inaugural! Then I can stalk you around Raglan Road again the night before we go!

my mom has 3 cruises booked right now....EVERY day she has called with some cruise news or question....I am like ----------- ugh!

we have 12/4/10 but are moving to one of the repos prob April and then one of the inagural with the new ships

V I keep meaning to ask, whats the weather like in Florida in December . . . is it still warm?!

Come on Lynsey, give in to temptation and join us in 2012 :woohoo:. I've already agreed to babysit for JorDan and Chad for their Palo night :), I can help out you and Jason as well :hug:. ~ Kathy

Kathy, if Brian will baby sit Tony for a night WE can go to Palo together!!!!:rotfl:

HI Everyone!

I was fortunate in that I only gained 1 lb and have lost 1/2 of that already. I started back at the gym last Wed and it was BRUTAL but -- almost back to previous conditioning and should be back to normal (exercise wise) by the end of the week. Yoni gained 2 lbs so overall, we didn't do so badly.

Have a good Tuesday everyone!

Half a pound?! How on earth did you manage that?! I did not fair so well!!!!

Hello! I hear all this talk about extra wheight gain i gained almost 5lbs on this trip. Yikes, thats almost as much as i lost in two months of hard work,but was it worth it heck yea. The food was great! Mostly the desserts that i never eat home. We did exercise one day at the gym on the ship,but that was just to say i used the gym lol.
We are not sure if we are going in 2011 now cause that's when Trent graduates for some strange reason i was thinking he graduates in 2012. So it looks as if we still might have a shot of doing the reunion cruise w/ all of you again. I just have to work out all the kincks.

I went twice, but the second time I mainly just stood on the treadmill watching Aladdin!!!! Yey to coming in 2012!
Hey, you didn't mention me: I sat on a deck chair on deck 4 one morning and encouraged you each time you came around! Does that count???
Oh, Cinda! I'm so sorry! Are there still problems with the other surgeons in town? Where do you think you would maybe be moving to? Your area is so beautiful, and I know you've been enjoying it so much. Are you interested in having cornfields for "landscape?" :rotfl2: Keep us updated on what happens in the next couple weeks! :grouphug:

So Adam must have been celebrating his first birthday the day I was born (was he born in 1972? I was in 1973!). Having your mom & husband's birthdays on the same day is an easy way to remember the most important ones! :thumbsup2

Yep... Adam was born in 1972! I figure since I had a nice birthday trip, he deserves the same (and he LOVES the Universal parks and HHN)! I figure we'll either do the week I mentioned above or cruise Alaska the August before his birthday...or maybe both?:rolleyes1

As for the job, don't be sorry! I'm blessed with lots of people who want me and are willing to pay well...if I'm willing to move. The other surgeons in town are fine, it's just hard to alter referral patterns which are more than 15 years old. (I'm much younger than the other surgeons here in town...) We'll see... Right now, I'm just waiting on a couple of phone calls....anxiously...

As you will note, I didn't even volunteer to walk in the mornings because I knew I wouldn't be up! (I'm up by 7 even on the weekends these days...)

Glad everyone got home ok and enjoying hearing about everyone's future planning!
Awww...don't give me too much credit for only gaining a pound. I have 50 to lose so thank God didn't add to that total!!! Hmmm.....I have 3 years to lose 50 lbs, let's see if I can make that work.

As for the inaugural, if I go solo (with Sabrina) one of you will have to come to PALO with me. I can't imagine going alone and can't imagine missing it either!

Jane, Crystal, Cinda -- we'll just have to get you guys to join us.

Cinda -- as for Yoni, I think he was just in a mood. He has been completely stressed with work issues and amazingly enough, it let us last weekend. He is a much better person now to be around. Poor thing -- he has been sick with a cold since we got back. No fever though so no swine flu! ;)

I am starting to focus on our London/Finland trip in December. It is ages away but at least something to focus on!

Kathy -- glad you liked the CD! I have been listening to all of them and love them! I will tell you guys, I chose the songs on the CD to match the days of the cruise. The first couple for the first day, then KW, then sea day...etc. I included one song for Mexico and one for Bahamas because I didn't know which one (oh, and you can blame Sabrina for the "dance" songs -- she wanted those on the CD BADLY).

Who left us the magnets on our door the last day? There was one of Kai with WallE and one of Sabrina with a bow on it. I have those taped to their bedroom doors. Did I tell you guys someone stole "Cuervo" on the cruise? Thankfully, they returned him the next day but it was pretty upsetting to the kids for awhile there!

Cinda -- move here to Austin. There are tons of folks who love their plastics here and I promise to be your first patient! ;)

Ok, so for those of you not on FB -- I beg you, sign up! It is a great and easy way to stay in touch!

Off to read more Sookie Stackhouse. On book 7 (and yes, a teensy bit OBSESSED! :scared1:). Thanks to all of you for getting me into that....


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