Look's Like We Have To Cancel!!!

Mouse Mom

Jul 24, 2007
:sick: I just got the bad news -- diverticulitis - looks like I will need a bowel re-section....waiting on the go ahead from the insurance company for a 2nd CT-scan - That being said, I skrimped, saved every dollar in my cruise jar for the past year and a half. Paid everything off == and were to sail on my b-day November 24th. I do have trip insurance. How does this work exactly? We booked 2 connecting cabins for myself, DH, DD (11 yo), DS (7 yo) and DS (18 months!!!). Will I be able to get all the money back? I just want to re-book for another time, even if I have to pay a little extra. I checked the sailings for right after X=mas 2008 - the prices are unreal. It's about double what we paid for the week after Thanksgiving. I hope I can change everything w/o a penalty. My husband is going to have to watch the kiddies at home and looks like recovery could be up to 6 wks unless they can do it laparoscopically, but the jury is out on that. and even then that ain't no picnic
Call DCL and explain your situation. See if you can re-book for another date. DCL would rather keep your money than give it back and I'm guessing they'd be willing to work with you. Offer to provide a letter from your doctor if they'd like proof of your ailment.

If worse comes to worse you should be able to get your money back via the insurance. Then you can re-book. I'd be very surprised if it comes to that though.

Good luck with your surgery :grouphug: ...and try to have a great birthday even though you won't be on the ship.
Hey thanks ....believe it or not, words of encouragement from a complete stranger at this time are really helpful....just wish I didn't have to disappoint my family but health comes first.

I did take out trip insurance so there should be no problem w/ simply re-booking right? I mean I just don't get a percentage back correct? I'ts only about a month from the date of sailing. Does that make any difference? I just can't fathom the thought of losing all that money .....just wanna get better and see the mouse on the high seas.
My guess is that DCL will allow you to switch your dates with no penalty once they know of your situation. Again, off a letter from your doctor as proof of your condition. (I do not work for DCL so this is really just my best guess.) You would have to pay any difference in cruise fare between what you have already paid and the total for the new sailing date.

If DCL is not willing to let you reschedule without a penalty you'll have to deal with the cruise insurance. The amount you get back will depend on what policy you bought but I believe most of them will give a full refund in a situation like this. We have never purchased the cruise insurance so perhaps another DISer can offer more info.

Thanks -- I getting panicky - maybe I misread this somewhere else but if your under 44 days you get something like 1/2 your money back, plus the cost of insurance. Please tell me I'm wrong. This would mean thousands and thousands lost.:scared1: :scared1:
I agree with CraftyMouse. If you contact DCL and they let you change your sailing date without any penalty, then there will be no money lost anyway and therefore, no reason to even involve the insurance. The insurance is there to cover you for any costs that you're out of pocket due to circumstances like this.

However, if Disney is willing to work with you and simply transfer your entire amount paid to a new reservation (instead of only the 1/2 back as stated in the cruise contract), then you won't be out any money at all. Disney seems to have worked with people in the past when problems arise. The insurance is a good backup at this point, but call DCL first and see what they say as far as rebooking for another date.

Good luck with Disney and good luck with your surgery. Stay well.
Thanks -- I getting panicky - maybe I misread this somewhere else but if your under 44 days you get something like 1/2 your money back, plus the cost of insurance. Please tell me I'm wrong. This would mean thousands and thousands lost.:scared1: :scared1:

I think what that means is that DCL will only give you half back and you'd have to rely on the insurance for the rest. Anybody who cancels at this point would be able to get the 1/2 back, even those without insurance. Having the insurance will mean that you will get all of your money back. But, again, I think DCL will be willing to work with you to re-book this.
CraftyMouse -

I really hope your operation goes well. You are going to go through a difficult operation and then an even more difficult recovery (then re-operation)

I understand how exciting it is to have this cruise - but your health is soooo much more important.

I wish you all the best - take the time you need to get better, so that you can really enjoy this trip when you are well.

Thanks for all the good advice ....I'm no so panicky now....and it is soooo wonderful to receive words of encouragement from people I don't even know. There's a lot of good energy out there ...thank you for that.
CraftyMouse -

I really hope your operation goes well. You are going to go through a difficult operation and then an even more difficult recovery (then re-operation)

I understand how exciting it is to have this cruise - but your health is soooo much more important.

I wish you all the best - take the time you need to get better, so that you can really enjoy this trip when you are well.


Thank you for the kind words....:flower3: ...but it is Mouse Mom who will be having the surgery. I hereby transfer all of your well wishes to her.
I think you have great advice already. Calling DCL is the BEST thing to do.

Good luck with everything...We are all praying for you :grouphug:
Just wanted to wish you luck. I'm so sad you have to go through this in the first place. Have fun planning your next cruise for when you are feeling better.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this! But very glad there is a solution for you.
Definitely call DCL - and keep us in the loop as to what they work out for you. And we'll keep you in thoughts and prayers here.

May the surgery and recovery go well and easily - and may your next cruise be a great celebration of it!!
Mouse Mom,
Thinking about you and sending thoughts and prayers your way. Good luck with your surgery and recovery. Once you get that behind you you'll really be able to enjoy your rescheduled cruise. Yes, there are a lot of strangers out here that really care!
I woke up this a.m. only to find even more positive thoughts directed at me about what awaits me. I cannot tell you how much it means. You can only imagine it is a very stressful time for our family. I think your right about DCL - I just want to go and re-book - not cancel, no way!!!!! I miss Disney - it definitely is our happy place, like so many others on the board. I will keep you posted of our progress (I guess no popcorn for me anymore, but I sure do love that smell they pump into the Magic Kingdom)......can't wait to come back to see all the Magic!!!!! Thanks everyone. Well wishes to you all ....
I hope all goes well. Update us on what happens.
I would rebook for May. It is a gourgous time of year and the prices are gret.
Actually the first week in May is the Western and I will be there:)
I prayed for you this am.

Hugs to you as you await surgery.

:tinker: for DCL for rescheduling your surgery.

Hugs to dh as he helps you recover.

Do you have a Dinner Done (there are others like them just can't remember their names) around you where you could prepare a couple of weeks of meals so DH has 1 less thing to do?

We did this for our family when I had surgery & it was very helpful!
Mouse Mom - all the best to you, but here is a bit of encouragement.

TMI alert :)

I too suffered from chronic diverticulitis and last Dec 27 had a left hemi-cholectomy. Prior to the surgery, I checked out the best surgeon I could find (on my health plan) that had a great record for laparoscopic surgeries of this type and fortunately he was able to complete my procedure that way.

I was warned of 2 weeks in the hospital and 6 weeks down time etc, what actually happened is I was in for 2 nights, was able to move around wonderfully and was discharged on the 3rd day. I stayed out of work for 5 days, then the weekend, and was back part time the next week, resuming fulltime in 2 weeks! Thank goodness there were no complications, and now there are barely any scars. Oh- I can even eat popcorn (within reason). popcorn::

I will have you in my thoughts - hope you can be as fortunate. All the best to you with your cruise as well. I can't imagine how disappointed you and your family must be. Keep us posted. :hug:
I too have diverticulitis, but have not had surgery for it. I am having a colonoscopy on Nov. 1st. That may determine whether or not surgery is necessary for me. If I watch my diet, I usually have a pretty symptom free life. But, I do hope you can avoid the surgery and go on your cruise.



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