Magical Years Pass

How have you used the MY Pass?

  • Yes, we purchased it and it works for us

  • We purchased but are not sure it was the right thing

  • No, this pass won't work for us.

  • First I've heard of might work

  • First I've heard of it....don't think it's right for us

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<font color=green>The two most important items for
Aug 18, 1999
Now that the Magical Years Pass has been available for a few months, I was wondering what kind of usage it's seen.

(The MYP is roughly a 5 day hopper pass that is good for 4 of the next 5 years at a cost of $749 per adult or child.)
AHHH,I see This is now where it belongs;)

I voted no.We usually go for at least 10 days each visit and this will not work for us.
Not sure how this thing completely works. Is it for 5 days each year? If it is, I don't think this would work for us.
Hey, RouteManDan... I'm originally from Lyndhurst. Kingsland Ave. Still have relatives there!
Here's the details on the pass:

For 4 of the next 5 years, 5 days per year admission to MK, Epcot, MGM & AK. Flexibility to visit all these parks on the same day plus a choice of 2 other options per year, PI, Water Parks (open seasonally) BB, Typhoon Lagoon, River Country or Disney's WWofSports.

$749 each adult or child (typo corrected)

Additional discounts: $10 off one adult admission to DQ (or $5 off one child's admission).

50% off one round of mini golf

10% merchandise discount at Disney Water Parks

Available to DVC members only.
The pass isn't $479 per person, it's $749 per person...

Look at it this way, I can get one annual pass to cover me for two vacations, one in December, the next the following November... Our annual passes cost about 350 each..... Less than half the cost of this pass... Two annual passes are less than this pass... I'll stick with the annual passes!!
Buy three 7-day Park Hopper Plus passes instead. It works out much better because they're so much more flexible

At $308.49 (Disney Club price including the 6% tax) each, three passes cost $925.47 -- which is only $174.47 more than a $749 Magical Years Pass.

The additional money gets you the following benefits:
  • 21 days admission to the major parks instead of 20
  • A total of 12 "Plus" admissions (water parks, Pleasure Island, World of Sports) instead of 8
  • Far, far, far more flexibility than with a Magical Years Pass
  • Admissions that never expire (unlike Magical Years Pass where you could easily lose days if your travel patterns don't exactly match the highly structured and restrictive usage rules).
What if you need 6 major park admissions one year but only 3 during another? No problem with a Park Hopper Plus. Big problem with a Magical Years Pass.

What if you have to skip WDW two years? (Perhaps you're using your DVC points for a Disney Cruise or an Interval International exchange.) No problem with a Park Hopper Plus. Big problem with a Magical Years Pass.

I would never pay $749 for a Magical Years Pass -- maybe $479, but certainly not $749.
I was very dissapointed in this pass for us DVC'ers. I will stick to my annual pass. We try and get two trips in within the year and it makes it a much better deal. My DH is a CM and so gets in free, but the rest of us need passes and I was sure hoping they were going to make some concessions. When I first heard about this at the annual meeting I was so excited, but quickly had my bubble burst when I heard the details.
The Magical Years Pass was never designed for DVC members who visit the parks enough to benefit from annual passes.

It was designed for families like ours. We will probably visit the major parks about 20 times in the next five years, and we'll probably visit the "Plus" locations about 8 times in the next five years.

But it's still not attractive to us! We would have to go exactly four years out of five, with exactly five major park admissions and exactly two minor park admissions each of those years. Otherwise we would have admissions expire or have to purchase additional admissions.

If the Magical Years Pass was essentially a simple 20-day Park Hopper Plus for DVC members only -- without the highly structured usage pattern -- it might start to make sense for families like ours.
The MYP wasn't really designed for an actual DVC member to use, it really was made so DVC sales could point to it during a sales presentation and quickly say, see, we have this special pass for DVC members , but they quickly slam the book closed and move onto another point.

You don't think someone would actually buy one of these do you?:mad:
I was actually surprised when our guide went to explain the pass and added that it was not a good deal. I appreciated his honesty. Not sure if he was that honest with everyone, because he knew we paid attention to details.
The DVC pass is the same price for adults as it is for children. If you purchase 3 - 7 day child park hopper plus passes the price will be close to the same as for the dvc pass. Yet more days in park and flexability.

I think the DVC pass would have been more attractive if they never expired.

I would imagine the 5 day pass was also to keep dvcers in disney parks.

We generally visit WDW twice a year for 10 days at a time. This pass does not work at all!
We're park addicts who go to at least one park every day we're at WDW, so we have AP's for our 24 or so days each year.
I don't see how this pass is really any kind of deal for DVC members at all. It places too many restrictions and chances at losing days and doesn't seem very flexible. I agree with what Werner said completely. Buying a 5 to 7 day hopper would be infinately more flexible and wouldn't restrict you to day and year limits. I truly think the DVC and WDW should get together and offer some kind of more attractive pass programs. I have heard from many DVC members who are not going to Disney Parks as much and are either spending more time in other places in Orlando or just taking advantage of the resort. Perhaps now that attendance isn't quite as good as it has been, they will rethink this?
I am going to simply echo what everyone else said...this pass wouldn't really work for us either. We haven't bought extended passes yet but will purchase annual passes for our next trip. :D
I agree with everyone, and would also like to add that this pass is a JOKE for FL resident DVC owners!!
We get AP's. From the voting, I guess the only thing I want to know if there is anyone, anyone at all, who visits this site who has purchased the darn thing.
I have a question for the DVC members on this board who don't go to the parks enough to justify an annual pass:

  • Would you be interested in the Magical Years Pass if all the restrictions on usage were lifted? In other words, if the MYP became a DVC-members-only, 20-day Park Hopper Plus (with 8 Plus features), for $749 per person (child or adult), no expiration, no minimum or maximum usage per year?

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