Loews First Card - how long does it take to receive?


Jan 6, 2001
I joined this online 3-4 weeks ago but haven't received anything yet. Anyone know how long it takes to receive the membership card?
I joined the beginning of January and haven't heard anything either.

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I received my card in about 6 weeks. A word of warning, when I confirmed my reserv. for HRH and inquired about putting down my first loews # on the reervation, the operator did not have my first loews # in the computer system. They couldn't find my # even tho I had already recd my printed card in the mail. Be sure to take your card with you to HRH checkin.
I haven't rec'd my card yet and I'm leaving on Friday. I have a number but will that be enough?
My card did not come in the mail before my trip. I brought the # with me and that was fine. It seems if you call the 800 number to join the program you get the card sooner than joining through the online form. :)

Thanks everyone for your replies!! Guess I'll wait a couple more weeks and if not here by then call them up.
You may want to call the 800 number and check. I ordered it online (4 weeks ago) and also recieved nothing (thought I would get an email at least). So about a week after I ordered I called to see if I could at least get the number and she couldn't find the order in the queue at all, it looks like the online didn't work. So she just enrolled me over the phone, and gave me the number. So they may have had a computer glitch and since you ordered about the same time I did you may want to check. I still haven't gotten the card but I did receive an email on a special offer on a DC hotel today, so I must be in the system. Since it is an 800 number I would call now instead of waiting.
With any qualifying stay:
1.Welcome Gift- choices include: Vintage Chardonnay, Vintage Red wine, seasonal fruit, bottled water, or cookies and milk.

2.Newspaper delivered to your door.

3.Upgrade at time of reservation (if available)

4. Free access to fitnes center

5.500 American Airlines AAdvantage, Canadian Plus or Midwest Express Miles

This is for Loew's First Blue Program

Could someone tell me the 800 number please? I would like to get the number of my membership just in case I do not receive my information packet in time!!
Thanks Jessica!!! :)

I just called... they had no record of my online application!! :(
Maybe everyone should call and make sure they received their online applications??
Thanks again to everyone for all the advice and information!! :)

[This message was edited by Megsmom on 02-11-01 at 12:58 PM.]
I just called, I had applied in early January, and they did have my request but said that they had been really swamped with applications and were just far behind. She said 4 - 6 weeks.

Call and check.

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I just called and they had no record of my application. They took it over the phone and I now have a number.

Thanks for the advice everyone!!!

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