Marvel Has Considered Replacing Kang In The MCU With Another Major Villain - Report


Horror Movie Guru
Nov 30, 2019

Since Jonathan Majors' domestic abuse scandal, a lot of questions about the MCU's future remained unanswered. The actor still appeared in still appeared in Season 2 of Disney+'s Loki reprising his role as Kang variant Victor Timely.

Variety is reporting that this situation has been like a sword of Damocles over the studio--among other issues. The next phase of Marvel movies heavily featured Majors' Kang being the focal point of the series much like Thanos was in the previous phase. Marvel and Disney have yet to make any stand on the decision to keep Majors in, or oust him and replace his character entirely.

"Marvel is truly f----- with the whole Kang angle," one source told Variety, after reportedly seeing the final episode of Loki Season 2. "And they haven't had an opportunity to rewrite until very recently [because of the WGA strike]. But I don't see a path to how they move forward with him."

Majors still insists he is innocent, but has lost roles and endorsement deals since this past spring. The chance he could lose his case next month now has Marvel reconsidering its plans about the Kang Dynasty and maybe pulling the trigger on bringing in another Marvel big bad, possibly even Dr. Doom. That possibility was brought up at a Palm Springs meeting of Marvel Studios executives. In the comics, Victor Von Doom is a super scientist, but also a highly-skilled sorcerer in his own right, even tricking the great demon Mephisto.

Despite this possible radical change, Marvel and Disney have positioned itself to be, as Thanos once said, inevitable and could weather this storm. "Kevin’s real superpower, his genius, has always been in postproduction and getting his hands on movies and making sure that they finished strongly," the source adds. "These days, he's spread thin." Feige declined for comment on the original story.
putting all your eggs in one actors basket for the future of your franchise is never a good idea in 2023
Yea and it wouldn't even be the first recasting either. We've had them with Rhodey, Banner, and Cassie Lang for big ones. Even Thanos was technically recast too as it was a different person for his cameos in the earlier Avengers movies before Brolin took it over in Infinity War. Small roles but one of Thor's buddies was recast between the first and sequels, and Red Skull was different in the Avengers than Captain America. And, out of necessity, we have Thunderbolt Ross recast too. So changing the actor for Kang if needed wouldn't be that jarring. Would be a shame as Majors has been great in the role, but could understand the decision to do so.


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