Maize's Design Thread!!! I'm back (Look at post #1 before making a request)

Welcome back! your disigns are great!
May I please have the following?

1sttripears.jpg --Alyssa

And a special request... is is possible to add Ariel to the characters in this disign? She is my grandaughter's favorite. If not, I understand.
Ariel added to both please. The girls love all the princesses but Ariel is their favorite. Sorry, I should have specified, I am still new at requesting.

can i request 3 mickey heads , 1 with each name on

Naomi Bubble.jpeg
Stuart Bluestars.jpeg
Cameron puprleEpcot.jpeg

Hello. Please could I request some designs? I would love the following if possible?

Fiona namefill in eeyore.jpg

Dom namefill in POTC.jpg

Izzy namefill in stitch.jpg

Jody namefill in mickey.jpg

Thank you so much.

Thanks so much for the Camp Rock stamps. I was not expecting them until the weekend. They will make a nice surprise for my girls when they get home from school today.

Keith - I can't believe I did this, but I forgot my nephew :rolleyes: Could I get this: 1sttripears.jpg with the name Hayden?

Thanks so much!!!! :goodvibes:goodvibes
Hi'ya Keith!
So happy to see you back!:banana:
Thanks for all you do for all of us! Your stuff is amazing!

Could I please request some names:

"Kylie" with the Stitch font/fill

Now I didn't see Baloo but my son loves him would you beable to do one with him? If so it would be "Colby"

And could you do a "Mommy" w/Minnie and "Daddy" w/Mickey??

Oh and "Aiden" using cars w/Towmater??

That would be great

Thanks, So Much
Hi Keith, welcome back!! Your sports stuff is really cool!! I am going to look through your 4shared files, but do you have anything Boston Bruins or Green Bay Packers with Pluto? thanks!!
I want to say sorry to those who have posted requests. I have been busy with school stuff the last week and a half. If everything goes well I should be caught you with everyone by this weekend (hopefully)

Thanks for your patience, I haven't for gotten anyone.

Hi Keith, welcome back!! Your sports stuff is really cool!! I am going to look through your 4shared files, but do you have anything Boston Bruins or Green Bay Packers with Pluto? thanks!!

I thought I had a Packers design, but if not I'm sure I can do something up for you. That and the Bruins too.
Could I get a few name designs?

Fairies.jpg for:



mickey.jpg for:


Eeyore.jpg for Nathaniel
Fairies.jpg For Lillian
King of the Pride.jpg Brad Prole (last name)
stitch.jpg Sarah

I would love these! Thank you very much for offering up this amazing talent. If I have picked to many these are my top two

Eeyore.jpg for Nathaniel
Fairies.jpg For Lillian

Thank you very Much!!!
Ok,Maybe this will work,I need three nams filled with Princess Aurora, Cheyenne ,Katherine, and Shelby It would be so great to put on t shirts for their first trip to Disney..Thank you so much.
Do you work with other disigners work? I have a design of natalie's that I can't get the year changed on. Would you be willing to help? It's there in 2009, but I need 2011.

If so, it's in her t-shirt designs in photobucket and its called 4worldmickey head. It's there in a bunch of colors. If you can't I certainly understand. If you can, I thank you in advance.
Hi Keith! I have kind of a big request going to a big group. The band and choir of Richmond-Burton High School has been invited to march in the parade at Disney on New Year's Eve! The kids have decided that they want t-shirts to wear before and during their trip. They like your 'onourway.jpg' design and would like to have it personalized for the band and choir.
There are going to be 2 t-shirts (one band, one choir).
~For the first one - 'onourway' plate with R-BMusic at top (like Johnson) with 20 in the left corner and 10 in the right corner. Can we have it with a gold background and the letters in marroon?
~For the second one - same as the first, but switch the colors - maroon background and letters in gold.
~For the third design in Disney or block font: R-B Band (on top) with musical notes on each side and Richmond, Illinois centered under (in gold letters). This will be the back of their shirts.
~For the fourth design also in Disney or block font: R-B Choir (on top) with musical notes on each side and Richmond, Illinois centered under (in maroon letters).
I hope this isn't asking for too much. It will be wonderful to see the kids walking around disney in your design!
Thanks for your hard work!
Oh WOW. . .GREAT Designs!!!

Can I have the following name fills:

Goffy- Jesus, Savon
Minnie - Sabrina

If you can get a Pluto for SAVON and JAYDEN



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